-Caveat Lector-

: Washington Report
: JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2001, Pages 71-72

: By Allan C. Brownfeld

: In the years since the end of World War II, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community
: has seen dramatic growth in the U.S. and has been influential in fueling
: extremism and terrorism in Israel.

: While fewer than 100,000 Orthodox European Jews entered the country after 1945,
: their effects were profound. “Only the religious believers had a clear and
: unshakable answer to the question of why be a Jew,” Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg has
: written. These particular believers, according to Hertzberg, “asserted the most
: uncompromising, separatist version of the Jewish religion…For the first time in
: modern American history, the secular humanistic impulse of American Jewry…faced
: the challenge of a vibrant, charismatic and almost completely antithetical
: belief system with institutions and folkways of its own…Most American Jews
: surely thought they had left all that behind in Europe decades earlier.”

: In his book Jew Vs. Jew, Samuel Freedman, a professor of journalism at Columbia
: University, shows that the divisions among American Jews are profound: “To say
: that American Jews differ on the issue—recent polls find about two-thirds
: favoring the land-for-peace formula—is to see only the surface of a widening
: chasm. The poll numbers in many ways mask the reality. Aside from an energetic
: and visible leadership, the Jews who support the Oslo agreements are largely
: those disengaged from Israel in all but sentimental ways. The opposition,
: resting disproportionately in the Orthodox population, is the segment of
: American Jewry most involved with Israel, most committed to it in concrete
: actions. This passionate minority has dominated the peace issue, influencing
: events from the halls of Congress to the settlements of the West Bank, arguing
: on grounds of both security and Torah that Israel must never surrender the lands
: won in 1967. And while the right wing of American Jewry has expressed itself
: primarily through political activity, its fringe elements have repeatedly turned
: to inflammatory rhetoric and violent acts both in the U.S. and Israel. Yigal
: Amir’s trail to the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, it might be said, was one partly
: blazed by American Jews.”

: “The lineage of American extremists led directly to Baruch Goldstein.”

: Some of the violence which has taken place in Israel has, in fact, been
: perpetrated by Orthodox American Jewish émigrés. In 1980, a terrorist band known
: as the Jewish Underground, including an American émigré named Ezra Rapaport,
: tried to assassinate three Arab mayors of West Bank towns with car bombs. Two
: years later, another American, Alan Goodman, opened fire on Muslim worshippers
: at the Dome of the Rock, killing one Palestinian and provoking rioting.

: “The lineage of American extremists,” writes Freedman, “led directly to Kiryat
: Arba’s doctor, a former New Yorker named Baruch Goldstein. Goldstein studied
: with Meir Kahane. He closely followed Alan Goodman’s attack at the Dome of the
: Rock. And on Feb. 25, 1994 he enacted a more successful version of it, shooting
: to death 29 Muslim worshippers at a mosque in Hebron…An American Hasidic rabbi
: in the West Bank city of Nablus, Yitzhak Ginsburg, oversaw the publication of a
: memorial book glorifying Goldstein as ‘the Saint, may God avenge his blood.’ One
: of those who read it was Yigal Amir.”

: In American Orthodox Jewish circles there were a number of prominent individuals
: who encouraged such extremism. A figure widely respected in Orthodox circles,
: the Talmud scholar Herschel Schachter of Yeshiva University, asserted that Rabin
: hated God and Torah. Another Yeshiva professor, the rabbi and medical ethicist
: Moshe Tendler, delivered the eulogy at Meir Kahane’s funeral.

: Nor have right-wing pressure and terrorist acts been confined to Israel and
: Palestine. On the same morning of Goldstein’s massacre in early 1994, extremists
: placed bombs inside the Manhattan offices of two liberal groups, the New Israel
: Fund and Americans for Peace Now. When the Conference of Presidents of Major
: American Jewish Organizations scheduled a memorial service for Rabin at Madison
: Square Garden in December 1995, they were pressured by Oslo foes to ban any
: reference to the “peace process” in the event’s program or speeches. Even at
: that, both the Zionist Organization of America and Agudath Israel of America
: boycotted the event.

: The case of Baruch Goldstein highlights the connection between Jewish extremism
: in the U.S. and Israel. Goldstein, a militant Zionist from New York, had been a
: member of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), founded by the late Meir Kahane.
: Kahane urged his followers to emigrate to Israel and called for the removal of
: all Arabs from the West Bank. After the violent mass murder at Hebron, Goldstein
: was viewed as a hero by many of the Israeli settlers. At his funeral, Rabbi
: Yaacov Perrin declared that, “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish
: fingernail.” Shmuel Hacohen, a teacher in a Jerusalem college, said: “Baruch
: Goldstein was the greatest Jew alive, not in one way but in every way…There are
: no innocent Arabs here…He was no crazy…Killing isn’t nice, but sometimes it is
: necessary.”

: Kahane’s Nuremburg Laws

: Goldstein’s hero, Meir Kahane, had moved to Israel in 1971 and was popular
: enough to win a seat in the Knesset under the banner of his Kach Party. He
: developed legislation for The Prevention of Assimilation Between Jews and
: Non-Jews and for the Sanctity of the Jewish People. It called, among other
: things, for separate beaches for Jews and non-Jews and for an end to mixed
: summer camps and community centers. His legislation, much like Nazi Germany’s
: Nuremburg Laws, declared that, “Jews are forbidden to marry non-Jews…mixed
: marriages will not be recognized in the countries in which they were held…Jews
: are forbidden to have sexual relations of any sort with non-Jews…”

: In the U.S., the extremist Orthodox milieu can be seen through the story of
: Harry Shapiro, a socially awkward loner who grew up in a Conservative Jewish
: family in Jacksonville, Florida. He ultimately became ultra-Orthodox and found
: an ideological home in right-wing Jewish politics. So intense were his feelings
: that he staged a phony bombing of a Jacksonville synagogue where Shimon Peres
: was to speak on behalf of the Oslo accords.

: The forces which led to Shapiro’s violent act are to be found throughout Jewish
: institutions across the U.S. As a young man, Shapiro attended Hebrew high school
: classes and United Synagogue Youth meetings at the Jacksonville Jewish Center.
: Samuel Freedman reports that, “Rabbi Dov Kentof turned a USY campout into a
: simulated mission with the Israeli army, ending with anthems around the bonfire.
: Week after week in the classroom he narrated the Jewish epic of persecution and
: the resistance, from Masada and Bar Kochba through the Warsaw ghetto uprising
: and the Final Solution, covering one wall with photographs of Jewish corpses.”
: Shapiro recalled years later that, “These were totally new reasons to be
: Jewish…This was more about feelings and emotions—being proud you’re Jewish, not
: letting a Holocaust happen again. It affected my soul.”

: In March 1982, Shapiro’s parents joined a two-week tour of Israel led by David
: Gaffney, rabbi of the Jacksonville Jewish Center. On the group’s first full day
: in Israel, after the scheduled stops at Carmel Winery and Weizmann Institute,
: Rabbi Gaffney persuaded the driver to head further south along the Mediterranean
: coast, through Gaza, into Sinai, and finally to the Jewish town of Yamit, the
: center of resistance to the peace treaty with Egypt.

: The Camp David accords of 1979 had stipulated that Israel would withdraw from
: the Sinai Peninsula it had captured in 1967 as a condition for Egyptian
: President Anwar Sadat’s signing a separate peace. One of the Israeli settlements
: in Sinai was Yamit, a community of 2,500. As many of Yamit’s residents
: ultimately departed, they were replaced by loyalists of Gush Emunim (Bloc of the
: Faithful, the radical settlers’ movement), many of them transplanted Americans.

: The Shapiros were emotionally moved by their visit. Later, they told their
: children about Yamit. Harry dwelled on a photograph of the war memorial, proof
: of all he had learned in Rabbi Kentof’s class about the price of Jewish
: survival. In 1984, Harry Shapiro flew to Israel. He sought out the Gush Emunim
: faithful and from them he learned that Israel’s victory in the 1967 war was
: God’s will, the Torah’s words, that Jews were to abide in all of Eretz Israel.

: When he returned to the U.S. and entered Yeshiva University, Shapiro embraced
: the philosophy of Meir Kahane. He faithfully read The Jewish Press, an Orthodox
: paper published in Brooklyn. In an open letter to rabbis, Avraham Hecht, who led
: 2,000 congregants in Brooklyn as rabbi of Shaare Zion synagogue and 540
: colleagues as president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, declared: “The
: Torah permits the most extreme action against those who harm our fellow Jews.”

: Rabbi Hecht said that surrendering any of the Land of Israel violated halakah
: (Jewish law), and anyone who did so could be killed as a rodef, “one who pursues
: a Jew trying to kill him.” Asked by New York Magazine to clarify what sounded
: like a religious death threat, Hecht explained: “All I said was that according
: to Jewish law, any one person—you can apply it to whoever you want—any one
: person who willfully, consciously, intentionally hands over human bodies or
: human property or the human wealth of the Jewish people to an alien people is
: guilty of the sin for which the penalty is death. And according to
: Maimonides—you can quote me—it says very clearly, if a man kills him, he has
: done a good deed.”

: Completing a Circle

: It was in this atmosphere that Harry Shapiro went about his life. “Rabbi Hecht’s
: theology,” writes Samuel Freedman, “completed a circle for Harry. Years ago,
: Gush Emunim had taught that God granted Eretz Israel to the Jews; then Meir
: Kahane demonstrated how one could hate Jewish leaders in the name of loving the
: Jewish people; and now Harry understood the penalty for disobeying divine
: commandment, ‘The Torah is our deed to the land,’ Harry put it. ‘Who is man to
: give it back?’…Never able to join the battle against Arabs in Eretz Israel,
: Harry decided to carry it against a Jew on American ground.”

: Harry Shapiro admits his guilt. “I placed gunpowder in a pipe,” he told the
: court. “I placed it in a house of worship. I threatened the life of a human
: being with it. I called 911 and issued a threat to keep Mr. Peres from
: speaking.” Shapiro now occupies a cell in a medium-security prison in Jessup,
: Georgia. He appreciates the printouts his brother sends him from a Web site
: honoring Meir Kahane.

: Early in the 20th century, the Orthodox in America gave every indication of
: withering to a vestige. As late as 1955, sociologist Marshall Sklare dismissed
: the Orthodox experience in the U.S. as “a case study of institutional decay.”
: Now, we have witnessed an Orthodox renaissance. With less than 10 percent of the
: Jewish population, the Orthodox disproportionately affect the larger community.
: Orthodox educators often staff the day schools and Hebrew schools of the
: Conservative and Reform movements.. In 1956 10 prominent religious scholars
: issued an issur, a prohibition against Orthodox participation in any joint
: rabbinical organizations—a direct blow against such umbrella groups as the New
: York Board of Rabbis and the Synagogue Council of America. In 1979, a vigilante
: group calling itself TORAH—Tough Orthodox Rabbis And Hasidim—spray-painted
: swastikas and anti-Semitic slurs on the only Conservative synagogue left in the
: ultra-Orthodox Brooklyn stronghold of Borough Park. In 1984, the Agudath
: Harabonim ran advertisements just before the High Holy Days urging Jews “not to
: pray in a Reform or Conservative Temple…whose clergy have long rebelled against
: numerous sacred laws of the Torah and mislead thousands of innocent souls.”

: The Halakhic instrument promoted by ultra-Orthodox rabbis, both in Israel and
: the U.S., that ultimately convinced Yigal Amir that he should kill Yitzhak Rabin
: was the ancient Jewish doctrine of zealotry. The doctrine maintains that under
: the most extreme circumstances, a God-loving Jew can kill another person without
: asking permission.

: The doctrine of zealotry goes back to the first biblical Jewish zealot—Pinchas
: Ben-Eleazar. As told in the Bible, Pinchas, acting in awe of God, killed Zimri,
: who had prostituted in public with a Midianite girl. Pinchas’s problem was that
: the killing was totally unauthorized and he acted out of an uncontrollable
: momentary drive. And yet, in spite of the severity of the act, which was
: denounced, according to the Talmud, by the people’s elders, it was forgiven by
: God. The reason given was that Pinchas “was zealous for my sake among them.” God
: instantly terminated a plague that had already killed 20,000 Jews. Pinchas’
: entire line of ancestors were made priests of Israel. The prophet Elijah is also
: described in the Bible as a zealot who killed in his wrath 400 priests of Baal,
: a Canaanite god.. Yigal Amir convinced himself that in killing Rabin he was
: acting in the best tradition of Jewish zealotry.

: For the ultra-Orthodox, both in Israel and the U.S., a form of “messianic
: Zionism,” which makes control over the biblical Land of Israel a religious
: mandate, has been growing. In his book, Terror in the Mind of God: the Global
: Rise of Religious Violence, Professor Mark Juergensmayer notes that Jewish
: activists “have…been convinced that their violent acts have been authorized as
: weapons in a divine warfare sanctioned by God. Dr. Baruch Goldstein’s massacre
: at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in 1994 was described as a military
: act…One of his supporters explained, ‘It goes back to biblical times,’
: indicating that the present-day Arabs are simply the modern descendants of the
: enemies of Israel described in the Bible for whom God has unleashed wars of
: revenge.”

: Thus far, the organized American Jewish community has done nothing to isolate
: the advocates of such violent extremism within its ranks. A vocal and extreme
: minority, sadly, has often been embraced in the name of an illusory “Jewish
: unity.” Any “unity” purchased at such a price has within it the seeds of
: long-term disintegration.

: Allan C. Brownfeld is a syndicated columnist and associate editor of the Lincoln
: Review, a journal published by the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education,
: and editor of Issues, the quarterly journal of the American Council for Judaism.

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