-Caveat Lector-

This is about bright lights seen in the sky during the recent California
earthquake. If anyone objected to reposting please let me know.

Subject: Bright Lights in California -various items.

Bright Lights in California Bulliten board on this page too. You may see
more posted.

Posted by Pamela on Saturday, 16 October 1999, at 5:08 a.m.( no email

About two hours ago, I woke up right before an earthquake at about 2:45 a.m.
PDT in Orange County, California. While the shaking was subsiding, there was
this HUGE flash of blue light from the sky, right above my place. There's
quite the cloud coverage, so I couldn't tell where it was coming from, other
than within the coverage--and it seemed to light up the entire sky with the
flash. It lasted longer than a *flash,* though. What was also odd was that I
heard this very loud, low-pitch, mechanical sound. Hard to describe, except
that it sounded like it was revolving--louder at one point than another.
Then, almost immediately, I saw the same light (almost a burst of light with
that loud sound) about halfway between my place and the horizon over a
large, vacant field behind where I live. And then on the horizon--when it
flashed, it lit up half the horizon (like you've see with those atom bomb
explosions, but without the *mushroom*). Then, one more flash, but this time
it had moved about 1/4 mile south toward the beach. Then, I heard that
mechanical sound again, only from a greater distance--and simultaneously
felt a small aftershock.

I've experienced transformer blow-outs before too--with a blue light and
almost blue lightening/static in the sky--but this happened over an empty
field, without any electrical or phone wires there. And it was very

About 10 minutes after the last flash, there was a helicopter flying over
the field and headed toward the Santa Ana river, with its search lights on.
In about another 10 minutes, I heard loud voices off in the distance, as if
they were transmitted over a police radio. So, this must have been reported
to the local authorities and they're investigating something...

My electricity never went out, but obviously there was some type of power
surge, because my computer had turned itself off.

Am I crazy? Did anyone else in the area of Costa Mesa/Newport Beach see
these lights and/or hear that sound?

2 responses to Pamelas post below.
Re: Bright Lights in California

Posted by SKL on Monday, 18 October 1999, at 1:35 a.m., in response to
Bright Lights in California, posted by Pamela on Saturday, 16 October 1999,
at 5:08 a.m.

I live east side of Portland, Oregon...I was up about 2:48 am.
PDT....10/16/99..... as I have been dealing with ear infection last two
weeks and have ringing in the ears....I saw the "flash" but thought it was
at the time car lights ...but the "noise" I heard a low like roatating
"motor" sound....I liken it to something of what you would think of a UFO
outside your door...I was quite scared in some ways....sent an E-mail to a
friend after I woke my hubby up to see if he could "hear" this sound...which
he said..."Go to bed!"...so I did...awoke to hear the news of the
earthquake. I think the result most likely of a Solar Flare hitting the
earth. There is a world-wide meditation going on next Sunday amoung
"light-workers" to assimulate this incoming energy and distribute it evenly
if possible....and create a sort of a protective "grid" around the earth.
Let's hope they are successful. Before someone gets truly "hurt"....:) They
are claiming an influx also of negative "thoughts" that need eliminated
before they become truth...and are asking all peoples to act accordingly. I
here some of the same humming noise now as then but hope it passes by
.....and we are safe. I hope we are not creating our own problems!!! I
believe that my neighbor's Hamm Radio antenea is picking up the radio waves
from your area..as it has in the past... an i am hearing those radio waves.
It is known fact that just prior to earthquakes they emmit these radio waves
from the earth for some reason unknown as to date.....sometimes up to 12
hours prior.
Re: Bright Lights in California

Posted by Lion on Sunday, 17 October 1999, at 4:04 p.m., in response to
Bright Lights in California, posted by Pamela on Saturday, 16 October 1999,
at 5:08 a.m.

I did not see the blue lights that you mentioned regarding the earthquake in
California but I did see that same blue flash BEFORE the nuclear accident in

<<Am I crazy? Did anyone else in the area of Costa Mesa/Newport Beach see
these lights and/or hear that sound?>>

Norio Hayakawa, [EMAIL PROTECTED], told me today he saw a light flash just
before the quake also.  You might want to contact him about it as he deals
with subjects such as HAARP, UFOs, etc.  Nancy  :)

Norio Hayakawa also saw the
same as the woman and he is more experienced in these matters with the
effects of HAARP.  His site is below. Also he may put an article on his
site or newsletter.

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
Colleen Jones wrote:

I have a picture or drawing of this Tesla/ARCH thing, and I believe I
know the location fo one generator and transmittor and they use State

Back in days when now Senator Voinvich of Ohio was Mayor of Cleveland,
he sold ARCO (wouldn't you know a Rockefeller enterprise) 3 million
dollars worth of land for 3 hundred thousand dollars....made few
headlines and then this man became Govenor.

Now there were a lot of laser lite shows then and people would go
downtown Columbus to watch; I used to watch he skies.....these shows
came out of Kentucky and consider too that 6 farmers in Kentucky just
committed suicide - the drought in Kentucky had devasted their land and
lives.    So to me this is not suicide; it is just plain murder.

Always remember the State in which you live has the ultimate say when
programs such as this are implemented; and long ago former Governor
Gilligan, who once said he would destroy John Glen, and also destroy my
boss who took on his pinko.....when Xenia was nearly leveled, Gilligan
played cryptic and all he said was "did you notice the unusual route of
that storm and tornado"....well yes, I had....and Gilligan was a one
term governor.....they act in collusion with these people.

So this HAARP is set up with the radar sysem for the USA....and the War
Department now has control, and under Clinton this means NWO and
Mossad.....show of power?   Remember this, these sick psycho individuals
have to live on this planet too.   And Reno - well let us say it is pay
back time for Waco and maybe we will long be rid of her....but the
Justice Department would be the ones to cause investigation of mass
murder connected with the HAARP program.

Look at our Joint Chief of Staff since that bunch took over;  NATO - 19
countries trying to beat the hell out of the Balkans, and what did they
get.   Well I do not see our armed forces putting on UN uniforms without
a battle of some type.

HAARP.....and remember the Nina and Nino and Jet Streams.....one day in
December, I shall never forget and this was at least 10 years ago, we
had snow, we had thunder and lightning, I had a few roses still blooming
one of which crawled in my kitchen window....the clouds were moving all
different directions....but the laser shows must go on.

Were you aware these laser shows mostly sent out of Kentucky, are
somehow connected to the Weather Modification Program.....could this be
Blue Beam.....I have seen this strange lightning, hand my house hit by
lightning, had a tree hit by a ball of fire that looked like a - well
put it this way, you have not lived until you see this great ball of
fire - at least I got a new TV out of it.

So now they are getting into dangrous territory....so do we sue ARCO or
now since our War Department has come out into the open ....or does this
simply mean hat ARCO was just another front, like Bush's Zapata
Oil.....but we got to find a way to divert water and rain to Mexico now
do we not thanks to Bill Clinton, that obnoxious, ugly perverted


-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

->  Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colleen Jones)
Kent Steadman's site ORBIT

Info on LA quake, flashes etc on the messageboard on url above.


-----Original Message-----
From: Enoch Shemna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 17 October 1999 3:51

Two days ago a friend of mine received information from an inside source
that HAARP would soon cause an earthquake in California and that they had
caused the earthquakes in Turkey recently and soon they will start striking
other major cities around the world.  My wife woke me up this morning to
tell me that California was just hit by a 7.0- my source was right, prepare
people, things are going to get very shaky soon.


Below is an email that was sent out yesterday before this earthquake hit.


Portions of this article regarding artificial control of weather
mysteriously vanished from the version which reached our recipients

Trying again.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Feds--Major S.F. Quake Due
HAARP "Acting Up?"

(c) NewsHawk® Inc.

Should we take this "warning" just delivered by the U.S. Geological
Survey--doubtless with all good intentions on their part--to mean that
HAARP and other electromagnetic systems with capabilities of inducing
seismic activity, [covert] government/military ELF/ULF transmission
systems, will in upcoming times be cranked up to 11 on a scale of 10;
then focused in on the San Francisco Bay area?

It does seem a bit odd that a warning of such "detail" should issued, in
light of a number of devastating quakes in a number of regions of late;
and, would that indicate some of those were "triggered", as well? The
questions really start to pile on when one considers the genuinely
awesome, PATENTED (no less!), DOCUMENTED, scientifically-VALIDATED
capabilities of HAARP's applied, Tesla-based
electromagnetic/radio-frequency transmissions in regard to such
"earthshaking" events.

Maybe the bio/chem warfare scenarios aren't going as well as planned for
NWO mass murderers and "genocidal" maniacs, so attempts will be made to
whip the physical, global environment into some kind a frenzy; using
HAARP and related technologies.

In fact, we discussed this very possibility in our reports "HAARP's
Covert Agendas" and "PHOENIX UNDEAD: The Montauk Project And Camp Hero

We don't feel this is simply paranoid musing--HAARP technology and
operational systems are almost totally under the control of the U.S.
Navy--described by a number of sources as the one branch of the military
most strongly and predominantly supportive of what could be called the
New World Order.

In addition, the potential for HAARP, and other ELF/ULF systems as noted
above, to induce "severe" (and often intentionally destructive,
catastrophic) effects upon weather is well-known AND officially
well-documented. Operations designed to implement this exact kind of
"weather control"--sometimes with chemical assistance from those
contrail-spraying military jets--are constant and ongoing.

Forget about what the Air Force said about "owning the weather by the
year 2025." Either they or the NWO in some guise or other "owns" it
already; at least to some degree.

We feel it's a safe assumption to say that many of the bead NWO honchos
don't like "people" in general, all that much.

This earthquake warning delivered by the U.S.G.S. could be one official
heads-up worth tuning in to.

(c) 1999 NewsHawk® Inc.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


WIRE:10/15/1999 00:18:00 ET
Odds Raised For Major San Francisco

OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) - The San Francisco area has a 70 percent
chance of being hit by a major earthquake over the next 30 years, an
almost inevitable disaster that will nevertheless catch millions of
people unprepared, federal scientists said Thursday.
"We have earthquake probability distributed throughout the Bay Area,"
said USGS geologist David Schwartz, lead author of the new report.
"There really is no escape."
With more precise scientific tools at their disposal, researchers have
now raised their assessment of the risk. With a 10 percent margin of
error, the San Francisco area could be looking at as much as an 80
percent likelihood of earthquake disaster within three decades.


The new, higher probability released at a special earthquake
preparedness conference Thursday, reflected fresh understanding of the
network of fault lines crisscrossing
the area...
Scientists say a more frightening comparison is the 1995 temblor that
hit Kobe, Japan. Although that quake was somewhat stronger, measuring
magnitude 6.9, it is seen as a model for a future San Francisco quake
because the two areas are amazingly similar in both seismic stress and
urban development.

The Kobe quake killed more than 6,000 people and caused $100 billion in

Schwartz said that even if San Francisco continues to escape the
inevitable "Big One" measuring 6.7 or higher, there is an 80 percent
chance the Bay Area will be hit by one or more earthquakes measuring
more than 6 during the next three decades.

"While magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquakes can cause serious damage
throughout the Bay region, these smaller quakes, centered in urbanized
areas, could also cause serious damage." Jim Davis, California's state
geologist, said the current assessment of "acceptable risk" was putting
people and buildings in danger.

Scientists say the most dangerous fault is the Hayward, which has a 32
percent probability of a major rupture over the next 30 years.

The Hayward fault is not only especially overdue for a major earthquake,
but also holds the potential for causing the most damage because many of
the East Bay communities it threatens are built on loose landfill, which
can magnify the effects of earthquake shaking.

Jeanne Perkins, manager of earthquake preparedness for the Association
of Bay Area Governments, said that a major quake on the Hayward fault
could lead to a housing crisis, displacing more than 350,000 people, and
putting more than 100,000 into tent camps and other temporary shelters.

"There will be no place to put these people. We have no temporary
housing," Perkins said. "The bottom line is that we have to act now."

Other fault lines are also risky, however. The USGS says the San Andreas
fault, which caused the legendary 1906 San Francisco earthquake, has a
21 percent chance of experiencing a major earthquake by 2030. The
Calaveras fault, which underlies many newly developed bedroom
communities, has an 18 percent chance of a major shake-up during that
period, the USGS said.

Copyright 1999 ABC News Internet Ventures.

( It wasn't me that saw it it was a woman named pamela I'm only the
messenger but I got this response too- Nicky)

  But first, to correct a message you revived on the topic of HAARP and the
Aroraborialis. The aroraborialis is cused by solar flares, ususally about
this time of year and sometimes until just before thanksgiving. The solar
flares are reflected off the snow and acie caps of the North Pole and cause
a light to be emitted in the Northern sky at night. It is doubtful you would
ever see these multicolored lights because you are too far south.

    I've a feeling as well that this Quake was caused by the HAARP machiune
as well. Though I cannot testify the sounds you heard were the machine which
is located clear up in Alaska, I can say this much. Unless it is possible
that a person in Las Vegas, who also felt the tremors with as much intensity
as those that live in Los Angeles, could begin to Vomit for no known reason
just about 4 hours before the quake. I smelled somthing in the air that I
can only describe as a metalic smell just prior to becoming sick to my

    The initial shock pitched many touristss in the highrise Hotels out of
bed, others claimed their beds were rolling across the floor. Also to give
you an idea of how well we felt the rolling here, the Stratosphere Space
Needle swirved to and fro at about 6 Degrees off its center. Consider the
gusty winds we get here, the Stratosphere Tower has automatic plum/level
machinery to keep it within one tenth of a degree of Plum or true verticle.

    After the goround seased rolling, we went back into the house and turned
on CNN News. They had people calling in to say what they heard and felt and
saw, etc... On woman in your area said she saw a bright blue flash overhead
just seconds before the earth started to roll.

    So, unless you were that caller, it is safe to say you are not crazy.

    Jospeh R. Keezer
    LAs Vegas, Nevada.

At 08:29 AM 10/17/99 -0700, you wrote:

>From the Philadelphia Experiment list

At one time, on the other side of the DMZ, 40,000 Korean troops anticipated
that tunnels would be built which would allow an onslaught at the rate of
10,000 troops/hour.  The DMZ, although heavily mined and covered with 50 mm
and M60 machine guns, would have been ineffective at stopping this number
of soldiers.  If a scientist came to you and said that he had a defensive
weapon that could incapacitate any number of soldiers within a definable
range, given certain power requirements, wouldn't you be interested?

>Weather control?  You are not going to affect weather
>with electromagnetic transmissions.

      The HAARP project is designed to affect the upper atmosphere, which
may lead to changes in the amount of solar radiation that would "hit" the
earth.  Also, changes in the solar magnetic field have been shown to
drastically affect the climate of earth, as shown by parallel changes in
solar activity and climate records over the past 10,000 years.  If simply
changing the rate of solar radiation that hits the earth changes the
temperature of a large body of water by 1 degree celcius, the resulting
thermal convection can change the local weather patterns, given a number of
other variables.   Granted, that is alot of energy, but not impossible
given the vast amounts of solar radiation that we could potentially
receive, if not for the earth's magnetic field, the Van Allen belts, etc.
In the higher atmospheric levels, we still don't understand what drives
local jet stream currents besides the thermal convection and rotation of
the earth.  Perhaps energy is supplied by differences in energy from the

>Nicola Tesla
>supposedly built a generator so strong he actually
>modulated the magnetic field of the earth, put it in
>resonance and caused a large local power outage.

I agree that this is probably the main function of HAARP, although I can't
figure out why they chose that location for such an endeavor.  According to
some, back in the Cold War days the Russian military was testing its own
version of Tesla's grand experiment, in which he pumped electrical energy
through a ground at the earth's resonant frequency.  Today, our common
practice of grounding electrical equipment exposes that equipment to
destruction through surges that a replica of this experiment would bring.

>I think the government has covered up some things over
>the years.  Syphillis experiments in Alabama and
>studies of the effects of radiation on humans come to
>mind.  To believe they are some evil, sinister, secret
>society who's goal is to cause grief and disaster to
>the masses is laughable.

I think it is important to note that the German Nazi forces, made up of
individual men who probably had morals like our own, were influenced by
propaganda, poverty, and the charisma of a madman to do heinous things.
The Jews were a scapegoat, made to be the bad guy responsible for
everyone's suffering.  Can the animal lust of just one man cause an entire
nation look the other way (Clinton)?  Can the power and stuture of one man
be strong enough to convince others to help him betray his oath and abuse
his power (Nixon)?  Can the fear of what one doesn't understand be so
strong as to allow people to ignore when a fellow man  is beaten or
murdered over the color of their skin, or their sexual preference?

Let's not forget that the 6 billionth human came into the world earlier
this month.  To think that there are a few people at the top of the ladder
who are interested in destroying men, women, and children to ensure that
their own resources aren't depleted is not unconscionable.  If they so
believe, what's to stop them from enacting a plan to destroy, rather than
try and find a way to enable every baby's right to have a fighting chance
at living?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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