-Caveat Lector-
Leading leftwing activist lies about US intentions toward Iraq

Dr Aaron Oakley
Thursday 13 March 2003

Professional idiot and the Australian Conservation Foundation's head honcho Peter Garrett has decided to speak out against toppling Saddam's sadistic regime. In doing so he revealed the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the left.

He argued that America has no right to "carpet bomb Baghdad". Who said Baghdad was going to be carpet bombed? In fact, who said any part of Iraq would be carpet bombed? It is just vicious smear mongering to state, as Garrett did, that America intends to "carpet bomb Baghdad" or any other part of Iraq.

To justify his defence of Saddam's murderous regime, and that is what it amounted to, Garrett raised the non-issue of depleted uranium:

"There has already been use of weapons with depleted uranium in the first Gulf War, raising anxiety about the long-term consequences to human health and groundwater systems. A "bunker busting" bomb made with DU was first detonated on a site in Kandahar in Afghanistan, where preliminary medical tests revealed uranium contamination on human populations 100 times the normal level. Any use of nuclear weapons as contemplated by the new US doctrine would seriously magnify this kind of damage."

This guy knows nothing and understands even less. Depleted Uranium is called depleted for a reason. The most radioactive portion (U-235) has been removed. What is left (mostly U-238) has an extremely long half life 4.5- billion years. This means that the danger from radioactivity is minimal.

Mr Garrett tells us that contamination by DU is "100 times the normal level". So what? Is 100 times the "normal level (whatever that is) actually dangerous?

Perhaps Garrett should read the DU study in the Lancet that showed no correlation between service in the Balkans and cancer or other illnesses. Or another one that found no evidence of widespread radioactive contamination in Kosovo.

Garrett says "Any use of nuclear weapons as contemplated by the new US doctrine would seriously magnify this kind of damage". The implication is that he is so dumb he thinks DU constitutes a "nuclear" weapon.

According to one correspondent: "DU was used as paperweights on desks of engineers in Los Alamos in the 50s before the regulatory world went nuts. It is used in military shells not because if it very weak radioactivity, but because of its very high density (about 19gm/cc). As such it has high penetrating power."

The truth is that DU is more of a hazard as a heavy metal rather than for its radioactivity.

What really made Garrett's article morally offensive was its refusal to not only acknowledge the need to remove this Arab Pol Pot but its insinuation that this murderous thug's regime has the same moral right to self-defence as any democracy.

It is time that the leftwing likes of Garrett were held to account for their hypocrisy and made to explain why the people of Iraq are less deserving of liberty than themselves.

Perhaps that is why our leftwingers remain silent while Saddam's thugs crucify children, publicly behead women, set people on fire and torture children in front of their parents. And that is just Saddam's entrée to his smorgasbord of mass murder and torture.

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