-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

PARENTS:  Please ask yourselves:  Why let ANY deliveries proceed with the
 birth canal "massively" closed?

 ("Massive" is the word used by the MDs who conducted the obviously bogus
 cover-up research.  See http://home1.gte.net/gastaldo/part2ftc.html )

 I think the grisly practice continues because MDs are frightened.

 They are frightened that new malpractice suits and criminal charges could

 AND they are frightened that OLD malpractice lawsuits could be reopened.

 This is why I openly call for pardons in advance for MDs - even after one
 "quackbuster" (Fox; see below), called me a "f**king idiot" for calling for
 such pardons...

 One Harvard MD (Rind) tried an ad hominem attack (called me "loony") then
 admitted he didn't know enough about obstetrics to argue with me about the
 bizarre fetal skull squashing/shoulder trapping biomechanics.

 Ultimately, this Harvard MD tried to redefine ad hominem to account for his
 failure to act to help mothers and babies...

 See "MDs frightened/Harvard MD Rind’s intellectual dishonesty"...

 When New Zealand's Kerry Thornbury [MD] wrote:

 "we want evidence that 'skull squashing' occurs at all, except maybe in
 women with abnormal pelvic size or shape.<<<<

 I replied:

 "I want evidence that 'skull squashing' *ISN'T* occurring - as MDs lie
 simple biomechanics and indirectly claim that fetal skull squashing not
 occurs routinely but also KILLS..."  See "Unexplained actual dents in fetal
 skulls/Dr. Kerry Thornbury is resistant"...


 Send this post - by e-mail or by surface mail - to university teaching
 hospitals.  Please copy me in your e-mail and in your surface mail when you
 do.  Ask them to send their criticisms to me.

 DEMAND that  MD-obstetricians either stop teaching medical students that it
 is normal to jam the sacral tip up to 4 cm into the pelvic outlet at
 delivery - or refute my evidence that this is exactly what is occuring.

 I am focusing (via "Quackbuster" Fox) on George Rupp, PhD.

 Dr. Rupp is president of Columbia University and may still chair the
 Association of American Universities (AAU).

 AAU could IMMEDIATELY stop fetal skull squashing in most top
 university-affiliated teaching hospitals nationwide.

 Smaller teaching hospitals would follow suit - as would community

 PARENTS:  Do you know a Columbia University student or a Columbia

 In addition to preventing maternal, fetal and infant suffering (and
death) -
 there are millions and billions of dollars per year to be saved - almost
 instantly - just by stopping fetal skull squashing and American medicine's
 senseless most frequent surgeries - both genital mutilations - one of which
 is related to fetal skull squashing ...

 Ending fetal skull squashing is my priority though...


 “Columbia U. Senate/RUPP: Emergency! Will you help the tiniest Americans
 their mothers?”

 Publicly ask (in newsgroups) that Columbia University Prof. (and usenet
 "Quackbuster") Aaron Fox, PhD publicly ask CU Senate managing secretary Tom
 Mathewson to circulate “Columbia U. Senate/RUPP: Emergency!" (URL above) to
 all CU Senators. (Mr. Mathewson has said that he will circulate the e-mail
 if asked to do so by a CU faculty or student - or perhaps even an alumnus.
 Does anyone know a CU faculty member or student - or alum?)

 Publicly ask (in the newsgroups) that "Quackbuster" Fox publicly ask CU
 Pres. Rupp to 1) circulate the e-mail to all AAU-affiliated teaching
 hospitals; and 2) recommend that MDs be pardoned in advance so as to hasten
 an end to the MD-inflicted mass human suffering. Do NOT contact Fox
 privately - unless he has requested that you do so...  ASK OTHERS TO DO THE
 SAME.  REMEMBER:  CU Bylaws cover ANY behavior by ANY instructor - which
 includes CU's MD employees - and the
 CU Senate web page says the CU Senate is open to input from "outsiders."

 For the CU Senate web page address, see,

 “Columbia U. Senate/RUPP: Emergency! Will you help the tiniest Americans
 their mothers?”

 OPEN  SECRET:  "Quackbusters" are ignoring **MD** quackery - the **most
 frequent** and **most grisly** quackery.  This is NOT to say that DCs
 practicing fraudulently.  They are; and hopefully California Assemblyman
 GALLEGOS - a DC - is doing something about BOTH professions gross frauds.
 sent the post cited below on Jan. 7, 2000.  No response yet.  Hopefully
 Assemblyman Dr. GALLEGOS will take action to PREVENT more subluxations than
 DCs will ever be able to adjust by hand.  Related issue:  Dr. GALLEGOS
 help me delay the warehousing of our elderly in nursing homes - just by
 using his political influence to let children maintain a fundamental human
 rest posture into adulthood... America could eventually save billions of
 dollars per MONTH...

 See...  "DEIBELE/GALLEGOS: Fox's Teleport-aided fraud - please help me stop
 it so the infant screams can end - finally...

 "Quackbuster" Fox says that my evidence of obvious MD-lies and obvious
 MD-inflicted mass human suffering is just my "opinion."

 I've asked "Quackbuster" Fox to answer some simple questions; he responded
 by calling me "psychotic," "truly evil"...

 "Quackbuster" Fox has not only refused to answer simple questions, he has
 deleted from the Deja.com archive nearly all of the usenet posts I've used
 to document that he is a fraudulent "quackbuster."

 "Quackbuster" Fox is now orchestrating a campaign to cause Deja.com to
 delete *MY* posts from the Deja.com archive.

 >>>>[Gastaldo's] post[s] qualify for removal from the deja.com archive; I
 discussing the matter with deja now.<<<<
 Fox quoted by Karuna

 >>>>[Most people - TDG]...may quote...[up to]...four lines of contiguous
 text from any post of mine, past, present, or future, without paying me a
 royalty of $25 per line of ASCII text...<<<<

 >>>>[But Gastaldo - TDG]...is herewith explicitly forbidden to quote from
 posts, current, past, or future, for any purposes whatsoever...[Any use by
 Gastaldo]...of quotations taken from [my] previous posts...will be
 considered direct violations of copyright...[and Gastaldo will be
 of severe legal penalties...<<<<

 Fox also writes:

 >>>>...The beauty of it is...I can now go to ISPs [that serve Gastaldo] and
 to Deja and claim that [Gastaldo's] posts have violated my explicit
 copyright protections...[I will]...have a much stronger legal case that
 [Gastaldo has] acted illegally and should be a) censured b) terminated or
 [have his posts] removed from DEja (and other) archives. <<<<
 http://www.deja.com/getdoc.xp?AN=571182657  <----FOX HAS DELETED

 It is good to see Fox indirectly acknowledge that his case needs
 bolstering - I just don't think I've been violating US copyright law.

 My understanding is that people can do WHATEVER THEY WANT with their "four
 (4) contiguous lines of [Fox] text" - as long as they don't defame Fox (or
 anyone else).  (I'm assuming, of course, that four contiguous lines is what
 the law says - and I have no idea how long a line of "ASCII" text is, see

 My further understanding is that, if usenetters comply with the "fair use"
 provisions of US copyright law, they don't NEED "Quackbuster" Fox to
 "indemnify" them or "hold [them] harmless"...  See above.

 WHY would a "quackbuster" censor Gastaldo instead of helping Gastaldo help
 mothers and babies?

 I think Fox is embarrassed that he has inadvertently fallen in with a crowd
 of FRAUDULENT "quackbusters."  I think eventually he will help me.

 Until then, if Fox is not going to "quackbust" to help mothers and babies;
 at the very least he should not say such things as that he deserves an
 "honorary doctorate" in quackbusting.

 I would hazard a guess that ALL "quackbusters" affiliated with head
 "Quackbuster" Stephen Barrett, MD are fraudulent "quackbusters."

 WHY won't "quackbusters" take action to help mothers and babies NOW?!

 LOOK at all the unexplained perinatal morbidity and mortality...

 >>>>>>>>> BEGIN excerpt from "Lawyer childbirth injury
 ads/Fox's cojones"...

 ATTENTION "Quackbuster" Fox:

 What causes an estimated 4.6% of "healthy" term babies to suffer
 brain bleeds?

 What causes an estimated up to 10% to suffer unexplained neonatal

 What causes an estimated 1% to suffer unexplained epilepsy?

 What causes an estimated _% suffer unexplained cerebral palsy?

 What causes an estimated _% to suffer unexplained shoulder dystocia?

 What causes an estimated _% to suffer unexplained brachial plexus palsy?

 What causes an estimated  MANY of us to exhibit unexplained low APGARS?

 What causes an estimated _% of unexplained stillbirths? (Australian
 obstetrician Norman Beischer, MD claims that 10 to 15% of stillbirths are
 just fine right before delivery.)

 Prof. Fox continues (trivializing fetal skull squashing):

 >>>>Think with your head.  It helps.  Even if your head has been squashed
 flat in a traumatic fetal skull-squashing childbirth.<<<<

 Yes, Prof. Fox, most of us are fine - or so it seems.  But how many of us
 were born "healthy" with brain bleeds which caused perceptual and motor
 which only became noticeable 4 years later?

 Maybe many of us could have been smarter - more coordinated?

 Read that list above again, Prof. Fox....

 >>>>>>>>> END excerpt from "Lawyer childbirth injury
 ads/Fox's cojones"...


 Law enforcement and medical "science" aren't helping.

 Even "Quackbuster" Dean Edell, MD won't help!  See...

 PTs/Dr. Laura/Edell to ask Atty Gen'l Lockyer to stop the child abuse?

 Parents, please help...

 100% of babies would want you to...

 Please copy me in your e-mails and surface mailings to university teaching



 Todd D. Gastaldo, D.C.
 8948 SW Barbur Blvd
 Box 6
 Portland, OR 97219
 FAX (815) 366-2814
 TEL (503) 640-0456

 Posted to the usenet (sci.med, misc.health.alternative)

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