-Caveat Lector-

> -----------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/20010416-126565.htm
> April 16, 2001
> Nikolaos A. Stavrou
> Five years after the Dayton accords and two years after the
> Kosovo air war, two of the architects of the Balkan quagmire,
> former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former U.S.
> Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke, persist in
> their efforts to spin a failed Balkan policy into their preferred
> historical footnotes.
> Their April 8 articles in The Washington Post and New York
> Times, respectively, are nothing short of high-speed revisionism,
> shaped by their misreading of Balkan history. It is indeed a
> fallacy to assert or imply that human- or civil-rights abuses
> were the fundamental causes of five Balkan wars that made our
> intervention a moral imperative.
> Neither empirical evidence nor the experience from our
> involvement support such an interpretation. Misreading history
> may make the nation-building enthusiasts feel good, but it will
> not bring peace to a region that is fond of repeating it.
> The fragmentation of Yugoslavia and its consequences brought
> Western policy-makers face to face with a paradox first noted by
> the grand dame of Balkan history, Rebecca West: yesterday´s
> victims became today´s oppressors. Human or civil rights were
> hardly, if ever, the core cause of post-Cold War Balkan which is
> traceable to: the equation of ethnic separation with
> democratization; the acceptance of Cold War human dissenters as
> genuine democrats; the careless conversion of administrative
> boundaries into international borders; and the premature
> recognition of Yugoslav republics before they had addressed
> minority rights.
> The results are apparent to all except the revisionists of
> Balkan history, among them Mrs. Albright and Mr. Holbrooke. In
> was in their watch that the old Yugoslavia, with many ethnic
> rivalries, was converted into five mini-Yugoslavias with exactly
> the same problems
> Similarly, it was their propensity to social engineering
> that reduced NATO, history´s most successful defense alliance,
> into the United Nation´s subcontractor. Ambassador Holbrooke now
> advises the new administration not to waste time with policy
> review or "in assembling the team" (this sounds like an
> application for a "special envoy" job) but march headlong into a
> quagmire that the Clinton team left behind.
> It is time for a reality check and a bold approach to a
> region that has the potential of rendering the Bush II
> administration as impotent as Jimmy Carter´s. The president does
> not need a policy review but a policy reversal to prevent allied
> casualties and a repetition of the Somalia syndrome.
> Five general principles could serve as guides to a thorough
> policy re-evaluation and a needed course correction: First, as
> alluded above, policy-makers must realize that human and
> political rights were not and have never been the core concerns
> of the Albanian leaders in Kosovo, the Former Yugoslav Republic
> of Macedonia (FYROM) or of Sali Berisha and his followers in
> Albania.
> These leaders, claims to the contrary notwithstanding, are
> refighting the wars of 1912 and 1940 and have a "Greater Albania"
> as their ultimate goal. Toward this goal,"victimhood status"
> becomes a means to an end, not a cause. It goes without saying
> that, whoever stands in the way of Albanian or Croat aspirations
> would eventually be treated as a "legitimate target"; and that
> includes peacekeepers.
> It makes no sense to attribute recent events in FYROM as the
> work of "few fanatics," as Mrs. Albright and Mr. Holbrooke
> attempted to do. Similarly, it is a risky assumption to expect
> "moderate" leaders to save the day.
> Second, it is imperative that the Bush administration take
> an unambiguous stand in support of existing Balkan borders. Delay
> on this score would make turmoil beyond the boundaries of former
> Yugoslavia a mathematical certainty. Historical patterns affirm
> that whenever Balkan warlords had secured external patrons, they
> always redoubled their efforts to implement long-dormant
> agendas - even if that meant victimization of their own people.
> Third, the notion of an independent Montenegro in the name
> of "self-determination" must be rejected for that republic´s own
> good. Montenegro is not a viable state. Independence for this
> Yugoslav republic with its 600,000 human inhabitants and an equal
> number of sheep would be an invitation to a three-way civil war:
> Serbs vs Montenegrins vs Albanians.
> Under its current leadership that some find "democratic,"
> Montenegro has been converted into a smuggling paradise in the
> service of the Albanian drug and prostitution cartels. But more
> importantly, an independent Montenegro (even if we assume the
> Serbs accept it) will have a 30 percent Albanian population and a
> Kosovo Liberation Army branch already in place. It will be a
> matter of time before the Skopje scenario is replicated
> Podgorica.
> Fourth, periodic trial balloons about the desirability of
> convening a Lausanne-type conference to address "all outstanding
> Balkan issues and impose solutions" (an idea recently revived by
> Lord Owen) could open Pandora´s box. For starters, expectations
> of any major conference to deal with "all Balkan issues" will be
> an incentive for aggrieved ethnic groups - from the Black Sea to
> the Adriatic - to "create facts on the ground" in order to be
> included in its agenda.
> Finally, hesitation to firmly uphold existing borders is not
> an option. Without border stability, foreign investors will stay
> away, socioeconomic interdependence (the pathway to durable
> stability) will be an illusion and violence could engulf states
> beyond the territory of former Yugoslavia.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Nikolaos A. Stavrou is professor of International Affairs at
> Howard University.

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