-Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: MichaelP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 24, 1999 8:54 AM
To: unlikely.suspects :;
Subject: PACIFICA - McChesney piece in "The Nation"



Robert W. McChesney

The summer of 1999 will be remembered by many progressives as the time of
the great KPFA lockout--when Pacifica's management tried to muzzle the
nation's oldest community radio station. The effort was notable for the
arrogance of the leaders of Pacifica's national board and its chairwoman,
Mary Frances Berry. While legally the board may hold all the cards, this
self-perpetuating and unaccountable body is politically and ethically
bankrupt. It offered no coherent rationale for the lockout and
avoided--indeed, sought to quash--open dialogue.

In the face of a popular uprising--10,000 people at a demonstration in
Berkeley in 1999!--Berry ended the lockout. But the situation is far from
secure. What's needed now is a formal commitment that there will be no
sale of KPFA or any of the four other Pacifica-owned stations. Berry and
the rest of the board must also start negotiations to establish a new
governing structure for the foundation--one that represents Pacifica's
diverse stakeholders: the paid and unpaid workers, the listeners and
potential listeners.

But even if a new governing structure is set up, some of the crucial
problems underlying the crisis will remain--for they are rooted in the
tragic history of US public broadcasting. All noncommercial radio (and
television) in the United States, including Pacifica, has grown up in the
shadow of the commercial broadcasters, who grabbed the airwaves back in
1934. Since then, there has been a tacit quid pro quo for getting
broadcast licenses: The noncommercial broadcasters would do no programming
that might compete directly with their ad-driven counterparts. Thus were
the commercial giants entitled to do whatever made them the most money,
while the noncommercial players were left to do programming that would
draw a negligible audience.

Things have been very different in much of the rest of the industrialized
world. In other nations public broadcasting has, at its best, gone
directly for a general audience, rather than serve whatever little niche
has been neglected by the big commercial broadcasters. Such noncommercial
players abroad have thus been free to entertain as many viewers and
listeners as they can, regardless of what their commercial rivals might be
doing. This has meant that systems like the BBC could sometimes generate
real mass enthusiasm for their fare--while also offering news and public
affairs programming superior to anything our networks, public or
commercial, have produced.

Since most of its content is not that popular, the US noncommercial system
garners little public funding, either through federal subsidy or
listener/viewer donations. This helps explain why all the public stations,
as well as the Pacifica-owned stations, have never established a secure
basis as noncommercial and nonprofit institutions. (This failure has also
intensified the pressure to solicit corporate "underwriting" in its
various forms--a move that always threatens to corrupt the content.)

Most public broadcasters, and many at Pacifica, have internalized their
forced move to the margins and now regard it as a virtue. Their job, they
proclaim, is to let the commercial media handle the masses, while they
serve the elite (PBS, NPR) or the left, the disfranchised and/or the
artistic community (Pacifica and community radio) with programming that is
not commercially viable. To try to break out of this box in any way
appears to be "selling out."

Berry has stated that her desire is to expand Pacifica's reach among
people of color. But the opposition to her actions by virtually all of
KPFA's minority programmers and active listeners, as well as the low
minority listenership at Houston's KPFT--a Pacifica station she does not
hassle--reveals how bogus her claim is. As at NPR and PBS, Berry's actual
plan to build Pacifica's audience appears to be marked by the conventional
elitist approach: Rather than deal directly with the public, Pacifica
looks to ratings-obsessed consultants oriented to the commercial system
and inclined to see the world as an array of advertising-defined
demographic blocs. Such audience expansion merely seeks out lucrative
niches not served by the commercial system and looks to please mainstream
foundation officers, potential underwriters and DC politicos. In such a
universe, Pacifica's renowned content--feisty, anticorporate,
antimilitarist--appears to be, at best, an unproductive nuisance.

Thus the fears of KPFA audience and workers--that Berry's plans for
"expanding" its audience must mean contracting Pacifica's distinctive
journalistic offerings--are entirely just. Indeed, by contrast with
Pacifica's other stations, two that are on good terms with the Berry
administration, KPFT and Washington's WPFW, have minimal public affairs
programming, national or local.

In my view, Pacifica can expand its audience without commercializing or
compromising its commitments. It should determine, through debate, which
audiences to speak to, do its programming without regard for commercial
rivals and bring in new programmers from the selected communities. At
times Pacifica has done just that, as have other community stations. For
example, Madison, Wisconsin's wonderful WORT made headway in the eighties
by playing ad-free rock and roll, along with music played on no commercial
stations. This attracted new young listeners, many of whom would stick
around to hear what else the station had to offer.

While the Pacifica struggle is of great importance, we must fight an even
bigger war. The 10,000 people who marched to take back KPFA, and the
hundreds of thousands more who strongly supported them, need also to
organize to reform our media system overall. Why settle for crumbs from
Pacifica's leadership, when the government is quietly doling all the
loaves out to a handful of corporate media giants? Why let Wall Street and
Madison Avenue have unchallenged control over our journalism and culture?
The point is not just to democratize the margins but to battle for the
very heart and soul of our whole nation.

Robert W. McChesney teaches at the University of Illinois. His latest book
is Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times



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