>The witnesses have the following to say about the consequences of stay of
>citizens of Kupres in detention camps in the period from 7 April to 15 May
>5.1. Witness 426/96-53 testifies:
>... During my stay in the mentioned camps I had a right rib fracture, a
>spine injury, a thorax injury. I was examined at Banja Luka and have
>documents about it...
>5.2. Witness 42/96-51 testifies:
>Before I was arrested I weighed 110 kgs and reduced my weight to 75 kgs. My
>two right ribs were fractured, and now I feel pain in the spine area,
>kidneys and other parts of my body...
>5.3. Witness 426/96-63 says:
>...After the exchange the physicians established that my two ribs were
>fractured as well as the bones in my nose. I had a large number of injuries
>in all parts of my body but mostly in the head area which is why I fainted
>several times. Even now I feel excruciating pain in my head.
>I remember well that they broke both of N.K.'s forearms in several places.
>We had to help N. relieve himself for he could not do it himself...
>5.4. Witness 333/95-23 testifies:
>It took me about a year to recover from the consequences at Banja Luka. I
>still feel these consequences. I have all the necessary medical documents
>prove this. When I was taken captive I weighed 94 kgs and when I was
>released only 58 kgs...
>5.5. Witness 334/97-19 states:
>...They broke my left forearm, my lef shin, 4 left ribs and they knocked
>9 teeth from my upper and lower jaws.
>After the exchange I stayed at the Military Medical Academy (VMA) for 21
>days and I think they have all the medical documents attesting to the
>injuries I sustained during my stay in Croatian camps.
>I feel terrible consequences of the injuries sustained even today...
>5.6. Witness 547/96-40 testifies:
>... During my stay at the camp from 6 April until 15 May 1992 I received
>blows which cause terrible pain in the area of the breast, back, legs and
>all other parts of the body.
>5.7. Witness 547/96-29 testifies:
>... They beat me particularly in the area of the kidneys so that ever since
>both my kidney have been damaged as a result of their blows.
>I wish to point out once again that even today I feel terrible pain in the
>area of the kidneys and my back as a result of the blows I received during
>my stay in the mentioned detention camps...
>5.8. Witness 426/96-51 states:
>During my stay in the mentioned camps they fractured two right ribs and my
>spine, kidneys and other parts of the body are still painful even today...
>5.9. Witness 333/96-4 testifies:
>...Apart from the many injuries which I sustained I think the worst was the
>one I received during the beating on the firing range in Split because I
>then hit in the head with a bowling ball, I was gravely injured and had a
>bloody wound and I lost a lot of blood...
>5.10. Witness 333/96-6 testifies about the consequences of the blows he
>received in the head and face during his stay at the camp in Ljubuski:
>... As a result of these blows I could not open either eye. My sight
>deteriorated after this so I had to have an operation on my right eye on 13
>December 1995 at the Municipal Hospital in Subotica. To prove this I have
>with me the letter of discharge from the Eye Ward of that hospital, record
>number 616...
>5.11. Witness 333/96-10 testifies:
>...As a result of torture and beatings as well as conditions of stay at the
>camps my health status has seriously deteriorated.
>These are some of the medical documents, seven in total, which show that my
>7th, 8th, 9th and 10th ribs were fractured on the left side of which some
>were fragmented and some dislocated. Three right ribs were fractured as
>My vertebra are injured, and as a result of all I have experienced I have a
>high blood pressure, Angina Pectoris and other physical and mental changes.
>The horrendous consequences on physical and mental health of Serbs from
>Kupres and its surroundings who have survived and who were in a variety of
>ways sadistically tortured in the detention camps in the village Stipanici
>near Duvno, in Duvno, Brisnik, LORA in Split and in the detention camps
>Zadar, at Vrgorac and Ljubuski from 3 April to 16 May 1992 are also
>to by the Report of the Mental Clinic of the Military Medical Academy in
>Belgrade titled "Ill-treatment of Kupres Serbs during incarceration by the
>Ustashi from April - May 1992" (case 281/97-5 enclosure 25).
>A number of Serbs were killed in the course of terrible torture or died
>following sadistic torture in Croatian camps:
>1. Djordje Vukovic, died following terrible beatings in the camp in
>Ljubuski, then his body was doused in petrol and put to the torch
>2. Petar Zubic, tortured at the detention camp LORA in Split and then
>murdered (evidence: 333/96-6).
>3. Stojan Zubic, born in 1925 in the village Blagaj, father's name Gojko,
>died as a result of torture on 10 May 1992 at hospital in Knin (evidence:
>453/96-5, 281/97-3).
>4. Mile Spremo, born in 1946 at Begovo Selo, father's name Vojko, died 23
>April 1992 during torture at the camp in Vrgorac in the territory of the
>Republic of Croatia (evidence: 281/97-3, 281/97-5 - enclosure 27 - autopsy
>5. Petar Spremo, born in 1945 at Begovo Selo, father's name Slavko, died
>following horrendous torture at the camp LORA in Split in the Republic of
>Croatia (evidence 453/96-5, 281/97-3).
>6. Andjelko Serbez, died following terrible beatings at the camp in
>Ljubusko, his body was doused in petrol and burnt (evidence: 234/95-6).
>1. Boza Raic (father's name Boza), who established the branch of the party
>of the Croatian Democratic Union in Kupres and its paramilitary formations,
>invited military and paramilitary forces from Croatia and coordinated their
>operations during their attack against Kupres and genocide against the
>(evidence: 281/97- 4).
>2. Davor Glasnovic, alias Filipovic, Commander of the Croatian unit "Yellow
>Ants" which captured Kupres on 6 April 1992 (evidence 373/94-3, 333/95-23,
>3. Tomislav Filipovic, General of the Army of the Republic of Croatia, who
>was a member of "Zrinski" and in April 1992 took part in the murders of
>Serbs in Kupres (evidence: 281/97-5).
>4. Pero Antic, stood out in particular during the torture of arrested Serbs
>in the camp at Ljubuski (evidence: 234/96-5).
>5. Jozo Barisic, alias Joca, salesman, born in 1943 at Olovo, father's name
>Franja, was a member of Croatian paramilitary formations and took part in
>the crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (Evidence: 117/95-8,
>333/95-20, 281/97-4).
>6. Mirko Barisic,
>7. Boskovic, captain of the former YPA, one of the torturers at Vrgorac
>(evidence 333/95-23, 333/96-10).
>8. Mirko Bulut, took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April
>1992 (evidence: 333/95-22, 117/95-8).
>9. Barisa Vila alias Bare, veterinarian, from Viline Kuce, born 18 October
>1962 at Viline Kuce, municipality of Kupres, father's name Marko and
>mother's name Andja nee Ivkovic (evidence:492/96).
>10. Zoran Vila, alias Cakija, locksmith, from Kupres, Narodnih heroja bb,
>born 20 June 1964 in Kupres, father's name Nedeljko andmother's name Mara
>nee Juric, married, a father of two, took part in the murder of Kupres
>in May 1992 (evidence:: 373/94- 1).
>11. Zoran Vila, born in 1960, father's name Matko, took part in crimes
>against the Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence: 281/97- 3).
>12. Igor Vila from Kupres, No. 12 Narodnih heroja Str., born on 6 October
>1972 in Jajce, father's name Mijo, mother's name Ana, nee Jezicic, took
>in the crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 194/97-5
>enclosure 8).
>13. Ilija Vila, took part in the crimes against the Serbs in April 1992
>(evidence: 194/97-5 enclosure 8).
>14 Marko Vila, director of the Publishing Organization (IGO) Kupres from
>Kupres, No. 9 27th July St., born 22 January 1954 at Viline Kuce,
>municipality of Kupres, father's name Dragun, mother's name Zdenka, nee
>Simic, married, a father of two, Cammander at the HQs of the paramilitary
>formations of the CDU party of Kupres, who ordered the practical training
>and training in shooting in order to prepare the genocide in November 1991
>and took part in the murders of Serbs from Kupres in April 1992 (evidence:
>281/97-4, 281/97-5).
>15. Mijo Vila, locksmith, from Kupres, Vline kuce bb, born 27 November 1953
>in Kupres father's name Matko, mather's name Ruza nee Mrso, married, a
>father of three, took part in the killings of Serbs from Kupres in April
>1992 (evidence: 373/94-1. 281/97-4).
>16. Milenko Vila, alias Nikola, forestry technician, employed at SIP
>from Kupres, Narodnih heroja bb, born 11 september 1946 in Kupres, father's
>name Marko, mother's name Janja, nee Franic, married, father of three, took
>part in the murders of Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence: 281/97-4).
>17. Mirko Vila, general practitioner from Kupres, Viline Kuce bb, born 12
>August 1960 in Kupres, father's name Marko and mother's name Andja nee
>Ivkovic, married, father of one, took part in the capture of Kupres and
>killings of Kupres Serbs in May 1992. Refused to extend assistance to the
>wounded M.M. (evidence 333/95- 23, 281/97-4).
>18. Nikola Vila, took part in the crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in
>April 1992 (evidence:194/97-5 - enclosures 6 and 7).
>19. Vlado ..., alias Vukovarac, stood out during the torture of the
>Kupres citizens at LORA (evidence 333/95-23).
>20. Miroslav Vrgoc, salesman, from Kupres, Marsala Tita bb, born 20 April
>1945 at Valpovo, father's name Ivan and mother's name Ivka, married, father
>of three, took part in the killings of Kupres Serbs in April 1992
>21. Dara ..., the woman who stabbed Mile Spremo with a pitchfork (evidence
>22. Tomo Dujic, commander of the camp LORA where the arrested Serbs were
>badly tortured daily, molested in different ways and brutally killed
>(evidence: 333/95-20).
>23. Dragun Dumancic, alias Junac, head of the Farmers' Cooperative "Kupres"
>from Kupres, Druge proleterske brigade bb, born 31 October 1958 at Zloselo,
>municipality of Kupres, father's name Ilija, mother's name Mara, took part
>in the crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 492/96).
>24. Pero Dumancic, alias Klicin, a Croat, farmer, from kupres, Ul.
>bb, born 9 April 1943 in Bugojno, father's name Tvrtko mother's name Mara,
>born Mihaljevic, married, took part in the killings of 9 arrested serbs
>he brought on a tractor to Kupres in the night of 6/7 March 1992 as well as
>the killings of Kupres Serbs in May 1992 (evidence 333/95-23, 281097-4).
>25. Branko Zulj, alias Bane, born in the village of Zloselo, father's name
>Franja, took part in the killings of Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence:
>373/94-1, 281/97-3).
>26. Bozo Zulj, from Zloselo, Municipality of Kupres, born on 19 September
>1951 at Zloselo, father's name Dane mother's name draga, married, took part
>in the killings of Kupres Serbs in May 1992 (evidence:373094-1).
>27. Ivica Zulj, alias Iko, driver from Kupres, M. Tita bb, born 17 October
>1960 at Zloselo, father's name Frane and mother's name Ruza, nee
>married, a father of one, took part in the killings of Kupres Serbs in
>1992 (evidence: 373/94-1, 194/97/5 enclosure 8, 281097-4).
>28. Bozo Zulj, alias Pajzin and Bosko, from Zloselo bb, municipality of
>Kupres, born 3 August 1947 at Zloselo, municipality of Kupres, father's
>Ante and mother's name Mara, took part in the killings of Kupres Serbs in
>April 1992 (evidence 373/94-1, 281/97-4)
>29. Zuco,, village of Ploce, municipality of Gornji Vakuf, stood out during
>the torture of the arrested Kupres citizens at LORA (evidence 333/95-23).
>30. Borislav Zrno, alias Boro, teacher from Kupres, No. 19 Marsala Tita
>Str., born 14 November 1951 at Rilic, municipality of Kupres, father's name
>Nedeljko, mother's name Branka, nee Smoljo, took part in the killings of
>Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence: 333/95-23, 281/97-4).
>31. Ivo Zrno, born 1 January 1955 at Suica, took part in the crimes against
>the Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence: 492/96).
>32. Ivica Zrno, born 16 September 1971 at Suica, father's name Mila, took
>part in the crimes against Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence: 492/96).
>33. Josip Zrno, alias Nuno, forestry technician from Kupres, NO. 19 M. Tita
>Str, born 13 March 1954 at Rilic, municipality of Kupres, father's name
>Nedeljko and mother's name Branka, nee Smolje, married, father of two,
>served as police chief in Kupres, took part in killings of Serbs in Kupres
>in April 1992 (evidence: 373/94-1, 281/97-4).
>34. Jure Zrno, teacher of mathematics, from Kupres, Ul. Hasana Brkica bb,
>born 20 November 1944 at Valpovo, father's name Frana, mother's name Perka
>nee Rebrina, took part in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992
>(evidence: 333/95-23).
>35. Mario Zrno, born 24 January 1971 at the village of Sujica, father's
>Ante, took part in crimes against Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence:
>36. Marko Ivic, driver from Zloselo, municipality of Kupres, born 28
>September 1959 at Zloselo, father's name Pera, mother's name Franjka nee
>37. Stipo Zrno, born 1960 in Kupres, father's name Slavko, took part in the
>killings of Serbs in April 1992 in Kupres. He shot down with a sniper rifle
>Vojislav Kanlic, father's name Gojko and Luka Panic father's name Petar
>(evidence: 281097-3, 281/97-4).
>38. Mujuka Elez (Helez), born in 1966 at Donje Ravno, father's name Mujo,
>took part in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence:
>281/97-2, 281/97-4).
>39. Branko Eres, stood out particularly during the torture of captured
>in the camp at Ljubuski (evidence: 234/95-6).
>40. Drago Ivic, alias Spanac (Spaniard), TV mechanic, born in 1959 in
>Kupres, father's name Ivan, took part in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in
>April 1992 (evidence: 281/97-4).
>41. Marko Ivic, driver from Zloselo, municipality of Kupres, born 28
>September 1959 in Zloselo, father's name Pero, mother's name Fanjka, nee
>Dumancic, took part in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992
>42. Mario Ivkovic, took part in the crimes against Kupres Serbs in April
>1992 (evidence:117/95-8).
>43. Rasim Jahic, police officer in Kupres, resident of Kupres, at No. 25
>Marsala Tita Str., born on 24 April 1953 in the village of Kukavice,
>municipality of Kupres, father's name Dzafa, mother's name Biha nee Ugarak,
>took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence:
>117/95-8, 492/96).
>44. Ivan Jezicic, locksmith from Kupres, at 14 Ul. JNA Str., born on 23
>October 1967 in the village of Mlakva, municipality of Kupres, father's
>Boza, mother's name Slava nee Kekic, took part in crimes against the Serbs
>in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 492/96).
>45. Ante Jelic alias Antic, resident of Kupres, born on 14 September 1939
>Jurici, municipality of Kupres, father's name Joza, mother's name Ana nee
>Busic, married, father of two, took part in the killings of Kupres Serbs in
>April 1992 (evidence: 117/95-1).
>46. Miroslav Kampinski, haulier from Kupres, Ul. Omladinska bb, born on 7
>July 1947 in Bugojno, father's name Marijan, mother's name Iva, married,
>took part in the killings of Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence:
>194/95-8 enclosure 6).
>47. Branislav Kanlic alias General, ill-treated and tortured the captured
>Serbs at Ljubuski (evidence: 117/95-8).
>48. Ibro Kmetas, born in 1958 in the village of Donje Ravno, father's name
>Mujo, took part in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence:
>49. Hamdija Kmetas, born in 1952 in the village of Donje Ravno, father's
>name Djaluga, took part in the crimes against Serbs in Kupres in April 1992
>(evidence: 281/97-4).
>50. Fadil Korozovic, former officer of the YPA Air Force, commander of a
>Muslim army unit in Kupres and its surroundings, took part in the crimes
>against Serbs in April 1992 in Kupres (Evidence:194/97-5).
>51. Ivan Kristo, alias Dugonjce from Duvno, took part in the attack on
>Kupres. The most inveterate executor following tortures in Duvno (evidence
>52. Ivan Kuna, born in 1952 in the village of Osmanlije, father's name
>Andjelko, took part in crimes against Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence:
>53.Zdravko (mother's name Marta) Kuna, alias Cupo, born in 1966 in Kupres,
>took part in crimes against Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence:
>54. Dragun Ledic, police employee in Kupres, address: Kupres, Viline Kuce
>bb, municipality of Kupres, born 13 June 1965, father's name emanuel,
>mother's name Stanka nee Simic, married, father ofthree (evidence:
>55. Maniel Ledic, address. Kupres, Viline kuce bb, born on 5 April 1943 in
>Kupres, father's name Dragun, mother's name Ivka, nee Cicak, married,
>of four, took part in killings of Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence:
>373/94-1, 117/95-1, 281/97-3, 281/97-4).
>56. Marko Lovric, a metal worker from Kupres, address. No. 30 Marsala Tita
>Str. born 2 January 1955 in the village of Osmanlije, municipality of
>Kupres, father's name Nik, mather's name Dragica nee Grbesa, took part in
>the crimes against Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 117/95-8,
>492/96, 281/97-4).
>57. Zoran Lozancic, alias Macan, born in 1960 in the village of Kukavice,
>father's name Vinko, took part in the killings of Serbs and in the torching
>of their homes in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 281/97--49).
>58. Ivo Lozancic, alias Civa, was on a Croatian tank which attacked Kupres,
>took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres (evidence: 333/95-22).
>59.Ivo Lozancic, tyre repairer, was on a Croatian tank which attacked
>Kupres, took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres (evidence:
>60. Maksim Lozancic, alias Garan, born in 1952, father's name Ivo, took
>in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (281/97-4)
>61.Bozo Loncar, one of the drivers who drove the truck transporting the
>citizens of Kupres from one camp to another (evidence 333/95-23)
>62. man known as Makedonac (Macedonian), stood out during the torture of
>captured citizens of Kupres at LORA (evidence 333/95- 23, 426/95-51).
>63. Ivo Males, salesman, from Kupres, address Ul. Druge krajiske brigade
>born on 25 March 1936 in Kupres, father's name Mija mother's name Doma nee
>Santro, married, father of three, took part in the killings of Serbs in
>Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 194/97-5 enclosure 8, 281/97-4)
>64. Franjo Mamic, born on 1 January 1971 in the village of Zidine,
>municipality of Tomislavgrad, took part in crimes against the Serbs in
>Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 492/96).
>65. Zijad Mandzuka, alias Zijo, driver from Kupres, address Ul Sime Solaje
>bb, born 1 May 1945 in Kupres, father's name Ilijas, mother's name Safka,
>married, father of two, took part in a killing of a Kupres Serb in April
>1992 (evidence 281/97-4).
>66. Smail Mandzuka, alias Smajo, physician from Kupres, address Ul. Sime
>Solaje bb, born on 25 January 1959 in Kupres, father's name Ahmet, mother's
>name Remza nee Terzic, took part in the killing of a Kupres Serb in May
>(evidence: 281/97-4).
>67. Dragan Matic, commander of the camp at Duvno, took part in the torture
>of prisoners (evidence: 333/95-23).
>68. Nedo Matic, stood out in particular during the torture of captured
>in the camp at Ljubuski (evidence: 234/95-6).
>69. Nedjo Macic, resident of Ljubuski, stood out in particular during the
>torture and ill-treatment of captured Serbs in the camp at Ljubuski
>(evidence: 234/95-6).
>70. Mijo Mil, resident of Kupres, took part in the killings of Kupres Serbs
>in April 1992 (evidence:492/96).
>71. Nedo Milicevic, stood out in particular during the torture of the
>captured Serbs in the camp at Ljubuski (evidence: 234/95-6).
>72. Vilim Mioc, born in 1952 in the village of Osmanlije, father's name
>Berislav, took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April 1992
>(evidence: 281/97-4).
>73. Jozo Mioc, born in 1956 in the village of Osmanlije, father's name
>Berislav, took part in the crimes against Serbs in Kupres in April 1992
>(evidence: 281/97-4)
>74.Pasko Mioc, born in 1949 in the village of Osmanlije, father's name
>Berislav, was a member of CDU paramilitary formations and in April 1992
>part in the crimes against the Serbs in Kupres (evidence: 281/97-4).
>75. Frane Mioc, took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April
>1992 (evidence: 117/95-8).
>76. Iko Mihaljevic, took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in
>1992 (evidence:194/97-5 - enclosure 6).
>77. Musa ... from Siroki Breg near Listica, beat the captured Serbs at the
>camp LORA (evidence: 333/95-20).
>78. Ivan Pavic, born in 1956 at Zloselo, father's name Marko, took part in
>the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 281/97-4)
>79. Kreso Paradzic alias Cupo stood out in particular during the torture of
>Serbs in the camp at Ljubuski (evidence: 234/95-6).
>80. Drago Peric, alias Vrica (evidence 333/95-23).
>81. Ante Perkovic alias Peco, police officer from Kupres, address. Ul. 27.
>jula bb, born on 11 November 1954 in the village of Botun, municipality of
>Kupres, father's name Jandra, mother's name Slavka nee Lozancic, took part
>in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 492/96,
>82. Ivica Perkovic, born in 1959 in the village of Botun, father's name
>Jandra, took part in the killings of Serbs and the torching of their homes
>in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 281/97-4).
>83. Ekrem Pilic, car mechanic, employed with the company SIP Kupres,
>resident of Kupres, address. Ul. M. Tita 1/1, born 1 December 1945 in
>Bugojno, father's name Edhem, mother's name Zlatka nee Zujko, married,
>father of two, took part in the killing of a Kupres Serb in April 1992
>(evidence: 281/97-4).
>84. Safet Pilic, alias Safo, resident of Kupres, address No 23 Ul. Druge
>proleterske brigade Str., owner of a driving school in Kupres, born on 27
>July 1949 in Kupres, father's name Edhem, mother's name Zlatka nee Zuljko,
>married, father of two, took part in the killing of Kupres Serbs in April
>1992 (evidence: 281/97-4).
>85. Sejo Pilic, driver from Kupres, address: No. 48 Ul. Druge proleterske
>brigade Str., born on 8 June 1955 in Kupres, father's name Edhem, mother's
>name Zlatka, nee Zuljko, married, father of one, took part in the killing
>Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence: 281/7-4).
>86. Sulejman Pilic, teacher at the elementary school Simo Solaja in Kupres
>from Kupres, NO. 19 Druge proleterske brigade Str. born on 24 October 1947
>in Kupres, father's name Edhem and mother's name Zlatka nee Zuljko,
>father of two, took part in the killing of Kupres Serbs in April 1992
>(evidence: 333/95-23, 281/97-4).
>87. Ante Ravancic (Ivica), alias Majstor, waiter, owner of a cafe, resident
>of Odzak, municipality of Kupres, born 26 November 1959 at Odzak, father's
>name Vinko, mother's name Finka nee Mrso, took part in the crimes against
>Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 117/95-8, 281/97-4).
>88. Drago Radic, alias Puce, private haulier from Kupres, address. Ul JNA
>bb, born 1 May 1962 in Kupres, father's name Mija, mother's name Finka nee
>Mrso, took part in crimes against Kupres Serbs in April 1992
>(evidence:117/95-8, 281/97-4).
>89. Zoran Radic, alias Zeko, a Croat from Kupres, born in the village of
>Otinovci near Kupres, ordered the murder of Laza Kontic, took part in the
>killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 34/96).
>90. Ivica Radic, born in 1959 in the village of Goravci, father's name
>Stipe, took part in the crimes against the Kupres Serbs in April 1992
>(evidence: 281/97-4).
>91. Ivica Radic, alias Srebrusin, resident of Goravci, born on 22 July 1966
>in the village of Goravci, municipality of Kupres, father's name Radoslav,
>mother's name Andja nee Bulat, a waiter before the war at the cafe RANDEU
>Kupres, took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April 1992
>(evidence: 492/96, 281/97-4).
>92. Ljupko Radic, alias Svabin, metalworker, resident of Goravci,
>municipality of Kupres where he was born on 1 February 1960 father's name
>Stipe, mother's name Finka nee Cicak took part in crimes against the Serbs
>in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 492/96).
>93. Stipe Radic, alias Dijeglo or Dijetlo, took part in the killings of the
>Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 117/95-8, 333/95-23)
>94. Ante Raic, born in 1952 in the village of Rasticevo, father's name
>took part in the killings of Serbs in April 1992 as well as in their
>deportation to the camps in Western Herzegovina and Croatia (evidence:
>95. Rambo, the cruellest man during the torture of the arrested citizens of
>Kupres in LORA (evidence 333/95-23).
>96. Amir Ramcic, resident of Kupres, address Ul. II proleterske brigade bb,
>born on 14 May 1965 in Kupres, father's name Muja, mother's name Zlata nee
>Husic, married, took part in crimes against Kupres Serbs in April 1992
>(evidence: 281/97-4).
>97. Ruzdija Ramcic, resident of kupres, address Ul. II proleterske brigade
>15, born on 23 August 1966 in Bugojno, father's name Mjo, mother's name
>Zlata nee Husic, married, took part in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in
>April 1992 (evidence: 333/95-23, 281/97-4).
>98. Ivo Rastegorac, alias Civa, private tyre specialist, resident of the
>village of Goravci, municipality of Kupres, born on 27 August 1959 at
>Goravci, father's name Pera, mother's name Stana nee Saric, took part in
>killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 and when the Croatian forces
>arrived he volunteered to be their guide and to show them Serb houses and
>apartments - he climbed a tank make "leopard" and pointed at targets for
>crew of the tank to open fire at (evidence: 117/95-1, 281/97-4).
>99. Marko Rebrina, alias Markica, took part in the killings of Serbs in
>Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 117/95-8)
>100. Ratko Rebrina, director of the company SIP in Kupres, resident of
>Kupres, address Ul. Druge proleterske brigade bb, born on 14 March 1949 in
>Odzak, municipality of Odzak, father's name Ante, mother's name Andja nee
>Rajic, married, took part in the killing of Serbs from Kupres in May 1992
>(evidence: 281/97-4)
>101. Jandra Rebrina, alias Skico, took part in the crimes against the Serbs
>in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence:117/95-8)
>102. Ivica Slijepcevic, resident of Sujice, father's name Miron, took part
>in crimes against the Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence 426/96-51)
>103. Franjo Smoljo, alias Ljuljak, resident of Olovo, reserve officer,
>worked at the Youth Cooperative in Kupres, born 2 January 1958 in the
>village of Olovo, municipality of Kupres, father's name Zivko, mother's
>Ivka nee Barisic, took part in the killings of Kupres Serbs in April 1992
>and led himself the paramilitary formation which went to Serb houses on a
>tank make leopard, broke into them and carried out massacres (evidence:
>117/95-8, 281/97-4)
>104. Mladen Solin, stood out in particular during the torture of the
>captured Serbs in the detention camp at Ljubuski (evidence: 234/95-6)
>105. Ivan Susec, deputy of Dragan Matic, commander of the detention camp in
>Duvno, took part in the torture of captured Kupres citizens (evidence:
>106. Ivica Susec, stood out in particular in the torture of the captured
>Serbs in the detention camp at Ljubuski (evidence: 234/95-6).
>107. Sinisa Tomic, jurist from Ljubuski, warden of the detention camp at
>Ljubuski, stood out in particular during the torture of the captured Serbs
>in the camp at Ljubuski (evidence: 234/95-6).
>108. Srecko Tomic, took part in the torture of Kupres citizens in the camps
>at Duvno and Emino Selo (evidence: 333/95-23)
>109.Ambrozije Turalija, took part in crimes against Kupres Serbs in April
>1992 (evidence: 382/96-2)
>110.Drago Turalija, alias Sakan, born in 1953 in Begovo Selo, father's name
>Pera, worked as a game warden, took part in crimes against Serbs in Kupres
>in 1992 (evidence: 281/97-4)
>111. Zoro Turalija, alias Zoran, resident of Begovo Selo, born 26 April
>in Begovo Selo, municipality of Kupres, father's name Slava mother's name
>Dragica nee Colic, worked as game warden at the company SIP Kupres, took
>part in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence: 333/95-23,
>112. Pero Turalija, born in 1959 in Begovo Selo, father's name Karlo, took
>part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence:
>113. Tomislav Turalija, agricultural technician, father's name Toma,
>resident of Begovo Selo, born 1956 in the suburb of Kupres Viline Kuce,
>part in crimes against Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence: 281/97-4)
>114. Tomo Turalija alias Tomi born in 1955 in Begovo Selo father's name
>Pero, took part in crimes against Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 (evidence:
>115. Franjo ..., a policeman before the war, took part in the torture of
>captured Serbs in Zadar (evidence: 333/95-23)
>116. Ahmet Horozovic (Ahmo), resident of Kupres, address Ul. II proleterske
>brigade bb, born 27 March 1962 in the village of Bili Potok, municipality
>Kupres, father's name Osman, mother's name Hamida nee Curic (evidence:
>194/97-5 - enclosures 7 & 8)
>117. Ibro Horozovic, resident of Kupres, address Ul II proleterske brigade
>bb, born 3 May 1953 in Bili Potok municipality of Kupres, father's name
>Osman, mother's name Hamida nee Curic, married (evidence: 194/97-5 -
>enclosure 8, 281/97-4)
>118. Enes Huseinbegovic, born in 1960 in Kupres, took part in crimes
>Kupres Serbs in April 1992 (evidence:281/97-4)
>119. Ante Cicak, born in 1959 in Kupres, fahter's name Joza, took part in
>crimes against the Serbs in April 1992 in Kupres (evidence.: 281/97-4)
>120. Ivo Cicak, alias Zec (Rabbit), born in the village of Otinovci near
>Kupres, father's name Vinko, was a watchman in a trade company in Kupres.
>Took part in crimes against Serbs in Kupres in April 1992 and killed Zarko
>Zivotic (evidence 333/95-23)
>121. Josip Colic alias Jopa, born in 1956 in the village of Osmanlije,
>father's name Mirko, took part in crimes against Serbs in Kupres in April
>1992 (evidence 281/97-4).
>122. Bozo Saric, resident of Begovo Selo, father's name Stanislav, a
>Croatian soldier, took part in crimes against Kupres Serbs in April 1992
>(evidence: 426/96-51).
>123. Marko Saric, alias Zrko, born in Begovo Selo a suburb of Kupres,
>father's name Vinko, one of the founders and leaders of the CDU
>formations, took part in the killings of Serbs in Kupres in April 1992
>(evidence: 281/97-3).
>124. Nedo Saric, locksmith, resident of Begovo Selo, father's name
>Stanislav, member of the CDU paramilitary formations since 1992; in April
>1992 took part in crimes against the Kupres Serbs (evidence 281/97-4).
>125. Darko Simic, resident of Kupres, address Ul. Druge proleterske brigade
>28, born on 7 October 1969 in Kupres, father's name Ivan, mother's name
>Ruzica, nee Colic, took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April
>1992 (evidence 281/98-4).
>126. Drazen Simic, resident of Kupres, address Ul. Druge proleterske
>28, born on 10 May 1972 in Kupres, father's name Ivica, mother's name
>nee Colic, took part in crimes against the Serbs in Kupres in April 1992
>(evidence:117/95-1, 281/97-4)
>127. Unidentified soldier, large, with a prominent moustache, black-haired
>and dark-skinned, killed Stevo Lugonja and Drago Celebic (evidence:
>No. Crim. 261/95
>done on December 27, 1995, before the investigating judge of the District
>Court of Novi Sad, in the criminal procedure against perpetrator NN for his
>criminal offence under
>Article 141 of the Criminal Code of Yugoslavia K37
>Investigating judge Witness
>Savo Durdic in person
>Note-taker Present at the Hearing
>Vanja Duric-Marijanski Public Prosecutor
>Begun at 1.20 p.m.
>The witness was warned that he was to tell the truth and that he should not
>keep silent about anything, he was warned of the consequences of making a
>false statement, and that he was not obligated to give answers to some
>questions if by doing so he would bring upon himself or his next-of-kin
>great shame, considerable material damage or prosecution (under Art. 229 of
>the Law on Criminal Procedure), and the witness gave the following answers
>to the general questions below:
>1) Name and Surname P R
>2) Father's name
>3) Occupation
>4) Residence
>5) Place of birth Rilic, municipality of Kupres
>6) Born in 1951
>7) Relation to defendant and the injured party
>Whereupon the witness gave the following testimony:
>The witness, upon being duly warned of his obligation to tell the truth,
>made the following statement:
>>From April 6, 1992, till May 15, 1992, I was detained in several detention
>camps in the territory of the former Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and
>Herzegovina. On April 6, 1992, at 1 p.m., the Croatian forces entered
>where we, civilians were. I was at home. They broke in houses with tanks
>other armaments and their soldiers brought us all in one house. At the
>beginning we were 14. They took off our clothes there, and we were left in
>underwear, and barefoot. One among us, who was wearing a military uniform,
>was killed on the spot. He was slaughtered in front of us. His name was
>KONTIC, he was from Kupres. Among the perpetrators who also took part in
>slaughtering, there was Zoran RADIC, called ZEKO, a Croat from Kupres. He
>also beat us. He was born at the village of Otinovci, municipality of
>Kupres. He was in charge and it was him who ordered the slaughtering of
>Kontic. Actually, he ordered that Kontic "be liquidated". I heard it with
>ears and saw it with my eyes.
>After they took off our clothes, they ordered us to stand in front of the
>tank as a shield. They ordered us to do it and threatened us with their
>weapons. We were flanking the tank on both sides and were walking in front
>of it as well as a shield. Among those who gave instructions as to the
>direction of the tank and issued orders to us was Zoran TURALIJA, resident
>of Kupres, a policeman in mufti, Boro ZRNO, also from Kupres, a high-school
>teacher and Jure ZRNO, a teacher as well.I was told that before Kupres, the
>person in command of the tank had been the commander of the so-called
>Ants, Filipovic, while Turalija took over in Kupres, since he knew the area
>As I was walking by the tank, I saw that Spiro BOSNIC, PAVLOVIC, called
>Lola, I can't remember his first name, Todor DRAGOLJEVIC, Nedeljko
>Ciro KONTIC, all Kupres citizens and civilians, were running from their
>respective homes towards the city center and were shot down. I do not know
>who exactly killed them. The infantry probably did it; they had arrived for
>cleansing purposes.
>We then arrived to the house of Petar SPREMO, from Kupres. There, in front
>of his house, a Croatian soldier, member of the Croatian Defence Council
>(HVO), was killed, I don't know who exactly killed him. Stevo LUGONJA and
>Dragan CELEBIC were in the house. The two of them were taken out of the
>house, and Filipovic, a HVO commander, ordered that they be executed on the
>spot. I was at a 5 meter distance when the soldiers, I do not know their
>names, killed them near the house, although they were civilians, without
>They then detained other people, but I did not witness any more killings.
>7 p.m., the campaign was over. We were taken on foot to the workshop of the
>Kupres textiles factory, where we found several detained Kupres
>Altogether, we were 74 and they took our personal data. We were neither
>tortured nor harassed there. Dr Marko VILA, also from Kupres, came and
>if we were hungry or sick, as he had come to help, but also threatened us
>saying he knew what we, the Serbs, wanted.
>Around midnight, a wounded Kupres civilian, Marko MILINOVIC, was brought in
>by Pero DUMANCIC, alias Klicin, and we heard that a tractor arrived. Later,
>upon our release from detention, we learned that 9 people had been executed
>on that tractor, with the exception of M.M. All, with the exception of
>Marko, were killed. I understand that M.M. lives in Belgrade now, it was in
>the newspapers, and I shall submit the Committee information on him at a
>later date.
>At 4 a.m., we were taken out of that detention place, and walked some 20 km
>towards the village of Sujice. Zaro ZIVANIC was killed then. Ante CICAK,
>of Joza whom I know from Kupres, and Ivo CICAK, did it. Ante Cicak fired in
>the direction of his legs and Ivo Cicak, with a rifle, directly into his
>Upon our arrival in Sujice, we had our hands tied with wire and then had to
>move to Gornji Brisnik, near Duvno. We were beaten there with all kinds of
>things - stakes, pieces of wood, rifles and hands and kicked us with their
>feet. The 74 of us were then placed into a small garage, size of 4 x 3 sq.
>m. We were threatened that they would throw a bomb into the garage. A
>commander arrived then in a car. He said that we should have been killed,
>but that he would save us and exchange us for prisoners of the other side.
>We were all placed on a truck and driven to Split, to the prison in the
>former barracks "Lora". When we arrived, they beat us there with their
>and legs. A soldier beat Petar SPREMO with the butt of his rifle, Spremo
>fell down and fainted. After ten minutes, we saw no more of him, and a year
>later, his dead body was exchanged, I saw it in Kupres, where he was
>At the prison "Lora", we were taken into cells and interrogated. We were
>then put on a truck and, as I realized later, driven in the direction of
>Zadar. On our way, the vehicle stopped and 20 people were taken from it,
>without roll-call. The rest of us were taken further and after an hours's
>drive we stopped at a barracks in Zadar, they made us get off and and put
>uniforms of the National Security Service (SNB), as they wanted to form an
>army of us. We were ill-treated there for two days and then proceeded to
>allegedly exchange us. It was in the direction of Zitnic that we were
>where those 20 people had been made to get off. Since the trampoline was
>down, we could not see anything. Five persons were roll-called there: Ljuba
>civilians from Kupres. Of the initial 20 persons, 17 were taken back with
>us, while 3 remained and, as far as I know, they have not been seen alive
>since. They were Pajo KALAJIC, Dusan NIKIC and Milos MILISIC, all civilians
>from Kupres. The first five I mentioned who were roll-called, remained
>and we have never seen them alive since.
>We reached Eminovo selo near Duvno. From there, they took us to Mt. Vran,
>determined to liquidate us.
>We were taken back again to Emenovo selo, near Duvno. They started again to
>ill-treat us. They put out a cigarette on my right eye, below the eye, and
>broke three ribs. I was treated later, and I possess medical documents
>I shall forward to this Committee. I have not had my eye treated, though.
>They also broke my teeth. I do not know who did it. They were the "Yellow
>ants", a special unit, some called them "the Vukovarians". I could
>the Croat woman who put out her cigarette on my eye, she was a university
>student in Osijek, but lived in Kupres. They started once again the
>roll-call from a list. Some were ordered to get on the truck, others to
>remain there. I was to get on the truck. Those who remained there have not
>returned ever since. They were: Niko DUVNJAK, Dragan MASIC, Milivoj MASIC,
>Marko MASIC, Ratko MASIC, Rade LUGONJA, Doko MARIC and Dusan DUVNJAK.
>The truck took us towards Imotski. We reached the village of Vrgorac, and
>the interrogation was resumed. It was Croatian Easter, Catholic Easter.
>called Milo SPREMO, kicked him with their feet until he succumbed and died
>in front of us all. A year later, his body was exchanged, and before the
>exchange, he was buried at Vrgorac. They claimed that he had taken part in
>arming the Serbs, which this civilian denied.
>Two days later, we were taken to a detention camp at Ljubusko. They
>us, but no one was killed. We were beaten by the guards. The person in
>charge of the camp was a man called IVICA. I would not know if he gave
>orders for our beating. Stojan ZUBIC was beaten at Ljubusko, they claimed
>was an old chetnik, since he was 70. After the beating, he was not capable
>to rise, and he was taken to a Split hospital. The exchange was effected on
>May 14, and Stojan was taken to Zitic, near Drnis, and exchanged, together
>with us. There were 54 of us, and Stojan died after the exchange. Before
>exchange, we were threatened not to tell what had happened, that they would
>take us back, that they would not exchange us, etc.
>This is all I have to say.I have been listening to the minutes when taken,
>do not have any request as to listen to it read, I have no comments
>concerning the minutes, I do not have anything to add, and I am hereby
>signing it as my own statement.
>Terminated at 2.10 p.m.

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