-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 11:47 AM
Subject: Tom McVey Bombed OKC 4 years prior to Tim McVeigh...

COMMUNIQUE  #2282   http://www.truthbeknown.com

"Do regulated thoughts run freely though your head ?"




A book written by OK Governor Frank Keating's Brother, 4 years
BEFORE OKC BOMBING, featured a bomber named TOM MCVEY, pulled
over like McVeigh for a minor equipment violation. Do I hear
masonic orchestrated coreography ?  Lemme hear hell yeah!  FRANK
KEATING used to be head of ATF and was FBI hotshot. Keating's
book also predicted TWA and World Trade Center bombing.  Keating
family career intelligence operatives and agent provacatuers. It
gets even more interesting.  read on...

Subj:   Key OKC Witness Rubbed Out Today
Date:   6/11/01 7:21:29 AM Central Daylight Time

Key OKC Witness Rubbed Out Today

Devvy Kidd

The bombing of the Murrah Building was over six years ago.
Memories fade about things so I thought I'd resurrect one of the
strangest aspects of this bombing you're not going to believe -
but it's true. Try this one on for size:

Governor Frank Keating's brother, Martin Keating, wrote a
manuscript in 1991, roughly four years before the OKC bombing.
Gov. Frank Keating is a former FBI hot shot. His brother, Martin
could not get this work published until after the bombing. This
manuscript, now a published book, is titled The Final Jihad. In
this book, Keating lays out a story of terrorists, based in OKC,
who decide to bomb a federal building. Guess what the name of
the one of the key "terrorists" in the book is? Tom McVey. And
for the kicker of this fictional work: The terrorists in The
Final Jihad are stopped by an Oklahoma highway patrolman for a
broken tail light. Now, let me see: We have a book in manuscript
form written four years before the OKC bombing whose story line
involves terrorists in Oklahoma City. This part of this
fictional work comes true.

We have a main character in the book by the name of Tom McVey.
In real life, the bomber four years later in OKC is named Tim

We have the terrorists in this fictional work stopped by
Oklahoma state troopers for a broken tail light. In real life,
our bomber, Tim McVeigh, is pulled over by an Oklahoma state
trooper because of a missing license plate.

How's that for fiction being stranger than reality? In this
book, remember it's written in 1991, our author also predicts
the TWA downing and the World Trade Center bombing. Was this
just a premonition that Mr. Keating had? Who knows, but this
book sure does sound like a blue print for the bombing.

What is Mr. Martin Keating's background? In his own words:


"Martin Keating is a master storyteller with unique access to
government intelligence agencies and clandestine terrorist
groups. His brother Frank Keating, currently governor of
Oklahoma, is a former FBI agent and assistant secretary of the
Treasury who supervised the Secret Service, U.S. Customs, and
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Keating's uncle,
Barney Martin was a career intelligence officer who headed the
U.S. Navy's worldwide foreign intelligence collection operations
and counterintelligence activities.

Introduced to the intelligence community through generations of
family involvement, Martin Keating knows intimate details of
what the rest of us can only imagine. Armed with firsthand
knowledge of explosives and of chemical and biological weapons,
Keating accurately reveals what the highest government officials
have known, feared, and covered up for much too long."

Martin Keating also bragged after the bombing that he had copies
of the surveillance film from the Southwest Bell building across
the street from the Murrah building. The film from the Regency
Towers survived completely intact. The government claims the
Southwest Bell film didn't - my money says they're lying and
they're lying to protect their assets and their invented story.
There wasn't a scintilla of this strange story in any media
publications except Media Bypass Magazine. You would think the
"mainstream media" would have jumped on this like a June-bug
just because of who the author of the manuscript is: Brother of
the Governor of the State of Oklahoma. Nope. Dead silence.

Has anyone ever put Martin Keating under oath and ask him to
produce these video surveillance films? Nope.

There is talk that Frank Keating - who states emphatically on
the live news coverage the morning of the bombing that more
bombs were found and "have been removed from the building" (a
statement he now denies, but is memorialized on film) - may be
slated to replace Louis Freeh. Oh, good, that makes me feel real
warm and fuzzy.

I just thought I'd bring up this little bit of history that has
such a strange resemblance to what happened in OKC. Today Jon
Dougherty of worldnetdaily.com, wrote a piece titled, To Die or
Not To Die:
Jon pretty much says what the rest of us are saying: There are
so many unanswered questions and McVeigh is evidence. Why is our
good Christian, John Ashcroft trying his darndest to hurry up
with this execution? I have a few more questions:

McVeigh allegedly gave a false name, using fake ID in the name
of "Bob Kling" to rent the Ryder truck, yet he rented a hotel
room where he parked this big beacon the same day using his own
name. How come? We sure have a lot of strange things and
numerous "Tim McVeigh's" running around.

How come we have so many Ryder trucks and how come everyone
likes yellow Ryder trucks so much? I've linked a few things in
my past two posts on this, but here's another one:

This is a photo of Dennis Mahon, grand poo-ba of the Eloim City
crowd. Very bad folks, make no mistake about it. Carol Howe was
apparently involved with this guy. Ms. Howe was an ATF
undercover informant later charged and tried by the government;
she was acquitted. As I said, everyone seems to love yellow
Ryder trucks, from the World Trade Center to OKC to Eloim City.
How come no one ever rents U-Haul or some other brand? How come
they're always from Ryder and always yellow? Ryder rents white
trucks, I've seen them.

On May 8, 1995, Michael Fortier, who has just been given an 18
month pass off his 12.5 year prison term, told CNN "I do not
believe Tim blew up any building in Oklahoma. There's nothing
for me to look back on and say, 'Yeah, that might have been. I
should have seen it back then.' There's nothing like that." Two
weeks later, he claims that he and McVeigh actually visited the
OKC federal building and "cased" the place.

What does Hoppy Heidelberg have to say about this? If you've
read my previous posts or kept up with this bombing through
other sources, you know that Hoppy was the original foreman of
the grand jury that eventually indicted McVeigh and Nichols. You
can read a really good interview with Hoppy at:
http://www.devvy.com/9606.html#grand Hoppy has this to say in
that interview:

"Q: Let's talk about Michael Fortier, McVeigh's friend. At first
when the FBI questioned he said McVeigh would never have
blown-up the federal building and killed all those people. He
said all the FBI had on McVeigh was his arrest for a traffic
violation and a concealed weapons charge. Then a couple of
months later he's saying that he and McVeigh actually went to
OKC and cased the federal building with an eye to bombing it.
What's going on here?

A: No. You're off base on that.

Q: You mean on Fortier's confession? He's confessed to being a
participant in the bombing.

A: That's not it.

Q: I don't understand.

A: Let me put it this way, if I had been Fortier's attorney, he
would have walked. He wouldn't have given a statement and he
would have walked.

Q: That's pretty strong.

A: There's a lot you need to know about Fortier.

Q: In the Media Bypass article, you said he was just a kid and
the FBI put a big scare into him.

A: Tremendous pressure. They brought 24 hour-a-day pressure on
him for several months at great expense. They were on him at his
job in Kingman, AZ., and because of that he was fired. They were
on him at his home at his trailer, too.

Q: That much?

A: Do you see?

Q: Well, I know there was a weapons charge they were threatening
Fortier with, and I believe they also said they'd put his wife
in jail if he didn't cooperate.

A: It has to do with the sheer amount of pressure over that
period of time.

Q: Wearing him down.

A: He had no attorney.

Q: Are you serious?

A: For that whole period. And he wasn't under arrest either.

Q: That's -

A: He was pressured for 24 hours a day and e had no attorney.
He's a kid. He's not smart enough to understand what's going on.

Q: Not smart enough -

A: To realize the FBI had nothing on him. He had no one to
advise him.

Q: The FBI couldn't arrest him?

A: They didn't want to arrest him.

Q: Why not?

A: Because if they did, they'd have to appoint a lawyer for him.
It was months before he was arrested.

Q: I'm digesting this. It's very bizarre.

A: He got conned.

Q: But eventually he did give them what they wanted. He
confessed to being involved in the crime with McVeigh.

A: You're missing it.

Q: Well, if he hasn't made an outright confession -

A: Let me ask you something. What's the fastest way to get from
Kingman, AZ., to Southern Kansas?

Q: I have no idea. If Fortier and McVeigh were traveling from
Kingman to Southern Kansas....

A: They'd go through OKC.

Q: Oh. Fortier just told the FBI they had been in OKC on their
way to Kansas? That's all? He didn't say they were casing the
federal building?

A: You're warmer.

Q: Well, all right. If Fortier never told the FBI they cased the

A: It's somewhere in between.

Q: In between? You mean, it's between they were just passing
through OKC and they were casing the building?

A: You're warmer.

Q: Fortier told the FBI they were in OKC on the way to Kansas
and they went by the federal building, and they looked at it.
Something like that.

A: Something like that.

Q: And there was never a real admission about planning to blow
up the building.

A: You need to read Fortier's confession. It was printed in the
Daily Oklahoman. Q: Fortier, the prosecution's big witness,
never confessed. Is that what you're saying? Not even close?

A: Not even close.

Q: But the prosecution didn't need him to gain an indictment
against McVeigh.

A: They want Fortier as a witness in the actual trial. Big time.
But if his statement is so far south of being a confession, then
they can't really use him at the trial.

Q: No they can use him. What he has to say won't make an
impression on some jurors, but it could tip the scales for other
more gullible jurors. The FBI spent all this time pressuring the
hell out of Fortier.

A: That's very important because you see, obviously that was the
best they could do. They stayed with him so long because they
had nothing better. Fortier's involvement in the bombing was so
minimal it was a waste of time. If I was the FBI man in charge,
I would have made one run at Fortier and then forgotten all
about him.

Q: So in other words, he never confessed to casing the building
with McVeigh.

A: The media has completely exaggerated it. Fortier and McVeigh
were driving through OKC on the way to Kansas and they passed by
the federal building. Something like that.

Q: And the media stretched that.

A: Something like that.

Q: And the FBI spent so much time pressuring Fortier to link
McVeigh to the bombing because they had nothing better.

A: They had nothing better.

Q: But you feel McVeigh is linked to the bombing.

A: Yes, I do. But the FBI relied on a man, Fortier, who really
couldn't provide anything important to them. You need to
remember that. That's important. There's more to this." *End*

Why did Terry Nichols turn himself in to police and give
detailed statements to the FBI without an attorney present? He
sees his name out on the television set and goes in to set the
record straight. If you were responsible for this heinous crime,
would you hang around your farm house and then go turn yourself
in for questioning? I guess if you're really dumb.

You won't believe it, but I've run out of questions for now. It
sure would be nice to get some answers. Stay tuned. I'm sure
things are likely to get even more twisted as the beltway boys
sweat big time in the weeks to come.

I do like to plug Media Bypass Magazine because they truly are
the "uncensored national news." I just got the June issue and
it's fantastic. The cover is a great shot of smiling Mayor
Willie Brown (SF) and Richard Trainor's story of absolute
corruption involving not only Da' Mayor, but Senator Diane
Feinstein, her hubby, California State Senator John Burton and a
bunch more. There is also a fabulous article on the commissar of
the IRS, Charles Rossotti, and how corrupt this "dude" is,
kissed and sanction by Clinton and apparently this Republican
Congress and our current President. I do encourage you to call
and get this issue: 1-800-4-bypass. You won't be disappointed!

Stern Gang History http://codoh.com/zionweb/zizad/zizad26.html


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