-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FL800: Altered Evidence
Date: Saturday, January 08, 2000 12:49 AM

  When I became aware of the number of eyewitnesses
  who saw a rocket streaking upwards before Flight
  800 exploded near active military-warning zones,
  and after I spoke to several witnesses who had
  been in the news, I thought there's no way they
  can get away with covering this up. However, not
  only can the government get away with it, they can
  top it off by arresting the very people who threaten
  to compromise the cover-up, such as James Sanders and
  Terrell Stacey, along with Sanders wife for added injury.

  The situation is that for those who believe the Flight
  800 witnesses and advance the Navy-missile theory, the
  United States is a virtual military dictatorship. The
  only way the government is able to get away with both
  the cover-up and the systematic persecution of those who
  challenge it is with the assistance of the major media,
  who shape public opinion in exactly the fashion necessary
  for the success of the government's cover-up. The following
  from the alternative news source NewsMax.com is an overview
  and powerful analysis of the federal government's major-
  media-assisted assault on one of the leading proponents
  of the Flight 800 Navy-missile theory, James Sanders:

    ================== NEWSMAX.COM ==================

    Advertise Your Banner Here

    Altered Evidence -- TWA 800 Cover-Up Exposed!

    January 7, 2000

    Monday, NewsMax.com launches a multi-part series
    based on a new book entitled Altered Evidence.

    Thomas Jefferson said: "If a nation expects to be
    ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it
    expects what never was and never will be."

    NewsMax.com was created to combat the very
    ignorance Jefferson warned of almost two hundred
    years ago. We believe the information in this
    compelling book provides a case study of the power
    'We The People' have, through ignorance, ceded to
    the federal government.

    July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800 was downed by
    missile fire. The Justice Department framed and
    indicted a journalist whose investigation of
    government lawlessness associated with this event
    placed senior members of the Clinton administration
    at risk.

    The journalist's wife was harassed by the Justice
    Department, intimidated and -- when she refused to
    turn on her husband -- indicted.

    Altered Evidence tells how the Justice Department
    vilified and prosecuted the journalist and his wife
    while major media obediently published government
    propaganda as news while misrepresenting or
    spiking the other side of the issue.

    Altered Evidence reveals how the Judicial system
    allowed the First Amendment to be excised from the
    courtroom -- how the Justice Department stood
    before the Court, without smirking, demanding that
    government lawlessness not be part of the
    journalist’s defense.

    Altered Evidence reveals the tortured legal path
    taken by a federal judge, a Clinton appointee, to
    rip the First Amendment from the Bill of Rights
    while simultaneously protecting the Justice
    Department from being held accountable for its
    felonious harassment, intimidation and vilification
    of the journalist and his wife.

    Altered Evidence presents the proposition that the
    Freedom of the Press guarantee of the First
    Amendment has little meaning if the federal
    judiciary steps aside and allows the lawless within
    the federal government to use the court process for
    evil. But that is precisely what the federal justice
    system has descended to as we cross into the new
    millennium. A presumption of normalcy is the
    current theory under which the federal justice
    system blissfully operates, demonstrating a classic
    willful blindness to lawlessness within the Justice

    Government officials are presumed to always
    operate in a lawful manner and their conduct,
    pre-trial, will not be questioned. They are angels
    with badges, guns, and the awesome power of the
    most powerful bureaucracy on the face of the earth,
    accountable to no one except themselves. Should the
    angelic behavior more closely resemble Lucifer than
    Gabriel, there is no interlocutory (pre-trial) appeal
    of their lawlessness.

    The federal judiciary fails to comprehend the most
    basic, elementary fact of human nature: There are no
    angels within the federal bureaucracy, only corruptible
    humans -- humans who are more frequently corruptible
    through arrogance combined with power than payoffs,
    and infinitely corruptible when not continually
    subjected to scrutiny by the federal judiciary.

    Long ago the federal judiciary believed that
    "Decency, security and liberty alike demand that
    government officials shall be subjected to the same
    rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen.
    In a government of laws, existence of the government
    will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law
    scrupulously." [Supreme Court Justice Brandeis]
    This concept is now under attack.

    Fundamental to the institution of our democracy is
    the right of a journalist to investigate significant
    wrongdoing on the part of government officials
    without the requirement that he and his family
    survive injury, oppression, threats intimidation,
    arrest and trial, all at the hands of those he is

    Only after successfully negotiating this multi-year
    "trial by ordeal" can the journalist attempt to renew
    the pursuit of government wrongdoing. It should be
    a myth that such mental, physical, marital and
    financial strength must be a prerequisite to pursuing
    a fundamental First Amendment journalistic
    mandate to protect and defend the Constitution by
    uncovering wrongdoing within the top levels of the
    federal government.

    It should be a myth -- but isn't.

    What should not be a myth, but is, is the standard
    used to judge the veracity of the federal government
    when it is confronted with allegations of lawlessness
    within an investigation. Witness statements
    constitute compelling evidence in criminal trials,
    particularly when a significant number describe the
    same event. American citizens are frequently
    sentenced to death or lengthy prison terms based on
    one or two witnesses.

    But when hundreds of witnesses see a missile bring
    down a commercial jetliner, it is a mystifying event
    to major media rather than compelling evidence. The
    standard of evidence required to put an American
    citizen to death is considered by major media to be
    far too low a standard to use when investigating
    wrongdoing at the highest levels of the federal

    Within our judicial system an inference can be drawn
    from circumstantial evidence. If senior members of
    the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
    leak false information to major media, an inference
    can be formed of a consciousness of guilt. But within
    major media, such events are mystifying.

    There is a major media presumption that leaks from
    high-level official sources constitute fact, which can
    be regurgitated to the public without confirmation.
    We know this to be so because the NTSB has not
    been able to produce one fact to back up its leaks.

    In 1996 and 1997, NBC portrayed the NTSB as
    closing in on the mechanical reason for the demise
    of TWA Flight 800. Forty million dollars later, the
    NTSB cannot yet produce even one document to
    buttress any of its leaks to NBC.

    If credible evidence is presented that the NTSB and
    FBI lied about residue found inside the airliner
    being 3M glue, an inference can be drawn of a
    consciousness of guilt. To major media, however, it
    is mystifying how such evidence could really exist.
    Such compelling evidence of a coordinated attempt
    within the federal government to lie and manipulate
    major media constitutes prima facie evidence of a
    conspiracy. But according to major media
    conspiracies cannot happen inside the federal
    government because too many people would know
    about it and blow the whistle.

    Whenever reasonable evidence is presented that the
    government broke the law, lied or suffered willful
    blindness, it represents compelling circumstantial
    evidence that people within government are
    responsible. Circumstantial evidence, like witness
    testimony and documents, all constitute evidence
    used to convict individual American citizens. But
    this level of proof is far too low for major media to
    use when journalistically judging the highest levels
    of the federal bureaucracy -- at least when that
    bureaucracy is controlled by people of the same
    political persuasion as 92 percent of those in major

    We need not use a higher standard to judge acts of
    federal officials. The rules by which ‘We The
    People’ are judged is sufficient to judge the actions
    of those within the federal government suspected of
    engaging in lawlessness.

    Altered Evidence provides compelling evidence that:

    * The FBI and NTSB altered radar data presented to
    the press in December 1997 in order to hide a major
    military presence in the immediate area of TWA
    Flight 800 when it was shot down;

    * The NTSB and FBI altered the Flight 800
    reconstruction at Calverton Hangar to hide evidence
    of damage caused by a missile, and have blocked the
    publication of photos revealing the Altered

    * The FBI and NTSB conspired to misrepresent the
    reddish-orange residue found on seats in rows 17,
    18 and 19, claiming it was 3M 1357 HP Adhesive;

    * The FBI and NTSB altered the debris field to create
    a "mechanical" facade;

    * The Clinton administration, at the highest levels,
    including the Justice department, controlled the
    cover-up; and

    * A journalist and his wife were maliciously vilified,
    harassed, persecuted and framed by the same FBI
    and Justice Department officials placed at risk by his

    Above all else, Altered Evidence is a story about
    institutional deviancy in America’s federal
    bureaucracy and political structure. Altered Evidence
    is also the shameful story of major media’s inability
    to pursue a story that might topple an administration
    with which they are politically enamored.

    Monday, part one of the Altered Evidence series will


GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

Shop for Cars On-Line:  http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html

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