-Caveat Lector-

Here's a couple of recent releases from the US about bioterrorism and
anthrax.  read on if you are interested in this kind of medicalised detail.

Is it too much to point out that the US military is one of the few
organisations in the world with access to the kind of technology required
for successfully making a bioterrorism device such as a mailable package
capable of reliably delivering a fatal anthrax inoculation?



October 19, 2001 / 50(41);889-893

Update: Investigation of Anthrax Associated with Intentional Exposure and
Interim Public Health Guidelines, October 2001

On October 4, 2001, CDC and state and local public health authorities
reported a case of inhalational anthrax in Florida (1). Additional cases of
anthrax subsequently have been reported from Florida and New York City.
This report updates the findings of these case investigations, which
indicate that infections were caused by the intentional release of Bacillus
anthracis. This report also includes interim guidelines for postexposure
prophylaxis for prevention of inhalational anthrax and other information to
assist epidemiologists, clinicians, and laboratorians responding to
intentional anthrax exposures.

For these investigations, a confirmed case of anthrax was defined as 1) a
clinically compatible case of cutaneous, inhalational, or gastrointestinal
illness* that is laboratory confirmed by isolation of B. anthracis from an
affected tissue or site or 2) other laboratory evidence of B. anthracis
infection based on at least two supportive laboratory tests. A suspected
case was defined as 1) a clinically compatible case of illness without
isolation of B. anthracis and no alternative diagnosis, but with laboratory
evidence of B. anthracis by one supportive laboratory test or 2) a
clinically compatible case of anthrax epidemiologically linked to a
confirmed environmental exposure, but without corroborative laboratory
evidence of B. anthracis infection.

Laboratory criteria for diagnosis of anthrax consist of 1) isolation and
confirmation of B. anthracis from a clinical specimen collected from an
affected tissue or site or 2) other supportive laboratory tests, including
(a) evidence of B. anthracis DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from
specimens collected from an affected tissue or site, (b) demonstration of
B. anthracis in a clinical specimen by immunohistochemical staining, or (c)
other laboratory tests (e.g., serology) that may become validated by
laboratory confirmation.


On October 2, the Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD) and the
Florida Department of Health (FDOH) were notified of a possible anthrax
case in Palm Beach County. The suspected case was identified when a gram
stain of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed a gram-positive bacilli. An
epidemiologic investigation was initiated by FDOH, PBCHD, and the FDOH
state laboratory. The state laboratory and CDC confirmed B. anthracis from
a culture of CSF on October 4. Later the same day, FDOH and CDC
epidemiologists and laboratory workers arrived in Palm Beach County to
assist PBCHD with the investigation. As of October 16, two confirmed cases
of inhalational anthrax have been identified.

The index patient was a 63-year-old male resident of Palm Beach County who
sought medical care at a local hospital on October 2 with fever and altered
mental status. Despite antibiotic therapy, his clinical condition
deteriorated rapidly, and he died on October 5. An autopsy performed on
October 6 confirmed the cause of death as inhalational anthrax. An
investigation revealed no obvious exposures to B. anthracis.

On October 1, the second patient, a 73-year-old co-worker of the index
patient, was admitted to a local hospital for pneumonia. On October 5, a
nasal swab was obtained from the patient that yielded a positive culture
for B. anthracis. Subsequent testing revealed positive PCR tests for B.
anthracis in hemorrhagic pleural fluid and reactive serologic tests. The
patient remains hospitalized on antibiotic therapy. Enhanced case finding
and retrospective and prospective surveillance systems were initiated in
Palm Beach, and surrounding counties. Environmental assessments and
sampling were performed at the index patient's home, work site, and travel
destinations for the 60 days preceding symptom onset. Environmental
sampling revealed B. anthracis contamination of the work site, specifically
implicating mail or package delivery. Environmental samples of other
locations the patient visited, including extensive sampling of his home,
were negative.

Questionnaires were administered to employees at the index patient's work
site. Postexposure prophylaxis was administered, and nasal swabs were
obtained from those with exposure to the work site for >1 hour since August
1. Of 1,075 nasal swabs performed, one was positive for B. anthracis.
Environmental and co-worker testing indicated contamination of specific
locations at the work site. The investigation and environmental sampling
are ongoing.

New York

On October 9, the New York City Department of Health notified CDC of a
person with a skin lesion consistent with cutaneous anthrax. CDC sent a
team to New York City to provide epidemiologic and laboratory support to
local health officials. As of October 16, two persons with confirmed cases
of cutaneous anthrax have been identified. One person with confirmed
anthrax was a 38-year-old woman who had handled a suspicious letter
postmarked September 18 at her workplace. The letter contained a powder
that subsequently was confirmed to contain B. anthracis. On September 25,
the patient had a raised lesion on the chest, which over the next 3 days
developed surrounding erythema and edema. By September 29, the patient
developed malaise and headache. On October 1, a clinician examined the
patient and described an approximately 5 cm long oval-shaped lesion with a
raised border, small satellite vesicles, and profound edema. The lesion was
nonpainful and was associated with left cervical lymphadenopathy. Serous
fluid from the lesion was obtained and was negative by gram stain and
culture. The patient was prescribed oral ciprofloxacin. Over the next
several days, the lesion developed a black eschar, and a biopsy was
obtained and sent to CDC for testing. The tissue was positive by
immunohistochemical staining for the cell wall antigen of B. anthracis.

The other person with confirmed cutaneous anthrax was a 7-month-old infant
who visited his mother's workplace on September 28. The next day, the
infant had an apparently nontender, massively edematous, weeping skin
lesion on his left arm; he was treated with intravenous antibiotics. Over
the next several days, the lesion became ulcerative and developed a black
eschar; clinicians presumptively attributed the lesion to a spider bite.
The infant's clinical course was complicated by hemolytic anemia and
thrombocytopenia, requiring intensive care. The diagnosis of cutaneous
anthrax was first considered on October 12 after the announcement of the
other confirmed anthrax case in New York City. A serum specimen collected
on October 2 was positive for B. anthracis by PCR testing at CDC; a skin
biopsy obtained on October 13 was positive by immunohistochemical staining
at CDC for the cell wall antigen of B. anthracis. No suspicious letter with
powder was identified at the mother's workplace. Both patients were treated
with ciprofloxacin and are clinically improving.

B. anthracis grew from swabs (two nasal and one facial skin swab) from
three other persons, suggesting exposure to anthrax. One of the exposures
was in a law enforcement officer who brought the letter containing B.
anthracis from the index patient's workplace to the receiving laboratory.
The other two exposures were in technicians who had processed the letter in
the laboratory. Environmental sampling in both workplaces is ongoing and
investigations of other exposed persons continue.

Reported by: L Bush, MD, Atlantis; J Malecki, MD, Palm Beach County Health
Dept, Palm Beach; S Wiersma, MD, State Epidemiologist, Florida Dept of
Health. K Cahill, MD, R Fried, MD; M Grossman, MD, Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center; W Borkowsky, MD, New York Univ Medical Center, New York,
New York; New York City Dept of Health. National Center for Infectious
Diseases; and EIS officers, CDC.

Editorial Note:

The findings in this report indicate that four confirmed cases of anthrax
have resulted from intentional delivery of B. anthracis spores through
mailed letters or packages. These are the first confirmed cases of anthrax
associated with intentional exposure in the United States and represent a
new public health threat.

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-forming
bacterium B. anthracis. It occurs most frequently as an epizootic or
enzootic disease of herbivores (e.g., cattle, goats, or sheep) that acquire
spores from direct contact with contaminated soil. Humans usually become
infected through direct contact with B. anthracis spores from infected
animals or their products (e.g., goat hair), resulting in cutaneous anthrax
(2) (Box 1). Inhalational and gastrointestinal are other forms of the
disease in the natural setting (4,5). Human-to-human transmission has not
been documented.

Clinical laboratorians should be alert to the presence of Bacillus species
in patient specimens. In particular, laboratorians should suspect B.
anthracis when the specimen is from a previously healthy patient with a
rapidly progressive respiratory illness or a cutaneous ulcer. If B.
anthracis is suspected, laboratories should immediately notify the
health-care provider and local and state public health staff. For rapid
identification of B. anthracis, state and local health departments should
access the Laboratory Response Network for Bioterrorism (LRN). LRN links
state and local public health laboratories with advanced capacity
laboratories---including clinical, military, veterinary, agricultural,
water, and food-testing laboratories. Laboratorians should contact their
state public health laboratory to identify their local LRN representative.

Postexposure prophylaxis is indicated to prevent inhalational anthrax after
a confirmed or suspected aerosol exposure. When no information is available
about the antimicrobial susceptibility of the implicated strain of B.
anthracis, initial therapy with ciprofloxacin or doxycycline is recommended
for adults and children (Table 1). Use of tetracyclines and
fluoroquinolones in children has adverse effects. The risks for these
adverse effects must be weighed carefully against the risk for developing
life-threatening disease. As soon as penicillin susceptibility of the
organism has been confirmed, prophylactic therapy for children should be
changed to oral amoxicillin 80 mg/kg of body mass per day divided every 8
hours (not to exceed 500 mg three times daily). B. anthracis is not
susceptible to cephalosporins or to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and
these agents should not be used for prophylaxis.

CDC is assisting other states and local areas in assessing anthrax
exposures. Additional information about anthrax and the public health
response is available at <http://www.bt.cdc.gov>. This information was
current as of 4 p.m., eastern daylight time, October 17, 2001.


1.CDC. Ongoing investigation of anthrax---Florida, October 2001. MMWR
2.CDC. Human anthrax associated with an epizootic among livestock---North
Dakota, 2000. MMWR 2001;50:677--80.
3.Ashford DA, Rotz LD, Perkins BA. Use of anthrax vaccine in the United
States: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice
(ACIP). MMWR 2000;49(no. RR-15).
4.Brachman PS. Inhalational anthrax. Ann NY Acad Sci 1980;353:83--93.
5.Brachman PS, Kaufmann A. Anthrax. In: Evans AS, Brachman PS, eds.
Bacterial infections of humans. New York, New York: Plenum Medical Book
Company, 1998.

* Cutaneous illness is characterized by a skin lesion evolving from a
papule, through a vesicular stage, to a depressed black eschar; edema,
erythema, or necrosis without ulceration may be present. Inhalational
illness is characterized by a brief prodrome resembling a "nonspecific
febrile" illness that rapidly progresses to a fulminant illness with signs
of sepsis and/or respiratory failure, often with radiographic evidence of
mediastinal widening; signs of bacterial meningitis may be present.
Gastrointestinal illness is characterized by severe abdominal pain usually
accompanied by bloody vomiting or diarrhea followed by fever and signs of

BOX 1. Clinical forms of anthrax

Clinical Forms of Anthrax

The following clinical descriptions of anthrax are based on experience in
adults. The clinical presentation of anthrax in infants is not well defined.

Inhalational. Inhalational anthrax begins with a brief prodrome resembling
a viral respiratory illness followed by development of hypoxia and dyspnea,
with radiographic evidence of mediastinal widening. Inhalational anthrax is
the most lethal form of anthrax and results from inspiration of
8,000--50,000 spores of Bacillus anthracis (3). The incubation period of
inhalational anthrax among humans typically ranges from 1--7 days but may
be possibly up to 60 days. Host factors, dose of exposure, and
chemoprophylaxis may affect the duration of the incubation period. Initial
symptoms include mild fever, muscle aches, and malaise and may progress to
respiratory failure and shock; meningitis frequently develops.
Case-fatality estimates for inhalational anthrax are extremely high, even
with all possible supportive care including appropriate antibiotics.

Cutaneous. Cutaneous anthrax is characterized by a skin lesion evolving
from a papule, through a vesicular stage, to a depressed black eschar. The
incubation period ranges from 1--12 days. The lesion is usually painless,
but patients also may have fever, malaise, headache, and regional
lymphadenopathy. The case fatality rate for cutaneous anthrax is 20%
without, and <1% with, antibiotic treatment.

Gastrointestinal. Gastrointestinal anthrax is characterized by severe
abdominal pain followed by fever and signs of septicemia. This form of
anthrax usually follows after eating raw or undercooked contaminated meat
and can have an incubation period of 1--7 days. An oropharyngeal and an
abdominal form of the disease have been described. Involvement of the
pharynx is usually characterized by lesions at the base of the tongue,
dysphagia, fever, and regional lymphadenopathy. Lower bowel inflammation
typically causes nausea, loss of appetite, and fever followed by abdominal
pain, hematemesis, and bloody diarrhea. The case-fatality rate is estimated
to be 25%--60%. The effect of early antibiotic treatment on the
case-fatality rate is not established.

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Table 1

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 October 19, 2001 / 50(41);893-7

Recognition of Illness Associated with the Intentional Release of a
Biologic Agent

On September 11, 2001, following the terrorist incidents in New York City
and Washington, D.C., CDC recommended heightened surveillance for any
unusual disease occurrence or increased numbers of illnesses that might be
associated with the terrorist attacks. Subsequently, cases of anthrax in
Florida and New York City have demonstrated the risks associated with
intentional release of biologic agents (1). This report provides guidance
for health-care providers and public health personnel about recognizing
illnesses or patterns of illness that might be associated with intentional
release of biologic agents.

Health-Care Providers

Health-care providers should be alert to illness patterns and diagnostic
clues that might indicate an unusual infectious disease outbreak associated
with intentional release of a biologic agent and should report any clusters
or findings to their local or state health department. The covert release
of a biologic agent may not have an immediate impact because of the delay
between exposure and illness onset, and outbreaks associated with
intentional releases might closely resemble naturally occurring outbreaks.
Indications of intentional release of a biologic agent include 1) an
unusual temporal or geographic clustering of illness (e.g., persons who
attended the same public event or gathering) or patients presenting with
clinical signs and symptoms that suggest an infectious disease outbreak
(e.g., >2 patients presenting with an unexplained febrile illness
associated with sepsis, pneumonia, respiratory failure, or rash or a
botulism-like syndrome with flaccid muscle paralysis, especially if
occurring in otherwise healthy persons); 2) an unusual age distribution for
common diseases (e.g., an increase in what appears to be a chickenpox-like
illness among adult patients, but which might be smallpox); and 3) a large
number of cases of acute flaccid paralysis with prominent bulbar palsies,
suggestive of a release of botulinum toxin.

CDC defines three categories of biologic agents with potential to be used
as weapons, based on ease of dissemination or transmission, potential for
major public health impact (e.g., high mortality), potential for public
panic and social disruption, and requirements for public health
preparedness (2). Agents of highest concern are Bacillus anthracis
(anthrax), Yersinia pestis (plague), variola major (smallpox), Clostridium
botulinum toxin (botulism), Francisella tularensis (tularemia), filoviruses
(Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Marburg hemorrhagic fever); and arenaviruses
(Lassa [Lassa fever], Junin [Argentine hemorrhagic fever], and related
viruses). The following summarizes the clinical features of these agents

Anthrax. A nonspecific prodrome (i.e., fever, dyspnea, cough, and chest
discomfort) follows inhalation of infectious spores. Approximately 2--4
days after initial symptoms, sometimes after a brief period of improvement,
respiratory failure and hemodynamic collapse ensue. Inhalational anthrax
also might include thoracic edema and a widened mediastinum on chest
radiograph. Gram-positive bacilli can grow on blood culture, usually 2--3
days after onset of illness. Cutaneous anthrax follows deposition of the
organism onto the skin, occurring particularly on exposed areas of the
hands, arms, or face. An area of local edema becomes a pruritic macule or
papule, which enlarges and ulcerates after 1--2 days. Small, 1--3 mm
vesicles may surround the ulcer. A painless, depressed, black eschar
usually with surrounding local edema subsequently develops. The syndrome
also may include lymphangitis and painful lymphadenopathy.

Plague. Clinical features of pneumonic plague include fever, cough with
muco-purulent sputum (gram-negative rods may be seen on gram stain),
hemoptysis, and chest pain. A chest radiograph will show evidence of

Botulism. Clinical features include symmetric cranial neuropathies (i.e.,
drooping eyelids, weakened jaw clench, and difficulty swallowing or
speaking), blurred vision or diplopia, symmetric descending weakness in a
proximal to distal pattern, and respiratory dysfunction from respiratory
muscle paralysis or upper airway obstruction without sensory deficits.
Inhalational botulism would have a similar clinical presentation as
foodborne botulism; however, the gastrointestinal symptoms that accompany
foodborne botulism may be absent.

Smallpox (variola). The acute clinical symptoms of smallpox resemble other
acute viral illnesses, such as influenza, beginning with a 2--4 day
nonspecific prodrome of fever and myalgias before rash onset. Several
clinical features can help clinicians differentiate varicella (chickenpox)
from smallpox. The rash of varicella is most prominent on the trunk and
develops in successive groups of lesions over several days, resulting in
lesions in various stages of development and resolution. In comparison, the
vesicular/pustular rash of smallpox is typically most prominent on the face
and extremities, and lesions develop at the same time.

Inhalational tularemia. Inhalation of F. tularensis causes an abrupt onset
of an acute, nonspecific febrile illness beginning 3--5 days after
exposure, with pleuropneumonitis developing in a substantial proportion of
cases during subsequent days (7).

Hemorrhagic fever (such as would be caused by Ebola or Marburg viruses).
After an incubation period of usually 5--10 days (range: 2--19 days),
illness is characterized by abrupt onset of fever, myalgia, and headache.
Other signs and symptoms include nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, chest pain, cough, and pharyngitis. A maculopapular rash,
prominent on the trunk, develops in most patients approximately 5 days
after onset of illness. Bleeding manifestations, such as petechiae,
ecchymoses, and hemorrhages, occur as the disease progresses (8).

Clinical Laboratory Personnel

Although unidentified gram-positive bacilli growing on agar may be
considered as contaminants and discarded, CDC recommends that these bacilli
be treated as a "finding" when they occur in a suspicious clinical setting
(e.g., febrile illness in a previously healthy person). The laboratory
should attempt to characterize the organism, such as motility testing,
inhibition by penicillin, absence of hemolysis on sheep blood agar, and
further biochemical testing or species determination.

An unusually high number of samples, particularly from the same biologic
medium (e.g., blood and stool cultures), may alert laboratory personnel to
an outbreak. In addition, central laboratories that receive clinical
specimens from several sources should be alert to increases in demand or
unusual requests for culturing (e.g., uncommon biologic specimens such as
cerebrospinal fluid or pulmonary aspirates).

When collecting or handling clinical specimens, laboratory personnel should
1) use Biological Safety Level II (BSL-2) or Level III (BSL-3) facilities
and practices when working with clinical samples considered potentially
infectious; 2) handle all specimens in a BSL-2 laminar flow hood with
protective eyewear (e.g., safety glasses or eye shields), use closed-front
laboratory coats with cuffed sleeves, and stretch the gloves over the
cuffed sleeves; 3) avoid any activity that places persons at risk for
infectious exposure, especially activities that might create aerosols or
droplet dispersal; 4) decontaminate laboratory benches after each use and
dispose of supplies and equipment in proper receptacles; 5) avoid touching
mucosal surfaces with their hands (gloved or ungloved), and never eat or
drink in the laboratory; and 6) remove and reverse their gloves before
leaving the laboratory and dispose of them in a biohazard container, and
wash their hands and remove their laboratory coat.

When a laboratory is unable to identify an organism in a clinical specimen,
it should be sent to a laboratory where the agent can be characterized,
such as the state public health laboratory or, in some large metropolitan
areas, the local health department laboratory. Any clinical specimens
suspected to contain variola (smallpox) should be reported to local and
state health authorities and then transported to CDC. All variola
diagnostics should be conducted at CDC laboratories. Clinical laboratories
should report any clusters or findings that could indicate intentional
release of a biologic agent to their state and local health departments.

Infection-Control Professionals

Heightened awareness by infection-control professionals (ICPs) facilitates
recognition of the release of a biologic agent. ICPs are involved with many
aspects of hospital operations and several departments and with
counterparts in other hospitals. As a result, ICPs may recognize changing
patterns or clusters in a hospital or in a community that might otherwise
go unrecognized.

ICPs should ensure that hospitals have current telephone numbers for
notification of both internal (ICPs, epidemiologists, infectious diseases
specialists, administrators, and public affairs officials) and external
(state and local health departments, Federal Bureau of Investigation field
office, and CDC Emergency Response office) contacts and that they are
distributed to the appropriate personnel (9). ICPs should work with
clinical microbiology laboratories, on- or off-site, that receive specimens
for testing from their facility to ensure that cultures from suspicious
cases are evaluated appropriately.

State Health Departments

State health departments should implement plans for educating and reminding
health-care providers about how to recognize unusual illnesses that might
indicate intentional release of a biologic agent. Strategies for responding
to potential bioterrorism include 1) providing information or reminders to
health-care providers and clinical laboratories about how to report events
to the appropriate public health authorities; 2) implementing a
24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week capacity to receive and act on any positive
report of events that suggest intentional release of a biologic agent; 3)
investigating immediately any report of a cluster of illnesses or other
event that suggests an intentional release of a biologic agent and
requesting CDC's assistance when necessary; 4) implementing a plan,
including accessing the Laboratory Response Network for Bioterrorism, to
collect and transport specimens and to store them appropriately before
laboratory analysis; and 5) reporting immediately to CDC if the results of
an investigation suggest release of a biologic agent.

Reported by: National Center for Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology Program
Office; Public Health Practice Program Office; Office of the Director, CDC.

Editorial Note:

Health-care providers, clinical laboratory personnel, infection control
professionals, and health departments play critical and complementary roles
in recognizing and responding to illnesses caused by intentional release of
biologic agents. The syndrome descriptions, epidemiologic clues, and
laboratory recommendations in this report provide basic guidance that can
be implemented immediately to improve recognition of these events.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, state and local health
departments initiated various activities to improve surveillance and
response, ranging from enhancing communications (between state and local
health departments and between public health agencies and health-care
providers) to conducting special surveillance projects. These special
projects have included active surveillance for changes in the number of
hospital admissions, emergency department visits, and occurrence of
specific syndromes. Activities in bioterrorism preparedness and emerging
infections over the past few years have better positioned public health
agencies to detect and respond to the intentional release of a biologic
agent. Immediate review of these activities to identify the most useful and
practical approaches will help refine syndrome surveillance efforts in
various clinical situations.

Information about clinical diagnosis and management can be found elsewhere
(1--9). Additional information about responding to bioterrorism is
available from CDC at <http://www.bt.cdc.gov>; the U.S. Army Medical
Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at
<http://www.usamriid.army.mil/education/bluebook.html>; the Association for
Infection Control Practitioners at <http://www.apic.org>; and the Johns
Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense at


   1.CDC. Update: investigation of anthrax associated with intentional
exposure and interim public health guidelines, October 2001. MMWR
   2.CDC. Biological and chemical terrorism: strategic plan for
preparedness and response. MMWR 2000;49(no. RR-4).
   3.Arnon SS, Schechter R, Inglesby TV, et al. Botulinum toxin as a
biological weapon: medical and public health management. JAMA
   4.Inglesby TV, Dennis DT, Henderson DA, et al. Plague as a biological
weapon: medical and public health management. JAMA 2000;283:2281--90.
   5.Henderson DA, Inglesby TV, Bartlett JG, et al. Smallpox as a
biological weapon: medical and public health management. JAMA
   6.Inglesby TV, Henderson DA, Bartlett JG, et al. Anthrax as a biological
weapon: medical and public health management. JAMA 1999;281:1735--963.
   7.Dennis DT, Inglesby TV, Henderson DA, et al. Tularemia as a biological
weapon: medical and public health management. JAMA 2001;285:2763--73.
   8.Peters CJ. Marburg and Ebola virus hemorrhagic fevers. In: Mandell GL,
Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles and practice of infectious diseases.
5th ed. New York, New York: Churchill Livingstone 2000;2:1821--3.
   9.APIC Bioterrorism Task Force and CDC Hospital Infections Program
Bioterrorism Working Group. Bioterrorism readiness plan: a template for
healthcare facilities. Available at
<http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/hip/Bio/bio.htm>. Accessed October 2001.

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