-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 11:59 AM
Subject: [anti-imperialiste] US Killing Of Hussein Family Members

> ---------------------------
> 1) Russia Criticizes US Killing Of Hussein Family
> Members As 'Beyond Bounds Of International Law'
> 2) Russian Lawmakers Deride US's 'Desperate Measures'
> 3) French Intelligence Source: Uday Hussein Was
> Negotiating His Surrender Before Being Killed
> 4) Analysts: Death Of Hussein's Sons Won't Halt
> Attacks On US Forces
> http://www.dawn.com/2003/07/24/int5.htm
> Dawn (Pakistan)
> Deutsche Presse-Agentur
> July 24, 2003
> Russia criticizes action
> -Konstantin Kossachyov, the chief international
> politics expert of the Kremlin-loyal Russian Unity
> Party, said the incident was "equally beyond the
> bounds of international law as the overall American
> action in Iraq".
> MOSCOW, July 23: The deaths of Saddam Hussein's two
> sons drew a muted and even critical response in
> Russia, one of the most outspoken opponents of the
> invasion.
> "This situation will lead to new casualties among the
> coalition forces and the civilian population of Iraq,"
> the chairman of the Russian Duma parliament's foreign
> affairs committee, Mikhail Margelov, said in Moscow.
> The violent deaths of Uday and Qusay were further
> proof that a political solution in Iraq was still a
> remote prospect, he said.
> Konstantin Kossachyov, the chief international
> politics expert of the Kremlin-loyal Russian Unity
> Party, said the incident was "equally beyond the
> bounds of international law as the overall American
> action in Iraq".
> The Foreign Ministry in Moscow, meanwhile, said that
> there were no plans to include Russian troops in the
> peacekeeping force in Iraq.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.ptd.net/webnews/wed/bd/Qiraq-sons-russia.R8_v_DlN.html
> Russia says death of Saddam's sons no guarantee of
> Iraq stability
> Dmitry Zaks
> -Some Russian lawmakers said the killing showed the
> desperate measures US forces were resorting to as they
> grapple with anarchy in post-war Iraq.
> "The fact that Hussein's sons were not brought to
> trial but were killed in fighting proves that a
> genuine political process in Iraq is a long way off."
> MOSCOW, July 23 (AFP) - Russia held back Wednesday
> from celebrating news that US troops have killed
> Saddam Hussein's two sons and warned that their demise
> still gave no guarantee of security in Iraq.
> Deputy Foreign Minister Yury Fedotov said it was
> difficult for Moscow to judge how the killing Tuesday
> of Uday and Qusay Hussein in a shootout with US troops
> would improve stability in a nation where skirmishes
> rage on daily.
> "Of course we are following the situation in Iraq. We
> judge any set of events first of all by how they
> affect the actual situation," Fedotov told reporters.
> "The regime in Iraq has changed and the main efforts
> must now be focused on the process of reconstruction,
> an end to crime, the formation of state authorities,
> and the restoration of the very basic needs of the
> Iraqi people."
> But Fedotov added in reference to the sons' death: "It
> is difficult for me to say how this fact can affect
> the future situation in Iraq."
> Some Russian lawmakers said the killing showed the
> desperate measures US forces were resorting to as they
> grapple with anarchy in post-war Iraq.
> "The fact that Hussein's sons were not brought to
> trial but were killed in fighting proves that a
> genuine political process in Iraq is a long way off,"
> said the upper house of parliament's foreign affairs
> chief Mikhail Margelov.
> Two US soldiers were killed in separate blasts in Iraq
> on Wednesday, the day after the battle in the northern
> city of Mosul that left the two sons and two other
> people dead.
> Uday and Qusay Hussein were among the most reviled men
> in Iraq. Qusay was the seldom-seen heir apparent to
> the Iraqi strongman's throne and headed his dreaded
> security and intelligence apparatus. Uday commanded
> the Fedayeen paramilitary fighting force.
> US authorities said their demise boosted hopes that
> American and British troops could soon wrap up the
> most crucial part of their military operations.
> Moscow opposed the Iraqi campaign from the start and
> regarded Saddam as a guarantor of Russia's massive oil
> investments in Iraq even though relations with him had
> long turned frosty.
> Fedotov said those investments remained in jeopardy
> because US and British troops had so far failed to
> restore order in Iraq despite US President George W.
> Bush's May 1 pronouncement that the war had been all
> but won.
> The work of Russian oil companies and other utilities
> "is being complicated by a sense of uncertainty and
> lack of proper security guarantees," said Fedotov, who
> oversees UN affairs in the Russian foreign ministry.
> Moscow said it fully supported UN Secretary General
> Kofi Annan's call Tuesday for an early end to the
> military occupation of Iraq.
> "The sooner the sovereignty of Iraq is restored, the
> better it will be for the Iraqi people, and for the
> whole region," Fedotov said.
> He was non-committal about the possibility of other
> nations like Russia joining a peacekeeping force to
> help the increasingly overwhelmed and exhausted US and
> British troops -- a call recently made by Washington.
> He said the UN Security Council had not discussed the
> option during its Tuesday session in New York. Fedotov
> also was vague about what Russia would do should such
> a proposal be officially brought to the council.
> "So far no one has made such a proposal to the
> Security Council, and this idea is not being
> discussed. When the proposal is tabled, Russia is
> prepared to take part, in a constructive fashion, in
> discussing these proposals and ideas.
> "Then we can determine what position we should take in
> regards to these proposals."
> His comments came just as Russia withdrew its last
> peacekeepers serving in Kosovo because the operation
> was too costly for the country's cash-strapped armed
> forces.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.dawn.com/2003/07/24/int2.htm
> Dawn (Pakistan)
> July 24, 2003
> Uday was negotiating surrender: newsman
> by Paul Michaud
> PARIS, July 23: A journalist preparing a story on
> Saddam Hussein and his two sons Uday and Qusay for the
> French national news weekly magazine Le Point says
> that Uday was in the process of negotiating his
> surrender to the US occupation authority when he was
> killed on Tuesday.
> According to Jean Guisnel, who is considered an
> authority on the Saddam family and Iraq and who was
> speaking to a reporter for French public TV channel
> France 3 on Wednesday, "Uday was in the process of
> negotiating his surrender because he had let it be
> known that he would prefer being handed over alive to
> US forces than being discovered by Iraqi nationals
> whom he feared might lynch him instead of turning him
> over to US authorities."
> Although Mr Guisnel would not divulge the source of
> his information, he has often based his stories on
> Iraq on French intelligence sources.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.dawn.com/2003/07/24/int13.htm
> Agence France-Presse
> July 24, 2003
> Qusay, Uday death won't halt attacks, say analysts
> By Michel Sailhan
> -"The US administration is wrong to think that the
> murders of Saddam Hussein's sons or of Saddam will
> bring an end to the armed resistance against the
> occupation," Egyptian political analyst Mustafa Kamel
> al-Said said. "The reasons for antagonism remain,
> there is no foreseeable withdrawal of US troops,
> living conditions are still bad, and the Americans are
> vetoing any political forces they deem unacceptable,"
> CAIRO: The death of Saddam Hussein's two sons at the
> hands of US forces will not stop the anti-US guerrilla
> war in Iraq, which is led by factions with different
> motivations, Arab analysts said Wednesday.
> "The US administration is wrong to think that the
> murders of Saddam Hussein's sons or of Saddam will
> bring an end to the armed resistance against the
> occupation," Egyptian political analyst Mustafa Kamel
> al-Said said. "The reasons for antagonism remain,
> there is no foreseeable withdrawal of US troops,
> living conditions are still bad, and the Americans are
> vetoing any political forces they deem unacceptable,"
> Said told AFP.
> Uday and Qusay Hussein died in a lengthy gunbattle in
> the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on Tuesday, leading
> Iraq's top US administrator Paul Bremer to express the
> hope that this would reduce the number of
> guerrilla-style attacks against US troops.
> "A lot of the attacks are being based on the idea that
> somehow that Saddam is coming back, well they're not
> coming back and now two of them are dead and it won't
> be long until we get the father," Bremer told ABC news
> on Tuesday.
> Algerian analyst Hasni Abidi said he believed such
> attacks "are launched spontaneously (by individuals)
> with no ideological links to Saddam Hussein."
> "It is a reaction of nationalism, vengeance, national
> or community pride, in a situation where there is a
> lack of political perspective," said Abidi, who
> directs the Geneva-based CERMAM research center on the
> Arab world.
> Abidi expressed surprise that US forces did not arrest
> instead of kill Uday and Qusay. "The Iraqis were
> expecting them to be sent for trial before a local
> court, which the United States said would be set up."
> "With their deaths, another key to understanding the
> regime has disappeared," he added.
> The top US military commander General Ricardo Sanchez,
> said on Wednesday it was the decision of the commander
> at the scene to launch the massive assault on the
> house where Saddam's sons were holed up, adding that
> it was the right decision.
> Lebanese analyst Antoine Basbous agreed with Bremer's
> view, saying "attacks by militants close to Saddam
> will decrease, because they will have lost hope" that
> the Iraqi strongman could ever return to power.
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