APRIL 9, 2000

Americans are quick to jump on the band wagon in defense and protection
of a sweet-faced child, as illustrated by the recent media attention
focusing on young Elian Gonzalez and his imposed four month separation
from his father.  But, where are the media when dozens of equally
sweet-faced children are being separated from their fathers by a
regulation of American origin?  A rule which those in power deem
necessary for security reasons, but which has no foundation in fact, and
little support apart from the politicians who would impose it.

Where is the media to report on this injustice and unfairness?  Where
are the crowds of angry citizens demanding that the right thing be done
by these children?

Society assumes that all who are convicted and sentenced to death are
guilty of the crimes they are accused of.  And, by association, their
families, too must be somehow deserving of punishment and separation as

Studies prove that one in seven condemned to die are eventually proven
innocent.  The past twenty-four years has seen eighty-five released from
death rows across the country, and with increasing awareness, this
number will quickly escalate into the hundreds.

With this formula in effect, more than fifty innocent men are wrongly
being deprived of their freedom in the state of Florida, and are caged
as if animals on death row. To make this horrendous situation even
worse, the state now wishes to cut off contact with family members,
further isolating them and layering even more injustice upon that which
has already befallen these victims of circumstance.  Where are the
people to rally for these poor souls, and to demand justice be done by

At what point will they be punished enough in society's eyes that we
give them their fair moment in court?  Must we wait so long that they
give up and attempt suicide as one did earlier this week?  Till the
thought of life void of contact with family drives them to do the
executioners distasteful work for him?

Must we wait until the administration shortens the amount of time
allowed for appeals, locking the innocent men inside forever just
because the clock ran out?  Do we wait while exonerative DNA evidence
mysteriously disappears from yet another file?  At what point do we
acknowledge that there are victims on both sides of the prison walls?
When do we begin to care?

An innocent child cannot understand the politics involved with
separation--the rules, the political motivation.   We should take
another look at such issues, but through the eyes of a child.

For informations please contact:

Sissel Egeland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michelle Agans   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jacquelynne Perry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Phone :  770-955-9050.
Cell phone: 678 592 7125

The address to reach the families is :
PO BOX 44 Gonzalez Fla 32560 -0044



APRIL 8, 2000

Having a loved one on death row is extremely arduous and agonizing.
Apart from the expected loss of financial support this brings a family,
the emotional loss takes a far greater toll.  Even worse than the actual
physical separation is the worry.

Death row is not a pleasant place to live, if you would call their
meager existence "living."  Rather, it is a bleak warehouse for storing
the condemned; a holding pen for the disposable men and women who are
waiting on a death sentence to be carried out.

Society does not want to acknowledge this stark, cruel reality, nor do
the politicians want the truth of this brutalizing existence to come to
light where decent-minded folk might find offense.  However, to those
who must endure this hell on earth, and to those who love them, this is
reality in it's harshest form--Dante's "Inferno" brought to life.

"Life" exists in a 9 x 6' cubicle which is too cold in the winter and
too hot during the long hot Florida summers.  Every few days they are
allowed the luxury of an all too brief shower, and for an hour or two a
week, they are released for exercise in the "yard."  However, pending
regulations will increase the length of time between showers and will
shorten the amount of exercise time allowed.

In the not too distant past, the prisoners on death row would fill the
long idle hours of the day with crafts such as drawing or knitting,
proudly sending out their works to loved ones as a way to extend a part
of themselves back into the family home.  However, recent regulations
again have removed these few simple diversions from lonely, solitary
men, calling drawing pencils "security risks" and are forcing their
removal.  Even normal pens and pencils are now classified as
"contraband" and have been replaced with flimsy, barely usable 3"
"security pens."  Nothing else is allowed.

The most recent reality facing the inmates and their loved ones is the
loss of contact visits.  For those fortunate enough to still have
friends or family who care about them, and who live within a day's
drive, these once a week visits offer personal contact with a
"humanity" unknown and non-existent on the inside.  And, for those whose
loved ones live in states or countries far away, the hope of a visit
just once or twice a year gives strength and encouragement that they too
will have their own brush with "humanity" with just a little patience.

As much as politicians and government officials try to make these men
and women invisible and unobtainable to the public, they do exist, and
they will not be forgotten.  The truth and reality of life on death row
reveals a blight on the logic and reason of our society, and it's seamy
reality is hidden away carefully.  But, regardless of how hard this
administration tries to hide them away, they will not be forgotten.  Nor
will they cease to be loved by their family and friends.  If anything,
love will grow stronger and more determined, as will the concern for
their safety and well-being.

For the men, women, and children who choose to love and support those
condemned to die, there is a different reality to the term "family
values" than the one Governor Bush champions.  The meaning is one of
hardship and endurance, of loss and frustration; patience and
perseverance, and above all, an endless love, given unconditionally, for
those branded as worthless and expendable by society.  It is a harsh and
lonely path that these families walk, but it is one taken willingly.

The more the administration takes from those horribly isolated on death
row, the more the world will watch and listen, the more questions will
be asked, and the stronger the bonds of love will grow.

Having a loved one on death row is arduous and agonizing.  Yes, but even
worse is the pain of knowing how unfair the rules and regulations of
society can be.  An injustice done against one, is an injustice against
us all.  Isn't it time that we, as the "family of man" realize and act
upon this?  Those who sit and rot on death row are part of humanity, and
what happens to them, in the end, happens to us all.

For informations please contact:

Sissel Egeland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michelle Agans   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jacquelynne Perry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Phone :  770-955-9050.
Cell phone: 678 592 7125

The address to reach the families is :
PO BOX 44 Gonzalez Fla 32560 -0044



Written by Hannah Floyd

Cruelty to animals?

I walked by a fenced in yard yesterday and saw a beautiful scene.  A wife
was in one end of the yard holding an adorable puppy.  Her husband was at
the other end of the yard calling the puppy. I stood there smiling because I
knew the next scene, too.  The reunion,  the scratching behind the ears, the
puppies wet tongue all over the mans face.  Oh yes, I could see it all.  Or
so I thought.

The woman did turn the puppy lose, but instead of greeting the puppy, the
man ran and placed himself behind a glass door.  The puppy got all confused
and kept walking into the glass. He could hear the voice of his "father" but
he couldn't get to him.

After a while he started whining. It was obvious that all he wanted was to
be picked up.  It just didn't happen and it was heartbreaking to watch.  I
thought to myself,  how can anyone be so cruel?  Can't they see what they're
doing to the puppy?

The saddest part about this story is that it didn't happen to a puppy.  It
will, however, happen to my six year old daughter before long.  She will
walk into the visiting area and instead of running into the arms of her
daddy and getting her hug, she will be met by a piece of glass.

No more hugs, no more little happy kisses on his cheek, no more sharing a
burger together, or reading a book, or walking around talking about the week
that passed.

How do I explain that to her when I don't even understand myself?  Can
anyone help me to find the words to tell a 6 year old?  I don't think that
it's any easier than explaining it to a puppy.

But then she's not an adorable puppy is she?  She's just the child of a
death row inmate.

For informations please contact:

Sissel Egeland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michelle Agans   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jacquelynne Perry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Phone :  770-955-9050.
Cell phone: 678 592 7125

The address to reach the families is :
PO BOX 44 Gonzalez Fla 32560 -0044



APRIL 6, 2000

A hunger strike by death row inmates continues into it's third day with an
estimated 180 participants.  The basis for the strike is the decision by
the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) to eliminate contact visits
between the inmates and their families and friends.

This change in policy is stated to be for security and to control the
introduction of contraband.  Objections to the changes are brushed aside by
the FDOC by stating that the visits are "a privilege rather than a right"
and by implying that eliminating visits will control this contraband.
It is important to note however that only 4% of contraband was found to come
visitors, while 96% of this contraband was found to enter the prisons
through sources other than visitors.

Everyone who enters the visiting park  is very aware of the fact that these
visits are a privilege and not a right. Everyone who enters the visiting
area does so because that is where they want to be. The fact is that visits
are a cherished moment for those who have the privilege to be there and no
one would ever consider doing anything to jeopardize that privilege.

The FDOC currently has the right to impose non-contact visits on anyone who
might create problems.  This provision, which has been in effect since 1992
has never been used.  That should be testament to the fact that contact
visits do not pose a security risk.

Prior to entering  the visiting area visitors are not only thoroughly
searched, but they are required to pass through a metal detector that is
more sensitive than the ones which are used at airports. Upon leaving the
visiting area, visitors undergo another inspection and are accountable for
all of the items which were taken into the visiting area.  Random drug
tests by the DOC on the visitors include both the use of dogs and drug
detection equipment.

In addition inmates are strip searched when they leave their cells and then
handcuffed behind
their backs and escorted to a changing room.  There they are strip searched
again and required to change their clothes.
Upon leaving the visiting area, inmates are again strip searched,
and once again handcuffed behind their back while escorted back to their

Contact visits are not simply a privilege for the inmates.  They are
extremely important for the visitors.  Why should the families lose the
privilege of these visits?  Why punish the children?   It should not be a
privilege for a child to have contact with their father.  That should be a

For informations please contact:

Sissel Egeland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michelle Agans   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jacquelynne Perry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Phone :  770-955-9050.
Cell phone: 678 592 7125

The address to reach the families is :
PO BOX 44 Gonzalez Fla 32560 -0044


APRIL 5, 2000

On behalf of the families and friends of those on death row, we feel that it
is necessary to respond to the comments which are being made by Mr. C. J.
Drake and which have been quoted in various papers.

Firstly, Mr. Drake refers to the visits as supervised meetings where inmates
and visitors are allowed to exchange hugs and kisses.   It is unfortunate
that Mr. Drake has never had the opportunity to observe the Visiting Park on
visiting days. While family members are allowed to exchange one hug and kiss
at the beginning and end of each day, the majority of the day is spent by
the families playing board games, sharing snacks from the vending machines,
reading the bible or Koran,  and exchanging news of the weeks events.

Secondly, Mr. Drake makes the statement that "For death row inmates, what's
the purpose?".
Maybe he can't see "the purpose" for those on death row, but ask the child
who runs into the park all bright eyed and bubbling over with news to share
with her father what the purpose is in having her daddy pick her up and give
her a big hug.  Ask the mother who drives 6 hours every weekend what the
purpose is in sitting with her daughter and sharing news of  siblings while
they drink a soda together.  Ask the hard working wife what the purpose is
of leaning her tired head on her husbands shoulder even for a few moments
once a week. Ask the family who comes from overseas once a year what the
purpose is in sharing news of home while they walk around the park. Ask the
85 year old grandmother who needs 10 minutes to make the long walk to the
park what the purpose is in sitting next to her grandchild and sharing a bag
of popcorn.  Families need contact, Mr. Drake.

Thirdly, Mr. Drake states that "the no-contact plan, (is) part of proposed
changes".   What "proposed" changes Mr. Drake?  When will we have the public
hearing to discuss the "proposed" rules that we have already been told will
become effective?  When will we have a chance to express our feelings about
the changes that have already happened?

We know that those on death row lose their rights, and that for them visits
may  be a "privilege", but we had no idea that we would lose our rights as
well.  Does democracy die for all of us when a loved one is sentenced to
death, Mr. Drake?

For informations please contact:

Sissel Egeland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michelle Agans   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jacquelynne Perry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Phone :  770-955-9050.
Cell phone: 678 592 7125

The address to reach the families is :
PO BOX 44 Gonzalez Fla 32560 -0044



APRIL 4, 2000

Death Row inmates at Union Correctional Institution (UCI) in Raiford,
Florida began a hunger-strike on April 3, 2000.   The strike is peaceful and
is not directed at the Correctional Officers working within the Institution.
A decision was made by all the strikers that inmates with medical problem
should not participate, although a number of those individuals had expressed
a desire to do so.

The decision to strike follows months of arbitrary negative changes in the
living conditions for these inmates. Art supplies have been banned, radios
must be surrendered, pens and pencils have been confiscated and substituted
with  3"  flexible "security" pens, and most importantly contact visits with
families have been stopped.

Stopping contact visits poses a particular harm to the families of the
inmates, especially to their children.  Under current rules, the DOC can
impose non-contact visits on individual inmates with disciplinary problems.
Since the death row unit at UCI opened in 1992, however, the non-contact
provision has rarely, if ever, been used.

Although Florida law requires the DOC to go through formal rule-making to
implement changes, that process has been ignored.  Despite having received
over 1,000 letters in opposition,  DOC Secretary Michael Moore has already
sent letters to some visitors and lawmakers stating that future visits will
be non-contact. This is a flagrant violation of due process of law.  A
hearing which had been scheduled for March 7 and which would have allowed
the families of inmates to express their concerns for the (supposedly)
proposed changes was cancelled by the DOC.

Michael Moore has stated in correspondence that  "the department is simply
taking a proactive approach to preclude any security breach.  (The DOC's)
primary concern as a department must be the safety of the public as well as
offenders and staff."   However art supplies have never been a security
problem,  nor have any of the other items which have been confiscated by the
department.  In addition,  local administrators and correctional officers
say privately that they oppose these changes.  They have expressed fear for
their jobs if they speak out, and fear for their safety if they do not.
They know that contact visits are extremely important to the inmates and are
therefore a very effective management tool.  They also know that Death Row
inmates are not the problem inmates in the system.

Prior to coming to Florida, Michael Moore made similar changes in  both
Texas and South Carolina.  Texas officials have been quoted as saying that
"putting limits on inmate visits hasn't done much to alleviate problems"
with the latest incident being one in which an inmate spat out a handcuff
key just before his execution.

Families have been devastated by the decision to eliminate contact visits.
A pamphlet which the DOC began distributing late last year stated that Bush,
Moore and the DOC wanted to "create a family oriented visiting environment
for children, spouses and friends, provide nutritious food for visitors,
.... and offer activities for children."  In stark contrast to their
propertied intentions, they have instead made a decision to eliminate
contact visits entirely;  place the children, spouses and friends behind
glass; and separate families forever.

For informations please contact:

Sissel Egeland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michelle Agans   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The address to reach the families is :
PO BOX 44 Gonzalez Fla 32560 -0044

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