Five Years Later, Flight 800 Still Poses Questions
Still Bearing Witness
by Robert Davey

Not many miles from where TWA Flight 800 exploded over the Atlantic Ocean,
south of East Moriches, Long Island, and just a few days before the fifth
anniversary of the crash, eight eyewitnesses came to the Wyndham Wind Watch
Hotel in Hauppauge to share their memories of the tragedy. The official
investigation has identified more than 200 people who reported seeing a
streak of light before the explosion. These eight witnesses are not satisfied
with the formal explanation of what they saw.

First up was Suzanne McConnell of East Moriches, who said that at around 8:30
that evening (July 17, 1996) she was sitting on her back deck overlooking
Moriches Bay. "I said to my children, 'There goes a flare.' " She watched a
trail of smoke climb up from the horizon over the barrier beach, followed by
a burst of flames. " 'That was a really large flare,' I said to my husband.
'Maybe someone's in trouble.' " The next day she told her boss what she had
seen. "I said, 'It's odd I saw this thing going up.' He said, 'Call the FBI.'
I spoke to an agent, and he said, 'That's what everyone else is telling us.'

The federal investigation of the crash ended last August. The unanimous vote
by the National Transportation Safety Board accepted the conclusion of its
technical staff that the plane, carrying 230 people on a trip to Paris, was
downed by an explosion of flammable vapors in its almost-empty center fuel
tank, probably caused by a short circuit. Dr. David Mayer, chairman of the
NTSB's Witness Group, prefaced his remarks about witness reports by saying
that whatever they saw, it could not have been a missile because the NTSB
knew from the physical evidence that no missile hit the plane.

The unofficial investigators carry on, regardless, certain that despite the
multimillion-dollar four-year federal probe, eyewitness evidence has yet to
be correctly interpreted, or even seriously considered. Indeed, only one of
the witnesses who gave up a glorious Saturday afternoon to come to the
windowless hotel meeting room had been interviewed by the NTSB.

McConnell was asked by the panelists if she saw the plane. (The panel was
convened by the Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization, founded by
Dr. Tom Stalcup, a physicist who works in Bourne, Massachusetts.) McConnell
didn't see the plane, she said, but clearly saw two pieces "cascading down."
The panel's questions attempted to illustrate that the CIA's account of the
plane's flight path after the initial explosion was false. The CIA produced
its account after studying FBI witness interviews, and they demonstrated
their theory with the aid of a videotaped computer animation showing the
burning plane climbing several thousand feet after exploding. This, and not a
missile, was what people saw who reported a rising streak of light, the CIA

The NTSB, meanwhile, drawing on its understanding of how the plane broke up,
argued that no witness could have seen the initial explosion, because,
investigators said, it took place inside an intact airplane. But according to
the NTSB argument, although the explosion was not visible, moments later,
when the nose fell off, flames would have appeared. By that argument, the
witnesses who saw a streak or flare culminating in an explosion were not
seeing a missile, but TWA 800 climbing after the initial explosion and then
being engulfed in a fireball when the fuel in the wing tanks ignited at the
top of its climb. So the accounts of many eyewitnesses became the raw
material for a theory viewed by many as fantastically unlikely. The very
notion that the plane, missing its nose and with all its controls gone and
its engines flaming out, could have climbed at all is questioned by pilots
and experts in aerodynamics alike.

Several witnesses at the hotel described the explosion as beginning with a
white flash. Roland Penney, standing on Great Gun Dock on Fire Island and
facing out over the ocean, watched as "a pencil line of smoke went up—it
disappeared for a second and a half, and we thought it was a dud flare. Then
there was a big, bright white light," followed seconds later by flames, which
"broke in two," he said. And Darell Miron, at a campground at Smith Point
Beach, said he saw "a streak of light heading up . . . then a brilliant
starburst, all white, then below that, barrels of flame came down slowly."

According to some experts, a white flash can be a sign of the detonation of
high explosives.

To Michael Wire, another witness at the hotel, that's not a bit surprising.
He said he watched what appeared to be a firework come up from behind a house
along the water a few hundred yards from where he was standing on a bridge in
Westhampton Beach. The firework left a white smoke plume, he said, then a
fireball erupted, and he heard a series of explosions, the first of which
shook the bridge. "It was very loud, like a shock wave," he recalled. Both
the CIA and the NTSB independently analyzed Wire's account and decided that
his line of sight when he saw the "firework" coincided with where TWA 800 was
when it first exploded, and so he was probably watching the airplane, not a

At the NTSB's August meeting, Mayer gave many reasons why eyewitness
recollections should not be taken at face value. Citing psychologists, he
said memories are almost never perfectly recalled, but are corrupted by what
is called "post-event information," which in this case could range from FBI
agents' leading questions to the influence of news reports suggesting a
missile was fired. Oddly, though, in some cases investigators decided to
trust witnesses implicitly. Wire's recollection of where he was standing and
where he was looking, for example, was apparently treated by investigators as
utterly trustworthy, precise information.

For Dwight Brumley, who was sitting on the right side of US Air 217, a
passenger flight approaching Providence at 21,000 feet at the time of the
explosion, there is no doubt that the streak of light coming up from below
and slightly behind him was a missile. "I watched it for seven to 10
seconds—it pitched over, and a small explosion appeared," he told the
audience at the hotel. "Then, after a few seconds, it grew much bigger, then
began to elongate as it extended downwards."

Brumley, according to CIA and NTSB investigators, could not have seen TWA 800
explode, because it was out of sight, directly ahead of and below his
aircraft, at the time—an explanation Brumley roundly rejects. However, the
account of another passenger on US Air 217 recently interviewed by the Voice
is potentially more problematic for investigators. Sitting toward the rear of
the plane, on the same side, 12-year-old Adam Coletti looked down and saw
what looked like the wake of a boat. He saw the shape of a boat, he said. He
turned to tell his mother across the aisle, he told the Voice; then when he
looked back there was a redness where the boat had been. "It looked like it
was red and kind of blinking, red, intense," the boy said. "I'm not sure if
it exploded then, or if I turned again and looked back, but it was 10 to 15
seconds after I saw the red that I saw the explosion." The explosion, he
said, had seemed to be stretching up from the boat. It "went up from the
boat—just really quick," he said. Coletti's unique account does not,
apparently, fit any of the TWA 800 investigation's suggested explanations for
eyewitness evidence of the crash.

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