>The Committee for National Solidarity
>Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
>-----Original Message-----
>From: john_peter maher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: john_peter maher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 6:35 PM
>Subject: Vlajki: the Coming War in Monte Negro
>Military and human options for the War in Montenegro
>by  Emil VLAJKI
>To be or not to be that is the question,
>Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer
>The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
>Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
>And by opposing, end them.
>William Shakespeare, Hamlet III.i.56.
>In the next months violence will break out in Montenegro, triggered by
>the US-NATO-EC coalition. It will be a civil conflict, the final scene
>of the tragic possible dissolution of Yugoslavia. Four main factors
>define the upcoming little dirty war.
>The US desires to stop European integration by provoking permanent
>Balkan wars, by creating Muslim states in the heart of Europe, and,
>through inclusion of former Soviet allies in NATO, renewing the Cold war
>against Russia.
>Bill Clinton desires in the run-up to the November elections to
>buttress Al Gores campaign for the US presidency. It is axiomatic that
>each time a US President starts a little war, his popularity increases
>enormously, which could decisively influence the outcome of the next
>presidential campaign.
>The international community can barely wait to wrest control of
>Montenegros Adriatic coast. Taking Montenegro by waging an Imperialist
>war will present an open, brutal warning and threat to any other
>developing country wanting to be independent from US-NATO-EC humanism.
>As we have already said in previous articles, the majority of
>Montenegrins do not want to separate from Serbia. Thus, the separation
>has to be achieved artificially. In other words, the cycle of violence
>will start with the provocation of the Yugoslav army by police and
>paramilitary troops belonging to the Montenegrin official establishment.
>During the clashes, many civilians will perish. Serbia and the Serbs
>will be accused once again of perpetrating atrocities, and a new NATO
>humanitarian intervention will take place.
>There is no doubt that this will be the basic scenario. However, three
>crucial issues remain unclear:
>1. Is it possible to stop the new NATO aggression?
>2. Just how will this new aggression be stage-managed?
>3. What will be the final outcome?
>There is no way to stop the war
>Practically, the best way to stop the impending civil conflict would be:
>A radically new policy by Montenegros official establishment to
>create a genuinely independent position towards the West. However, this
>political shift is not realistic. Djukanovic is probably under blackmail
>by the international community which could indict him as a war
>criminal because of his role in the war against Croatia in 1991,
>and it could also accuse him of smuggling activities. In spite of the
>ridiculousness of these accusations, Milo allowed himself to be deeply
>involved in the wests covert geopolitical games in the Balkans.
>By the way, the claim of the Montenegrin authorities that the Yugoslav
>federation is past and gone because of the recent constitutional changes
>by Belgrade, is sheer hypocrisy. Long before this, and on several
>occasions, Djukanovic declared the Federation dead, stressing that
>Montenegro is already an independent state having with Serbia only two
>common institutions: the army and the Federal bureau for air traffic
>Theoretically, a second way to stop further violence in the Balkans is
>to convince the European Community that US interests are contrary to
>Europes. Unfortunately, Europe has not yet attained this level of
>sophistication, but the process is underway.
>A third way to impede civil war in Montenegro is for Russia to take a
>firm position menacing the US-NATO-EC coalition with a nuclear
>confrontation as Americans did regarding Russias missiles destined for
>Cuba in 1962. Of course, this is a pure illusion, as Putin was put in
>power by Yeltsin, an American puppet. Also, the political forces
>supporting Putin are entirely pro-western.
>A fourth way to avoid the looming disaster is for the Serbs
>unilaterally to proclaim a pure and simple dissolution of the
>Montenegro-Serbia federation. But this would be against the will of the
>Yugoslav population. Even a strongman such as Milosevic could not survive
>this political adventure.
>This brief analysis shows that chances to stop the civil war in
>Montenegro and its consequences are practically nonexistent
>Yugoslav authorities are unable to win the media war
>Before the conflict in Montenegro breaks out, it will be important for
>Yugoslavia to win the media war against the seemingly invincible western
>media, which are directly connected to Big Capital, the political and
>military-industrial complex, the spy organizations, Public Relations
>Agencies, and financial institutions of the international community.
>Nevertheless, considering the indubitable fact that the truth is on the
>Yugoslav and Serb side some things could be done:
>a) write an extremely simple book or brochure for dummies, to show in
>a systematic way that:
>The destruction of Yugoslavia was planned by the US-NATO-EC coalition,
>beginning in early 1989.
>Accusations against the Serbs for their atrocities and claiming Serbian
>responsibility for the Balkan wars were lies, an ideological screen to
>cover up the US-NATO-EC crimes.
>The destruction of Yugoslavia has nothing to do with the Serbian
>political establishment. Even with the most democratic rule in
>Yugoslavia and Serbia, the US-NATO-EC coalition would continue to
>annihilate our country.
>The current explosive situation in Montenegro is nothing but a
>continuation of the systematic and criminal destruction of Yugoslavia.
>In Montenegro in the year 2000 there will be a re-play of the model
>and procedure of the step-by-step destruction of Yugoslavia in use since
>This simply written, illustrated book must be translated into several
>languages and distributed around the world.
>b) seminars and lectures by competent people are needed to show calmly
>and systematically what is going on in Yugoslavia, Serbia and the rest of
>the world.
>Trained people able to present the truth about all new and previous western
>lies and
>able to explain the geostrategic, economic and political
>games of the international community should travel widely and defend the
>Yugoslav stand in
>public debates. It is especially important to perform this activity in the
>Yugoslav, Serb and Montenegrin Diaspora and among the people in Yugoslavia.
>c) advertising
>It is absolutely necessary to advertise systematically in the western
>media Yugoslav and Serbian political views and comments.
>d) unity
>Regardless of ideological differences and while the danger is still
>present, basic unity involving all Yugoslav and Serb patriotic groups
>and organizations must be effected. The allegation that the present
>Yugoslav and Serb governments are not democratic, preventing patriots
>from unification, is unconvincing. For example, Tudjmans rule was certainly
>much more anti-democratic and dictatorial than Milosevics but the
>Croatian Diaspora was never divided on the basic political issues.
>Unfortunately, Yugoslav and Serb authorities believe that since the
>truth is on their side, the truth will out and this suffices. They have
>never organized
>counter-propaganda against western lies and manipulations in a
>scientific, methodic, systematic way. The Serb authorities lost the media
>war, which
>makes them partially responsible for the demonization of Yugoslavia and
>Serbia. At any rate, a scientifically organized counter-propaganda could
>prevent many new western lies and deprive the US-NATO-EC aggression of
>purportedly moral, but totally fraudulent humanitarian grounds.
>NATO (UN) troops and the Yugoslav Army: Face to Face
>a) rationale for the NATO (UN) military aggression
>As in the past, allegations that local populations are suffering under Serb
>brutality will be the card they will play. It is even likely that
>massacres of Montenegrin civilians will be staged by the humanitarian
>secret services of the international community to shock public
>opinion and provide a pretext for bombing Serbia. This was done repeatedly
>the market places of Bosnia and in Kosovo.
>b) legal issue
>Under the guise of preventing Serb atrocities, the UN Security Council will
>proclaim Montenegro a demilitarized zone, proposing that its peace
>keepers should replace Yugoslav armed forces. Russia would go along
>with the UN resolution. Yugoslavia as a sovereign state would naturally
>refuse this "solution", and NATO (UN) would start the humanitarian
>bombing of Serbia until Yugoslav forces retreat from Montenegro.
>c) what is not possible
>At the present time, there is much speculation about the possibility of a
>(UN) surface attack on Montenegro coming from three directions: Kosovo,
>Bosnia and the Adriatic.This is improbable. During the ten years of
>the destruction of Yugoslavia, the US-UN-NATO-EC coalition was not
>willing to risk any of its soldiers lives. This new military doctrine
>has worked almost perfectly and for todays humanitarian imperialists
>there is no reason in the world to abandon it.
>However, some missile attacks on Yugoslav military facilities, especially
>on the most exposed defensive positions, on the Montenegrin coast, are
>possible and probable. At any rate, everything has already been prepared
>for the big show. The West's military plans are completed. The independent
>working in concert with the White House and its European allies, the
>CIA, DIA, NSA and PR agencies are ready to go with their objective horror
>and melodramatic stories. Civilian targets in Montenegro have been
>Paramilitary units from neighboring countries have already entered the
>republic of Monte Negro. Police and paramilitary troops of the official
>establishment have already received their orders regarding provocation of
>the Army.
>UN resolutions condemning Serb brutalities have already been written. Big
>Ben's chimes are ready to ring in the new war. Its Show Time.
>d) what about the Yugoslav army? Face to Face
>The Yugoslav army is one of the best in the world. On its own turf it is
>practically invincible. The withdrawal from Kosovo was not its fault, but
>the result of the wrong political decision. Moreover, Montenegro is a
>natural fortress and there is no way to conquer it. An invaders casualties
>in this suicidal attempt would be at least ten times greater than in
>On the other hand, Montenegrin official police and paramilitary troops
>can put up token resistance but cannot match the Yugoslav army in
>battle. The KLAs inability to fight Yugoslav forces during the Kosovo
>conflict is an excellent example for our claim. But the best moral
>support to Yugoslavia is obviously the willingness of its citizens to
>live together in the same state.
>e) this time things are not going to be the same
>The US-NATO-EC coalition is going to cloak its aggression with "legality"
>staging it under the auspices of the UN. Things for Yugoslavia will be much
>difficult therefore than during the Kosovo conflict. In this legal war,
>is no chance for dissension between the US and its European allies over
>bombing of civilian targets.
>A year ago, Belgrade could have counted on that internal discord in NATO
>and could have won. However, this time a similar situation cannot be
>Thus, Yugoslav authorities have few choices. They cannot just resist
>passively, trying to hold out during the bombing. They have to actively
>engage in
>a ground war. In other words, their optimal possibility is to expand the
>war. Most probably, this would include Bosnia, maybe Kosovo and even
>Eastern Slavonia.
>The logic of this option is clear. The US-NATO-EC coalition would never
>reconsider the possibility of ending the further destruction of
>Yugoslavia and Serbia until the full reality of war hits them. Many think
>that only
>ground battle with deadly consequences for both sides can wake up
>western public opinion to favor of peace and oppsoe the ruthlessness of
>the this rational and humanitarian imperialism.
>Blood, sweat, tears and  dignity
>In the past ten years, and more than ever before in the 20th century,
>US-NATO-EC totalitarianism is killing civilians and especially children
>all around the world. Targets are civilians and children, not only in
>Yugoslavia and Serbia, but also in Iraq, Rwanda, Southern Sudan,
>Somalia, Ethiopia, Angola, Colombia and in many other poor countries.
>Due to debts to multinational corporations, due to free trade, to the
>IMF and the World Bank etc. Most insidiously, covert actions of the
>intelligence services of western totalitarian regimes kill seventeen
>million children (17,000, 000) each year in the Third World.
>For historical and circumstantial reasons, Yugoslavia and Serbia once
>again are destined to engage in a battle in order to stop a worldwide
>Serbia did it in 1914. The Yugoslav peoples did it again in 1941 and now
>the same heroic struggle draws close.
>It is true that our country is forced to defend its identity and battle
>for survival. But in this modern confrontation between David and
>Goliath, there is something more.
>First of all, Yugoslavia is one of the most humane multiethnic
>communities in the world, where Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats Muslims,
>Albanians, Hungarians, Czechs, and many other nationalities enjoy their
>full political and cultural rights having their political parties, media,
>universities, etc.
>Secondly, Yugoslavia still refuses to prostrate itself before the
>political and economic dictatorship of the international community, the IMF
>and the
>World Bank.
>Last but not least, Yugoslavia is a natural bridge between Western
>and Eastern Europe, between profit oriented ideology and human
>Bloody and tearful though it is, Yugoslavias epic combat in our day
>against the new totalitarianism is at the same time a struggle for
>dignity and the survival of humanity.
>Secretary General
>Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
>Art  historian

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