-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Closed Caption <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 26, 1998 6:17 PM
Subject: Dear Pope - STAY HOME - Don't mess with our Constitution.

Dear Pope - STAY HOME - Don't mess with our Constitution.

Reuters: VATICAN CITY  (Reuters 12/25/98 fair use)
‹ Pope John Paul on Friday called for a ban on the death penalty around
the world...

<commentary>=cc: Article V of the Bill of Rights says that "No person
shall be deprived of life... without due process of law." These clearly
implies our founding fathers authorization of the death penalty.

cc: I'm sorry but the Pope is meddling in US politics and our
Constitution. It is probably bad manners to criticize the Pope... BUT: I
believe this is just plain wrong.

cc: Will the Pope cause a crime wave by setting the prisoners free? -
Should we send them to the Vatican - COD?

cc: There is no mechanism or LAW passed in most states to keep prisoners
indefinitely without "Life Without Parole," and it is unconstitutional to
pass ex-post facto laws OR change the punishment after the fact... its the
LAW. Removing DEATH Sentences in States buy decree from the Federal
Government will pervert the Constitution AND put murderers on the street.
It has HAPPENED before where murderers were given clemency, sentences were
reduced, and they got out and MURDERED again.

Reuters: "May Christmas help to strengthen and renew, throughout the
world, the consensus <When has any Christian "Faith" relied on CONSENSUS
for anything?> concerning the need for urgent and adequate measures to
halt the production of arms, to defend human life, to ban the death
penalty...,"  added the Pontiff <Jesus said, to sell your robe and buy a
sword (ie: arms -Luke 22:36 - Anyway, the arms are not the murderers, the
murderers are, you would think this spiritual observation would be obvious
to a Pope. And how do people protect themselves from governmental tyranny
except with arms?>

cc: The Death Penalty has been authorized in the Old and New Testament. In
Gen. 9:6 GOD authorizes the Death Penalty: "Whoever sheds mans blood, by
man his blood shall be shed..." and Paul said that "the State does not
bear the sword in vain." Rom 13:4

Reuters: Later, in unprepared remarks to a crowd of Italians in St Peter's
Square holding banners against capital punishment, the Pope said: "I
repeat my appeal to defend <MURDERERS!> human life and ban the death
penalty <& BAN GODS MANDATE FROM GEN. 9.6>."

Reuters: But Friday was one of his most unequivocal and unqualified calls
ever for an end to the death penalty. The Pope will hold talks with U.S.
President Bill Clinton in St Louis on January 26. <This is NOT his job -
is this mixing church and state or what? STAY at the Vatican!.>

Reuters: The United States in the only Western democracy to practice
capital punishment... <Yea! We're Number One, We're Number One , We're
Number One , We're Number One>

Reuters:The Pope said the spirit of Christmas also should prompt people to
take measures "to... to give environmental issues...the indispensable
attention which they deserve..." <WHAT? I'm getting a VERY bad feeling
about this Pope, didn't he learn anything from Communist Poland?>

"My thoughts already turn to Christmas next year when, God willing, the
Church shall inaugurate the Great Jubilee with the Opening of the Holy
Door," he said in his sermon, slightly modifying a version released
earlier to journalists which read: "...God willing, I shall inaugurate the
Great Jubilee...."

cc: Holy Moley, What's this Holy Door? What's this Great Jubilee? Is this
HIS version of the Bridge to the New Millennium, the Global Village or the
New World Order? This is scary from the Pope."

cc: It is sad that the POPE is emphasizing a Governmental Solution for a
moral problem for which he SHOULD BE leading the fight. Did we hear the
Pope say Thou shalt not Steal, or thou Shalt not Lie, or thou shalt not
Commit Adultery, Mr. Clinton, and love the Lord your God... the problem of
preventing sin (&crime) is a moral dilemma. The State PUNISHES criminals
after the fact, which may at times dissuade crime, but religion and morals
PREVENT it. If I hear the Pope, he wants governments to change their laws
to conform to a problem he isn't addressing, the loss of moral character
associated with godless and lawless sinful people. This is the issue he
should be addressing, not how to fix government, but how to repair sinful
mankind through the redemption of Christ. Instead, he wants to lower the
bar and apply a human solution to a spiritual problem.


Reuters: VATICAN CITY  (Reuters 12/25/98 fair use)‹ Pope John Paul on
Friday called for a ban on the death penalty around the world...

<commentary>=cc: Article V of the Bill of Rights says that "No person
shall be deprived of life... without due process of law." These clearly
implies our founding fathers authorization of the death penalty.

cc: I'm sorry but the Pope is meddling in US politics and our
Constitution. It is probably bad manners to criticize the Pope... BUT: I
believe this is just plain wrong.

cc: Will the Pope cause a crime wave by setting the prisoners free? -
Should we send them to the Vatican - COD?

cc: There is no mechanism or LAW passed in most states to keep prisoners
indefinitely without "Life Without Parole," and it is unconstitutional to
pass ex-post facto laws OR change the punishment after the fact... its the
LAW. Removing DEATH Sentences in States buy decree from the Federal
Government will pervert the Constitution AND put murderers on the street.
It has HAPPENED before where murderers were given clemency, sentences were
reduced, and they got out and MURDERED again.

Reuters: "May Christmas help to strengthen and renew, throughout the
world, the consensus <When has any Christian "Faith" relied on CONSENSUS
for anything?> concerning the need for urgent and adequate measures to
halt the production of arms, to defend human life, to ban the death
penalty...,"  added the Pontiff <Jesus said, to sell your robe and buy a
sword (ie: arms -Luke 22:36 - Anyway, the arms are not the murderers, the
murderers are, you would think this spiritual observation would be obvious
to a Pope. And how do people protect themselves from governmental tyranny
except with arms?>

cc: The Death Penalty has been authorized in the Old and New Testament. In
Gen. 9:6 GOD authorizes the Death Penalty: "Whoever sheds mans blood, by
man his blood shall be shed..." and Paul said that "the State does not
bear the sword in vain." Rom 13:4

Reuters: Later, in unprepared remarks to a crowd of Italians in St Peter's
Square holding banners against capital punishment, the Pope said: "I
repeat my appeal to defend <MURDERERS!> human life and ban the death
penalty <& BAN GODS MANDATE FROM GEN. 9.6>."

Reuters: But Friday was one of his most unequivocal and unqualified calls
ever for an end to the death penalty. The Pope will hold talks with U.S.
President Bill Clinton in St Louis on January 26. <This is NOT his job -
is this mixing church and state or what? STAY at the Vatican!.>

Reuters: The United States in the only Western democracy to practice
capital punishment... <Yea! We're Number One, We're Number One , We're
Number One , We're Number One>

Reuters:The Pope said the spirit of Christmas also should prompt people to
take measures "to... to give environmental issues...the indispensable
attention which they deserve..." <WHAT? I'm getting a VERY bad feeling
about this Pope, didn't he learn anything from Communist Poland?>

"My thoughts already turn to Christmas next year when, God willing, the
Church shall inaugurate the Great Jubilee with the Opening of the Holy
Door," he said in his sermon, slightly modifying a version released
earlier to journalists which read: "...God willing, I shall inaugurate the
Great Jubilee...."

cc: Holy Moley, What's this Holy Door? What's this Great Jubilee? Is this
HIS version of the Bridge to the New Millennium, the Global Village or the
New World Order? This is scary from the Pope."

cc: It is sad that the POPE is emphasizing a Governmental Solution for a
moral problem for which he SHOULD BE leading the fight. Did we hear the
Pope say Thou shalt not Steal, or thou Shalt not Lie, or thou shalt not
Commit Adultery, Mr. Clinton, and love the Lord your God... the problem of
preventing sin (&crime) is a moral dilemma. The State PUNISHES criminals
after the fact, which may at times dissuade crime, but religion and morals
PREVENT it. If I hear the Pope, he wants governments to change their laws
to conform to a problem he isn't addressing, the loss of moral character
associated with godless and lawless sinful people. This is the issue he
should be addressing, not how to fix government, but how to repair sinful
mankind through the redemption of Christ. Instead, he wants to lower the
bar and apply a human solution to a spiritual problem.

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