-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.habtheory.com/100.htm">Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory</A>

Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory
by Gershon Gales <http://www.habtheory.com/>


The core of "The HAB Theory"
Geophysical science offers rather thin explanations
for the periods of history during which great glaciers
allegedly advanced and retreated from the polar
regions, leaving a great deal of physical evidence.

Equatorial Bulge Displacement.
When a tilt occurs, the poles rapidly accelerate until
the ice caps reach 45 degrees from the axis of spin,
due to the centrifugal force acting on them.

Immediately upon passing this 45-degree point, an
equally rapid deceleration begins, and the ice caps
comes to a full stop between 10 and 15 degrees from
the former equatorial latitude.

Result and Aftermath.
During and following the capsizing of the Earth,
incredible surface devastation occurs as the planet
absorbs the phenomenal kinetic energy which the
rollover has generated. That, in essence, is what's
happening in Antarctica today. The weight of the ice
cap is squeezing the material of the continent out
from under it. The extruded material forms a range
of mountains before it, all the way to the coastal
areas and even beyond. There's good evidence that
in this way not only is the ice cap growing, but
the continent itself is expanding.

Previous Poles
Two tilts ago, a polar cap was where there is an even
larger and deeper depression than the Sudan Basin
(a polar site before the most recent tilt) -- present
Hudson Bay. While the Hudson Bay ice cap was in
existence, the land masses of India, Borneo, Africa
and South America lay in tandem along the equatorial

Shifts of the Magnetic Pole
Another foundation stone in the support for the HAB
Theory lies in the discovery in the relatively recent
past of some rather odd rocks which, though magnetic,
do not point to what is currently north and south.

Advanced Human Civilizations in the long distant past?
According to the HAB theory, there have been many
occassions in the past during which the time between
capsisings allowed human civilizations to develop,
only to be wiped out again as the Earth tilted.

Historical Origin of Fruits and Vegetables
The seats of origin of most of the world's important
staple vegetables and fruits are the Sumatra-Malaysia
area, and the Ecuador-Peru area. Most of our fruits
have originated, as best as can be determined, from
a large radius of southern Asia, of which the Malay
Archipelago appears to be the hub. These include
fruits such as cherries, pears, apples, plums,
olives, figs and grapes. Others, too, perhaps
-- apricots and peaches, citrus fruits, bananas,
coconuts and mango.

Records of Past Civilizations Ancient Egypt
The culture of the Egyptians appeared full-blown,
without any history antedating the First Dynasty.
About the year 450 BC, the Greek historian Herodotus
journeyed to both Memphis and Thebes on the Nile and
talked at length with the priests there about their
country and its history.

Records of Past Civilizations: China
Such records have indeed been found ... in China.
These were contained in a large number of peculiar
stone disks discovered in some underground repositories
in the Himalayas near the border of Tibet.

Records of Past Civilizations: Ecuador Back in 1965
an Argentine citizen, Juan Moricz, who is an amateur
archeologist, was poking about in the Ecuadorian Andes
about 150 miles south of Quito, in the Province of
Santiago. He found a cave held in superstitious awe
by the Indian tribes of  the area. After finally
gaining their confidence, he was allowed to enter
the cave to explore. What he found is amazing.

An Explanation for the Otherwise Inexplicable Perhaps
now one of the most puzzling of these, the incredible
find at Marcahuasi, only 80 km northeast of this city,
can be solved. Are these the remains of a civilization
made extinct by a previous capsizing? The remains
have been a continuing enigma to archeologists,
particularly a spectacular discovery made in 1952
at an altitude of  over 13,000 feet in the Andes.


Geophysical science offers rather thin explanations
for the periods of history during which great
glaciers advanced and retreated from the polar
regions, leaving a great deal of physical evidence.

The more one delves into the actual evidence, the
more skeptical one becomes of the existing theories.
The truth, according to the HAB Theory, is that
periodically - at intervals ranging from 3,000
to 7000 years but averaging around 5,500 years
apart - great global cataclysms have occurred
which destroyed virtually all of whatever life
forms or civilizations had developed on the
Earth to that point.

The cataclysms occur when the Earth is thrown off
balance due to a massive, unbalanced accumulation
of ice at the polar regions. As these polar ice
caps grow, their enormous weight, accumulating
unevenly as it does, creates an imbalance, and
a wobble begins to develop in the rotation of
the Earth on its axis. Year by year, as the ice
caps grow, this eccentricity increases until,
with devastating suddenness, the polar masses
are thrown toward the point of greatest spin,
which is the equator. Quite abruptly, the
areas which were polar now become equatorial,
and vice versa.

The resultant cataclysm is, of course monumental
across the entire face of the Earth, except at the
two points which become pivotal when the capsizing
effect occurs.

An Analogy:

Picture the Earth as a round ball spinning in place
on a glass tabletop. Imagine then, that on the
uppermost part of this spinning ball, you drop
a tiny glob of molten metal, just slightly off
center. The ball immediately begins to wobble...

Add more weight and that wobble becomes more
pronounced. Add still more and the eccentricity
becomes so great the centrifugal force of the
spinning ball grips the weight and turns the
entire ball so that the weighted portion is
thrown to the imaginary line encircling the
ball where the speed is greatest - which is
coincident with the imaginary line on Earth
known to us as the equator.

That is precisely what happens periodically
to the Earth. The buildup of ice at the poles
increases until its weight is suddenly thrown
some 90 degrees from pole to equator. Yes, the
Earth is 26 miles greater in diameter when measured
around the equator than when measured around the
poles, and one might argue that this bulge provides
a stability that would make such a sudden tipping
unlikely. But consider: such a variance, considering
the size of the planet, is far less than the
manufacturing tolerances of an ivory billiard ball.

As the sun evaporates the oceans, the moisture thus
released precipitates as rain or snow all over the
Earth. But the snows that fall on the polar caps do
not melt or flow off at anything like the rate at
which they evaporate elsewhere. Snow at the poles
piles up and gradually turns into glacial ice.
As this process continues, the ice caps increase
in size.

At a symposium of the Union of Geodesy and geophysics,
Dr. Pyyotor Shoumsky reported that the south polar ice
cap was growing at a minimum rate of 293 cubic miles
of ice annually. To put that number in perspective,
Lake Erie contains only 109 cubic miles of water.
Thus, a volume of ice forms on top of the existing
ice at Antarctica each year which is almost three
times the volume of water in Lake Erie! That's enough
ice to form a layer one mile wide and two miles high
from New York to Chicago.

And this is the buildup of only one year!

These figures were confirmed by Franz Loewe of France
and Malcolm Mellors of Australia. There is no mistake.

The present ice mass is considerably over 5.5 million
square miles. If the South Pole were over Chicago,
that would make a two-mile thick slab of ice extending
from Hudson's Bay to Key West, Florida.

Even this wouldn't be a threat if the ice were
perfectly centered over the Earth's axis of spin,
but it is not. The wobble was discovered by
astronomers in 1885. It amounted to only a
fraction over an inch. By the mid 1930s, this
had increased to just over six feet. In 1970,
the radial movement was close to 80 yards.
And right now (1978), the wobble is
approaching a half-mile in radius.

There is no known means of calculating the point
at which rollover will occur, though the summer
equinox is the most dangerous time each year.
It could conceivably happen with another fraction
of an inch of added eccentricity. Or the system
may remain more or less stable even if the wobble
worsened by another mile or more.

Eventually, though, it'll reach the point of no
return and the capsizing effect will occur, with
essentially no warning. Overcoming the gyroscopic
stabilizing effect of the Earth's equatorial bulge,
and in obedience to the laws of centrifugal force,
the weight of the ice will be thrown toward the
equator. The Earth will continue spinning on it's
axis as before, but with some dramatic differences:
The ice caps will be riding on the equator, and
practically all life - Man included - will have
been extinguished.

This is not just a one-time occurrence; it has
happened over and over again=2E There have been
thousands of such rollovers, perhaps even millions,
during the 4.5-billion year history of the Earth.

How much time have we got before the next capsizing

The interval between each occurrence in the past has
ranged between 3,000 and 7,000 years. The longest
period between tilts was just about 7,000 years,
give or take 50. The physical evidence indicates
that our present epoch has lasted approximately
7,500 years; we've been living on borrowed time
for quite a while.

Equatorial Bulge Displacement.

When a tilt occurs, the poles rapidly accelerate
until the ice caps reach 45 degrees from the axis
of spin, due to the centrifugal force acting on
them. Immediately upon passing this 45-degree point,
an equally rapid deceleration begins, and the ice
caps comes to a full stop between 10 and 15 degrees
from the former equatorial latitude. The reason for
this is that the equatorial bulge -- moving more
slowly, to be sure, to overcome the resistance of
the Earth's crust -- has been moving to meet the
onrushing ice cap.

Thus, the capsizing is not a full 90 degrees, but
rather between 75 and 80 degrees. At the same time,
the equatorial bulge has moved 10 to 15 degrees
toward the ice cap, with which it merges.

Immediately the two masses work in unison to
establish the new equatorial bulge for stabilization
of the globe, still at right angles to the axis
of spin.

Result and Aftermath.

During and following the capsizing of the Earth,
incredible surface devastation occurs as the planet
absorbs the phenomenal kinetic energy which the
rollover has generated.

There will be general chaos -- torrential rains,
electrical storms unbelievable in their intensity,
dust storms, hurricanes, typhoons, massive and
extensive earthquakes, a multitude of volcanic
eruptions and, most devastating of all, a monstrous
deluge as tidal waves of fantastic power sweep all
oceans at close to the speed of sound, pounding
continents to pieces, inundating whole mountain
ranges, submerging great land masses, and exposing
land which was heretofore seemingly at too great a
depth ever to move above sea level. Existing mountains
will be raised or lowered in relation to sea level,
old ranges will be flattened and new ones will appear.

There will be no gradual withdrawal of ice, as
theorized in the prevailing "Ice Age" concepts.
The ice caps, now directly on the equator and fully
exposed to the blazing heat of the sun, will begin
to melt at once and, while it may have taken thousands
of years for them to reach their enormous size, it may
take only brief decades for the total thaw to occur.

As it melts, the ice caps will leave evidence of their
former presence. Enormous depressions will remain in
the surface of the Earth where they sat, and these
will be ringed by circular ranges of hills or elevated
plateaus, rising gradually from the center of the
depression and then falling away sharply on the
outside of the rim -- the residue of the materials
squeezed from beneath the ice caps as they grew.
Glacial striations will clearly show on many of these
rocks. Riverbeds will form and glacial runoff will
carve itself deeply into the Earth's surface as vast
quantities of water rush from the melting ice. At
the same time, the tropical areas which were
suddenly shifted to the polar regions will undergo
a quick-freezing process, and will soon under below
layers of snow gradually turning into glacial ice
as new ice caps begin to form even while the old
ones are melting.

As the great ice caps continue to melt, ocean levels
will rise, inundating still more areas and, as the
isolated ice mass is reduced and its weight is
distributed as water throughout the oceans,
earthquakes of great violence will continue to
occur as the equatorial bulge adjusts and readjusts
to equalize the rearrangement of such a weight.

At last the violent disturbances will settle down and
a new stability will become evident. Little animal
life will remain on land, but what is there, including
human life, will adjust to the new conditions.

Much marine life will also be wiped out, but much
will remain, though it too must adjust, for the
ocean temperatures will have been greatly lowered
by the volumes of icy water rushing into the sea.
Also, the ocean water will have a greatly reduced

When at last the old ice caps have wholly disappeared
and the ocean levels are relatively stabilized, the
slow but inexorable process begins all over again.
As the weight of the ice increases, the caps cause
the mud and rock under them to squeeze out from
under them. As the pressure becomes ever greater,
this extruded material forms a raised rim around
the perimeters of the ice caps.

That, in essence, is what's happening in Antarctica
today. The weight of the ice cap is squeezing the
material of the continent out from under it. The
extruded material forms a range of mountains before
it, all the way to the coastal areas and even beyond.
There's good evidence that in this way not only is
the ice cap growing, but the continent itself is

The danger lies in what happens through the creation
of these mountainous perimeters. The new mountain
ranges serve as barriers preventing the flow-off of
the glacial ice into the sea. In effect, huge srone
basins have been created, an actual impoundment of
sorts. This allows a much greater volume of ice to
add its weight to the ice cap.

This buildup has progressed through the centuries.
About 300 years ago, one of the edges of the South
polar ice cap pushed beyond the continental mass=2E
This was probably caused by two factors: first, the
mouths of the continental rivers did not present as
great a barrier at the perimeter as elsewhere; and
second, the depth of the ocean close to the shore
allowed some portions of the mountains to literally
be shoved off the continent and slide down to the
bottom of the sea. It was at that time that the first
icebergs began being sloughed off into the water.
This tends to act as something of a safety valve,
because it gets rid of some of the weight that has
accumulated. But it's nowhere near enough. More new
ice accumulates in one month than is carried off by
icebergs in a year.

Pretty much the same thing on a smaller scale is
occurring with the ice cap presently on Greenland.
Just as with Antarctica, Greenland's land mass has
become a depressed rock basin, with the weight of
the ice cap up-thrusting a range of coastal mountains
before it. Much of the rock floor of Greenland is now
well below sea level, because of this extrusion.

The mass of the ice caps at both poles is increasing
every day, and right now the pressure of the ice on
Antarctica is around three tons per square inch.

As a sidelight, this sheds a whole new view on why
some areas of the Earth are far below sea level --
areas such as the Dead Sea region in the Middle East,
the Valdes Peninsula in Argentina, and Death Valley
in California. These areas, according to the HAB
Theory, were once polar seats, and became deeply
indented by the weight of the ice caps which grew
over them.

Modern man has it within his power to save himself
from extinction or severe retrogression. By detonating
thermonuclear devices strategically placed at
intervals along the 12,000-mile coastal rim of
the gigantic Antarctic ice basin, great pressures
can be alleviated.

An Explanation for the Otherwise Inexplicable

Could it be that previous civilizations of man were
destroyed by such capsizings? Could it be that this
was what caused the extinction of the mysterious
race which originally built the amazing cities,
the ruins of which are extensive in Peru, long
before the ancient Incas were living their own
highly advanced civilization?

Perhaps now one of the most puzzling of these, the
incredible find at Marcahuasi, only 80 km northeast
of this city, can be solved. Are these the remains
of a civilization made extinct by a previous
capsizing? The remains have been a continuing
enigma to archeologists, particularly a spectacular
discovery made in 1952 at an altitude of over 13,000
feet in the Andes.

The discovery, made in 1952 by Dr. Daniel Ruzo, is
a great stone amphitheater in which are magnificent
sculptures -- but sculptures which, according to all
we know, are wholly anachronistic. Here, for example,
among carvings of familiar South American animals and
people, can also be seen unmistakable likenesses in
white dioritic porphyry stone of camels and cows,
lions and elephants, and other animals which have
never lived there, along with finely carved heads,
in the same material, of Semites, Caucasians and
Negroes, all of whom supposedly came to this
continent less than 500 years ago. There is even
a perfect rendering of the turtle's long-extinct
ancestor the amphichelydia; yet in all recorded
history, the amphichelydia is known only from its
fossilized remains. It lived during the Upper
Triassic Period and became extinct about 180
million years ago.

Where, then, could the sculptor have gotten his
model? There is also a rendering of a horse, but
horses became extinct in the region 9,000 years
ago and did not reappear until brought by Spanish
conquistadors in the sixteenth century.

Dr. Ruzo's great discovery too long has been ignored.
It is now time for science to take a fresh look at
such mysteries of the past.

Or consider Tennessee's famous fossil footprints.
Found during the last century near Brayton in Bledsoe
County, these prints of bare human feet are embedded
in solid granite which is probably hundreds of
millions of years old=2E Not only that, the human
who made those prints must have been gigantic, for
the heel alone measures 13 inches in width.

Previous Poles

Two tilts ago, a polar cap was where there is an
even larger and deeper depression than the Sudan
Basin (a polar site before the most recent tilt)
-- present Hudson Bay. While the Hudson Bay ice
cap was in existence, the land masses of India,
Borneo, Africa and South America lay in tandem
along the equatorial bulge. Identification of
Hudson Bay as the location of the North Pole two
tilts ago comes from calculations showing that
it is approximately the same distance from Lake
Chad in the Sudan Basin as the latter is from the
present North Pole, indicating again a separation
of about 80 degrees of latitude.

The location of the North polar ice cap three tilts
ago is ascertained in the same manner, and proves to
have been at the Caspian Sea, which is located in a
great depression similar to that formerly occupied
by the ice caps for the Sudan Basin and Hudson Bay.
All three of these depressions are presently the
drainage focus for extensive river systems.

It becomes possible to trace depression after
depression as the location of a former ice cap.
Glacial striations were even discovered on Permian
rocks two centuries ago in the Amazon Valley
within an area of 20 degrees on both sides of
the equator. As a matter of fact, such glacial
striations are found in the rocks of the Earth
at random places all over the globe. So-called
Ice Ages can be traced back through their telltale
striations on rock faces not only as far back as
the Paleozoic Era's Lower Cambrian Epoch of some
600 million years ago, but even farther back,
though these records begin to dim over such a
period of time with continued capsizings and the
concomitant disruption of the Earth's surface.
Three such Precambrian ice cap sites are located
in Africa, three others in Asia and two in Australia.
Five glaciated horizons of the Permian Period
(230-280 million years ago) are found in South
America, and an equal number of the most recent
Ice Ages are located in North America.

In the present geologic epoch, called the Pleistocene
(of the Quaternary Period and Cenozoic Era), which,
in essence, takes in the past one million years, many
hundreds of capsizings have occurred. A partial
listing of some of the more important and obvious
ice-cap sites during the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and
Cenozoic eras can include:

      The Gobi Desert;
      Lake Victoria:
      Mar Chiquita in Argentina;
      The Black Sea;
      Death Valley, California;
      The Amazon Valley;
      Baikal Lake in the USSR;
      Lake Winnipeg;
      The Null Arbor Plain in Australia's southwest;
      Baffin Bay;
      The Baltic Sea;
      The Congo Basin;
      The Mediterranean Sea,
      Great Bear Lake, Canada;
      Great Salt Lake, Utah;
      The Thar Desert in northwest in India;
      Aral Sea, Uzbek, USSR;
      The Painted Desert-Lakes Michigan-Huron-Superior;
      The Angola Basin off the coast of western Africa;
      The Bighorn Basin, Wyoming;
      In northeastern Siberia in the vicinity of Tabor
      The Takla Makan Desert north of the Himalayas;
      Canary Basin off the northwestern African coast;
      Great Slave Lake, Canada;
      The Argentine Basin southeast of Buenos Aires;
      The Wharton Basin, 900 miles south of Djakarta.

In every location at which records written by nature
or man can be studied, these sites shows radial
striations which pinpoint the seat of a former
ice cap. In the matter of duration, geologic evidence
indicates that an individual ice cap may grow to
maturity in as short a span of time as 2,900 years,
although the average appears to be more in the
vicinity of 5,750 years. Only rarely does an
individual epoch last 6,500 years, and no other
epoch within at least the past dozen has lasted
as long as the present one....

Think about the finding of fossil trees, or at least
portions of them, at depths of 13,000 feet beneath
the Earth's surface through core boring; the discovery
of 59 horizontal strata of fossilized trees separated
by massive strata of marine clay - rock of non-fossil
variety at Sydney Mines in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia;
the fact that carbon-14 dating of the flash-frozen
mammoth remains found in Siberia and North America
clearly indicate an age of 7,500 years. All this
material supports the contentions of the HAB Theory.
Further evidence of Earth capsizings can be found in
the massive mineral deposits which man is in the
process of tapping.

For example, numerous salt beds are found in
subterranean strata. There is only one way to
rationally account for their presence: that they
were at one time the bottoms of land depressions
which filled with seawater, and then became exposed
again as salt wakes.

Seven successive beds of these salt deposits have
been found in central New York, and a massive one
is presently being tapped 1,000 feet below Cleveland,
Ohio. Over 30 such beds have been discovered in the
American Southwest, some deeply buried, some just
under the surface. The most significant on the North
American continent, however, is the one which is
presently being formed in a lake which, while
constantly evaporating, still covers an area about
the size of the State of Delaware -- the Great Salt
Lake of Utah. This 2,000-square-mile lake is the last
trace of the great prehistoric body of water known to
geologists as Lake Bonneville, which covered an area
of 20,000 square miles and was over 1,000 feet deep.
The great Bonneville Salt flats are on the surface
now, but following the next capsizing of the Earth
they will probably become silted over and eventually,
following further capsizings, will become yet another
of the multitude of subterranean salt beds.

Coal is another mineral deposit clearly corroborating
the theory. Coal beds are found in subterranean
deposits on a worldwide scale, including the Arctic
and Antarctic, and even beneath the ocean floors.
Coal mines are presently in operation in the Pacific
off the coast of Chile and in the Atlantic off Nova
Scotia and England.

There is only one way that coal can be formed. It
is the residue of warm temperate, subtropical and
tropical vegetation. Through hundreds or thousands
of years great quantities of vegetative debris --
leaves, twigs, fruits, branches, roots -- sink to
the bottoms of swamps, rivers or lakes. The water
covering them reasonably protects them from the
oxidation that would have occurred had they been
exposed to air.

At the time of a capsizing, these submerged deposits
are suddenly shifted to a region of subzero
temperature, and the water above them freezes.
The polar summers bring enough of a thaw to allow
siltage to accumulate over the mucky vegetation.
When the next capsizing occurs and the deposit is
shifted back to a tropical or temperate zone, this
layer of silt prevents oxidation of the vegetable
matter below it, while a new collection of vegetable
matter is accumulating on top. Through repeated
capsizings and increasing pressures, the vegetation
layers are compressed into coal and the polar siltage
layers become slate or shale. Some of the coal mines
in Pennsylvania have shown as many as seven horizontal
layers of coal with as many corresponding layers of
slate or shale interleaved between. Recurrent
capsizings of the Earth is the only reasonable
explanation for such formations.

Another foundation stone in the support for the HAB
Theory lies in the discovery in the relatively recent
past of some rather odd rocks which, though magnetic,
do not point to what is currently north and south.
This is a powerful indication that they received
their magnetization at a time when the location of
the poles differed from what it is at present. Some
of these rocks point toward the Sudan Basin and
others point toward Hudson Bay. Still others point
at other areas where physical evidence indicates
that ice caps have formed in past epochs.
Non-conventionally directional magnetic rocks
have been discovered in 15 locations on the European
and North American continents. They are corollary to,
and proof of, the recurrent capsizings of the Earth...

It is an acknowledged fact among historians that the
authentic and accurate history of man did not begin
until between approximately 7,000 and 7,500 years ago.
Actual historical records go back only as far as the
earliest known civilizations, such as those of Egypt,
Peru, Babylonia, India, Central America, Sumeria and
Assyria. Yet that 7,500-year period represents
considerably less than 1% of the time that man has
been known, through fossil remains, to have existed
on Earth. What of the remaining 99% of the time?


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