Our friend Bill has been known to do this in the past and people have posted similar episodes.  Ever notice who the hate-mongers always are here, every damn time?  Hint:  not those dour, mean old conservative/libertarian/republicans.  So don't take it personally and try to ignore him and them.  We all have to do so if we stick around.  Liberals are the most intolerant people on the face of the earth and their "end justifies the means" mentality allows them to do anything without compunction that guides other people.  They are not limited by decency and truth the way others are.  Their "mission" allows them do attack and destroy if possible without "playing by the rules."  In his defense, Bill has some wonderful posts from time to time on other topics that are truly useful.  A few of his are my personal "bests" on certain subjects (NOT politics!) so he is tolerated in civilied society even if he is not.
----- Original Message -----
From: tnohava
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] 2 Klinton articles

 My my...someone initiated a condemning and disdainful exchange in response to my jesting reply.

Sorry...Not Afraid, only BORED with you and your response concerning the article I posted last week on the Most Holy Reverend Jesse Jackson and the expose' of his infidelity and illegitimate toddler. If you recall you chose to respond to that article in private email to me personally with your bashing remarks and not via CTRL. As a result you couldn't take the heat as you've proven here.

"cutesy vanity email servers and then disallowing replies"
Sorry's apparent you know nothing about what you're talking about. Check the message header, trace the message...sorry'll go nowhere. No (as you put it) "cutesy" servers, no remailers, all easily traceable. Disallowing replies...mistaken again, all you did was reply to a non existent email address. I did this full well knowing you wasted allot of time bashing me again only to have the message returned to you. Knowing as well you lacked the common sense to work around this. Frankly I was bored with your drivel and decided you were mentally unstable already.

"Hit and Run"...I'm still here, I've been subscribed to this list for at least three years now, probably more.

"wussy lil' fella" My don't even know me. It's like I told before, email makes the little man feel big as you've proven here...illusionary.

"I don't wanna' get off on a rant here but...there's nothing worse than a big-talking momma's boy throwing the STONES he's so clearly lacking." Really puzzled by this one, a profound and stupid statement. To make a statement as such you would have to know something about me and that you clearly do not nor does anyone else on this list. 

It's pretty evident you have some psychological problems, you've proven that with your pursuit of me via the Internet in private email.
Personal advice...
When your Head starts hurting again ["I FEEL YOUR PAIN"-(Barf!)] you should seek medication and or professional consultation.
When pain in your head becomes unbearable here is a link you might find very useful, "Click Here"
If the former doesn't seem to get the job done for you perhaps you'll find this a useful alternative, "Click Here"
Perhaps there's something more lacking in your life, a insufficiency, maybe this will help, "Click Here"
Or you might find help on the flipside, "Click Here"
It's obvious you're a Hillary Clinton Fan, you might enjoy joining the rest of her Fans, "Click Here".

Your no different than some of the others who can't accept the fact there is no more Clinton/Gore or Gore Lieberman Administration. The trashing of the Whitehouse and Air Force One pretty much tells anyone with some measurable degree of intelligence what kind of character we had running the Executive Branch of Government, really honorable huh?

One thing that puzzles me is why you Forwarded the message below back to the CTRL List....DUH!!!

Go ahead and reply in your usual stupid braindead fashion as you won't illicit any response from me, as your nothing more than a Total Ignorant Bore who chose to initiate this.


Original Message-----
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of William Shannon
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] 2 Klinton articles

In a message dated 1/24/01 6:02:49 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's been reported she's having problems with her Shapeshifting Abilities.
It's also been reported that tnohava is a real wussy lil' fella' who is to
'fraid to reply to emails without resorting to sending "hit and run" type
missives from cutesy vanity email servers and then disallowing replies.

I don't wanna' get off on a rant here but...there's nothing worse than a
big-talking momma's boy throwing the STONES he's so clearly lacking.


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