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-----Original Message-----
From:   Chris W.Stark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, November 25, 1999 2:08 AM
Subject:        UN Global Gun Grab

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Chris W. Stark - Director
P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. (281) 787-4111  Fax (281) 328-7505


UN Global Gun Grab
Copyright (c) 1999 by The New American.
Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.

For additional information, go to http://www.goa-texas.org/U_nation.htm
Vol. 15, No. 24
November 22, 1999

Global Gun Grab
by Thomas R. Eddlem

It's open season on the right to keep and bear arms as UN globocrats gear up
for international gun controls.
The United Nations is very troubled that the United States has retained its
Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees that "the right
of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Radical new UN
proposals treat free people with the means to effect their own self defense
as a vital threat to the United Nations and its quest for what it calls the
"peace-building process."
More troubling still is the fact that for the first time this radical UN
agenda represents a clear and present danger to our right to keep and bear
arms. This is in part because the Clinton State Department is collaborating
with the UN and its proposals. But another, perhaps more dangerous, prong of
the UN attack on the right to keep and bear arms comes from an insidious
quasi-private institution heavily funded by socialist Northern European
governments. This little-known, UN-backed organization charges itself with
developing "message strategies" and "campaigning and advocacy strategies" to
obtain a UN-managed global ban on the private ownership of firearms.

Anti-Gun Agenda
The United Nations "Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small
Arms" issued on August 19th bitterly complains that "there are wide
differences among States [nations] as regards which types of arms are
permitted for civilian possession, and as regards the circumstances under
which they can legitimately be owned, carried and used. Such wide variation
in national laws raise difficulties for effective regional or international
coordination." That the UN "experts" are complaining mainly about the United
States is made clear from the concluding recommendations in the report.
Among the "coordination" proposals adopted by the panel, enthusiastically
seconded by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in his foreword to the report -
are the following:
* "All States should ensure that they have in place adequate laws,
regulations and administrative procedures to exercise effective control over
the legal possession of small arms and light weapons and over their
* "States are encouraged to integrate measures to control ammunition...."
* "States should work toward ... the prohibition of unrestricted trade and
private ownership of small arms and light weapons...."

The UN report defines small arms to include just about every category of
firearms that exists: "The category of small arms includes revolvers and
self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles
and light machine guns." The United Nations call for banning even hunting
rifles and antique revolvers from civilian possession demonstrates the
radical and groundbreaking nature of the report.
Though the current United Nations attack on the Second Amendment fails to
take aim at civilian possession of shotguns, shotgun owners should find no
security in the current UN focus. The UN report in no way limits global
firearms restrictions to "military"-related firearms such as "revolvers" and
"rifles." The UN "experts" explain that the United Nations must deal with
firearms on social as well as military criteria: "Virtually every part of
the United Nations system is dealing in one way or another with the
consequences of the armed conflicts, insecurity, violence, crime, social
disruption, displaced peoples and human suffering that are directly or
indirectly associated with the wide availability and the use of these
To implement their gun control measures, UN officials plan to ignore the
reservation of national sovereignty guaranteed in the UN Charter the same
way that the U.S. Congress often ignores the 10th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution. The UN Charter bans UN intervention in "matters which are
essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state," but the UN is no
longer concerned with legal niceties. Annan explained in his September 22nd
address before the UN General Assembly that "state sovereignty, in its most
basic sense, is being redefined.... A new, broader definition of national
interest is needed in the new century [where] the collective interest is the
national  interest." In Annan's view, the "collective interest" mandates
that Americans and other peoples of the world should not own firearms and
that the UN should be the key organ charged with collecting them. Annan
emphasized in a September 24th speech that "controlling the easy
availability of small arms is a prerequisite for a successful peace-building
process," which is why the "United Nations has played a leading role in
putting the issue of small arms firmly on the international agenda."
UN control over a global movement to ban private firearms ownership has
already begun. According to a September 23rd UN press release, the United
Nations convened a two-day workshop to set up a test arms register and
"database" maintained by the UN for the entire continent of Africa. There
have already been calls to make this regional database binding on all
Clinton Administration Assent
More troubling than the fact that a corrupt United Nations is seeking to
attack the U.S. Bill of Rights and confiscate firearms legally owned by
American citizens is the fact that the Clinton administration has been
actively conspiring with the United Nations to accomplish this subversive
goal. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan emphasizes in his foreword to the
"Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms" that it was
"prepared, and adopted by consensus" and was the product of "unanimity"
among the "expert" members of the group. Based upon Annan's statement, we
can presume that none of the "experts" object to such a naked attack on the
right to bear arms. Yet among the "experts" who drafted the report was U.S.
State Department Senior Foreign Affairs Specialist Herbert L.  Calhoun.
State Department assistance to the UN global gun grab agenda dates back to
at least 1994, when the Washington Times reported in its May 24th edition
that "the Clinton administration has agreed to participate in a discussion
of ways for the United Nations to control the manufacture of guns and their
sales to civilians.... The UN working paper declares that governments
individually are 'impotent' to deal with global arms trafficking and
proposes 'harmonization' of gun control standards around the world to make
trafficking easier to spot and prevent." The Times report noted that "any
'harmonization' would inevitably mean tightening controls on the loosely
regulated U.S. gun business."
State Department officials have expressed general sympathies with the
current UN proposals without mentioning the specific attack on citizen
firearms ownership. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told the
first-ever UN Security Council Small Arms Ministerial on September 24th that
"the United States strongly supports these steps," that we "welcome the
important precedent which the UN has set," and that the U.S. would work to
"commit to finishing negotiations on a firearms protocol to the UN
Transnational Organized Crime Convention by the end of 2000."
"The United Nations' call for gun control is an affront to our way of life
and our constitutional government," Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) told The
New American. "Mixing gun control with internationalism is certain to result
in an assault on American rights and liberties." Representative Roscoe
Bartlett (R-MD) pointed out to The New American that the UN's escalating gun
confiscation campaign "fits the pattern of a UN that's become a refuge and a
foundation for promoting socialism and undermining national sovereignty and
individual freedom." The eager involvement of the Clinton/Albright State
Department in that campaign illustrates anew the administration's contempt
for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our national independence.
NGO Advocacy
Conspiring officials within the Clinton administration do not constitute the
only prong of the UN assault on the right to keep and bear arms.  The UN has
established within its Department for Disarmament Affairs a department of
Coordinating Action on Small Arms (CASA). According to an August 14th UN
press release, CASA would be charged with coordinating all UN small arms
control efforts, including a responsibility "to encourage civil society
involvement in building societal resistance to violence." The reference to
"civil society" suggests that the UN is trying to mobilize private sector
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and citizen pressure on behalf of its
The attempt to generate pressure from below as well as from above has
already obtained results. In November 1998 the UNESCO Courier suggested that
"the political tides may be changing. An international campaign is now
underway with non-governmental organizations of all stripes and
colours -disarmament and gun control groups along with development and human
rights associations in the North and South - building common ground with the
active support of governments like Mali, Canada, Norway and Japan."
This year the international campaign sought by the UNESCO Courier acquired
an organizational face, although there is very little "non-governmental"
about it.  Annan specifically cited this new organization, as well as the
UN-generated "momentum" justifying this impending power grab, in his
September 24th address on small arms: "The momentum for combating small arms
proliferation has also come from civil society, which has been increasingly
active on this issue.  The establishment early this year of the
International Action Network on Small Arms [IANSA] has helped to sharpen
public focus on small arms, which has helped us gain the public support
necessary for success." IANSA is intended to "provide a transnational
framework" for the mobilization of a broad citizen movement in favor of gun
control, according to the organizational goals posted on its website. The
services IANSA intends to provide the UN-led global gun control movement
include "campaigning and advocacy strategies," "developing culturally
appropriate 'message' strategies," "information sharing" among NGOs, and
"constituency building."
Funding for this incipient propaganda campaign comes from the public trough
of the taxpayers of the European socialist nations. IANSA notes on its
website that its eight most significant financial donors include five
government agencies: The Belgian Ministry for Development Cooperation; the
Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign
Affairs; the United Kingdom Department for International Development; and
the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (The remaining three are small,
pacifist, U.S.-based tax-exempt foundations.)
Clinton's "Buy-back" Initiative
On September 9th, Bill Clinton unveiled a proposal that represents yet
another prong of the UN-directed global gun grab: A $15 million federal gun
"buy-back" initiative to be implemented by the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD). Through subsidies from HUD, local police
departments will be awarded up to $500,000 to collect and destroy an
estimated 300,000 firearms. The UN Centre for Disarmament Affairs (UNCDA)
refers to such "buy-backs" as a "practical method of micro-disarmament,"
which has been field-tested by municipal governments in the U.S. - and by UN
"peacekeeping" forces in Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and other countries.
A 1995 UNCDA paper by Dr. Edward J. Laurance, a consultant to the UN
Register of Conventional Arms since 1992, notes that the UNCDA has studied
both "buy-back programs as practiced in many American cities" and those
"conducted by the U.S. Army in Haiti" - the latter being part of a
"peacekeeping" mission carried out on orders from the UN Security Council.
According to Dr. Laurance, government "buy-backs" of small arms "must be
conducted in parallel with other efforts," such as "seizure programs." He
also points out that "buy-backs" have a propaganda benefit, in that they
focus "attention on the link between weapons availability and
crime" -thereby preparing the public for more aggressive civilian
disarmament measures. To illustrate a UN-supervised civilian
"micro-disarmament" program that worked, he refers to El Salvador's "new
laws outlawing possession of military weapons and requiring all citizens to
register hand guns and personal weapons. A new police force was created
[and] trained under UN supervision ... [which] received specialized training
in searching for, confiscating and destroying ... military-style
Sami Faltas of the Bonn International Centre for Conversion, an
international "think tank" that has advised UN officials on civilian
disarmament programs around the world (and for which Dr. Laurance serves as
a consultant), has laid out the program with stunning candor:
A subtle mix of rewards and penalties is needed for a weapons [confiscation]
program to succeed. Ultimately, the ownership of arms should not be left to
the personal choice of individuals. The state needs to preserve its monopoly
of the legitimate use of force. So sanctions against the illegal possession
and use of arms are necessary and should be imposed. However, during a
weapons collection program, an amnesty is needed, and the emphasis should be
on voluntary compliance and positive incentives.
The equation is quite easy to understand: Gun "buy-backs" prepare the public
for uniform gun registration, which leads to universal gun confiscation and
a state monopoly on lethal force. This was the process that led to mass
murder of subject populations in Soviet Russia, National Socialist Germany,
Communist China, and other despotisms. With the covert aid of the Clinton
administration, the UN is now implementing this process on a global basis.

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