-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.irak.be/ned/bivv/iraq4questions4answers.htm

Four Questions, Four Answers
Hans C. von Sponeck
UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (1998-2000)
at the European Colloquium
Brussels, 25 September 2002

Question No.1: Is there an Imminence of Threat posed by Iraq?

The United States maintains that Iraq poses a threat to its security. This threat, it 
is argued,
is so serious that a pre-emptive military strike is required to protect the US and the 
global community. The UK shares this perception.

The rest of the world, particularly Iraq's neighbours, do not agree with this 
assessment. In
any case articles 39, 42 and 51 of the UN Charter are not applicable. None of the 
the US and the UK have produced is accepted by the international community as hard core
and unquestionable evidence that Iraq is in possession of or trying to produce ABC 

Attempts to link acts of terrorism involving the 1993 and 2001 WTC, the US Embassies in
Nairobi and Dar-Es-salaam, the USS Cole in Aden, the Anthrax cases in the US and
collaboration with Al Qaeda to the Government of Iraq have failed.

A study by the UK International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), published on 9
September 2002 constitutes a good compendium of speculation concluding (see p.74) that
Iraq "could probably assemble nuclear weapons", "probably resumed biological growth
media", "probably retained chemical agent such as mustard gas and precursors", 
retained a small force of ballistic missiles with ranges up to 650 km, such as the al 

In its introduction the IISS study re-assures that its purpose is to describe these 
issues "accurately and fairly". Its conclusions (see p.73) unfortunately constitute a 
statement which amounts to war-mongering. The document states inter alia: "A war, if it
installs a new government in Baghdad willing to comply with Iraq's international
commitments, would eliminate Iraq's WMD threat, but at the risk of limited CBW use (and
civilian casualties) during the conflict of overthrow the present regime."

During a July 2002 visit to Iraq, the Government of Iraq gave me the permission to 
visit two
sites of my choice, Al Dora at the outskirts of Baghdad and Al Fallujah III, which 
intelligence agencies and main stream US and UK media had identified as sites for which
evidence existed that they had been producing biological agents since the departure of 
arms inspectors in December 1998.

The IISS report points out that at Al Dora "work appears to have started. The facility 
about 25% of its capacity" (see p.30). For Al Fallujah III it points out that the 
"plant for
processing castor beans has been destroyed. Its current status is unknown" (see p.30).

In a document entitled "A decade of Deception and Defiance" handed out by the US
Government on 12 September at the time when US President Bush was delivering his
speech at the UN/GA, it is pointed out that Al Dora "has an extensive air handling and
filtering system" (see p.8) and for Al Fallujah it states (see p.9) that "(the 
Government of
Iraq) is making an effort to hide activities at (the) Fallujah plant."

The British Government released its long announced 'dossier' on 24 September 2002. More
a review of past WMD programmes than an empirical analysis of the current situation in
Iraq, the dossier is a document of allegations not of evidence of the seriousness of 
current WMD reality in Iraq. For Al Fallujah, the dossier maintains that "the castor 
production facility has been rebuild." Al Dora is cited as a "facility of concern."

My visit to these two sites (accompanied by the ARD German TV) showed conclusively that
Al Dora and Al Fallujah III facilities had been destroyed (it should be noted that the 
report acknowledges this for Al Fallujah III). What is destroyed can not be a threat.

Conclusions:The evidence offered by the US and UK administration as well as the IISS
assessment of Iraq's WMD status does not support in any way the contention that an
imminent threat emanates from Iraq justifying a military offensive. The US government
promoted mass hysteria and the psycho war are internationally unacceptable. In the
interest of preventing such a war, the Iraqi Foreign Minister's statement to the UN/GA 
the country is free of WMD and the agreement by the Iraqi authorities to re-admit
unconditionally UN arms inspectors at this stage should be taken at face value and
UNMOVIC's installation in Baghdad be pursued without delay.

Question No.2: What explains the present US Government Iraq policy?

There is no simple explanation. The importance of Iraq's sources of energy, the
composition of the Bush II administration and changes in the political landscape of the
Middle East, however, are three major factors which are part of such an explanation:

Iraq's sources of energy:

During the 31 july/1 august hearings on Iraq in the US Senate Foreign Relations 
the ranking representative of the Republican Party, Senator Richard Lugar (R-In) 
" ...we are going to run the oil business. We are going to run it well, we are going 
to make
money; and it's going to help pay for the rehabilitation of Iraq because there is money

The Bush II administration:

Key policy makers in the administration of the present US Government had been involved 
the Bush I 1991 Gulf War. This may explain why the US Government is taking the Iraq
Liberation Act of the US Congress of October 1998 much more literal than the Clinton
administration did. The Act calls for 'regime change' in Iraq. The policy of 
within' under President Clinton has become a policy of 'occupation from outside' under
President Bush.
This policy change combined with a missionary fanaticism to spread their version of
'democracy' and a fatal mix-up of the justified fight against terrorism and a regime 
strategy for governments considered as too aggressively anti-American are the main
ingredients of the US administration's approach on Iraq.

The political landscape in the Middle East:

The severe deterioration of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the course of the past 
months has intensified the cohesion among Arab governments. Testimony of significant
policy changes within the Arab League became apparent in the final communiqué of the
March 2002 Beirut Summit. It concluded with a rejection of a war against the 'brotherly
country Iraq'. Since then all Arab governments including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have
repeated their opposition to a military confrontation with Iraq. There is strong public
resentment, particularly in Saudi Arabia, to what is perceived as double standards in
dealing with the two major conflicts in the Middle East, the Palestinian issue and 
Iraq. It can
also no longer be hidden that the US is on notice that agreements to their military 
in the Middle East are no longer to be taken for granted. This in turn has added an 
of extreme urgency in introducing changes in the US Iraq policy.

Conclusions:The Iraq policy of the US administration has little to do with the return 
of UN
arms inspectors or with a concern for the suffering of the Iraqi people. It has all to 
do with
a determination to introduce a regime change in Baghdad. With this objective, the US
enjoys no international support. President Chirac confirmed this when he stated 
publicly: "It
is not a question of Bush/Blair on one side and Chirac/Schroeder on the other side, it 
Bush/Blair on one side and all the others on the other side."

Question No.3: What are the implications for the Iraqi population?

First of all it must be pointed out that the suffering and the trauma resulting from 
intensified confrontation between Iraq and the US/UK and the prospects of war have been
sidelined by politicians and the media in Europe. The massive evidence of the toll 
developments and twelve years of economic sanctions have taken among the Iraqi
population is well documented by reputable IGOs and INGOs. The impact of this reality 
be felt long after economic sanctions have been lifted and the Iraq conflict has ended.

The humanitarian exemption, the oil for food programme has at all times been
underfunded, particularly, in the initial three phases when the UN/SC had been decided 
the oil for export revenue could not exceed $2.6 billion per phase. Despite this small
amount, the UN/SC insisted that the UNCC had to receive 30% of the oil revenue, funding
which was desperately needed by an undernourished population deprived from even basic
medicines to protect their health.

The total value of what has been received in Iraq between 16 December 1996, the
beginning of the oil for food programme and 10 may 2002 amounts to $172 per
person/year. One indicator of the state of impoverishment of the Iraqi population is 
55% of the population lives below the poverty line. Were the monthly food basket 
valued at
$25 not given to the population free of charge under the oil for food programme, some
90% of the population would be forced to live under the poverty line.

Another dramatic indicator of the ill being of the population relates to child 
UNICEF in its annual State of the Children's report identified Iraq as the country 
showed an increase of 160% in the mortality rate of children under five for the period 
to 1999. This constitutes the highest recorded increase of all the 188 countries 
According to the same organisation, female literacy has slipped to 45% in 1995 while in
1987 Iraq had received from UNESCO international recognition that it had achieved a
literacy level of 80%. There are other alarming figures published by WHO showing that 
number of youth with mental disorders has more than doubled between 1990 and 1998.

While the US Government accuses Iraq of having violated 16 UN resolutions, no mention 
made that the main responsibility for the violation of just about all international 
treaties and
conventions from the UN Charter to the International Covenant of economic, social and
cultural rights, the Geneva and Hague Conventions and the genocide convention points to
the US and British governments (see in this connection a document of UN/ECOSOC dated 21
June 2000 (GE.00-14092) in which Prof. Marc Bossuyt, presently judge in the Belgian
Supreme Court and formerly chairman of the UN Human Rights Commission gives evidence
to this effect; see also selected papers on "The Impact on International Law of a 
Decade of
Measures Against Iraq" published by Oxford University Press in February 2002).

It must also be stated that the establishment of the two no-fly-zones is based on no UN
mandate and constitutes a serious breach of international law and UN resolutions which
make specific mention of Iraq's territorial integrity and sovereignty. As the UN 
Official for Security of UN staff in Iraq, I introduced air strike reports which 
collected and verified information on damage to life and property of civilians as a 
result of
US/UK air incursions and attacks in Iraq. In 1999 my office in Baghdad recorded 132 air
strikes with 144 civilian death and over 300 wounded and civilian property destroyed. 
air strike reports were, when possible, handed to US and UK officials in New York 
various briefing visits. I was told by representatives of those two governments that I 
violating my mandate in producing such documents and that in any case all I was doing 
to put a UN stamp on Iraqi propaganda. It is a serious matter that the UN Security 
having a mandated oversight responsibility has not been able to stop this serious 
particularly since US and UK pilots have operated in Iraqi airspace after Operation 
Fox in December 1998 under 'enlarged rules of engagement'. These allow them to use 
firing power with fewer restrictions and consequently with more damage to civilian 
life and

Should a US war against Iraq take place, particularly the high-tech war currently
contemplated in Washington, there would be significant civilian casualties and 
To prevent this must be a major challenge for European democracies.

Conclusions:The political battle continues to be played on the backs of the Iraqi 
Objectionable treatment of people within Iraq can not provide the justification for a 
punishment extended by the UN Security Council to the Iraqi people in the form of 
sanctions, blocking of humanitarian supplies, regular air attacks and, possibly 
confrontation. Governments who are in possession of the many accounts from reputable
international organisations on the state of human condition can no longer remain silent
regarding the fact that today the main perpetrators responsible for the suffering of 
the Iraqi
people are the governments of the US and the UK. This does not mean that one should
negate the concern over the internal human rights situation. The UN Human Rights
Rapporteur must be allowed to continue his dialogue with the Iraqi authorities in this

Question No.4: What could be the demands of the international public conscience 
against a
war on Iraq and for the lifting of economic sanctions?
·         The European Colloquium (EC) should convey to the European Parliament (EP) 
the February 2001 hearings on Iraq have failed to contribute to a credible EU Iraq 
policy. In
the absence of an objective position on Iraq, The EU had been largely excluded as a
contributor to the international Iraq debate. The EC should point out that this could 
  ·         Neither the report of the UK International Institute for Strategic Studies 
dated 9 September 2002 nor the document handed out by the US Government dated 12
September provides any evidence whatsoever of the imminence of an international threat
posed by the Iraqi Government that would justify evoking articles 39, 42 or 51 of the 
Charter. A unilateral military strike by the US against Iraq would in any case be a 
violation of international law. The EP should be reminded of this serious fact.

The EC should advise the EP that in case of such a unilateral attack on Iraq by the US,
permission by EU member countries for US forces to use airfields, harbours and other
facilities might be consistent with NATO statutes but would constitute a breach of
international law. The EP should be requested to convey this to member governments.

The Brussels meeting of the EC should be concluded by expressing full support for the
UN/Security Council-led arms inspection process. The EC should emphasize in this 
that the Iraq Government should not be hindered in any way to demonstrate its
preparedness to unconditionally cooperate with UNMOVIC. The EC should furthermore
convey to the UN Secretary General that it considers the protection of the integrity 
of the
team of UN inspectors as a paramount responsibility of the chairman of UNMOVIC. Misuse
of UNMOVIC for intelligence operations, as had been the case with UNSCOM, harbours the
grave danger of a confrontation between Iraq and the US. It would undoubtedly be used 
US authorities as an immediate pretext to respond with a military attack. The EC should
convey to the EP that it has a profound responsibility to pass these concerns to member
governments and to the UN.

Comprehensive economic sanctions against the people of Iraq are entering their 13th 
The human condition identified already in 1991 after the Gulf War as 'apocalyptic' have
significantly worsened since then in both mental and physical terms. The amount of
evidence collected by reputable international organisations about child mortality,
malnutrition, re-emerging diseases, impoverishment, educational neglect and 
disorders continues to accumulate (please see in particular recent reports by UNICEF,
CARITAS, Save The Children/UK).

What the international community has seen since May 2002 when UN/SC resolution 1409
introduced so-called 'smart sanctions' represents, as predicted by individual members 
the current UN Security Council, anything but an improvement. In addition, over $5 
worth of humanitarian supplies remain on hold-blocked by US/UK authorities. The oil 
confrontation created by the US/UK governments to end the 'illegal' surcharge issue has
resulted in a major shortfall of funding for the present phase XII of the oil for food
programme and seriously endangers the already fragile humanitarian exemption

The EC should make a strong case in its Brussels' communiqué for the lifting of 
sanctions once the UN arms inspectors programme is underway with the full cooperation 
the Government of Iraq. The EC should request the EP to strongly support such an 
in the interest of ending the suffering of a people who have done nothing wrong.

National anti-sanction groups in Europe and elsewhere are unrelenting in their efforts 
bring about justice and conditions of human dignity for the Iraqi people. The public
conscience is alert and at national levels has helped in shaping political decision 
making. In
these critical days of international relations, efforts to make it possible that at 
times national
initiatives can function in an integrated manner would seem of importance. The ideal 
be to create a European response mechanism that can be used to periodically react to
morally, ethically and legally unacceptable policies and positions on Iraq maintained 
individual members of the United Nations. Such a mechanism would be particularly
significant at this moment to protest against economic sanctions and to solicit support
against a military attack on Iraq. Protesting would create awareness that such an 
would lead to another human catastrophe and endanger the international solidarity in 
fight against terrorism. It would be of immense value in this respect if the EC could 
on an 'action alert focal point'. Such a focal point would function as a basis for the 
issuance of joint statements and the preparation of integrated actions and lobby work.

As a step in this direction, national associations, whether represented at the 
meeting or not should be encouraged to forward the final communiqué and a copy of the
open letter to the EP to all the representative foreign media and other influential 
bodies on
the ground. The EC should forward these two documents to the President of the UN
Security Council, the UN Secretary General, the Secretary General of the Arab League, 
Holy Sea and the International Court of Justice.

An important first step towards improved cooperation among different national groups
working towards the lifting of economic sanctions and averting an unjustified war 
Iraq would be the preparation of a master-list of cooperating entities and their 

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