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....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, July 02, 1999 9:10 PM
Subject: [SonsofLiberty] Fwd: URGENT! July 4th Massacre Threat


Subj:    URGENT! July 4th Massacre Threat
Date:   7/2/99 10:36:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John DiNardo)

This is an urgent alert. It could turn out to be nothing, or it could result
in another Columbine-like mass shooting, planned to take place in less than
two days. I urge you to judge the dangers for yourself, and then act to
widely disseminate this report.

We now find that the Denver Post, in addition to the Sydney (Australia)
Morning Herald, has reported the threat of a massacre on this coming Fourth
of July, only hours from now, in Baltimore, Maryland.

Reading from http://www.denverpost.com/news/shot0420bb.htm   :
                   THE DENVER POST

          ~~~~ Massacre At Columbine High ~~~~
   ~~~~ Killers Quickly Gain Internet Cult Access ~~~~

   By Susan Greene
   Denver Post Staff Writer
   April 20 --

   "In the same online discussion Tuesday night, Internet users referred
    to another 'sacrifice,' supposedly scheduled for July 4 in Baltimore.

    'DEATH AWAITS!' wrote user TCMJEFF ... 'stage is set.'"

I wonder what he means by ... "stage is set" ?  Are there any Fourth of July
outdoor stage concerts scheduled for the Baltimore area?  Any such concerts
would probably climax with a fireworks show.

If another mass shooting is planned for political purposes by people in the
upper echelons of the intelligence/terrorist establishment, then they might
conceivably choose the Fourth of July as the day, and choose a crowded
fireworks show as the scene of their rampage. Since the article in the
Post, as well as the article from the Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald,
cited below, has revealed the threat of another massacre in Baltimore on the
Fourth of July, it doesn’t take much imagination to fill in the remaining
blank and surmise that their planned scene might well be a crowded fireworks
show, where darkness would veil the view of the assassins, and where the
booming and crackling of the aerial explosions would drown out the sound of
gunshots, especially if silencers are used.

The Waco massacre and the Oklahoma City bombing occurred on a day of pride
for those who cherish their freedom; it was April 19th, the day when
Americans fired "the shots heard around the world," at Lexington and

Waco and Oklahoma City were designed to demoralize, discredit, and demonize
those who would stand up to the tyrannical New World Order, and make
freedom-loving patriots appear to be wanton butchers.  The Columbine gunmen
struck on Hitler’s birthday so that gun owners would appear to be of the
ilk as the gunmen; that is, neo-nazis. So you see, there is a clear pattern
here of calculated MASS psychology—brainwashing—wherein they associate
calendar dates with these ghastly atrocities in order to terrorize the
American People to the point where they will approve of the disarmament of
all Americans.

If they can pull off a massacre on the Fourth of July during a fireworks
show, they will succeed in driving the public much closer to the brink of
total civilian disarmament.  However, if you and I publicize this threat
has scarcely been reported, then maybe the light of public awareness will
cause them to abandon their plan.

John DiNardo

* John Quinn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Massacre Threatened July 4th in BALTIMORE!

(The following article and related information were brought to our attention
Bob Dobarganes: http://www.smh.com.au/news/9904/26/world/world8.html
Monday, April 26, 1999


Internet threat: death on the Fourth of July

... police uncovered information on the Internet that the so-called
Trenchcoat Mafia (TCM) planned to strike again.

Police have discovered that several warnings and clues were posted on the
Internet and at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, that a
was imminent.

An anonymous Internet user claimed last week that another "sacrifice" was
planned in Baltimore, Maryland, for July 4. "Death awaits ... The stage is
set," wrote TCMJEF - believed to be "Trenchcoat Mafia Jefferson [County]".
Bob Dobarganes wrote:

"Have you heard about this before? I haven’t seen any articles from news
sources (including AP) on Internet about this. Goes along with what you were
saying about complicity of FBI with Trench Coaters and Brooks Brown. Doubt
FBI will take threat seriously and more terrible carnage and suffering will
occur thanks to our government.

"I ran across this by accident while searching through messages on a website
about the Columbine and TCM, and found, low and behold, that NONE OF THE
MESSAGES COULD BE ACCESSED. Several were titled "Trench Coat
Mafia in Baltimore" and dated in first week of May! So then I did a search
under that on Internet and found the above article. Is not the American
citizen supposed to be privy to such information?"

Bob Dobarganes, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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