-Caveat Lector-

MASSIVE Thanks to Turningpoint.org and the New York Times for being the
first to break the SILENCE on the dangers of FrankenFoods (tm) to the people
of the U.S. !!

There is a great printable copy of this full page ad on the website.
Unfortunately, it prints out v-e-r-y tiny compressed text, so you'll need to
make a stop by Kinko's to get it enlarged before posting it and passing it
Recommend printing & enlarging it, and taking it with you and giving it to
the store manager (mebbe even mailing one to the "corporate office" of large
stores) everywhere you buy food.
Check out the partial list of biotech foods which include Enfamil and
Similac baby formula, many breakfast cereals, "GARDENBURGER" and other
"healthy"/"natural" foods...  also notice that 50% of soybeans planted in
U.S. and 33% of corn planted were FRANKENfood (tm) varieties. (not to
mention Canola oil, potato, squash, tomato, papaya) -- if you are using
non-organic products containing corn (oil, flour, sweetner, etc.) or soy
(oil, flour, lecithin, protein, etc.) YOU are being used as a guinea pig (or
izzat laboratory rat?) in the quest for better profits through INSANE
technology backed up by government corruption.

The fact that ONLY THE U.S. (due to unsavory political relationships between
death-merchants such as Monsanto and FDA & other government agencies up to
and including the U.S. Department of State) has a policy against mandatory
labelling of FRANKENfood (tm) means that the U.S. agriculture industry will
be struggling to sell the BULK of this year's FrankenFood crop  to YOU-
hidden from your view, thanks to Federal corruption.

On a lighter note- I've been using the term FrankenFood (tm) for quite a
while now, it just occurred to me to do a domain name search (taken but
unused) and a trademark search (application pending)  I wonder who will be
attempting to trademark this comical & useful term which has seen widespread
use on the Internet?

-never mind <grin>  just read the material, write a few letter if you will,
and do what you can to get this information spread around !

best wishes,

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Anuradha Mittal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 4:46 PM
Subject: Take Action on GE Foods

 Great opportunity to take action on GE foods

Genetic Engineering Action Alert!  Call for Labeling!

The following advertisement is in today's (Mon. Oct. 18) New York Times:

Unlabeled, untested… and you're eating it.
In secret, genetically engineered foods are showing up on American
grocery shelves.  Though other countries now label biotech food, the
U.S. FDA still does not require labels or safety tests.  Don't you have
the right to know what's in your food?  And if it's safe for your

(You can find a copy of the ad in the front section of today's New York
Times, or download it from the Turning Point Project's website at

*Cut out the Turning Point Project ad from the New York Times and bring
it to your grocery store manager.  Ask that the store label all
genetically engineered foods, and that they require food companies to do
the same.

*Cut out another copy of the ad and mail it with a letter to the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA, the agency responsible for labeling
your foods as genetically engineered).  In the letter, mention your
support for the lawsuit asking for stronger safety testing and mandatory
labeling of all genetically engineered foods.  Mention the following
case name and docket number:  Alliance for Bio-Integrity v. Shalala,
Docket Number 98-1300 (CKK).
Mail to:
Jane Henney, Commissioner
Food & Drug Administration
5600 Fisher Lane, Room 1471
Rockville, MD 20857

*Contact the EPA in support of the lawsuit that asks the agency to take
GMO crops that contain Bt (corn, cotton, and potatoes) off the market
until further testing is done to evaluate their environmental risks and
potential threats to organic farmers.  Mention the following case name
and docket number:  Greenpeace International v. Browner, Docket Number
99-389 (LFO).
Mail to:
Carol M. Browner, Administrator
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M St., SW, Room W1200
Washington, DC 20460

*The following companies were among those listed as having products that
tested positive for genetically engineered ingredients.  Please call
them and express your concern.
 Nabisco (Snackwells granola bars):  1-800-8NABNET  (1-800-862-2638)
 General Mills (Total Corn Flakes, Bac-Os bacon bits):  1-(800) 328-1144
 Heinz (Heinz 2 Baby Cereal):  1-800-USA-BABY (1-800-872-2229)
 Kellogg's (Corn Flakes):  1-800-962-1413
 Nestle (Carnation Alsoy Infant formula):  1-818 549 6818

Visit www.turnpoint.org for more phone numbers, or to get a complete
list of foods that tested positive for genetically engineered

More Ways You Can Help:

*Write a letter to the Editor of the New York Times or your local
newspaper. Refer them to the ad you saw.  Tell them you support our
advertisements and would like to see follow-up stories on these topics.
Letters to the New York Times can be sent to:

Letters to the Editor
The New York Times
229 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
Fax (212) 556-3622

*Eat organic foods.  No private organic certifier in the U.S. allows
genetically engineered foods to be considered organic.  Currently,
eating organic is the only way to insure G.E. free food.

*Keep organic organic.  Write a letter to the US Department of
Agriculture and demand that no loopholes be included in National Organic
Standards that would allow any genetically engineered foods to be
considered organic.  Here's the address for the USDA National Organic

Keith Jones
Program Manager, USDA-AMS-TM-NOP
Room 2510 - S
AG Stop 0275
PO Box 96456
Washington D.C. 20090-6456
Or e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Invite a speaker from one of the groups listed in our resource guide to
come and give a talk to your community about issues of genetic
engineering that affect you.

*Hang these ads in your office, school, church, and home.  Help spread
the word about genetic engineering.

*Ask all candidates for office where they stand on genetic engineering.

Join the fight against hunger. For more information contact

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