-Caveat Lector-

Dear Franklin,

Thank you for your letter. I am glad you have clarified what you wrote. It
seems that it was only a matter of the use of language and that we both
agree with each other, at least about everything we have discussed so far.
Humans are acting illegally rather than being illegal, i.e. that they should
not exist, as could be inferred from your statement. Never mind, at least
now everyone knows what we both meant.

As you are quite rightly so concerned about the state of affairs in Canada
in particular and presumably in the rest of the world too, perhaps you would
be willing to save yourself a lot of time and effort and achieve what you
want to achieve by a straighter and therefore shorter route. "The shortest
distance between two points is a straight line."

That shortest route is the recovery of The Ark of The Covenant from the Hill
of Tara (Torah), as I have outlined below, by writing to the Irish Minister
for Heritage to persuade her to give me a "permit to dig" a tiny area of
grass, just 2 metres by 2 metres at Tara.

Only by showing The Ark to the world and showing them the Stone Tablets can
you prove to the Canadian people; whose overwhelming support you will need
in order to achieve your goal; that The Bible is not a story book that
someone made up and that it, and The Law of God is True. Then they might
listen. ALL of them.

Please therefore start a campaign and enlist the help of everyone you can,
to help persuade Sile (Sheila) de Valera to give me the "permit to dig" that
I need in order to recover The Ark of The Covenant, and return Canada and
the world to God's Laws.

Peace be upon you,


----- Original Message -----
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: JAH Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [2ndrepoftexas] Fw: [LIFE-GAZETTE] BC's Definition of God.

> I read your web site and I think we could express the conflict as that
> between "ego" and "super-ego" (without buying into Freud's
> of these concepts). "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity". So ego or vanity
> usually wins. The super-ego, as spiritual plane rarely wins in this world.
> Your web site puts it in more Biblical terminology as mammon vs. God.
>    I think there is a great benefit in expressing these issues in words we
> all can understand, ie the vernacular. As for "unlawful humanity and
> unlawful laws of humanity", the two are inextricably intertwined. So we
> "There is none righteous, no not one" and "All our righteousness is as
> filthy rags", etc. If man's laws are not righteous in God's eyes, how can
> the inventors of those laws be righteous?
>    Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not obsessed with "Vatican bashing" any
> than "Jew bashing" or anything else along those lines. The nation of
> good/bad/indifferent in its outcome at least deserves full credit for
> attempting a modern theocracy. And so do the 50 or so members of the OIC,
> Organization of the Islamic Council. When is Christendom going to even
> attempt to design a "Godly society" vs. the "Godless society" warned of by
> Bob Wenman, MP in 1981. Wenman wasn't the only MP warning of that outcome
> the 1981 Commons Debates which Dennis Mills, MP sent me. S.J. Korchinski,
> went so far as to say, "Nothing short of separation or revolt will
> Canadians from the mess we are in today." Mr. Wenman went so far as to
> about the "DESECRATION" of the values of a Godly society by the Liberal
> Government. Jean Chretien was Justice Minister then. He is Prime Minister
> today, and I believe his grand strategy is the DESECRATION OF A GODLY
>    The Godless Society of Chretien et al. is one in which child-murdering,
> sodomite-loving Christ-haters are hegemonic, in which usury, greed and
> lying is institutionalized. This has happened by design. Cowardly, shallow
> boot-lickers like the so-called "Christian Heritage Party", "Trinity
> University"  and "Missionfest" lick their boots for a few pieces of silver
> while congratulating themselves on the feedom of religion in this country.
> And that explains why I have a human rights complaint going against Mfest,
> billed as the biggest missionary meet in the world. I am arguing that they
> have no lawful right to discriminate against any world religion in issuing
> display booths.
> Having other world religions proseltyizing at Mfest 2000 in Vancouver
> force the boot-lickers to tell everyone what a "Godly Society" is like. Of
> course they will keep fleeing from the light of truth like the cockroaches
> that they are but this would "put them over a barrel" so to speak.
>    But back to the matter of unrighteous humankind even attempting to
> articulate a righteous society. While the Bible is clear about how far
> humankind has fallen or regressed, it is also clear that a Godly Society
> what we must aspire to, individually and collectively, spiritually and
> materially... in every way. The odds against success are overwhelming.
> and princes all conspire with the devil to prevent, ignore, frustrate that
> objective. From Salvation Army to Roman Catholics, the religion racketeers
> prefer to serve the devil and his Godless Society and that is why they
> not so much as spell out what a "Godly Society" is unless I force them to
> Mfest via the BC and Canadian Human Right authorities.
> FWP.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: JAH Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Friday, November 05, 1999 10:16 AM
> Subject: Re: Fw: [2ndrepoftexas] Fw: [LIFE-GAZETTE] BC's Definition of
> >Dear Franklin,
> >
> >Actually I wrote that all human LAWS are illegal. But I guess it was just
> >that you made a typing error. Or did you misread and misinterpret what I
> >said?
> >
> >I suggest you read what I said slowly and fully, please and then see if
> >don't agree with what I'm doing.
> >
> >You should, from your comments about the pope and the other so-called
> >christian religions, enjoy my website, especially:-
> >http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/darth.htm
> >
> >Please spread it around to everyone you know and get them writing to the
> >Irish Minister for Heritage to persuade her to give me the "permit to
> >at Tara to recover The Ark of The Covenant, ASAP.
> >
> >Peace be upon you,
> >
> >JAH.
> >
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 11:13 PM
> >Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: [2ndrepoftexas] Fw: [LIFE-GAZETTE] BC's
> >of God.
> >
> >
> >> -Caveat Lector-
> >>
> >> "According to God ALL humans are illegal" you write below. OK, I grant
> you
> >> that compared to Someone who has created the universe with its billions
> of
> >> stars x billions of galaxies (just for starters) we are more lowly than
> >> monkeys in a zoo who sense that there is a human keeper beyond the
> >> Still, we read in Ottawa's Commons Debates from 1981, Doug Roche, MP's
> >> reference to a "Godless society" so by contrast we would expect there
> >be
> >> a "Godly society". Even a primate like me can figure that out. Is there
> >more
> >> to all this than a lot of bananas we ask cogently?
> >>    Professor Mellert who got the October cover story of The Futurist
> >> (http://www.wfs.org/futurist.htm) suggests that the future of religion
> >> that of a highly relativistic God. Well, I guess it depends on your
> >beliefs.
> >> And it depends on the TRUTH....the ABSOLUTE TRUTH.
> >>    In any case, I have been saying via Life Gazette, as tabloid in the
> >80's
> >> and online now, that this is the electric cool-aid acid test for
> "Religion
> >> Experts". And I believe it proves that at least Western churchianity
> >> Protestant to Roman Catholic is a giant FRAUD. Vatican is an
> >OF
> >> LIARS. It would be easy to prove me wrong.
> >> Look, this is easy to understand:
> >>
> >NOT
> >>
> >> In 1891, Vatican made a call for a socio-economic-political
> >> and that document, titled RERUM NOVARUM has been "updated" with the
> >vanities
> >> of popocrats ever since. Yet no articulation of a "Godly society" has
> been
> >>
> >> Now Vatican is about to send its Numero Uno Liar, the pope, to India
> >> Iraq. The motto of the Times of India is "Let Truth Prevail". And Jesus
> >> Christ said, "I came to tell the truth". So let us hear from Numero Uno
> >how
> >> his billion subjects on the planet with all their expertise would spell
> >out
> >> "Babylon II". Just across the sand, Kuwait is planning Subia, a brand
> >> city for 260,000. Why not combine something old and something new?
> a
> >> brand new city, Babylon II, around the Babylon Restoration Project.
> >> This would be a GODLY SOCIETY. The Russians might even like it as a
> >shining
> >> light unto the nations, a multi-national city centre for their
> >"Multi-Poley"
> >> World Model as an antidote to the depraved US-led New World Order.
> >> FWP.
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: JAH Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Date: Thursday, November 04, 1999 10:42 AM
> >> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: [2ndrepoftexas] Fw: [LIFE-GAZETTE] BC's
> Definition
> >> of God.
> >>
> >>
> >> > -Caveat Lector-
> >> >
> >> >According to God ALL human laws are illegal.
> >> >
> >> >Therefore The Bible is the ONLY Law Book on Earth.
> >> >
> >> >Deuteronomy 4:1 Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the Statutes and
> >unto
> >> > the Judgments, which I teach you, for to DO [them], that ye may
> >> > LIVE, and go in and possess the land which the "I AM" God of your
> >> > fathers giveth you.
> >> >4:2 Ye shall not ADD unto the word which I command you, neither
> >> > shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the
> >> > Commandments of the "I AM" your God which I COMMAND you.
> >> >
> >> >During the British Coronation the Archbishop places The Bible in the
> >hands
> >> >of the British monarch saying: "Our gracious king/queen, we present
> >> with
> >> >this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is
> >Wisdom.
> >> >This is the Royal Law. These are the lively oracles of God."
> >> >
> >> >The monarch swears to uphold The Law (PLEASE read Deuteronomy
> >> >
> >> >Canadians are all Israelites by birth, being descended from the Ten
> >"Lost"
> >> >Tribes of Israel and all Israelites signed The Covenant with God at
> Horeb
> >> in
> >> >Sinai and must now return to keeping only God's Laws in order to
> >the
> >> >NWO or perish.
> >> >
> >> >Please see Malachi 4 below for proof.
> >> >
> >> >With that in mind please read and act on the following to help me to
> >> recover
> >> >The "Lost" Ark of The Covenant from its secret hiding-place on the
> >of
> >> >Tara (Torah) in County Meath in Ireland.
> >> >
> >> >COPY
> >> >
> >> >Dear General Gene,
> >> >
> >> >Thank you very much for your latest email. I am extremely glad to hear
> >> that,
> >> >unlike most so-called christians, you have actually understood
> >> >about the Wisdom of The Law. You are perfectly correct about the
> >abolition
> >> >of only the animal substitution Sacrificial Laws, which were only a
> >> >school-teacher to bring men to Christ and were replaced by the daily
> >taking
> >> >up of the cross of "Self"-sacrifice. The national and moral Laws
> however,
> >> as
> >> >you correctly state are, like The Covenant, eternal.
> >> >
> >> >In order to prove that to everyone and return the world to decency and
> >> >morality it is necessary to return to The Law of God, exactly as He
> >on
> >> >the last page of the Old Covenant / Testament in Malachi 4, exactly as
> >you
> >> >have agreed with in your letter to me. As part of that, it is my
> personal
> >> >job to recover The Ark of The Covenant which contains The Law and The
> Two
> >> >Tablets on which are written The Ten Commandments and show them to the
> >> world
> >> >and warn everyone that they must return to and keep God's Laws in
> >to
> >> >defeat Satan's NWO Conspirators and save themselves from destruction.
> >> >
> >> >You are exactly right about the times we are living in being the "End"
> >Time
> >> >and the proof of that can be found on my website page about exactly
> >that:-
> >> >http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/signs.htm
> >> >
> >> >The best Bible currently in print is the 1611 king James Authorised
> >> Version.
> >> >But I have finished preparing the "King of kings' Bible" and that is
> >> >best and only totally accurate Bible and includes what the
> >> took
> >> >out of it because they didn't want you to read it. Unfortunately
> >> the
> >> >NWO own all the publishing companies and don't want people to be able
> >> >read and understand what The Bible really says, they will not publish
> >> for
> >> >me. It is however available electronically and details can be found on
> my
> >> >website. I'm looking into putting it on CD but don't have a CD Writer
> for
> >> my
> >> >old Macintosh.
> >> >
> >> >I am doing my best to persuade the Irish Minister for Heritage to give
> me
> >a
> >> >permit to dig at Tara in Co. Meath in Ireland, so I can recover The
> >> >Then I/we can defeat the NWO and draw all those who want to live in a
> >> better
> >> >and fairer world by keeping ONLY God's Laws to The Ark and into God's
> >> >Kingdom.
> >> >
> >> >Gene, please do your best to persuade as many people as possible to
> >write;
> >> >to fax to and/or telephone the Irish Minister to persuade her to give
> >> the
> >> >permit as soon as possible, because Y2K is rapidly approaching and
> >is
> >> >no other way to stop the Conspirators.
> >> >
> >> >I asked USCMike1 to also persuade his mailing list to do the same
> because
> >> >only a concerted and sustained effort will achieve the goal. This is
> >> >right miracle that you have been praying for and we all must work
> >together
> >> >to make it happen. Please share this with your listeners along with my
> >> >website address where people can find a treasure of information that
> will
> >> >help them and you to correctly understand The Bible and God's
> >> Survival-Plan.
> >> >
> >> >I'm very pleased for you that Father nailed you and you caught on
> >> >
> >> >I'm adding the letter* that I sent out to USCMike1 and Shonda in which
> it
> >> >gives people the Irish Minister's address etc. and what to do, so I/we
> >can
> >> >recover The Ark and defeat the NWO Conspirators ASAP, before Y2K.
> >> >
> >> >If you like The Bible you will love my and God's website and spend
> >> >joyful hours studying the treasure on it. It will help you to
> >> The
> >> >Bible better. Please check it out and advise others to do the same.
> >> >
> >> >If you have any personal questions that you would like my advice on in
> >> total
> >> >confidence and privacy, please feel free to consult me.
> >> >
> >> >Peace be upon you,
> >> >
> >> >JAH.
> >> >
> >> >P.S. This confession of your faith (below) and my reply should also go
> to
> >> >the alliance to encourage those who feel the same to have the courage
> >> >come forward and say so and help us. I will leave that to you to send
> >if
> >> >you feel you would like to share it with everyone.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >* Please repost to your own mailing lists
> >> >and newsgroups and as far and wide as possible - Thanks
> >> >
> >What
> >> >do we do next?
> >> > by Randy Miller
> >> >
> >> >The War of all wars (APFN).
> >> >
> >> >Dear All,
> >> >
> >> >I've already told you what we need to do in order to put everything
> right
> >> in
> >> >one go. Nothing else will get the job done; according to God.
> >> >
> >> >We need, according to Holy Scripture, to recover The "Lost" Ark from
> >> >secret hiding-place in the Hill of Tara, in County Meath, Ireland and
> for
> >> >that we need to persuade Sile (Sheila) de Valera, the Minister for
> >> Heritage,
> >> >to give me a "permit to dig" at Tara and we need to do it before y2k,
> for
> >> >obvious and already well discussed reasons.
> >> >
> >> >Those people who are REALLY serious about survival should help me to
> >> recover
> >> >The Ark before it's too late. With that in mind please read the
> following
> >> >and act on it. Y2K is getting closer every day.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Dear Friends, Citizens, Patriots, Veterans, et al:
> >> >
> >> >The more I read your various correspondences, the more I see how
> >frightened
> >> >and desperate many of you are, including someone in the NWO above Bill
> >> >Clinton, and from the many reports sent in, about various government
> >> >activities that are going on, the greater the need for good guidance
> >how
> >> >to defeat the 300 Gang and even more importantly SURVIVE.
> >> >
> >> >With all the measures being taken by so many people; most of which,
> >> >sorry to have to tell you, will probably not be of any use; it appears
> >that
> >> >whilst many of you believe IN God, very few seem to BELIEVE God and
> >> >Word.
> >> >
> >> >He has told the world on the last page of the Old Covenant/Testament
> >> >Malachi 4 what every one of you MUST do, if you want to survive not
> >> y2k
> >> >but also The Fire, which was re-confirmed by Christ in the Revelation
> >> >John, in Revelation/Apocalypse 14:3 and 15:3.
> >> >
> >> >Revelation 14:3 And they sung as it were a "New Song" (Isaiah 42:10)
> >before
> >> > the Throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man
> could
> >> >learn that "Song" EXCEPT the hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand,
> >which
> >> >were redeemed from the Earth.
> >> >15:3 And they sing the "Song of Moses" (Old Covenant - Deut. 31) the
> >> servant
> >> >of God, AND the "Song of the Lamb" (New Covenant), saying, Great and
> >> >marvellous [are] Thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and TRUE [are] Thy
> >> Ways,
> >> >Thou King of the holy people.
> >> >
> >> >In both places, you have been told that you MUST get rid of
> >> >Decrees and all man-made laws and return to keeping ONLY God's Laws
> >The
> >> >Covenants - the Old and the New Covenants which are harmonised and
> >referred
> >> >to as the "New Song" by Christ in Revelation 14:3 and 15:3 above and
> >God
> >> >in Isaiah 42:10, as George Washington intended.
> >> >
> >> >Isaiah 42:10 Sing unto the "I AM" the "New Song" (Rev. 14:3; 15:3),
> [and]
> >> >His praise from the "end of the earth", ye that go down to the sea,
> >all
> >> >that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.
> >> >42:11 Let the "wilderness" and the cities thereof lift up [their
> >> the
> >> >villages [that] Darkness doth inhabit: let the inhabitants of the Rock
> >> sing,
> >> >let them shout from the top of the mountain.
> >> >42:12 Let them give glory unto the "I AM", and declare His praise in
> >> >islands.
> >> >42:13 The "I AM" shall go forth as a mighty man, He shall stir up
> >jealousy
> >> >like a man of WAR: He shall cry, yea, roar; He shall PREVAIL against
> >> >enemies.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >I have placed the "New Song" that every one of you who wants to
> >and
> >> >live in God's Kingdom MUST learn and live by, according to Christ, on
> >> >website:-
> >> >
> >> >http://www/geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/nsongad.htm please
> >> >download and use it, now.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >It seems you are all far more pre-occupied with the 300 Committee,
> >in
> >> >following God's survival instructions. Those who KNOW God should not
> >the
> >> >least bit worried about anything or what anyone might, or might not,
> >to
> >> >do to their body.
> >> >
> >> >Malachi 4:1 For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn like an oven;
> >and
> >> >all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and
> >day
> >> >that cometh shall burn them up, saith the "I AM" Lord of hosts, that
> >> >shall leave of them neither root nor branch (nothing).
> >> >4:2 But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness
> >> with
> >> >healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of
> the
> >> >stall (IN PERFECT SAFETY).
> >> >4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under
> the
> >> >soles of your feet in The Day that I shall do [this], saith the "I AM"
> >Lord
> >> >of hosts.
> >> >4:4 Remember ye and return to The Law of Moses My servant, which I
> >> commanded
> >> >unto him in Horeb (Sinai) for all Israel, [with] the Statutes and
> >> Judgments.
> >> >4:5 Behold, I will send you EliJAH the Prophet before the coming of
> >> >great and dreadful Day of the "I AM" (Sura 43:61):
> >> >4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and
> >> >heart of the children to their fathers, (by recovering The "lost" Ark
> and
> >> >getting everyone to return to God's Laws kept inside it) lest I come
> >> >smite the earth with a curse (verse 1).
> >> >
> >> >See THE Survival Plan: "The Way home or face The Fire", on my website
> >at:-
> >> >http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and then all
> >things
> >> >will be added unto you", including His personal PROTECTION and supply
> >> >everything you will need.
> >> >
> >> >There is only ONE way to defeat the 300 Gang QUICKLY and that is by
> doing
> >> >what God has told you in Malachi 4 and getting the whole world to
> >> and
> >> >encourage them to do the same, thereby automatically dissolving all
> human
> >> >laws and thus taking away their power from the UN / NWO / 300 Gang.
> >> >
> >> >It appears from your desperation and the current government measures
> that
> >> >appear to be being taken, that there is a RACE on between the 300
> >to
> >> >take TOTAL control, and me to accomplish my mission for God of
> destroying
> >> >their power BEFORE Jan 1 2000. Not until I received your many anxious
> and
> >> >well-informed messages did I begin to realise that it is a RACE
> >> >TIME.
> >> >
> >> >The only way that we can get the WHOLE world's attention and the 300
> Gang
> >> >can be stopped instantly, is by using the power of The Ark of The
> >Covenant,
> >> >which has been "lost" and buried for 2,500 years at Tara (Torah) in
> >> Ireland.
> >> >It is buried at a National Heritage "protected-site" and I need a
> "permit
> >> to
> >> >dig" from the Irish Minister for Heritage, who is called Sile (Sheila)
> de
> >> >Valera and is a descendant of Eamon de Valera who was an Irish
> >who
> >> >left America at the beginning of this century; came to Ireland to
> >organise
> >> >the fight against, and defeat of, the British monarchy (head of the
> >> Gang
> >> >according to Dr. John Coleman) and set up the Irish Republic and
> >its
> >> >first president. Let's finish the job on the 300 Gang.
> >> >
> >> >I have been waiting 18 months, doing my best to persuade the minister
> >> >give me a "permit to dig" and now feel that, as it has become a RACE;
> >we
> >> >are going to WIN the race, I need ALL of you in the Rebel Alliance to
> >> write;
> >> >fax and if you have relatives in Ireland get them to telephone her, to
> >> >persuade her to give me the permit, so I/we can recover The Ark and
> >destroy
> >> >the power of the 300 Gang, BEFORE Jan 1 2000.
> >> >
> >> >Many of you will have relatives and or friends in Ireland, who could
> also
> >> >write; fax and phone the minister to support me in my application for
> >> >permit, their Ref. no. for my application is:- Rep: 525/98.  It would
> >> >easier still if anyone with a doctorate in archaeology would help me
> >> >apply, because of the draconian Irish regulations against
> >> non-archaeologists
> >> >digging in Ireland.
> >> >
> >> >Out of the 33,730+ on USCMike1's list of you, someone must have a
> >doctorate
> >> >in archaeology or between you be able to stump-up enough money for me
> >> >hire one here in Ireland. Want to set up a fighting-fund, anyone?
> >> >
> >> >There is NO other way to stop them and survive, than The Way I have
> >> >you. If you don't help me and do this God's Way, you will not survive,
> >you
> >> >have God's Word on that. Read Malachi 4 above, again, to make sure.
> >> >
> >> >The Minister for Heritage's address is:-
> >> >
> >> >Sile de Valera,
> >> >Minister for Heritage,
> >> >43-49, Mespil Road,
> >> >Dublin 4,
> >> >Ireland.
> >> >Tel. Int. 353 1 667 0788
> >> >Fax. Int. 353 1 667 0825
> >> >in Ireland tel. 01 667 0788
> >> >               fax. 01 667 0825
> >> >
> >> >Only a SUSTAINED campaign will persuade her. There are tens of
> >of
> >> >you, plus your friends and relatives in Ireland, who could go to the
> >> >ministry and demonstrate outside, if necessary. If she gets thousands
> >> >letters and faxes, EVERY day, and telephone calls, for as long as it
> >takes
> >> >to persuade her, she should give me the permit sooner, rather than
> later.
> >> >Remember that Jan 1 2000 is rapidly approaching.
> >> >
> >> >If you are willing to spend lots of money on ammunition and special
> >> survival
> >> >equipment and rations that will realistically probably not help you
> >anyway,
> >> >then surely a fax or letter every day or week, costing a couple of
> bucks,
> >> >shouldn't be a lot for you to do, from the comfort of your own home,
> >get
> >> >the job done, without firing a shot, or having to run and hide.
> >> >
> >> >Anyone who thinks this is off-the-wall, obviously only believes IN God
> >and
> >> >doesn't BELIEVE God, or His Holy Bible and miracles and therefore
> doesn't
> >> >deserve to survive anyway. If you think anything except THIS miracle
> >> >save you from the NWO then YOU are off-the-wall. Those of you that do
> >> >BELIEVE God, please get writing and faxing, NOW.
> >> >
> >> >Long live the fighters,
> >> >
> >> >Peace be upon you,
> >> >
> >> >JAH.
> >> >
> >> >P.S. Further proof that The Ark is at Tara can be found on my website
> >at:-
> >> >http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/2012/
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >----- Original Message -----
> >> >To: APFN ONELIST <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ChristianPatriot
> >> >Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 5:41 AM
> >> >Subject: [apfn] Hanging by a thread (but not for long)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> Fwd: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Subject: Hanging by a thread (but not for long)
> >> >>
> >> >> THREAD...... What do we do next?
> >> >> by Randy Miller
> >> >>
> >> >> In one of my last posts, I stated that I was going to disband
> >> >> my list and forget the issues.  I still plan to but not quite yet.
> >> >> It seems that something mysterious is going on.  Perhaps a
> >> >> division in the new world order plans of sorts.  What am I
> >> >> referring to?  THAAD.
> >> >>
> >> >> THAAD has become THE issue behind the scenes in the NWO.  How
> >> >> do I know this?  Because it is causing quite a stir with
> >> >> Russia and China, that is how I know it.  Many of you might have
> >> >> seen the sight about 4 weeks in the night sky of a THAAD missile
> >> >> hunting down and killing an ABM over the Pacific.  It was
> >> >> a clear sight in Arizona.  A lot of people were bewildered by
> >> >> the sight.  Few had seen it before.  It was NOT normal.
> >> >>
> >> >> Just a few months ago the NWO, Russia and China were the best
> >> >> of buds.  The plans were all set, who would take over what.  Now
> >> >> apparently it is not all so clear.  The NWO poster boy is clearly
> >> >> worried.  Bill Clinton now backs THAAD a direct turn around
> >> >> from everything the liberal Democrats stand for.  SOMEBODY above
> >> >> Bill Clinton IS CLEARLY SCARED!
> >> >> <<<<<<<<Bernard Rapoport, Waco, Texas>>>>>>>>
> >> >
> >> >P.S. Can anyone tell me (JAH) what THAAD stands for and the A part of
> >> >(Atomic?)?
> >> >
> >> >----- Original Message -----
> >> >From: GENE RITTER
> >> >To: JAH Publications
> >> >Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 10:58 PM
> >> >Subject: Re: Justice
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >I reckon it can go to the Alliance.  Last December I caught on fire,
> >to
> >> >speak.  Years of lingering questions and input from friends not
> >> >withstanding, right after Christmas the Lord nailed me.  I went out
> >> >purchased several different Bibles (for myself and 2 teen daughters),
> >> >Concordances for all and jumped headlong into serious Bible Study.  I
> >> now
> >> >hopelessly addicted.  I must be honest and admit that on more than one
> >> >occasion I have wept at the things I read.  Our country has fallen so
> far
> >> >from Grace that I find the Lord's patience to be a thing of awe.  And
> all
> >> >these "New Testament "Churches"" claiming that the Law has been done
> away
> >> >with and other such hooey.  I am no scholar yet by any means, but it
> >> appears
> >> >to me the only thing done away with is the Sacrificial Laws of Moses.
> >> >have yet to find any reference to the rest of the Law being done away

> >with.
> >> >And then there is the question of the Sabbath.  Boy, have we been sold
> >> >bill of goods or what ??  If we were to punish according to God's Law,
> >even
> >> >just 10% of it, we would have the society I grew up in as a child.
> >> Instead,
> >> >we have this cess-pool full of lazy, worthless scum bags with their
> hands
> >> >out.  Folks running around with no idea of moral decency.  Now make no
> >> >mistake, I am as lecherous as the next guy, but for the love of God
> would
> >> >the women please start wearing clothes!!!!!  Provocative dress should
> >> >reserved for the bedroom, not the grocery store or the mall.  I tell
> >> >what, if these aren't the end days the Lord is missing a heck of a
> >> >chance.  It is very frustrating trying to raise 2 daughters (14 & 15)
> >> >myself in a world gone goofy.  Thank God they got "captured" by the
> youth
> >> >group at church.  That has helped.  I know the Lord has a plan and it
> >> >right on schedule, but it is still so sad to see what we have become
> >> >opposed to what we might have been (and still could be with the right
> >> >miracle).  I have an FM Micro-Station at the house and thankfully some
> of
> >> my
> >> >listeners requested I read the Bible for a segment during my live
> >I
> >> >was glad of that because at this stage of my development I still can't
> >get
> >> >enough.  Currently I use several Bibles: 1958 Douay-Westminster; 1611
> >KJV;
> >> >New KJV Study Bible; NIV Study Bible.  My quest continues...
> >> >
> >> >                                                        Yours in
> >> >
> >> >                                                        General Gene
> >> >(Republic of Texas)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >----- Original Message -----
> >> >From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 7:37 PM
> >> >Subject: [CTRL] Fw: [2ndrepoftexas] Fw: [LIFE-GAZETTE] BC's Definition
> of
> >> >God.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> -Caveat Lector-
> >> >>
> >> >> If "Party of Citizens" can get the court to admit that the Bible is
> the
> >> >> supreme law book in BC, then we win the case, don't you agree? As
> >as
> >> I
> >> >> can tell, when pro-lifers and pro-abortionists or so-called
> >> "pro-choicers"
> >> >> argue it out by invoking Biblical Law, the pro-lifers win easily.
> >> >> Agree/disagree? What is the best argument anyone can make from the
> >Bible
> >> >> that God favors abortion?
> >> >> FWP.
> >> >> >.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>From: "Franklin Wayne Poley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>Dear Office of the Attorney General:
> >> >> >>      I recently sent an email to your office, asking how your
> >> >> >administration defines "God". Could you please acknowledge receipt
> >> >that
> >> >> >email letter and acknowledge that you are working on an answer to
> >> >> >question?
> >> >> >>   The question is far from frivolous. I lead a registered BC
> >political
> >> >> >party called "Party of Citizens". Last night we met from 7:00 to
> >> >p.m.
> >> >> >in Metrotown LIbrary to hear POC candidate Gordon Helmholtz Watson
> >speak
> >> >on
> >> >> >the topic "God's Law or the New World Order". Mr. Watson believes
> that
> >> >THE
> >> >> >BIBLE IS THE SUPREME LAW BOOK in British Columbia and he will be
> >arguing
> >> >a
> >> >> >pro-life case before Judge Howard on that basis. As you know there
> >> >> >legislation which can be argued as supporting the pro-life position
> >and
> >> >> >there is legislation which can be argued as supporting the
> >pro-abortion
> >> >> >position. For example, Mr. Watson repeatedly points to two sections
> of
> >> >the
> >> >> >Criminal Code of Canada which clearly proscribe abortion. They are
> >still
> >> >> >valid law and contrary to popular misconception, laws proscribing
> >> >abortion
> >> >> >have not been "struck down".
> >> >> >>   Judge Howard will therefore be presented with two sides of a
> >ledger
> >> >> >consisting of provincial and federal legislation and she must
> >> >which
> >> >> >has greater weight. However, there is also the matter of the Bible
> >a
> >> >law
> >> >> >book and its weight in a BC court. Mr. Watson of course will be
> >arguing
> >> >> that
> >> >> >the Bible is clearly pro-life and anti-abortion.
> >> >> >>   My question to you has to do with the "God" of the Canadian
> >> >> Constitution
> >> >> >and whether this is the God of the Bible. If it is, Mr. Watson is
> >quite
> >> >> >right in arguing from the Bible in court. Moreover, he is also
> >> requesting
> >> >a
> >> >> >trial by jury. I have before me the Jury Act and I note a list of
> >> >> >Definitions at the beginning of the act as is typical of
> >> >There
> >> >> >is no definition of "God". Why should there be? Well, I read in the
> >> >> >information sheet which the Sheriff's Office sends out to
> >> >> jurors
> >> >> >that "The right to a trial by jury of one's peers is a cornerstone
> >> our
> >> >> >democratic society and is one of its oldest institutions."
> >> when
> >> >I
> >> >> >was called in for jury duty, I noted that 7 out of the 8 jurors
> >an
> >> >> oath
> >> >> >on the Bible, "so help me God" and the 8th. took an affirmation.
> While
> >> >the
> >> >> >affirmation is described in Section 32, the Oath on the Bible is
> >> >> >mentioned anywhere in this act. It is important for legislation to
> >tell
> >> >us
> >> >> >what an affirmation is and to give a list of definitions. It is
> >vitally
> >> >> >important to know how this God in "so help me God" is defined.
> >> that
> >> >> >most jurors take an oath on the Bible, I would expect expect an
> answer
> >> >> along
> >> >> >the lines of saying that in BC and Canada, the legal system accepts
> >the
> >> >> >long-standing historical understanding of the God invoked in the
> >Bible.
> >> >Is
> >> >> >that correct?
> >> >> >>   According to Black's Law Dictionary, common law derives its
> >> authority
> >> >> >"solely from usages and customs of immemorial antiquity or from the
> >> >> >judgements and decrees of the courts, recognizing, affirming and
> >> >enforcing
> >> >> >such usages and customs." Mr. Watson therefore believes that the
> >British
> >> >> >Coronation Service is still highly relevant to this matter. Do you
> >> agree?
> >> >> >Last night he presented us with a manuscript titled "The Coronation
> of
> >> >Her
> >> >> >Majesty Queen Elizabeth II", June 2, 1953. The Introduction is
> written
> >> by
> >> >> >the Archbishop of Canterbury and it says "Then the heads of the two
> >> >> Churches
> >> >> >of England and Scotland present the Holy Bible to the Queen,
> >is
> >> >> 'the
> >> >> >Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes.' So
> >> >> >foundations are laid." The Archbishop is saying that the Holy Bible
> is
> >> >the
> >> >> >SUPREME LAW IN BRITAIN. Would you agree that by common law it is
> >> the
> >> >> >supreme law in British Columbia?
> >> >> >>   We can also approach this matter from the perspective of the
> >> >> >Constitution of Canada. According to the Canada Year Book, the
> >> >Constitution
> >> >> >is the foundation of all legislation in Canada and no legislation
> >> >stand
> >> >> >if it is in violation of the Constitution. The Canada Year Book
> >includes
> >> >> the
> >> >> >Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution and the Preamble
> to
> >> >the
> >> >> >Charter of Rights and Freedoms reads "Whereas Canada is founded
> >> >> >principles that recognize the supremacy of God...." Dennis Mills,
> >has
> >> >> >sent me some 60 pages of Commons Debates from 1981 dealing with
> >whether
> >> >to
> >> >> >include the word "God" in the Charter.  Doug Roche, MP says that
> >> >"...rights
> >> >> >exist because they are implanted in every human being by God...."
> >(March
> >> >> >16/81). Whether you agree with Mr. Roche or not, it is clear that
> >"God"
> >> >is
> >> >> >the very foundation of the Constitution, which is the foundation of
> >> >> >legislation in Canada.
> >> >> >>   Don Boudria, MP, wrote on Oct. 22, 1999, in reply to my email
> that
> >> >> "This
> >> >> >information may be useful in responding to your comment to 'spell
> >> >what
> >> >> >it means by 'God' in the Constitution/Charter of Rights'-which
> >> >appear
> >> >> >from the Canadian experience and that of other countries to be a
> >matter
> >> >for
> >> >> >churches and religious communities to consider." I agree that
> churches
> >> >and
> >> >> >religious communities should be vitally interested in defining
> >> >> >However, law enforcement authorities should have as much interest
> >the
> >> >> >matter. If 'God' is just a word; if law enforcement authorities are
> to
> >> >use
> >> >> >this word as loosely as a drunk speaking in a beer parlour, which
> >seems
> >> >to
> >> >> >be the present state of affairs, then the system of justice will be
> >> >> >corrupted because the very foundation of law is meaningless. The
> >of
> >> >> the
> >> >> >system of law then regresses to a system of order without justice,
> >> >> >administered by shallow word mongers. I think the place to start
> >> >arresting
> >> >> >this corruption is with a clear definition of 'God' in law.
> >> >> >>I look forward to your reply.
> >> >> >>Sincerely-FWP
> >> >> >>(President, Party of Citizens).
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>[Attachments have been removed from this message]
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>>* Life Gazette chronicles the development of world cultures which
> >have
> >> >> >Constitutions recognizing the supremacy of God, from Liberian to
> >Iranian
> >> >to
> >> >> >"Culture X" *
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >__________________________________________________
> >> >Do You Yahoo!?
> >> >Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
> >> >
> >> >==========
> >> >CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
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> >> >screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> >> matters
> >> >and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> >> outright
> >> >frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> >> effects
> >> >spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
> >> >gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> >> readers;
> >> >be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial
> and
> >> >nazi's need not apply.
> >> >
> >> >Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> >>
> >> >Archives Available at:
> >> >http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> >> >
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> >>
> >> ==========
> >> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> >propagandic
> >> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> >matters
> >> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> >outright
> >> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> >effects
> >> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
> >> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> >readers;
> >> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial
> >> nazi's need not apply.
> >>
> >> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> >>
> >> Archives Available at:
> >> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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