-Caveat Lector-

> all the enemies in the world and all the world's enemy
> [Note http://www.emperors-clothes.com encourages everyone to distribute the
> following in any way possible but please include the entire text including this
> note.]
> Diana Johnstone on what NATO and the U.S in particular has wrought and its
> consequences, including comments on East Timor.
> Jared: I just spoke to Ben Works.I wanted to interview you too. On East Timor.
> Diana: Oh oh oh!
> Jared: That's a great beginning. Your opinion is important on this because you
> raised the whole question of the new Crusade, the 'Humanitarian Trigger.' (1) .
> And the question is, liberals are clamoring for some kind of intervention in
> Timor. And I'm suspicious. How do you feel?
> Diana: And I am too. That's why I said 'oh oh oh.' What a mess. I think that one
> of the problems is precisely the 'humanitarian' intervention in Kosovo that was
> supposed to be an example to the world to show that we had this New World Order
> where from now on self-determination was going to be enforced by the righteous
> missiles of the United States. It's going to have a backlash effect. Countries
> around the world are going to smash their minorities preemptively, to keep the
> U.S. from coming in. Indonesia is a very spread out, multi-national society with
> lots of possibilities of separatist movements.
> I want to point out, the case of East Timor is completely different from Kosovo.
> East Timor was never a part of Indonesia. It was invaded after the Portuguese
> let it go. It was part of this de-colonization mess, the same way the Southern
> Sahara is part of it, only then it was Spain; Spain let the colony go in an
> irresponsible way that allowed Morocco to grab it. That led to this long, still
> unresolved conflict. In Indonesia, Portugal let East Timor go without a proper
> transition which allowed Indonesia to grab it but that has never been recognized
> internationally. Indonesia has no historic or legal right to be there, whereas
> Kosovo is a part of Serbia, which was recognized; it's always been.
> But the problem remains. There a lot of countries in the world with minorities
> that are very alarmed by this new American policy. Governments are going to
> smash their minorities to avoid the sort of situation where everybody will be
> clamoring for independence and self-determination with the idea that the United
> States will help them.
> That doesn't answer the question what to do now. I don't really know. You've got
> these bands in there who are doing what we accused the Serbs of doing, only they
> weren't. The Indonesian Military has a long record of that -
> Jared: Starting with murdering the Communists and the ethnic Chinese - vast
> numbers -
> Diana: I think probably the largest slaughter since WWII. An unbelievably huge
> massacre plus people whom they didn't massacre they put in prison forever. So
> they totally wiped out the Communists, the left in Indonesia; it's been a
> dictatorship ever since, 'our ' kind of dictatorship, etc. Now it's falling
> apart.
> And probably the Army, which has been the authority holding it together, is
> afraid that the United States, having supported them all this time, now that
> they are in economic difficulty, political difficulty, isn't going to support
> them anymore and might support a whole lot of separatist movements since that
> seems to be the trend. All of Asia, you see, except the country we like to
> quote, which is Singapore, because that's our great ally out there - all of Asia
> has been quite appalled by the NATO aggression in Kosovo and fears that
> something like this is in store for all of them. Because everybody has got
> minorities somewhere that can be supported as a pretext for going in, you see.
> Now I don't think that's actually the case in Timor. I think it's somewhat
> different. However, the danger of announcing these great principles that are in
> fact not great principles at all but simply a pretext to go into one place which
> is strategically interesting namely the Balkans - that's the only place the
> United States wanted to go into right now, I mean later they might want to go
> into the Ukraine, Azerbaijan - they're interested in places that have oil
> reserves and so on - but this issue has nothing to do with great principles but
> of course they call on these great principles when they want to occupy a
> particular territory as they wanted to occupy Kosovo and set up NATO bases
> there. They don’t want to set up NATO bases right now in East Timor, but they
> might later in someplace else around there, Sumatra or someplace else. I think
> in fact, with this Kosovo action the United States has initiated a long series
> of bloody wars. On the one hand encouraging minorities to think they can get
> some kind of self determination and on the other encouraging the states who
> don’t want that to massacre the people who might ask for self-determination.
> Jared: The Portuguese seem very anxious to intervene directly.
> Diana: Well of course. East Timor was let go when they had this anti-colonialist
> revolution in Portugal, that's what brought it about. Because the military was
> tired of fighting colonial wars and made the revolution in Portugal to get rid
> of the Salazar dictatorship. It was soldiers who'd been sent to fight in
> colonies who became sympathetic with the revolutionaries who made that
> revolution. So they let the colonies go but they were being sabotaged all along
> the way, of course. In Africa it's notorious because all of the right wing of
> South Africa, intelligence services of all kinds backed UNITA in order to wreck
> Angola, they invented UNITA. East Timor was too far away to be terribly
> interesting to anybody. But now times have changed in Portugal. It probably
> could use the influence again because we no longer have the left wing regime
> that freed the colonies. You know I hesitate to speak too much on this because
> the fact is I'm not an expert on East Timor.
> Jared: But your perspective is quite interesting.
> Diana: This is a particularly delicate one because everyone has been asking for
> this election. Of course one thing this should point out is that elections are
> being regarded as some sort of magical ritual that are going to solve problems
> stemming from the relationship of forces in various countries, and they don't.
> I'm sorry to point that out. They sent in observers but the observers afterwards
> are being driven out and killed. There is an awful lot of - I don't want to
> insult anybody but -
> Jared:. Insult them. Please.
> Diana: - naivete. What did Ben Works have to say?
> Jared: He said the United States had mishandled the situation. He said people
> who should have had not talked to the military about controlling the situation
> if there was an election. He said President Habibe was very much weakened. He
> said the military is afraid that the U.S. or the West has designs on the area,
> wants to break it up into little bite-sized pieces -
> Diana: I do want to repeat that the case of East TImor is different from others
> because of the fact that this was not a part of Indonesia. But one thing that is
> perfectly clear is that the style of our State Department with Mrs. Albright
> there is anything but diplomatic. This style of the United States going around
> lecturing people, telling them what to do, threatening them, is absolutely the
> opposite of the kind of diplomacy that is needed in almost any difficult
> situation.
> Jared: Yeah About a year ago, Gore wrecked the Asian economic conference. He
> disrupted dinner and walked out after calling for street demonstrations in
> Malaysia to overthrow the Prime Minister because he didn't like the fact that
> they had locked out Western financial -
> Diana: That's become their whole style. This may have something to do with the
> media. This 'we've gotta be tough' style of the United States throwing its
> weight around in a very moralistic way. I mean this is going to make us all the
> enemies in the world and all the world's enemy; and rightly so, because
> anywhere, and particularly in Asia, if you are going to be helpful to any kind
> of conflict you have to understand the points of view of the different parties
> and not simply view them as people who can be bribed by a carrot or beaten with
> a stick -
> Jared: You're right. People have national sensibilities.
> Diana: A complete absence of diplomacy. And you've got this chorus of moralistic
> columnists, always egging them on: the US has got to act tough, it's got to act
> moral. And if anybody attempts subtlety they'll be lynched in the media. They
> would feel that would be Munich or something. You have all of these little
> slogans you know.
> You know, there's a timing in all this. Indonesia is suffering from a terrible
> economic meltdown. One of the NY Times columnists said happily: "Well that's
> good for them. They didn't have the right kind of capitalism so this will show
> them." So you've got millions of Indonesians with no jobs, no money, nothing.
> Actually a lot of Indonesia is split over this. There's been an inconclusive
> election. The country is in a traumatic situation. The prosperity has collapsed.
> The timing is terrible. The timing for East Timor comes right after the economic
> collapse in Indonesia and then the Kosovo thing. And all of that is designed to
> cause very bad psychological reactions. I am a bit uncomfortable talking about
> this, because I am not an expert on East Timor and Indonesia. When I talk about
> Yugoslavia I know a lot, and I may be missing some important points in this
> case, but one thing does seem to me clear: this is exactly a case where you
> really needed diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy. Tact. But it does appear the US
> government is incapable of that. And then on top of that you have the IMF which
> always seems to make matters worse.
> Jared: The IMF makes impoverishment the condition for lending money.
> Diana: As the Bulgarian lady's letter (2) said, they take away the little things
> that people have, the right to ride the trains at reduced fare and so on. I
> think with this sort of policy you're going to get lots of insanity. And I'm
> sure you have massacres going on and you have terrible things going on but you
> see the problem with this Humanitarian Left is that they've forgotten all these
> things that what used to be the left knew - that you have to have a structure of
> society which will create conditions more or less amenable to civilization. We
> are breaking all that down so that you are going to have everybody massacring
> everybody. Because of the fact that they're starving or they're confused or
> they're going crazy. We are really setting up that kind of a situation in many
> places. We are destroying people's economies, we're destroying their culture,
> we're destroying everything And then afterwards they go berserk and kill each
> other. And then we say, "Oh my goodness, how terrible. Should we perhaps send in
> our armed forces and kill some more of them?"
> Notes
> 1. See NATO's Humanitarian Trigger
> 2. See With Her Eyes Opened

><>< Both above are linques at the bottom of the article at the site ><><

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