The Bulletin's Frontrunner 

December 18, 1998, Friday 

Clinton Impeachment Update. 


Additional Information May Be Driving Some Republicans Toward Impeachment. 

The White House Bulletin (12/17) reported, "Washington has been surprised
over the past week by the fact that Republican members originally opposed to
impeachment, and those who were undecided, primarily GOP moderates, have
decided to come down on the side of impeachment. Some attributed the break
against the President to behind-the-scenes, subtle arm-twisting by House
Majority Whip Tom DeLay, but a number of members have insisted that they
have not come under pressure from anyone in the House GOP leadership.
According to Republican sources, however, conversations between Republican
members and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde and his top
assistant, David Schippers, is a force helping drive some of these
Republicans toward supporting impeachment. Early in his summation of the
case for impeachment, Schippers talked about other evidence of wrongdoing by
the President that had not been fully developed and therefore would not be
part of the committee's formal deliberation. The word from Capitol Hill is
that Hyde has been meeting with members who have inquired about this
material. Specifically, some members are said to have spent a fair amount of
behind-the-scenes time examining evidence regarding Jane Doe #5, one of the
women whom the Paula Jones attorneys sought to include in their case against
the President. ------------>>In March of this year, the story of Jane Doe #5 -- who
apparently both claimed and then retracted a charge that Bill Clinton had
raped her -- broke into the press. The White House issued heated denials, no
legal action was ever taken against the President by Jane Doe #5, and the
story faded away. <<-------------
Nonetheless, the committee is reportedly in possession of
information regarding that case, and that information has been made
available to some members. That information, along with additional
information garnered by Schippers, is said to be helping persuade wavering
members to support impeachment. Indeed, one House GOP source said this
morning that any decision by Reps. John Porter and Mark Souder to support
impeachment in the face of their earlier public statements against it would
come because of that information. According to the source, 'If those two
(vote for impeachment), that's why.' A House Judiciary Committee source
commented this morning, 'I can confirm the Chairman has made himself
available to any members...who had questions regarding the facts, the
evidence.' The source downplayed the idea that any new evidence would become
part of the House's public impeachment debate, however, saying secret
evidence still under 'executive session status' is available to members
only, 'but it is not going to be raised on the House floor. Nothing is going
to be brought out on the House floor that you haven't already heard in

Anyone have addt'l info on this possible Jane Doe #5??

"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

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