-Caveat Lector-

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only valid for canadians as postage is expensive and this guy is not heavily
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only send it places that there might be people who are interested in it.....

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everyone in your address book).

you want to get a hold of  Richard Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to
request a copy

> In researching the CIA's role in subverting governments around the world,
> I found a wealth of material that I believe may be of interest to you.
> To receive a free sample copy of this issue, send me an email with
> your street addess and we'll mail you a copy.
> Below you'll find:
> (1) the Table of Contents of this issue on the CIA,
> (2) an article on the U.S. role in 'Knocking Over' Canada's government,
> (3) an overview of this issue: "Just Say Know! The CIA's War on
> Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> (1)
> Table of Contents                                PRESS FOR CONVERSION!
> Issue #43
>                  "A People's History of the CIA:
>        The Subversion of Democracy from Australia to Zaire"
> Just Say Know! The CIA's War on Democracy.............................3
> 1944-1954, Germany/USA:  Original Sin - From SS to OSS................4
> Growth of the Gehlen Org.......................................5
> 1945-1973, Germany/Austria/USA:  "Operation Paperclip"................6
> 1945-1973, Germany/USA:  From Dachau to "MKULTRA".....................7
> late 1940s-present, International: "Mockingbird," Buying the Media....8
> 1947-1948, Italy:  Nazi Loot used to Rig Election.....................9
> 1947-1970s, Greece:  Helping Fascists in a Civil War and Coup........10
> late 1940s-1990s, Europe:  Building Right Wing Terror Groups.........11
> EU Resolution on Operation "Gladio"...........................11
> 1950-now, Germany,:  "Stay Behind" Forces and Neo-Nazism......11
> 1945-1963, Vietnam...................................................12
> 1945-1953, Philippines...............................................12
> 1949-1953, Albania:  CIA 'Cut its Teeth' with "Operation Valuable"...12
> 1950-1970s, Southeast Asia:  Drug Lords and Covert Wars..............13
> 1953-1963, USA:  MKULTRA and LSD.....................................14
> 1953, Iran:  Coup Returns Shah in "Operation TPAJAX".................15
> 1954, Guatemala:  "Operation PBSuccess," Another Coup................16
> 1957-1961, Canada:  MKULTRA Experiments in Montreal..................17
> 1958-1991, Iraq:  A Classic Case of Divide and Conquer...............18
> 1958, Indonesia:  The Failed Overthrow...............................19
> 1960s-1970s, Canada:  Prisoners used as Guinea Pigs..................20
> 1960-1997, Congo:  Replacing Lumumba with Mobutu.....................21
> 1962, South Africa:  Mandela Imprisoned..............................21
> 1961-1963, Cuba:  Everything from PsyOps to an Invasion..............22
> 1962-1963, Canada:  'Knocking Over' "Dief the Chief".................23
> Dief's "Made in Canada" Policies..............................23
> A Plot "Made in the USA"......................................23
> Key Quotations on the events of  January 1963.................24
> CIA Fingerprints:  The Americans behind the Plot..............25
> 1965, Indonesia:  Executing a Campaign of Mass Murder................26
> 1968-1976, Chile:  Killing a Democracy...............................27
> 1975, Angola:  Mercenaries, Murder and Corruption....................28
> 1975, Australia:  Overthrowing Whitlam's Labour Party................29
> 1976, South America:  "Operation Condor" Cross-Border Killing........31
> 1978-1992, El Salvador:  Training the Death Squads...................32
> pre1979-1989, Afghanistan:  The CIA's Biggest Covert War ............33
> 1980, Iran/USA:  The Reagan/Bush "October Surprise"..................34
> 1980s, Nicaragua:  Reagan's Contra Terrorists........................35
> 1980s, U.S./Central America:  Contras, Gangs and Crack...............36
> 1980s, USA:  Money Laundering for Contras, Mob and CIA...............37
> 1983-present, International:  NED and "Project Democracy"............39
> 1984-1989, Panama:  If NED Fails, Send in the Marines................40
> 1990s-present, Colombia:  The Phoney 'War on Drugs'..................41
> 1999, Yugoslavia:  KLA, CIA, OSCE and NATO Join Hands................42
> Mr. Massacre, from El Salvador to Racak.......................43
> plus:
> VANA Update (the National Newsletter of Veterans Against Nuclear Arms)
> Nuclear Winter Revisited.............................................44
> Peace Policies of the Political Parties..............................46
> Short Shots..........................................................48
> VANA and DREC Reports................................................51
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> (2)
> 1962-1963, Canada:  'Knocking Over' "Dief the Chief"
> (a) A Plot "Made in the U.S."
> By Richard Sanders, editor, Press for Conversion!
> In 1962, the U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Livingston Merchant, and his
> Secretary Charles Kisselyak, fuelled a plot among the Canadian Air Forces,
> Canadian journalists and others to dispose of Prime Minister Diefenbaker.
> Kennedy hated Dief largely for his anti-nuclear stance.  Merchant and
> U.S. embassy officers with espionage backgrounds, met at Kisselyak's home
> in Ottawa to feed journalists with spaghetti, beer and
> anti-Diefenbaker/pronuclear propaganda.  Among the many participants in
> these off-the-record briefings was Charles Lynch of Southam News.
> Diefenbaker later denounced these reporters as "traitors" and "foreign
> agents."  He lashed out against Lynch on a TV program saying, "You were
> given briefings as to how the Canadian government could be attacked on the
> subject of nuclear weapons and the failure of the Canadian government to
> that which the U.S. dictated."
> Merchant and Kisselyak worked with RCAF Wing Commander Bill Lee and
> NORAD's number two man, Canadian Air Marshall Roy Slemon.  Air Marshall
> Hugh Campbell and the chair of Canada's chiefs of staff, Air Marshall
> Miller also approved Lee's campaign. Diefenbaker's avidly pronuclear
> Defence Minister, Douglas Harkness, also knew of Lee's effort.
> As head of RCAF public relations, Lee went to Washington twice a month to
> confer with U.S. authorities.  "It was a flat-out campaign," he later
> "We identified key journalists, business and labour, key Tory hitters,
> and...Liberals.... We wanted people with influence on members of cabinet.
> In the end the pressure paid off."
> In 1962, new U.S. ambassador,  William Butterworth, continued the
> "flat-out campaign" by holding discrete meetings at the U.S. embassy to
> exert influence on Canadian journalists.
> Lester Pearson was the President's choice.  Kennedy gave the go-ahead to
> his friend and America's leading pollster, Lou Harris, to become the
> Liberal's secret campaign advisor in the 1962 election.  Diefenbaker
> survived with a minority government.
> The plot to bring down Canada's government came to a head in January,
> 1963.  On Jan.3, top U.S. Air Force General Lauris Norstad held an Ottawa
> press conference.  Prompted by questions from Lynch, and other reporters
> briefed by U.S. intelligence, Norstad criticized Canada's antinuclear
> stance.  On Jan. 12, Pearson announced his new policy of supporting U.S.
> nuclear weapons in Canada.  In protest, Pierre Trudeau called Pearson the
> "defrocked priest of peace" and refused to run for the Liberals.
> The coup's final blow came when the U.S. State Department issued a press
> release which called Diefenbak-er a liar on nuclear issues (Jan. 30). This
> tactic was suggested by Willis Armstrong,  head of the State Department's
> Canada Desk in Washington.  Butterworth added his suggestions and sent his
> senior embassy advisor, Rufus Smith, to Washington to draft it.  "With
> Armstrong chairing, half a dozen officials from State, the White House and
> the Pentagon...shaped...the rebuke."  The draft was polished by Under
> Secretary of State George McGhee and approved by acting Secretary of
> George Ball, and national security advisor, McGeorge Bundy.
>   The Canadian media had a heyday attacking Diefenbaker. Fights broke out
> in Cabinet.  Diefenbaker recalled Canada's ambassador from the U.S.  On
> Feb. 5, Defence Minister Harkness announced his resignation and Pearson
> called for a non-confidence vote.  Dief's minority government fell, or
> rather, it was 'knocked over.'
> Kisselyak was the U.S. embassy's contact to Pearson's election campaign.
> The Liberals had the strong advantages of a friendly media and Harris'
> state-of-the-art, computerized polling tactics.  Diefenbaker, facing a
> primed hostile media, ran a stridently anti-U.S. campaign.  Pearson's
> victory was hailed by newspapers across North America.  Within days, the
> new External Affairs Minister, Paul Martin Sr., was approached by
> Butterworth to negotiate the acceptance of U.S. nuclear weapons.  The
> warheads were deployed in Canada on New Year's Eve and there was partying
> in Washington.
> Sources: Knowlton Nash, Kennedy and Diefenbaker, 1990 and Floyd Rudmin "Is
> the Sky Falling, or What?," Feb. 20, 1995
> ------------------------------------------
> (b) Key Quotations on the events of January 1963
> President John F. Kennedy said the U.S. would take a stronger leadership
> role in NATO "even at the risk of offending sensitive allies."
> (AP interview, Jan.2)
> -
> On General Norstad's Media conference, Jan. 3
> "[Norstad's] purpose was to establish a basis for Pearson's conversion to
> U.S. nuclear policy."
> (Diefenbaker)
> "Kennedy sent Norstad to do this hatchet job on us. It was American
> imperialism of the highest order."
> (Alvin Hamilton, Agriculture minister)
> "This was another American turn of the screw to bring down the
> government."
> (Charles Ritchie, Canada's ambassador to the U.S.)
> -
> On Pearson decision to reverse Liberal Policy and accept U.S. nuclear
> warheads into Canada (if elected), Jan. 12
> "Kennedy achieved his dearest Canadian wish. Pearson progressed... to
> embracing the U.S. position on arming with nuclear weapons the Bomarcs
> no doubt, yielding to U.S. demands for storage of all manner of nuclear
> devices in Canada."
> (Diefenbaker)
> "A pure example of Pearson's willingness to accept the leadership of the
> U.S. on any vital matter."
> (Hamilton)
> Liberal policies were "made in the U.S."
> (Tommy Douglas, NDP Leader)
> -
> On the U.S. press release, Jan. 30
> "It was as deliberate an attempt as ever made to bring down a foreign
> government."
> (Ed Ritchie, former under secretary of state for external affairs)
> "This action by the State Department of the U.S. is unprecedented...it
> constitutes an unwarranted intrusion in Canadian affairs... [Canada] will
> not be pushed around or accept external domination or interference in
> making its decisions." "President Kennedy was going to obliterate us. I
> dared to say to him that Canada's policies would be made in Canada by
> Canadians."
> (Diefenbaker)
> "An absolute outrage, the most blatant, heavy-handed, intolerable piece of
> bullying."
> (Charles Ritchie)
> "Like a bombshell"
> (a Diefenbaker aide)
> "Brazen interference."
> (Howard Green, External Affairs Minister)
> "The U.S. should know from this Parliament that they are not dealing with
> Guatemala...or Cuba."
> (Douglas)
> "Kennedy decided the government had to go...[I] wouldn't put it past him
> say, 'Get rid of the bastards.'"
> (R.Bell, Immigration Minister)
> "Very useful. Highly beneficial in advancing U.S. interests by introducing
> realism into a government which has made anti-Americanism... practically
> its entire stock in trade."
> (William Butterworth, U.S. ambassador to Canada)
> "For God's sake, it was like tossing a match into dried hay."
> (Rufus Smith, senior advisor to Will Butterworth)
> -
> Trudeau's summary of the events of January 1963
> "Do you think General Norstad... came to Ottawa as a tourist?... Do you
> think it was by chance that Pearson... quoted the authority of Norstad?
> you think it was inadvertant that on January 30 the state department gave
> statement to journalists reinforcing Pearson's claims and crudely accusing
> Diefenbaker of lying?  You think it was by chance that this press release
> provided the Leader of the Opposition with the arguments he used
> abundantly?  You believe it was coincidence?  Why [should] the U.S. treat
> Canada differently from Guatemala when reason of state requires it and
> circumstances permit?"
> (Pierre E. Trudeau)
> Source: From K.Nash, Kennedy and Diefenbaker: Fear and Loathing Across the
> Undefended Border, 1990.
> ------------------------------------------
> (c) CIA Fingerprints:  The Americans behind the Plot to Oust John
> Diefenbaker
> Willis Coburn Armstrong
> He was a translator at the U.S. embassy in Moscow (1939-1941);
> Minister-Counsellor (ambassador's "right hand man" (1958-1962) and interim
> charge d'affairs in Ottawa (1962).  At least six of the U.S. diplomats tha

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