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May 23, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
Yes, the First Amendment Applies to Everyone
By Thomas L. Jipping

In Woodbury, Minnesota, the principal of Woodbury High School ordered
student Elliot Chambers to remove a shirt with the message "Straight Pride"
on it.  As the Supreme Court said in a 1971 case involving a jacket bearing
the message "F**K the Draft," this case "may seem at first blush too
inconsequential to find its way into our books, but the issue it presents is
of no small constitutional significance."  Ditto.

Woodbury High School is progressive, tolerant, diverse, and oh so inclusive.
In fact, rather than simply being tolerant and inclusive, Woodbury High
School makes a point of demonstrating its tolerance, practically shouting it
to the world.  We all know the most visible, efficient way of proving
tolerance these days is to be pro-homosexual and, sure enough, Woodbury High
School has designated classrooms called "safe zones" where homosexuals can
gather.  School staff volunteer to be in these rooms, which are complete
with posters bearing those pink triangles, to hand out propaganda, er,
literature from homosexual advocacy groups.

Now I know what you are thinking.  Using school facilities, school staff,
and such in this way would not be at all tolerant or inclusive if it applied
only to homosexuals.  In other words, being tolerant and inclusive would
require that those with another sexual preference - such as, say,
heterosexuals - also be allowed to express themselves.  Otherwise, the
school would simply be pro-homosexual.

Along comes Elliot Chambers.  Elliot came to school in a shirt that said
"Straight Pride."  The principal banned Elliot from wearing it because a few
homosexual students were offended by it.  Now if the school were truly
tolerant and inclusive, the principal would have told those homosexual
students that they were entitled to their views and opinions but since the
school was truly tolerant and inclusive, Elliot was entitled to his as well.
But apparently the school is not truly tolerant and inclusive.

And besides that, there's this thing called the First Amendment which
applies to public schools.  Back in 1971, in a case involving someone with
"F**k the Draft" on their jacket instead of "Straight Pride" on their shirt,
the Supreme Court opened its opinion with this line:  "This case may seem at
first blush too inconsequential to find its way into our books, but the
issue it presents is of no small constitutional significance."  The same was
true when Elliot and his parents took their case to court.

Just two years earlier, in the 1969 case titled Tinker v. Des Moines
Independent School District, senior and junior high school students wanted
to wear black armbands to school protesting the Vietnam War.  The school
said they would be disruptive, spark violence, or otherwise interfere with
school activities.  The Supreme Court said:  "It can hardly be argued
that...students...shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or
expression at the schoolhouse gate."  I think that would apply to Elliot.

When Elliot and his parents went to court, U.S. District Court Judge Donovan
Frank ruled in his favor and issued an injunction against the school.  It
appears this judge - a Clinton appointee, no less - understands that the
First Amendment applies to everyone.  Yet the fact that school officials
apparently believe that tolerance and inclusion are a one-way street,
protecting the preferred and punishing the disfavored, should send chills up
the spine of every freedom-loving American.

When confronted with this obvious double-standard, Elliot's principal said
she thought the shirt would incite violence.  Guns don't kill people, people
kill people.  Cars don't run red lights, people run red lights.  Shirts
don't incite violence, people incite violence.  The Supreme Court in Tinker
said: "There is here no evidence whatever of petitioners' interference,
actual or nascent, with the schools' work or of collision with the rights of
other students to be secure and to be let alone.... Any word spoken, in
class, in the lunchroom, or on the campus, that deviates from the views of
another person may start an argument or cause a disturbance. But our
Constitution says we must take this risk."

This is how our freedom is being turned into a weapon against us.  Remember
those speech codes in universities that ban certain speech or certain views
by labeling them "harassment"?  The same thing is going on here.  Whatever
happened to "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the
death your right to say it?"  It has become "If I disagree with what you
say, you may not say it."  That's not free speech, that's not fairness,
that's not tolerance, that's not inclusion.  Watch out folks, if this can
happen in schools, it can happen anywhere.

Thomas L. Jipping is Vice-President for Legal Policy at the Free Congress
For media inquiries, contact Notra Trulock  202.546.3000 /
For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

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