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 Message from Jack Shulman, CEO, American Computer Company

 -----Original Message-----
 From: My Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Saturday, January 15, 2000 5:21 PM
 Subject: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in NJ

 >To all those interested in making a difference to the future of
 >RELEVENT WEBSITE: Http://www.orbsite.com
 >Please note that the below message generated considerable government
 >instigated flak, which should serve as an indication to everyone of how
 >frightened certain "black-ops" are regarding the information being
 >posted herein.  This is a very delicate subject, as an alien species or
 >multiple same, are visiting us very cautiously and observing us using
 >technology that provides them the safest access to humanity.  Among the
 >government instigations this past round, were the "what drugs are you
 >people on?" crew, and the "are you familiar with..." crew (who
 >specialize in throwing up hoaxes and then referring to them, to try to
 >occlude anything legitimate with distracting bs).
 >Expect that many of those who respond to this posting, are possibly
 >EMPLOYED by the United States National Security Agency as
 >"counter-intelligence" whose sole purpose is to attack and scoff-at or
 >attempt to undermine any such report found on the Internet as this one.
 >Folks: FYI, the below is about THE REAL THING.  We've provided images
 >for your review at http://www.orbsite.com.  Don't let official
 >deterrents keep you from spreading the word.  Overcome the skepticism by
 >advising skeptics that they, too, can film these beings, and that the
 >beings are trying to communicate and avoid the negative consequences of
 >visiting us, such as personal attack and other forms of harm that go
 >along with FIRST CONTACT.  And, if their agenda had been to "invade
 >earth", they could have done so long ago.  It appears, by the way, that
 >their breathing biology is incompatible with our atmosphere, therefor,
 >our planet has little to offer them, short of contact with another
 >They are interested in having a safe relationship with humanity, not a
 >This is it, folks.
 >-------- Original Message --------
 >Subject: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in
 >Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 00:08:21 -0500
 >From: My Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Organization: @Home Network
 > relevant website: http://www.orbsite.com
 > pictures at bottom of this article are
 > copyright 1999-2000 TEAM ORB.
 >Members of the Chippewah Nation visited the Wanaque, NJ Orbsite, to
 >bless the ancient native burial grounds located there, during this past
 >two weeks, in a ceremony almost 400 years overdue.  The Orbsite sits on
 >Delaware Tribal land adjacent to a Defense Munitions Plant which was
 >built there in the late 19th century.
 >Orb Beings were filmed observing the Ceremonies during which the Native
 >Chippewah's most senior spiritual elder offered blessings to the Creator
 >to allow ailing souls from the burial grounds, largely disrupted by
 >Industrial activity in the area, to be freed to take their place in
 >heaven.  Of all the people who reside in the US, the Native Americans
 >are among the only who continue to be perennial visited by open
 >persecution, repression by the government and open abuse, tolerated
 >mainly because of their small number and very unique religious ways.
 >The elder spiritual leaders of the Chippewah Nation came to NJ for the
 >Ceremonies, and also visited the original lands of the Chippewah in the
 >Nyacks of New York.  Some of the leaders indicated that were they
 >visited in the Dakotas by the vast number of orbs found at the Wanaque,
 >NJ site, that they would not really know what to do.  They visited with
 >Bryan Williams and Sandra Rehl, who showed them samples of the tens of
 >thousands of images taken by them during studies of the energy doorway
 >which has been identified at the NJ Vortex.  There is a general opinion
 >among the Native Americans that a possible calamity may be facing
 >humanity during the next five years, and they believe they have an
 >obligation to go wherever and whenever it is required so as to
 >perform certain Ceremonies which, in their religion, respond to the call
 >of the Creator and such spirits as may be found responsible for the
 >presence of the Orbs in NJ, so as to avert a disaster that modern
 >society may be entirely unawares of due to possible spiritual decline,
 >and antimony towards the unexplained.
 >Members of Team Orb who observed the religious and spiritual interaction
 >concerning the Chippewah elders and the Vortex, and who discussed the
 >matter of orbs with the Native Americans, commented: "It appears that
 >the perception of the European Settlers 500 years ago that Native
 >American Tribes were 'savage', appears quite incorrect. It appears that
 >the Settlers were the savages, as we are just now beginning to discover
 >things that the Native Americans knew about all along."
 >The NJ Vortex energy doorway, discovered several years by Bryan

 >Williams, a student and scientist of the metaphysical... appears to be a
 >conduit through which free roaming, intelligent beings are using an
 >unknown technology to keep a surreptitious eye on us Earthlings.  Study
 >teams, including those of the US Army, the Department of Justice, the
 >CIA and the private groups such as Team Orb, have found an alarming
 >variety and numerous presence of the unexplained "orb phenomena", along
 >with an increasing tendency by the phenomena to behave in a way that can
 >only be described as "intelligent" and capable of following individuals
 >in a manner that can only be described as "surveillance".
 >The Team Orb has even in its studies found that it is being prompted to
 >create devices of unknown intention, by interacting with the orb
 >phenomena, and have concluded that some distant interdimensional or
 >alien species appears somehow to be attempting to contact humanity in a
 >manner that is well beyond our present day science and technology.
 >During past visits to the NJ Vortex Judaic, Christian, Russian Orthodox
 >and Sikh Religious and Spiritual Leaders have all discovered the same
 >phenomena, behavior and intelligence there. An open invitation to the
 >Vatican and to leaders of Islam, have not yet been responded to, but an
 >alleged emissary from the Vatican has sent messages to the team
 >encouraging consideration of any non-human species in the Universe as
 >being "children of God, too".
 >For more information, please go to http://www.orbsite.
 >Some interesting pictures from a recent scientific conference in Denver,
 >Co. which was attended by Team Orb members, and during which it was
 >discovered that orbs from the NJ Vortex had apparently followed the Team
 >to said conference (bear in mind that only the technological portion of
 >these visitors can be seen in camera light, during ordinary
 >circumstances, and that the actual aliens which have been captured on
 >film by Team Orb required very special synchronized lighting at the NJ
 >Vortex, due to the effects of their remote observation technology at
 >Recorder Orb overlooking Dr. Richard Boylan:
 >Recorder Orb positioning itself:
 >Recorder Orb coming down the wall:
 >In the viewing area:
 >CAT vs. Orb: http://www.orbsite.com/cat.html
 >ORBs which study a particular person
 >ORB TYPES: http://orbsite.com/orblevels

UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

Message from Jack Shulman, CEO, American Computer Company

-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2000 5:21 PM
Subject: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in NJ

>To all those interested in making a difference to the future of
>RELEVENT WEBSITE: Http://www.orbsite.com
>Please note that the below message generated considerable government
>instigated flak, which should serve as an indication to everyone of how
>frightened certain "black-ops" are regarding the information being
>posted herein.  This is a very delicate subject, as an alien species or
>multiple same, are visiting us very cautiously and observing us using
>technology that provides them the safest access to humanity.  Among the
>government instigations this past round, were the "what drugs are you
>people on?" crew, and the "are you familiar with..." crew (who
>specialize in throwing up hoaxes and then referring to them, to try to
>occlude anything legitimate with distracting bs).
>Expect that many of those who respond to this posting, are possibly
>EMPLOYED by the United States National Security Agency as
>"counter-intelligence" whose sole purpose is to attack and scoff-at or
>attempt to undermine any such report found on the Internet as this one.
>Folks: FYI, the below is about THE REAL THING.  We've provided images
>for your review at http://www.orbsite.com.  Don't let official
>deterrents keep you from spreading the word.  Overcome the skepticism by
>advising skeptics that they, too, can film these beings, and that the
>beings are trying to communicate and avoid the negative consequences of
>visiting us, such as personal attack and other forms of harm that go
>along with FIRST CONTACT.  And, if their agenda had been to "invade
>earth", they could have done so long ago.  It appears, by the way, that
>their breathing biology is incompatible with our atmosphere, therefor,
>our planet has little to offer them, short of contact with another
>They are interested in having a safe relationship with humanity, not a
>This is it, folks.
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Natives Visit the Alien Interdimensional Gateway, Orb Site in
>Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 00:08:21 -0500
>From: My Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: @Home Network
> relevant website: http://www.orbsite.com
> pictures at bottom of this article are
> copyright 1999-2000 TEAM ORB.
>Members of the Chippewah Nation visited the Wanaque, NJ Orbsite, to
>bless the ancient native burial grounds located there, during this past
>two weeks, in a ceremony almost 400 years overdue.  The Orbsite sits on
>Delaware Tribal land adjacent to a Defense Munitions Plant which was
>built there in the late 19th century.
>Orb Beings were filmed observing the Ceremonies during which the Native
>Chippewah's most senior spiritual elder offered blessings to the Creator
>to allow ailing souls from the burial grounds, largely disrupted by
>Industrial activity in the area, to be freed to take their place in
>heaven.  Of all the people who reside in the US, the Native Americans
>are among the only who continue to be perennial visited by open
>persecution, repression by the government and open abuse, tolerated
>mainly because of their small number and very unique religious ways.
>The elder spiritual leaders of the Chippewah Nation came to NJ for the
>Ceremonies, and also visited the original lands of the Chippewah in the
>Nyacks of New York.  Some of the leaders indicated that were they
>visited in the Dakotas by the vast number of orbs found at the Wanaque,
>NJ site, that they would not really know what to do.  They visited with
>Bryan Williams and Sandra Rehl, who showed them samples of the tens of
>thousands of images taken by them during studies of the energy doorway
>which has been identified at the NJ Vortex.  There is a general opinion
>among the Native Americans that a possible calamity may be facing
>humanity during the next five years, and they believe they have an
>obligation to go wherever and whenever it is required so as to
>perform certain Ceremonies which, in their religion, respond to the call
>of the Creator and such spirits as may be found responsible for the
>presence of the Orbs in NJ, so as to avert a disaster that modern
>society may be entirely unawares of due to possible spiritual decline,
>and antimony towards the unexplained.
>Members of Team Orb who observed the religious and spiritual interaction
>concerning the Chippewah elders and the Vortex, and who discussed the
>matter of orbs with the Native Americans, commented: "It appears that
>the perception of the European Settlers 500 years ago that Native
>American Tribes were 'savage', appears quite incorrect. It appears that
>the Settlers were the savages, as we are just now beginning to discover
>things that the Native Americans knew about all along."
>The NJ Vortex energy doorway, discovered several years by Bryan
>Williams, a student and scientist of the metaphysical... appears to be a
>conduit through which free roaming, intelligent beings are using an
>unknown technology to keep a surreptitious eye on us Earthlings.  Study
>teams, including those of the US Army, the Department of Justice, the
>CIA and the private groups such as Team Orb, have found an alarming
>variety and numerous presence of the unexplained "orb phenomena", along
>with an increasing tendency by the phenomena to behave in a way that can
>only be described as "intelligent" and capable of following individuals
>in a manner that can only be described as "surveillance".
>The Team Orb has even in its studies found that it is being prompted to
>create devices of unknown intention, by interacting with the orb
>phenomena, and have concluded that some distant interdimensional or
>alien species appears somehow to be attempting to contact humanity in a
>manner that is well beyond our present day science and technology.
>During past visits to the NJ Vortex Judaic, Christian, Russian Orthodox
>and Sikh Religious and Spiritual Leaders have all discovered the same
>phenomena, behavior and intelligence there. An open invitation to the
>Vatican and to leaders of Islam, have not yet been responded to, but an
>alleged emissary from the Vatican has sent messages to the team
>encouraging consideration of any non-human species in the Universe as
>being "children of God, too".
>For more information, please go to http://www.orbsite.
>Some interesting pictures from a recent scientific conference in Denver,
>Co. which was attended by Team Orb members, and during which it was
>discovered that orbs from the NJ Vortex had apparently followed the Team
>to said conference (bear in mind that only the technological portion of
>these visitors can be seen in camera light, during ordinary
>circumstances, and that the actual aliens which have been captured on
>film by Team Orb required very special synchronized lighting at the NJ
>Vortex, due to the effects of their remote observation technology at
>Recorder Orb overlooking Dr. Richard Boylan:
>Recorder Orb positioning itself:
>Recorder Orb coming down the wall: 
>In the viewing area: 
>CAT vs. Orb: http://www.orbsite.com/cat.html 
>ORBs which study a particular person 
>ORB TYPES: http://orbsite.com/orblevels 

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