-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 1:20 PM
Subject: Invited Lawyers Await 'Permission' to See Milosevic

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> [Emperor's Clothes]
> Invited Lawyers Await 'Permission' to See Milosevic
> by Jared Israel [7 July 2001]
> I caught up with the lawyers Chris Black and Andre Tremblay yesterday by
> phone. President Slobodan Milosevic had requested to see them so they flew
> to the Netherlands on Thursday and are now waiting for officials at the
> 'War Crimes Tribunal' to approve their visit. They should have an answer
> Monday at noon, Dutch time. (1)
> The trip has received much coverage, some accurate, some not. Mr. Black
> said the 'Toronto Star' had entirely misquoted him, misrepresenting the
> reason for his trip to The Hague, making it sound as if he wanted to
> pressure President Milosevic. Said ChrisBlack:
> "The Committee to Defend Milosevic and its lawyers have nothing but
> admiration for what Mr. Milsoevic did during his confrontation with the
> Tribunal and we are going to the Hague to help him any way he sees fit."
> The BBC (pleasant surprise!) got the story right:
> "Two Canadian lawyers are travelling to the International War Crimes
> Tribunal at The Hague at the request of the former Yugoslav President
> Slobodan Milosevic.
> "The lawyers are part of an international support committee that considers
> Mr Milosevic a political prisoner.
> "Formed in Berlin in March, the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
> Milosevic is made up of 200 lawyers, writers and intellectuals.
> "One of the lawyers, Christopher Black, said he was going there on behalf
> of the group to see the conditions of Mr Milosevic's detention and discuss
> any legal matters he wished to raise.
> "At his first appearance at the tribunal earlier this week, the former
> Yugoslav leader declined to ask for defence lawyers and refused to enter a
> plea on war crimes charges....
> "Mr Black, accompanied by his colleague Andre Tremblay, refused to
> speculate about whether they would eventually represent Mr Milosevic."
> News, July 6, 2001)
> Things are not always handled so objectively. Here's a report I wrote
> an interview the BBC had with Chris Black on July 3rd.
> It's a Free World unless you're too free with your opinions. Chris Black
> reports on an interview with the BBC, 9AM Greenwich Mean Time.
> Black: I had a discussion with the producer two hours before the
> Everything seemed OK. When the program comes on, I don't recall the
> gentleman's name, but he was taking a very strong pro-NATO view.
> Israel: That's no gentleman.
> Chris: It starts with a lead-in. There's some Serbian person they found to
> trash Milosevic and say he has to answer for his 'crimes'. The usual. And
> then the Serb says, "All Serbs are responsible because we voted for him."
> That seemed to me a very dangerous sentiment. First the assertion of
> crimes. He offered nothing to back it up but people would think, "It's a
> Serb saying this, so it must be true." And then his clincher: all Serbs
> guilty. He says, "We shouldn't believe in collective responsibility." But
> then he says, "All Serbs are responsible."
> So then they jump to me and the BBC guys says, "So Mr. Black do you think
> he's going to get a fair trial at the Tribunal?"
> And I told him bluntly, "No," and explained why: "It's a NATO court, its
> purpose is to justify NATO's flagrant aggression."
> And then he cuts in and says, "Surely you would admit that there are
> he has to answer for?"
> The 'surely' is where you're expected to cave; the pressure is for you to
> say, "Well of course I'm not saying that!" But I said. "No. Nobody has
> any evidence."
> And he said, "Oh come on now, there is massive evidence proving his guilt.
> It's all been proven in the media. We've had it on the BBC."
> And I said, "That's fluff. There's nothing solid to back it up. If they
> anything solid they would have produced it by now. It's all fabrications
> that disappear when you examine them."
> And he said, "How can you make such a sweeping statement like that?"
> And I said, "Just as you made your sweeping statement, I have a right to
> make my own sweeping statement. The purpose of this court is to justify
> NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia to their own domestic populations. To
> justify that NATO had the right to bomb this poor country."
> And he said, "But surely you would agree he can get a fair hearing!"
> And I said, 'But surely I would not agree. He's been convicted in
> And he said "How? How can you say that? These are only charges,
> allegations. There's been no presumption of guilt. Who has convicted him?"
> And I said, "He has been convicted in the media."
> He said: "How can you say that?"
> I said: "You said it."
> He said: "When?"
> I said: "One minute ago. You asked me how I could deny he's guilty when
> it's all been proven right in the media. Including the BBC. Your words."
> That was when the phone went "Click" and there was 15 seconds of silence
> and then a woman came on and said, "Well thank you, then. Good bye."
> Jared: That's it? Not even flowers?
> Chris: Nothing.
> Jared: I told you he was no gentleman.
> -- End of report on BBC interview.
> Though President Milosevic had requested the meeting with Chris Black and
> Andre Tremblay, they had to apply to the 'Tribunal', fill out forms, go
> through an interview. A 'Tribunal' official asked Chris Black what he,
> Tremblay and Milosevic might be planning to discuss. Black pointed out
> such a question violates the lawyer-client relationship. The official
> argued that since the President was defending himself, he did not need to
> see lawyers. Chris responded that regardless of how President Milosevic is
> dealing with the 'Tribunal,' he has the right to consult legal counsel or
> anyone else he wishes. Just because he has chosen not to register any
> lawyers to represent him at the 'Tribunal,' because of his opinion of that
> body, does not mean he can't talk to attorneys.
> I spoke to Chris again this morning (Eastern U.S. time) and also for the
> first time talked to the legal scholar, Andre Tremblay.
> Tremblay is Professor of Law at University of Montreal. This month he
> addressed the European Parliament, delivering a scathing critique of The
> Hague 'Tribunal.' Like Black, Tremblay has been defending officials of the
> former Rwandan government, which has been jailed en masse by the Rwandan
> 'War Crimes Tribunal,' sister to the one holding Milosevic.
> The current Rwandan government, which began as a military force trained
> armed by the U.S., has no legal problems with the 'Tribunal.' Yet many
> experts say its leaders and their U.S. sponsors bear overwhelming
> responsibility for past and current violence in Rwanda. But that's a whole
> other nightmare... (3)
> I asked Mr. Tremblay to describe his work and he said, "I defend poor
> people, the ones who are abused, the oppressed." About the kidnapping and
> 'trial' of Mr. Milosevic, he said:
> "It is just the beginning. It's going to be a long fight. The President is
> in a very very good spirit and he is a man ready to fight. We do not fear
> and he does not fear at all - for we are telling the truth. "
> Chris Black says other Serbian prisoners being held in the 'Tribunal'
> been electrified by Milosevic's resistance."
> -- JI
> ***
> Further Reading:
> 1) To see/hear Committee to Defend Milosevic lawyer Chris Black on CBC TV,
> go to http://cbc.ca/clips/ram-newsworld/kelley_black010704.ram
> 2) Regarding the demonization of Milosevic, please see "KLA Attacks
> Everyone. Media Attacks...Miloshevich?" by Jared Israel at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/expan.htm
> 3) The Rwanda Tribunal is the subject of the article, 'One-Sided Justice
> The Rwanda Tribunal' . That 'Tribunal' is also discussed in For Whom the
> Bell Tolls by Jared Israel. The background of the situation in Rwanda is
> discussed in the interview, 'A Murder in Congo' . The URLs for these
> articles are
> http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/rwanda.htm
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/tolls.htm
> http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/congo.htm
> 4) One critical question of evidence is: What did Mr. Milosevic say? Did
> exhort Serbs to commit hate crimes, as the Western media claim? Or did he
> preach ethnic cooperation and unity against NATO? You won't find out from
> the mass media, which manages to attack what he 'said' without quoting a
> word. One of the most important texts is "Milosevich's 1989 Speech in
> Kosovo" at http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/milosaid.html
> ***
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