-Caveat Lector-

Below article from Village Voice has some new info on
Bill Clinton: Sex Fiend. ("Stop me before I do it again,"
says implicitly Bill Clinton. His derring-do in regard
to his escapades is a plea that he be caught.) Establishment
"Feminists" are a major joke in the matters related below;
this is not a denigration of the ideal of better treatment
for women. Thankfully, such as Camille Paglia have emerged,
as a counter-force to one-party feminism/femiNazi-ism. Don't
agree with me? That's fine: it's a (relatively) free

   January 20 - 26, 1999
   Nat Hentoff
   Clinton's Message to Women
     Kathleen Willey: "How are your children? Dont you get the message?"
   ()   'Clinton ripped [Jane Doe No. 5's] clothes and bit her lip'

   Participating in December's Emergency Speakout Against Impeachment at
   NYU were some of this area's prominent intellectuals and moral
   philosophersamong them, Arthur Schlesigner Jr., Toni Morrison, Eli
   Wiesel, Gloria Steinem, and Jerold Nadler who, alas, is my
   congressman. There were spiraling cries of "sexual McCarthyism" and
   "coup d'état!"

   And in the January 10 New York Times, Gerold Lefcourt, a Clinton
   advocate, states baldly that Clinton's defense witnesses have been
   intimidated. Let's see who has been intimidated.

   Lefcourt, a prominent attorney, ignores the series of women who have
   been threatened by Clinton and his agents to keep their silence about
   his exercising his droit du seigneur on their bodies.

   It is this relentless obstruction of justice that I began to detail
   last week. Also on the list of Clinton's throwaway women who should
   have been placed in the federal Witness Protection Program is
   Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Arkansas's former Miss America, who had a brief
   bout of intimacy with Clinton in 1983. During the 1992 presidential
   campaign she received calls to keep quiet about itor else.

   But just in case she falteredas the Wall Street Journal Europe
   (October 27, 1998)
   reportedher agent met with Clinton buddy Harry Tomason and Clinton
   advisor Mickey Kantor and "worked out some kind of deal." She would
   deny any relationship with Clinton and her career would benefit.

   She obeyed, but when she was subpoenaed in the Paula Jones case, the
   threatening calls resumed. She has told The Toronto Sun, according to
   The Washington Times: "I think Clinton is a very dangerous
   manipulative man. There was a lot of pressure on my family and
   friends, people who were being staked out."

   Moving on, the Wall Street Journal Europe reveals the post60 Minutes
   ordeal of Kathleen Willey.

   Two days before she was scheduled to testify in the Paula Jones case,
   "A man in a jogging suit approached her while she was out for a walk
   near her Virginia home. He asked about a missing family pet [her cat].
   The jogger mentioned Willey's children by name. 'Don't you get the
   message?' he asked her."

   Dolly Kyle Browning, another former Clinton bonbon, and now a Texas
   real estate attorney, has filed a defamation suit against William
   Jefferson Clinton and, among his retainers, Bruce Lindsey.

   In her court papers, Browning tells of an extramarital sexual
   relationship with Clinton from the mid 1970s to "sometime before
   January 1992," when Clinton was eyeing the prize of the presidency.

   In January of that year, The Star, a tabloid weekly, was about to
   print a story about that idyll. Browning refused to be interviewed,
   but Clinton was taking no chances.

   In her complaint in the lawsuit, she says that her own brother, Walter
   Kyle, acting on behalf ofor at the direction ofClinton, warned her
   that "if you cooperate with the media, we will destroy you." At the
   time, her solicitous brother was working in the Clinton campaign in
   New Hampshire.

   Two years later, according to the court papers, she and Clinton made a
   dealusing Clinton's confidential aide, Bruce Lindsey, as an
   intermediary. She would not tell the truth about their relationship if
   he promised not to tell any lies about her.

   But when Browning decided to write a romance novel, a roman ŕ clef
   about their intimacy, and word got out in Publishers Weekly, Clinton
   "acting individually and through various agents... conspired to
   prevent the publication of her manuscript." (Browning court papers.)

   The conspiracy involved "threatening and intimidating Mrs. Browning
   and potential publishers... and defaming Mrs. Browning."

   In a March 6, 1998, affidavit, Browning testified that she and her
   former lover met in the summer of 1994 at their 30th high school
   reunion in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

   "I reminded Billy," Browning said in the affidavit, "that he had
   threatened to destroy me and he said he was sorry." She was pleased to
   get, at last, his apology.

   Then there is Linda Tripp. The Wall Street Journal Europe reports:
   "Mrs. Tripp says that Bruce Lindsey told her she would be 'destroyed'
   if she went public with criticism of the White House. Mr. Lindsey's
   lawyer denies this was a threat. However, Monica Lewinsky, conveying
   what Ms. Tripp took to be a message from the White House, told Tripp
   that she had 'two children to think about' and that talking to the
   press was 'a dangerous thing to do.'"

   Juanita Broaddrick is another woman whom feminists Gloria Steinem,
   Patricia Ireland, and Betty Friedan have somehow forgotten to tell us
   about. Lisa Myers, who has broken a number of stories for NBC,
   reported on March 28, 1998, that Paula Jones's lawyer had filed court
   papers saying that Clinton, in 1978, while attorney general of
   Arkansas, had "forcibly raped and assaulted" Broaddrick in a Little
   Rock hotel room, and then "bribed and intimidated her" to keep that
   indelible experience to herself.

   Myers added: "NBC News has talked to four people from Arkansas who say
   Broaddrick told them of such an assault years ago." According to one
   source, Clinton "ripped her clothes and bit her lip."

   The White House says that Broaddrick has denied under oath that she
   was ever raped by Clinton, but the story will not die. On CNBC's
   Hardball, Chris Matthews asked Congresswoman Tillie Fowler
   (Republican, Florida), if members of the Republican caucus were
   willing to read material (in files not open to the public) that
   accuses the president of rape almost 20 years ago. And, Matthews
   added, "they have got some documentation." (The reference was to Jane
   Doe No. 5, Juanita Broaddrick.)

   Broaddrick's lawyer, Bill Walters, says, "We're not confirming or
   denying anything."

   According to The Starr Report, when Broaddrick was interviewed by FBI
   investigators, she admitted that her affidavit denying the rape was
   false. (See page 58, Jane Doe No. 5, footnote 203.)

   Hail to the Chief! With credit to John Gotti.

   (Do not miss Frontline's "The Triumph of Evil" next Tuesday, January
   19, Channel 13 at 9 p.m. It's about American complicity in the
   genocide in Rwanda.)

   Tell us what you think. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   previous columns:
   [INLINE] January 13 - 19, 1999
   [INLINE] January 6 - 12, 1999
   [INLINE] December 30, 1998 - January 5, 1999
   [INLINE] December 23 - 29, 1998


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