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Foxman Says Slaughter Of Entire Races Acceptable Means Of "Fighting Terrorism"

Ironically, In Doing So, He Justifies The Mass Killing Of All Jews In Response To Their Role In Western Society

6/11/02 1:48:57 PM

The ForwardNew York, NY -- [LSN: Note that by this logic, the entire Jewish people earned the "fate of
Amalek" by their actions against the German nation in the 1930s, and thus the
wholesale slaughter of Jews by Europeans was justified. Also note that these
are not "fringe Jews" saying these things -- this is a leader of the Jewish
community who may become a federal judge -- where he will be empowered to mass
execute, say, white nationalist dissidents because they threaten the Jewish
power structure in the US. Also note that this kind of thinking is
specifically barred in the US Constitution, which states that punishment
of "corruption of blood" is specifically prohibited for *any* crime. The
bottom line is that Western morality and Jewish morality are absolute
incompatible extreme opposites, and that Jews who have lived in Western
societies that have adopted Jewish morality -- like the morality of
exterminating entire people for corruption of blood -- have fared very badly --
and should think twice about encouraging it in a nation that could,
potentially, destroy them as a people.]

Top US Lawyer Nathan Lewin Urges Death For Families Of Martyrs

uploaded 10 June 2002

A prominent Washington attorney and Jewish communal leader is calling for the
execution of family members of suicide bombers.

Nathan Lewin, an oft-mentioned candidate for a federal judgeship and legal
advisor to several Orthodox organizations, told the Forward that such a policy
would provide a much-needed deterrent against suicide attacks.

"If executing some suicide-bomber families saves the lives of even an equal
number of potential civilian victims, the exchange is, I believe, ethically
permissible," wrote Lewin, who served as president of the International
Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists and is a vice president of the
Orthodox Union. "It is a policy born of necessity ,Äî the need to find a true
deterrent when capital punishment is demonstrably ineffective."

Lewin argued that the biblical injunction to destroy the ancient tribe of
Amalek serves as a precedent in Judaism for taking measures that
are "ordinarily unacceptable" in the face of a mortal threat. His proposal,
however, was rejected by an Israeli diplomat in New York, and discounted, in
terms ranging from mild to condemnatory, by a range of commentators, terrorism
experts and Jewish communal leaders from across the American political

"The State of Israel is determined to respond to every Palestinian
provocation," said Ido Aharoni, consul for media and public affairs at
Israel's New York consulate. "Israel's military approach is to pursue the
perpetrators and those who seek to carry out acts of terrorism against
innocent Israelis. Within that framework, Israel is trying to minimize, if
possible to eliminate, the number of innocent lives lost."

Several leading Jewish figures, including Harvard Law School professor Alan
Dershowitz, argued that the plan represented a legitimate if flawed attempt to
strike a balance between preventing terrorism and preserving democratic norms.
But the proposal was strongly condemned by the head of the Reform movement,
Rabbi Eric Yoffie, and the executive vice chairwoman of the Jewish Council for
Public Affairs, Hannah Rosenthal.

"The opinion is utterly reprehensible and totally contrary to the most
fundamental principles of the Jewish religious tradition and everything the
State of Israel has been about since its founding," said Yoffie, president of
the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. "I've said it, and everyone
realizes, that in a war all of our standards on civil liberties may not apply.
But to say that you need to make common-sense compromises is a long way from
saying we are going to kill innocent people to bring about deterrence."

Yoffie rejected Lewin's reference to Amalek as a possible justification for
killing innocents. He argued that for nearly 2,000 years talmudic sages and
other rabbinic commentators have argued that the lessons of Amalek could not
be applied to contemporary times. In an article that appeared in the Sh'ma
journal alongside Lewin's essay, Brandeis University Jewish studies professor
Arthur Green wrote, "I only wonder how long it will take [Lewin], by the force
of this proof-text, to go all the way and suggest that the Palestinian nation
as a whole has earned the fate of Amalek."

Green, former president of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, wrote
that his first desire upon reading Lewin's essay was to "tear my garments, as
a sign of mourning on hearing the desecration of God's name."

The criticisms of Lewin: Burton argued, in his own name, that the attorney
should now be blackballed from organized Jewish life, just as the late Rabbi
Meir Kahane was ostracized for calling for the mass deportation of Arabs from

Rosenthal, whose organization serves the national network of local Jewish
community relations councils and a range of national organizations, said that
Jewish groups need to condemn any talk in their community of justifying the
killing of civilians. "I can't begin to tell you how many meetings I've been in
with colleagues across the country where the words of spokespersons for
various Muslim and Arab causes are being parsed," Rosenthal said. "We look at
words and decide which side of the line you are on."

Dershowitz and Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation
League, rejected the notion that Lewin should be elbowed out of communal life.
They argued that his proposal represented a legitimate attempt to forge a
policy for stopping terrorism. Foxman declined to take a stand on the actual
proposal, citing his policy of deferring to Jerusalem on Israeli security

Though they declined to endorse the controversial proposal, top officials at
the O.U. and Agudath Israel of America, for whom Lewin has done legal work,
expressed sympathy for Lewin's efforts to curb what they described as an
unprecedented wave of suicide attacks in Israel. "[Lewin] is not a Kahanist;
he is not a nut," said Richard Stone, chair of the O.U.'s Institute of Public
Affairs. Stone noted that Lewin, a member of the institute's executive
committee, was not advocating the mass deportation of Arabs, rather a limited
method of fighting terrorists.

Rabbi William Altshul, headmaster of the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy, a
Modern Orthodox Jewish day school in Washington, D.C., told the Forward that
he did not regret the decision to honor Lewin this week at the school's annual
dinner. "I haven't read the article," Altshul said. "But Nat has always been
known for his outspoken opinions, and I respect him for it."

Even as several observers rejected the notion of blackballing Lewin, they
offered substantive critiques of his argument. Dershowitz, author of "Why
Terrorism Works" (Yale University Press, 2002), and terrorism researcher
Steven Emerson, who both favor the limited use of torture to extract
information about an impending terrorist attack, said that they balked at the
execution of innocent civilians.

Dershowitz argued that the same level of deterrence could be achieved by
leveling the villages of suicide bombers after the residents had been given a
chance to evacuate (an idea Lewin disparagingly likened to "using aspirin to
treat brain cancer").

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of Orthodox Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck,
N.J., a trained lawyer known for hawkish views on Israeli security issues,
argued that a policy of mass deportations, rather than executions, could serve
as an effective, but less deadly, deterrent against future attacks.

Several observers defended Lewin by noting that the United States killed tens
of thousands of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But Yoffie warned against
such parallels.

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