-----Original Message-----
From: Wes Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, 28 July 1999 19:16
Subject: [MC] NSA mind control

Will Filer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has sent me an updated version of his document alleging NSA mind control operations.

See www.sonic.net/~west/nsamindcontrol.htm for the full text.

Significant added material:


1.1.1. This technology was originally conceived under CIA studies and fascination with the power of hypnosis in the late 1950’s and perfected by very early 1960s and implemented with unlimited resources to all areas of vital national security interest first.  Originally, after noting the behavioral effects in visual subliminal effects like the highly publicized event where stating “Drink Coca Cola” on a single movie frame “delivered a higher rates of speed than normal movie viewing raised the obvious question, “Does the human hearing work as good as eyesight accepting subliminal messages?”  Preliminary theory work was transferred to Fort Mead NSA who had expertise in characterizing language in analog domains where a sampled phoneme could be edited (shortened by removing excess sine waveforms from the “acoustic wavetrain”) and electronically reconstructed back into shortened words of  language.  Some of the early experiments included “Remote Viewing at NSA where the Viewer woul! d re lax, open their mind and explain the clarity of images that were described by the NSA using this technology.  These early experiments allowed the NSA to refine the specifications of the “Computer Simulated Subconscious Speech Language” and the scripting formats to maximize the ability to deliver an accurate “vision or picture” into the subject.  Pictures already seen by the subject could simply be recalled using “Age regression” script variations.

Typical post-hypnotic induced delusions reported by subjects are tingling in various areas of the body, which are thought to be resulting from microwave beams.  Hearing ticks thumps or cracks from walls, ceilings, clocks, lights, etc.  Beliefs that the subject's neighbors are conspiring against them, or that the subject is being followed.  Sometimes subjects believe that the various perceptions, feelings and experiences are the result of "Implants" in their body.  It is important for the subjects to understand that the NSA controls this technology from nuclear hardened underground shelters and the neighbors next door have nothing to do with the subject's experiences.  Nobody has the time or inclination to follow a subject around with a microwave gun to tickle various parts of the body.  We are saturated with microwaves all the time from television stations, communication satellites, etc and yet we do not have any symptoms because microwaves do not have the ability to! tri gger localized synaptic responses in our brains.   Furthermore, when the subject is in a room surrounded by several people, and the subject is the only one experiencing the "thoughts", tingling feelings, etc., then obviously a delivery method is being employed that affects only the subject; high-speed acoustic delivered hypnosis.


1. This section is written in an attempt to provide interested individuals with some of the considerations and precautions when seeking to demonstrate the NSA’s civil rights abuses by demonstrating the effectiveness and concepts of subliminal access using Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Delivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands without Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject.

1.1. Reverse engineering of the NSA’s technology to prove it’s abuses against the American people is quite difficult. Consider the following.
1.2. If the scientists and technicians perform their research in a facility that the NSA has the standard transceivers installed, and therefore the NSA can influence the direction of research or the data by effecting perceptual effects in the researchers.  These perceptual effects can be confusion, lack of attention to important details, oversights, bad assumptions, incorrect interpretation of the test data.  These same misperceptions will also be incorporated into the research test subjects.  The technology cannot be developed and optimized if the NSA has any access to the test subjects.  The test scripts given to the test subject delivered from the researcher can be neutralized by the NSA delivering a canceling script immediately after the researcher’s script.  The NSA’s test script can also include a hypnoamnesia script at the end to cancel any residual perception in the subject so that the test subject would report no effects and the researcher would conclude the test scri! pt h ad no effect.
1.3. The research must be carried out in a facility secured from all NSA electronic intrusion.  All equipment in the facility must be TEMPEST protected and electrically isolated from the outside world.  The research personnel and their subjects must never leave the secured area of the facility so that they cannot be subliminally interrogated by the NSA.  The NSA would take this opportunity to deliver disinformation scripts to the subject or researcher.  Foodstuffs and supplies would be the logical choice of NSA intrusion if all other security measures were effective against the NSA.
1.4. The NSA will exploit all opportunities to introduce microscopic transceivers into the facility of it’s surrounding grounds.  The minimal requirements for the NSA to take control of the research are:
1.4.1. NSA audio delivery (a micro receiver with a micro speaker)
1.4.2. Visibility of the targets (researcher or test subject) to capture response labels during subliminal interrogations.  This can be through normal illumination or infrared to see through window, or millimeter wave or other technologies that can see through barriers like walls and ceilings.
1.4.3. Audible response labels can be used if the NSA has a micro receiver with a micro speaker inside but cannot get a transmitter in and operating without detection.  Sneezes, coughs, clearing of throat that can be picked up by laser microphones, audible amplification microphones, etc. can also be used as response labels.

1.5. The NSA currently has satellites with millimeter wave technology that will allow visible intrusion into most facilities.  The test facilities should be deep underground, AKA 1000 feet with no adjacent access from other facilities, sewer lines, water lines or power conduits etc.

1.6. Any facilities existing will have to be debugged before habitation and research begins.
1.7. Subjects must be able to be subjected to traditional hypnosis after facility habitation as a test prior to research to assure that the NSA has minimal scripts already implanted.

1.8. This technology is the highest level of intelligence gathering for the USA.  The abuses resulting from mismanagement of this area of the NSA’s intelligence system must force Congress to legislate additional laws to protect the citizens.  The NSA must regulate this system better.  The NSA will take all necessary steps without limit to assure that this technology is preserved and autonomously under their control.

2. Conclusion: America’s greatest and highest level intelligence asset is being mismanaged and the mismanagement must be corrected before all the Enemies of our great country acquire it.  Imagine if China had this technology to use on their defenseless population?
3. May God help us all in protecting the American public and preserving and managing this vital technology’s vital potential to serve America’s National Security.

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