-Caveat Lector-


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

From: D. Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: J.E.F.O.B.B VOl 5
Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 12:27 AM

Journal of Ethics and FOBB Volume 5

<see general disclaimers at end of post>

1 - Editorial
2 - Survey Results
3 - Website of the Day
4 - Murder by Media (by Bob Djurdjevic)
5 - Cannabis Sativa (add DUPONT to your list)
((Note : The following two articles will be in next issue due to length of
Dymocks piece))
6 - Chinese Plastic Crap
7 - ASPARTAME (or How Monsanto et al bought out the FDA)


Dear Well Informed Readers -I would firstly like to thank all those who
took the time to reply to the survey in the last issue. The results are
below and are very interesting. We've passed the 700 subscribers mark this
issue and are heading for the big ONE K. Please feel free to forward this
journal (unchanged of course) and if you have any interesting pieces of
info or an article or just a letter to the editor please do not hesitate to

This issue we look at Media Censorship in Australia, the decriminilisation
of the wonder-plant Cannabis Sativa (btw, Sativa is latin for useful),
plastic crap from China and the not so sweet sweetener ASPARTAME. Your
feedback on these articles is welcomed.

Survey Results

Do you believe that Atlantis once existed?

Yes     62%     No      35%     Other 3%

Do you believe in re-incarnation?

Yes     71%     No      18%     Not Sure/Other  11%

Do you beleive in scientific reductionism?

Yes     38%     No      58%     Other   4%

Do you believe in a Secret Elite Controling World Affairs?

Yes     80%     No      20%

Is there a hidden agenda re: Y2K?

Yes     40%     No      50%     Other   10%

'Chariots of the Gods' Theory?

Yes     17%     No      62%     Other   21%

Do you believe in an anthropomorphic deity and his adversary?

Yes     15%     No      65%     Other   20%

Should Marijuana/Cannabis/Hemp be legalised/decriminalised?

Yes     95%     No      0 %     Other  5%

As Cartman says "It's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy crap"

I should never have asked such open questions about films and movies - I
got way too many responses to even categorize - but unusually enough one
band got multiple responses - Queen !!!!!



And this was sent in by a subscriber - George Knoblauch - it's his sight :


Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 99/2-3          11-Feb-99

Death of Freedom of Speech in Australia Now a Matter of Fact


Chairman of an Australian National Book Store Chain Kills a Fast-Selling

WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Feb. 11 - Writers who told the truth under the
oppressive Soviet regime were called dissidents.  The West cherished them
and toasted them as heroes.  Writers who tell the truth nowadays under the
oppressive New World Order regimes around the world face the fate worse
than death for a writer - silence!

Except for the Internet and the PC - two powerful weapons for truth and
freedom fighters.  Which is how we are able to report to you today about a
new breed of dissidents, the ostracized western writers who tell the truth.
 They are not being sent off to the Gulags (yet).  But their freedom of
speech is being abridged, and their books are being banned, just as was the
case in the communist USSR.

Only a few weeks ago, for example, we told you about a new book being
released in Australia whose title is "Murder by Media;" sub-title - "Death
of Democracy in Australia;" by Scott Balson, with your TiM editor
contributing the "American Chapter" to it (see
www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins99/tim99-1-3.html ).  Ever since, the book
has enjoyed brisk sales around Australia through, Dymocks, a national book
store chain.  Until this Tuesday, that is…

A Sydney-based friend of a Western Australian friend had recommended the
book for her to read.  But when the WA friend tried to order it from
Dymocks, she discovered that the book had been pulled off their shelves.
"Dymocks bookstores withdrew the book from their bookshelves around
Australia on Tuesday (Feb. 9) on the direct instruction of Chairman, John
Forsyth," said the author Scott Balson, in a Feb. 11 press release.  "The
book had been sold by Dymocks for nearly three weeks before this surprising

Indeed, enthusiasm for this unusual eruption of the truth about the media
was building in Australia on the eve of Dymocks chairman's attempt to
murder a book, kill the truth, and suppress the freedom of thought.
Here's, for example, an excerpt from one enthusiastic reader, just before
the book was banned by Dymocks' self-imposed censorship:

"So far, I have alerted at least half a dozen people to buy the book.
Dymocks at Subiaco, Karrinyup and Claremont (Perth suburbs) are sold out
completely over the weekend... I rang (a friend), too, and she is going to
buy it.  She owns (a Perth hotel), is a lawyer, and was a high flyer in the
Liberal Party (i.e., Republican, in the U.S. context), along with MB.  They
both defected last year to join One Nation (a populist party).  I am having
lunch today with several women... Mostly they share our opinions... I am
taking my copy of the book along to activate some interest.  Etc."

Fascinating.  That's how unapproved books and free thought used to
circulate in the days of the Soviet Union.  Which is why it is frightening
to see that similar methods of spreading the truth are becoming necessary
today, in the supposedly free western democracies, like Australia.

Meanwhile, if you try to buy the book from the Dymocks Web site -
http://www.dymocks.com.au - you'll get the message: "This title may be out
of stock, we will confirm availability."  What a crock of dung beetle food!

If you feel like protesting this ban on food for thought, let Dymock's
general manager, Paul Clark, know who you feel about it.  His e-mail is:

And, just in case you are tempted to dismiss the above as some peculiar
Australian quirk, don't!  For, if there were the truth in media (in the
U.S.), there would be no need for the Truth in Media.  The very first
publication which TiM put, out back in 1992 (now out of print, so please
don't ask us to send you copies), was a booklet "The Truth Rejected."  It
contained a series of articles rejected by the American establishment
media, which echoed Scott Balson's experience with the Australian media

Meanwhile, there is nothing like controversy to help sell a book,
especially one which, now that it has been "banned" by Dymocks, is likely
to become a "collectors' item."  So here's how you can get your copy of it:

The book may be ordered by sending a payment of A$27 or US$25 (which
includes airmail postage) to Scott Balson, P.O. Box 11, Mt. Crosby News
4306, Queensland, Australia (E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  If you identify
yourself as a TiM reader when ordering the book, you will be entitled to a
SPECIAL TRUTH IN MEDIA DISCOUNT OF US$5, for a net price of US$20 per book.
 International inquiries may be directed to Scott Balson by dialing (from
the US) 011-61-7-3201-1353; or 011-61-015-477-609 (mobile phone); or by
e-mail any time to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona


Further to the Above article I contacted Dymocks who told me they had
removed the book for legal reasons. Saying that the book is defamatory.
Surely that is for the person or persons defamed to decide. They would not
indicate to me who was defamed or in what manner. I wrote to Bob


Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 99/2-7          24-Feb-99

Death of Freedom of Speech in Australia Now a Matter of Fact


"Red Rupert" Also Assaulted Freedom of Speech - More Than Once

PHOENIX, Feb. 23 - In our TiM GW Bulletin 99/2-3 (Feb. 11, 1999), filed
from Western Australia, we said:

"Writers who told the truth under the oppressive Soviet regime were called
dissidents.  The West cherished them and toasted them as heroes.  Writers
who tell the truth nowadays under the oppressive New World Order regimes
around the world face the fate worse than death for a writer - silence!"

Well, Dymocks, a national book store chain in Australia, has now broken its
silence.  The Truth in Media has obtained a copy of the Feb. 12, 1999
fax-letter from Keith Perkin, Dymocks' managing director, to Scott Balson,
author of the book, 'Murder by Media,' now banished from all Dymocks'
stores by a top executive's order.

Perkin's letter is a shameful admission of Dymocks' cowardice in the face
of the truth, and a sad example of the state of affairs in Australia's
media.  Here's, for example, what Dymocks' managing director had to say
about the rewards of writing the truth these days:

"Even if that is in fact the case (that the book contained the truth about
the slanderous articles which the establishment 'reporters have written
over the last three years'), we have been advised that truth alone is not a
defence to defamation actions in Australia."

Let us repeat in bold print Dymocks' devastating admission: "Truth alone is
not a defence to defamation actions in Australia."

Neither it was in the Soviet Union.  Nor in Red China.  Nor in Nazi
Germany.  Are those the kinds of societies the contemporary Australia is
modeling herself after?

Dymocks' ban of a book which told the truth about the corruption and
collusion between the establishment media and the establishment parties in
Australia, is a case of self-censorship which would make the communist
commissars proud.  And would make the likes of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, or
the former Hong Kong governor, Chris Patten spit nails.

Okay, everybody can see why a dissident Russian writer, like Solzhenitsyn,
might be upset to see that the contemporary West, which he had sometimes
idealized, is not much better than the communist dictatorship against which
he had rebelled.  But why the former Hong Kong British governor?  Because
he also happens to have become a writer.

After having served as the last British governor of Hong Kong, Patten wrote
a book of memoirs which told the truth about Red China, the western New
World Order's partner in crime against freedom, as it turns out.  In other
words, it was critical of the Chinese communist government which western
multinationals have showered with over $202 billion in investments during
the 1990s.  That's about $51 million per head of each Tiananmen Square
pro-democracy victim.

Well, guess who tried to pull the "Dymocks trick" on Gov. Patten's book
back then?  None other than Rupert Murdoch, one of the two Australian media
moguls whose transgressions and manipulations were detailed in the book
"Murder by Media" (the other "mogul" being Kerry Packer, reportedly a chum
of Dymocks chairman, John Forsyth).

In February 1998, Murdoch ordered Harper Collins, the publishing company he
owns, to cancel a scheduled fall publication in Britain of Gov. Patten's
memoirs.  The reason?  Fear that the book would offend the Red Chinese with
whom Murdoch's business ventures are happily in bed (e.g., his Star TV
satellite service).

"I'm extremely angry," Doris Lessing, a British novelist also published by
Murdoch's Harper Collins, one of several authors who had threatened to
leave this publisher, told London's Daily Telegraph last February.  "Rupert
Murdoch's attitude is very unprofessional.  It is so shocking I can't find
words for it."

Unlike the Dymocks' executives, however, Gov. Patten was no pushover.  He
basically told Murdoch to stuff it, sued Harper Collins for a breach of
contract, and signed on with MacMillan's, a rival publisher.  His book was
eventually published last October and sold well, even in Hong Kong.

The Patten scandal was not the first time Murdoch, who has major business
interests in China, has deferred to Beijing.  In 1994, he removed the
British Broadcasting Corporation programs from his STAR satellite system's
offerings to China, reportedly because the Chinese government was upset by
a documentary about Mao, among other things.

Patten didn't mince any words about how he felt about this "Red Rupert"
move.  "'It was 'the most seedy of betrayals' for those who champion
freedom of speech in one country 'to curtail it elsewhere for reasons of
inevitably short-term commercial expediency'," the New York Times reported
on Feb. 28, 1998.

Until now, it seems.  For, Dymocks' decision to murder the "Murder by
Media," maybe even tops "Red Rupert's" spinelessness.  Because it happened
in Murdoch's native country which ostensibly "champions (the) freedom of
speech," according to Patten.

So why would a bookseller perform such an unnatural act as to voluntarily
deprive itself of a book's sales and profits?  "The sole ground of its
decision in this case is the possibility that the book is defamatory,"
wrote Dymocks' Perkin in this Feb. 12 letter.

Well, if that's the case and is so obvious to everybody, why then would the
bookseller's managing director feel compelled in the next sentence to
threaten the book's author with legal action if he continued to tell the
truth? (i.e., if Balson makes any statement "which suggests that Dymocks
decision resulted in any way from an attempt to censor your book and
prevent the views expressed in it from being circulated").

Besides, doesn't Dymocks check out the books before agreeing to sell them?
Assuming that it did do so in the case of the "Murder by Media" (which
would be normal practice for book distributors), why did Dymocks suddenly
get cold feet over the book's allegedly defamatory content only AFTER it
had already placed it on its stores' shelves?  Could it be that the
bookseller is now trying to intimidate the author into silence because it
is itself feeling threatened?  If so, by whom?

Maybe Scott Balson should add a "Murder by Dymocks" chapter, and then take
a page out of Gov. Patten's book, and get himself a new book distributor,
preferably a direct rival of Dymocks'.  Surely Dymocks is not the only book
chain in Australia?  And even if it were, or even if all other distributors
were equally scared from the truth coming out, there is still the
amazon.com.  No longer just an alternative way to market books, this
Internet high flyer is threatening to put the traditional booksellers out
of business.

Meanwhile, just in case you were tempted to dismiss the above book
controversy as some peculiar "Down Under," Australian media censorship
quirk, don't!  Here's, for example, what the Truth in Media wrote to the
Wall Street Journal on Apr. 26, 1998, regarding its duplicitous attitude
toward the truth (see www.truthinmedia.org/Activism/wsj4-26-98.html ):

"Where was the Wall Street Journal's righteous indignation when one of your
media brethren, Rupert Murdoch, ordered Harper Collins last February to
cancel a scheduled fall publication in Britain of a memoir by Chris Patten,
the last British Governor of Hong Kong, for fear it would offend the same
Red Chinese government? Why was the Journal AWOL? Your silence in defense
of Murdoch's assault on free speech was deafening."

Birds of a feather flock together?  You bet!  And not just in the
establishment media circles.
Cannabis Sativa

The following piece is from RESISTANCE and appeared in Green Left Weekly it
is by Simon Frey.

Hemp is one of the world's most useful plants (Sativa is actually latin for
useful - Ed). Its uses range from paper and fuel and it could replace many
environmentally destructive products.( Henry Ford actually built and ran an
entire car on Hemp -Ed).
For thousands of years hemp has been used as a food, to make clothing, as a
medicine and as a drug. It can be turned into plastics and made into
petroleum without producing sulphur, thus reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.
Until 1883, 75 to 90% of all paper in the world was made from hemp.
Due to difficulties harvetsing it in large quantities, hemp fell out of
favour as a profitable crop in the late 1800's, until an automated
harvetser was developed in the 1930's.
In the intervening years, many industries were developed to take over
Hemp's role in production: oil was drilled from the ground, treess were
used for paper and new sources of cloth were devleoped. Many of the
companies now had a vested interest in making Hemp illegal.
The United States was the first country to introduce laws to destroy hemp
plants, regardless of their intended use. That law was a result of
political pressure exerted by the forestry industry and DUPONT corporation,
which had just patented oil and coal based plastics production.
DUPONT's chief financial backer, Andrew Mellon, was US President J. Edgar
Hoover (I thought he was the FBI guy - Ed) secretary of the Treasury. He
appointed his nephwe, Harry J. Anslinger, to a position in the Federal
Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
Anslinger whipped up a scare campaign about hemp, which referred to hemp as
marijuana so that people would begin to associate the whole plant with drug
use only. At the 'high' point of this campaign, the propaganda films
'Reefer Madness', 'Marijuana: Weed with Roots in Hell' and 'Marijuana:
Assassin of our Youth' were made. (Didn't the US gov't also make a doc
called 'Hemp for Victory' during WWI or II? - Ed).
The propaganda was all hype. Marijuana had been prescribed by doctors for
centuries and the American Medical Association condemned the media beat-up
as 'tabloid sensationalism'.
The marijuana scare campaign was internationalised and the first hysteria
articles appeared in Australia in 1938. In June that year, the newspaper
Smith's weekly ran the headlines : "Drug that Maddens Victims", "Plant
grows wild in Queensland", "Warning from America". The articles claimedd
that marijana "distorts moral values and leads to degrading sexual
At the end of 1938, hemp was listed in Australia as a "noxious weed" which
had to be destroyed on sight. It was already illegal to smoke marijuana,
but it was the hysteria whipped up about the "evils" of this drug that laid
the basis in public opinion for the total banning of one of the world's
most useful plants (THE MOST useful - Ed).

Simon Frey
Green Left Weekly #348.


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PS It kills me that PORT POWER are sponsored by NIKE



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