-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2000 5:26 AM
Subject: Estonian Nazis

Estonian Nazi commander reburied in Tallinn

estonia.gif (8278 bytes)"The ashes of an Estonian officer who commanded a unit of the Nazi Waffen-SS in the Second World War have been reburied in a ceremony in the Estonian capital, Tallinn.

The officer, Alfons Rebane, served in the Estonian army until Soviet troops occupied the country in 1940.

He joined the German army when it entered Estonia the following year.

The Estonian prime minister, Mart Laar, described Rebane as one of Estonia's most prominent soldiers and said the country had a duty to rebury the ashes, which were brought from Germany.

But political parties representing the ethnic Russian community have said the reburial amounts to a support of fascism."

(source: BBC World Service, 06-26-99)

This is only one of many example of resurgence of nazism in the Baltics. Last year SS veterans freely marched in Latvia, while a similar march by Russian W.W.II veterans was brutally suppressed by Latvian police, who used tear gas and sticks on 80-year-old men and women. This is not even about Russians living in the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, who are being treated like second-rate residents and are being denied the most basic human rights by the governments which want to become an integrated part of European society. This is only about government-supported neo-nazism, which is now being battled by the only true enemy of fascism - Russia. Meanwhile, the US and the European Union actively support the Baltic fascist states, restricting western "free and democratic" media from getting access to the facts about pro-fascist tendencies in internal and foreign politics of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia - the Fourth Reich trio.

Anxious to join the North-Atlantic alliance and the European Union, there is no dirty job Estonia wouldn't do to earn NATO's "appreciation." There were numerous case of Estonian citizens being caught spying in Russia. For example, in October of 1998 a citizen of Estonia was caught by security at a military installation in Pskov region, Russia. The detained man admitted that he was gathering sensitive information for Estonian intelligence services. These "intelligence services" were frequently linked to NATO.

In a hurry to fill in the Baltic power vacuum, NATO countries and the United States in particular will blindly support any neo-nazi slime in Tallinn for as long as there is a promise of increased Anglo-American influence in the tiny Baltic state. It's not the small territory or non-existent natural resources of the country that the Americans are after, but the country's strategic location in relation to Russia and it's Baltic Fleet. Gaining political and military influence in the Baltics was always the most sacred desire of the Cold Warriors on the Capitol Hill. Consumed by the annoying illusions of the New World Order, American government and NATO leadership drag their countries and people into supporting Estonian fascists.

The problem of resurgence of fascism, of course, is not limited only to Estonia, it also propagates down to Latvia and Lithuania. Both countries actively supported marches, meetings and other public activities of former Waffen SS members and other extremists, while suppressing the human and civil rights of ethnic minorities, such as Russian, Ukrainian and others. Some of you may have a question at this point: why did I decide to pick on poor, little Estonia, when there are larger and far more powerful countries in Europe and elsewhere that harbor neo-nazi organizations? What makes Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania so important is their strategic location for European security (and for Anglo-American New World Order fantasies). When national interests of many powerful nations concentrate in a couple of small countries governed by camouflaged fascists, the potential for growth of neo-nazism in these countries and around them is limitless and so are the effects of this growth on European and world politics.

SS War Veterans Rally in Estonia

"July, 1998. Some 1,500 Estonian war veterans, mostly SS men but also survivors of the 1918-20 war of independence from tsarist Russia, gathered for their annual reunion in Tallinn on 11 July. However, unlike the reunion of Latvian SS Legion members in March, no government officials or army officers participated, and the rally took place without incident and without international protests. While critics said it was inappropriate to celebrate the activities of men who fought on the side of a nation which murdered millions of Jews, the organizers of the event emphasized that the participants had fought, unsuccessfully, in order to prevent the Soviets from taking over their country, and not for the Nazis. Both the Latvian and Estonian SS legions were declared non-criminal by the international war trials court in Nuremberg after World War II, since many of the men were illegally conscripted by the Nazis."

(source: The Project for the Study of Anti-Semitism, Tel Aviv University)

Well, that's refreshing: "legal" nazis march in Europe and there are no international protests, because they... fought the Russians, or did they? The vast majority of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian SS troopers volunteered to serve well before there was even a hint of a Russian return to the Baltics. Think about this: when these people said they want to serve their Fuhrer by joining the ranks of the glorious Waffen SS, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were under complete German occupation with no Soviets in sight. Sure, they tried to prevent Soviets from taking over years later, but this was a part of German agenda and it certainly had nothing to do with "liberating" their homeland. Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian governments felt quite at home under Nazi occupation.


"President Lennart Meri has ordered Interior Minister Olari Taalan to launch an investigation into the printing in Estonia of neo-Nazi newspapers, ETA reported on 14 June. According to a Swedish television report the previous day, Printall has repeatedly printed various neo-Nazi publications ordered from Sweden. The printing house, which is 100 percent privatized, has acknowledged that some issues of two extremist newspapers were published in early 1997, but it pointed out that since none of its staff speaks Swedish, the company was unaware of the newspapers' contents. Meri has requested that the investigators identify who in Sweden financed the printing of the newspapers."

(source: Institute of Baltic Studies, 06-15-99)

So, what happened next? What happened next was the only thing that could have happened when such an investigation was launched by pro-fascist government: nothing happened. In 1993 the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", an infamous antisemitic tome, was freely published in Estonia. It was later banned, but the lazy investigation, launched by the government, predictably, produced no results. The investigation was launched and quietly faded away, along with any foreign interest for the incident. And yet another failed investigation, this time in Lithuania in 1997:


"Seimas First Deputy Chairman Andrius Kubilius is concerned about the activities of the newly-founded Lithuanian National Socialist Unity movement headed by Mindaugas Murza, the daily Lietuvos Rytas reports. Kubilius has approached the State Security Department Director Jurgis Jurgelis and Prosecutor General Kazys Pednycia with a request to determine whether Murza's and his colleagues' actions have a criminal aspect. The Seimas official illustrates his allegations with the excerpts from the neo-Nazi mouthpiece Nacijos Balsas (the Nation's Voice), where Russians, Poles, and Jews are described as "especially dangerous minorities." In his written appeal, Kubilius also denounces an opinion voiced by the security chief that "such people as Murza are not criminals alike racketeers, burglars, or thieves. "These people belong to a different trend and we have to find a way to communicate with them on the normal basis," Jurgelis said earlier. According to Kubilius, such indulgence could prompt yet more impertinent neo-Nazi behaviour."

(source: ELTA Lithuanian News Agency, 08-26-97)

Not only the governments of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have no interest in exposing and prosecuting thousands of unknown neo-nazi criminals, they actually apply maximum effort to hinder prosecution of those Nazi criminals that are quite well known:


"The government on 22 August released a statement denying that it has procrastinated over the prosecution of suspected Nazi collaborator Aleksandras Lileikis, BNS reported. The statement came in response to recent accusations by the Wiesenthal Center, an Israeli-based Nazi-hunting organization. It stressed that the only obstacle to the 89-year-old Lileikis's trial are legal provisions that prohibit a defendant from undergoing interrogation if such a process would endanger his or her life. It added that the government is drafting amendments that would allow prosecution of suspected war criminals regardless of their state of health. The government also rejected the Wiesenthal Center's accusations that Vilnius is staging a September meeting to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the death of the Jewish sage Gaon Elijah of Vilnius in order to "compensate" for lack of progress in the Lileikis case."

(source: Institute for Baltic Studies, 08-25-97)

There were hundreds of complaints, petitions, proposals directed to the governments of the three Baltic states, calling for decisive actions against neo-nazis operating within the political structures of these countries, but all complaints, like the one below, fell on deaf ears:


"First Deputy Speaker Andrius Kubilius has sent a letter to the national security department and the Prosecutor-General's Office asking them to determine whether the activities of a local neo-Nazi organization can be considered criminal, ITAR-TASS reported on 25 August. Kubilius said the Union for National and Social Unity of Lithuania (UNCUL) has published articles in its own publication that "encourage ethnic strife." He argued that those articles provide evidence that the UNCUL engages in "anti-constitutional activities aimed at igniting hatred toward non-indigenous people living in Lithuania." The UNCUL has some 400 members, most of whom are between 20 and 30 years old."

(source: Institute for Baltic Studies, 08-25-97)

The few quotes above are just a tip of the iceberg: problems of neo-nazism in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are deep-rooted and fed by indifferent and power-hungry foreigners, by internal popular discontent with low standards of living, by pro-fascist forces within the governments of the Baltic trio. We, too, can remain indifferent and wait until the problem of neo-nazism comes to us, to our countries, towns, homes. Or we can make our opinion heard by those, who have the power to change things. As one American writer once put it: "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference." You can protest Estonia's pro-fascist policies by contacting the country's government:

Don't forget to mention that you are coming from Venik's Aviation Page and you can also drag-and-drop the "Estonian Neo-Nazism" graphics from this page into your e-mail message. Don't close your eyes on this: public indifference is exactly how the Third Reich came about. The Baltics is a particularly volatile area in the world, with both Russians and Americans competing for influence in the post-Soviet power vacuum. If we allow Baltic neo-nazis to gain western support, there is no telling how far things will go. Eventually, we or our children may end paying for our indifference with blood.

July 5, 1999

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