----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Burghardt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 9:10 PM
Subject: [AFIB] Private Spies, Public Repression

> DISCLAIMER: Antifa Info-Bulletin neither accepts nor endorses paid
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> ______________________________
> News * Analysis * Research * Action
> ______________________________
> - September 13, 2000 -
> * * *
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> 1. PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: Rumors Had Troopers Seeing Reds During the GOP
> Convention.
> 3. LET 'em TALK [US]: McDonald's Private Spies (1983).
> * * *
> ____________________________________________________________________
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Metro News
> Sunday, September 10, 2000
> http://web.philly.com/content/inquirer/2000/09/10/city/PPROTEST10.htm
> By Craig R. McCoy and Linda K. Harris
> The cold war is long over but Pennsylvania State Police were still on the
> lookout for communists and Soviet sympathizers among the demonstrators
> protesting last month's Republican National Convention in Philadelphia.
> In state police affidavits justifying a raid on a West Philadelphia
> warehouse used by convention protesters, troopers alleged that communists
> were behind the demonstrations.
> "Funds allegedly originate with Communist and leftist parties and from
> sympathetic trade unions," the state police declared in the affidavits.
> "Other funds reportedly come from the former Soviet-allied World Federation
> of Trade Unions."
> The language left critics, including demonstrators and civil-liberties
> lawyers, both a little amused and a lot indignant. They said it seemed like
> something out of a musty red-baiting periodical of the 1950s - Red Channels
> and the like.
> The allegations - passed to state police by a private group funded by
> conservative multimillionaire Richard Mellon Scaife - did not belong in
> government affidavits seeking judicial approval for a search warrant that
> led to 75 arrests, they said.
> "It's McCarthyite. It's tarring people," said David Kairys, a law professor
> at Temple University. "It's reminiscent of the worst of the '50s."
> The allegations of communist money made up only a small part of the 23-page
> affidavits in support of search warrants for three vehicles and the
> warehouse, at 4100 Haverford Ave. The affidavits, made public Wednesday
> after having been sealed for more than a month, relied most heavily on the
> direct observations of undercover troopers who infiltrated the warehouse.
> Known as "the puppet warehouse," police called it a center of illegal
> activity; activists said it was a workshop in which they made more than 100
> puppets and a large satirical float, "Corpzilla."
> The documents were the first public acknowledgement that police had
> infiltrated groups planning to protest during last month's Republican
> National Convention.
> Without elaboration, the affidavits stated that the allegations of
> communist funding had come from the little-known Maldon Institute.
> Asked last week about the Maldon Institute, Jack Lewis, a state police
> spokesman, seemed a little unsure.
> "Our people said they believed this institute is based in the United
> Kingdom," he said.
> The Maldon Institute - named after an obscure battle in England in the 10th
> century - is based in Baltimore and has a mailing address in Washington,
> D.C.
> Lewis added: "I'm told by our intelligence people that the Maldon Institute
> is a private organization that provides intelligence information to police
> departments.
> "We have found in the past that the Maldon Institute generally presents
> reliable information."
> Lewis said that state police and other police departments "routinely
> receive information from the Maldon Institute at no cost, via e-mail. The
> department did not solicit this information."
> Asked whether state police had attended Maldon Institute conferences, Lewis
> responded: "State police personnel have had contact in the U.S. with
> representatives of the institute."
> According to public records, the institute is funded, at least in part, by
> Scaife, the Pittsburgh political philanthropist best known for his
> financial support of several private investigations of President Clinton in
> recent years.
> Financial forms for Scaife's Carthage Foundation show it provided Maldon
> with $250,000 in 1998.
> Institute documents show that board members have included D. James Kennedy,
> a Florida televangelist who is cofounder of the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Moral
> Majority; and Robert Moss, a journalist and novelist who in the 1980s wrote
> that the KGB used Western media to manipulate public opinion.
> The institute's officials did not return repeated telephone calls seeking
> comment Friday.
> In an interview last week, Chip Berlet, who studies conservative and
> far-right groups, said a key figure within the 15-year-old institute has
> been John H. Rees, a British-born contributor to the John Birch Society and
> publisher of a newsletter devoted to intelligence-gathering and distributed
> to police.
> In the 1970s, Rees published the Information Digest, which gave details
> gathered after he infiltrated left-leaning groups under a false name, the
> Baltimore Sun reported in 1988.
> Just this year, Rees, as director of the Maldon Institute, helped organize
> an invitation-only conference in New York City on terrorism that drew FBI
> agents and police, according to conference sponsors.
> Berlet said state police erred in using the institute as a basis for police
> action.
> "It issues monographs and monitors cults and terrorist groups and left-wing
> groups," said Berlet, senior analyst with the left-leaning Political
> Research Associates, based in Massachusetts. "It does so from an
> old-fashioned counter-subversion perspective that is obsessed with finding
> reds under every bed."
> Berlet said police needed to distinguish protesters who were engaged in
> nonviolent and legal protest from those breaking the law.
> "You're never going to draw those appropriate distinctions if you're
> relying on these kind of scurrilous, McCarthyite allegations," he said.
> Lewis, the state police spokesman, noted that the affidavit drew from "a
> wide variety of sources" and did not rely solely on the Maldon Institute's
> work. The affidavits drew most heavily on information developed by troopers
> who had infiltrated the warehouse.
> The affidavits, in alleging communist links to the protest, cited
> specifically a Maldon Institute research report dated April 7. Lewis said
> the state police would not release that report.
> "The department does not believe it has an obligation to provide the public
> with all information it receives as part of its intelligence-gathering
> operation, whether or not the department pays for that information," he
> said.
> The affidavit's specific allegation is that communist money flowed to a
> protest group called the Pennsylvania Consumer Action Network through its
> supposed ties to People's Global Action, an anti-capitalist group formed in
> Switzerland two years ago.
> All of this astounded Mike Morrill, a leader of the Pennsylvania Consumer
> Action Network. His group organized a peaceful march for July 30 - one
> permitted by the city.
> Morrill last week released his group's donor list. It showed that the group
> raised about $48,000 for the Republican convention protests, with the
> largest contributions coming from well-known city labor unions. Of the
> total, $200 came from the Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania, the only
> communist group listed.
> Morrill said he took no part in the Aug. 1 street blockades that disrupted
> city traffic.
> "Imagine my surprise when I found out my organization was awash in money,
> funded by Soviet-era organizations and communist-inspired groups from
> around the world," Morrill said.
> "Were it so, I'd probably have a better wardrobe and live in a nicer house."
> Craig R. McCoy's e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Copyright 2000 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.
> *****
> 120 Beacon Street, #202
> Somerville, MA 02143-4304
> Web: http//www.publiceye.org
> - Saturday, 9 September 2000 -
> -----
> ____________________________________________________________________
> ____________________________________________________________________
> By Chip Berlet
> Political Research Associates
> http://www.publiceye.org/liberty/Rees/Rees.htm
> The Maldon Institute is a right wing think tank that studies national
> security and terrorism from a countersubversive and often conspiracist
> perspective. Maldon's director, John Rees, infiltrated the political left
> in the 1970s, and passed the information to groups ranging from the John
> Birch Society to the FBI.
> In 1993 Maldon Institute board members included three notable conspiracists:
> * Dr. D. James Kennedy, a leading Christian right activist and a co-founder
> of Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority. Kennedy endorsed a book that alleged the
> Illuminati Freemasons and certain Jewish bankers were behind US
> liberalism's attack on morality.
> * Raymond Wannall, past president of the Association of Former Intelligence
> Officers and a former assistant director of the FBI. Wannall led a campaign
> to justify the acts of government agents charged with illegally spying on
> the left based on the FBI's conspiracist view of countersubversion.
> * Robert Moss, a journalist who gained fame suggesting that Soviet agents
> secretly controlled a network of left and liberal groups in the US.
> The overlap with the Christian Right is not surprising. The Free Congress
> Foundation, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, Family
> Research Council, and other Christian Right groups have long maintained
> cordial ties with military and intelligence officials, a relationship which
> flourished during the Reagan and Bush administrations.
> The Maldon Institute in 1993 claimed financial support from
> "public-spirited foundations including the Allegheny Foundation, The
> Carthage Foundation, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith...." Both
> Allegheny and Carthage are controlled by Richard Mellon Scaife, who later
> funded several anti-Clinton investigations claiming vast conspiracies; and
> which were carried in conservative and hard right media.
> Starting in the late 1960's, John Rees and his long-time partner S. Louise
> Rees conducted political monitoring and surveillance operations on leftists
> for over thirty years, first circulating their reports in their Information
> Digest newsletter to a wide range of public and private groups. The Reeses
> supplied information to such private sector conservative groups as the Old
> Right John Birch Society, the Christian Right Church League of America, the
> New Right Heritage Foundation, and the Neo-conservative Anti-Defamation
> League of B'nai B'rith. The Reeses also provided information to government
> law enforcement and investigative agencies such as the FBI, congressional
> committees, and local police intelligence units. In addition, the Reeses
> supplied data to private sector industrial and corporate security
> departements.
> John Rees, who once edited a newsletter for the Church League of America,
> first published Information Digest and then took on the task of editing a
> newsletter for the ultraconservative Western Goals Foundation, then helped
> create Mid-Atlantic Research Associates, and then the Maldon Foundation.
> Rees spent the early years of the Reagan administration as the spymaster
> for the right-wing Western Goals Foundation. Western Goals was the
> brainchild of Democratic congressman Larry McDonald of Georgia, a urologist
> and a John Birch Society honcho who specializes in placing anti-progressive
> diatribes and reports on the left-wing activities in the Congressional
> Record. Broken Seals, the outfit's first book, charged that groups
> including the Campaign for Political Rights, the National Lawyers Guild,
> the American Friends Service Committee, and the Center for National
> Security Studies were part of a Soviet-backed attempt "to destroy the
> foreign and domestic intelligence capabilities of the United States." The
> book featured an introduction by right-wing congressman John Ashbrook and
> an afterword by Lieutenant General Daniel O. Graham, former director of the
> Defense Intelligence Agency. Western Goals published several small books
> warning of the growing domestic red menace.
> Western Goals solicited funds to create a computer database on American
> subversives, but was sued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) when
> it was caught attempting to computerize references to "subversive" files
> pilfered from the disbanded Los Angeles Police Department "Red Squad."
> Western Goals essentially collapsed after the death of Larry McDonald in
> September of 1983. John Rees left shortly after McDonald's death. Western
> Goals discontinued its domestic dossier and intelligence operation shortly
> after the departure of Rees. A contentious battle over control of Western
> Goals and the alienation of key funders left the foundation essentially a
> shell which was taken over by a conservative fundraiser Carl Russell
> "Spitz" Channell who turned it into a conduit for contra fundraising
> efforts linked to North and Iran-Contragate. Rees returned to his freelance
> spy-master status while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to
> Singlaub's Freedom Foundation. Rees later turned up at the Maldon
> Institute.
> For many years John Rees was a frequent contributor to American Opinion and
> Review of the News, John Birch Society periodicals. Rees network material
> is frequently cited in right-wing newsletters and monographs. For instance
> in 1988 Phyllis Schlafly's newsletter cited the Rees newsletter Information
> Digest on an FBI probe of CISPES. A second Rees newsletter, published
> through his Mid-Atlantic Research Associates (MARA) with Arnaud de
> Borchgrave and Robert Moss, and titled Early Warning, was cited in an essay
> by retired Lt. General Gordon Sumner, former chairman of the Council on
> Inter-American Security and a national security adviser to President
> Reagan. The Sumner essay offered "Some Strategic Thoughts on Central
> America," including the following paragraph:
> "Mid-Atlantic Research Associates, Inc., issued a special report on August
> 15, 1984 entitled "Central American Support Networks," which gives a
> detailed and documented description of the proliferation of
> Communist-supported organizations, both in the United States and abroad,
> that are supporting the Cubans' and Sandinistas', efforts." The Sumner
> monograph was published by the Washington Institute for Values in Public
> Policy, a think-tank with close ties to the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Sumner is
> credited in the publication as having served on the "Committee of Santa Fe
> which developed the Republican Party platform on Latin America in the 1980
> campaign."
> Allegations by the Reeses and other right-wing spies have been used by the
> FBI as a justification for launching massive investigative probes. These
> intrusive FBI investigations harassed, smeared, and disrupted groups that
> were not engaged in any criminal activity, but simply exercising their
> constitutional rights to dissent from official government policies.
> Smearing CISPES
> An example of this was the first FBI investigation of the
> anti-interventionist group CISPES, which was launched in September of 1981
> to determine if CISPES should be forced to register under the Foreign
> Agents Registration Act. Among the documents used by the FBI to justify
> this CISPES probe, according to Congressional testimony by FBI official
> Oliver "Buck" Revell, was a 1981 article by a former FBI informant and
> ongoing right-wing private spy--John Rees. The Rees article appeared in
> Review of the News a magazine published by the paranoid ultra-right John
> Birch Society. This FBI investigation was terminated without indictments in
> December of 1981.
> A second FBI investigation of CISPES began in March of 1983. It was
> premised on the right-wing conspiracy theory that CISPES was a cover for
> "terrorist" activity. To justify this view, the FBI relied not only on
> reports from its informant Varelli, but also in part on a conspiratorial
> analysis contained in a report written by Michael Boos, a staffer at the
> right-wing Young Americas Foundation. This FBI "counter-terrorism"
> investigation was terminated without indictments in 1985.
> Red-baiting the Nuclear Freeze Movement
> Information from John Rees and Western Goals led to embarrassment when
> President Ronald Reagan charged the nuclear freeze campaign was, "inspired
> by not the sincere, honest people who want peace, but by some people who
> want the weakening of America and so are manipulating honest and sincere
> people." Reagan saw freeze activists as dupes or traitors. When asked for
> proof, reporters were told much of the information was secret, but that one
> public source was a "Reader's Digest" article by John Barron. Barron had
> based the allegation in part on an article by right- wing spy John Rees.
> Rees had based his article on unsubstantiated red-baiting allegations made
> during McCarthy period hearings. Reagan later openly criticized those who
> brought down Joseph McCarthy. A State Department charge that the Women's
> International League for Peace and Freedom was a "communist front" was
> retracted when traced to a Rees report published by Western Goals
> Foundation.
> To prove the nuclear freeze is a Soviet plot, Rees in "Information Digest"
> noted that public remarks on disarmament by a member of the Soviet Central
> Committee of the Communist Party bear a "striking similarity" to materials
> produced by the Mobilization for Survival, Coalition for a New Foreign and
> Military Policy, and U.S. Peace Council. Furthermore, Rees noted that
> several of the organizations involved in the nuclear freeze campaign were
> identified by witnesses during the McCarthy era as communist fronts. This
> is the type of material that appears in his book, The War Called Peace: The
> Soviet Peace Offensive, which was the Bible of the anti-Freeze movement.
> Rees gained considerable credibility in Washington, D.C. during the Reagan
> years as an expert on national security issues. He was quoted as
> "authoritative" by Sam Francis, a key aide on the Senate Subcommittee on
> Security and Terrorism, which held hearings during the early part of the
> Reagan Administration into alleged subversive conspiracies by leftists.
> "What is truly frightening," explained Rachel Rosen DeGolia of the Chicago
> Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, "is that Sam Francis also wrote a
> report for the Heritage Foundation where he suggested the U.S. intelligence
> agencies utilize information from private security and intelligence groups
> which are not hampered by constitutional and regulatory safeguards that
> protect citizens from governmental invasions of privacy." She points out
> that information-collecting techniques that cannot legally be employed by
> governmental investigators are sometimes permitted private security forces.
> In fact, the private political spy network was re-plugged directly into
> governmental intelligence units by the Clinton Administration so they could
> to supply information not otherwise obtainable legally by the government
> investigators.
> Red-baiting Antiwar Activists
> Another example of the work of the Rees network was prompted by the January
> 26, 1991 Washington, D.C. demonstration against the Gulf War. Covering the
> event for the newspaper Human Events, reporter Cliff Kincaid contacted and
> quoted Sheila Louise Rees, who claimed the group coordinating the antiwar
> demonstration, the Campaign for Peace in the Middle East, was established
> "by the traditional hard-line peace activist organizations that have always
> worked with the Communist Party U.S.A...." including, according to Rees,
> the War Resisters League, American Friends Service Committee, Mobilization
> for Survival, and SANE/Freeze. The phrasing of the quote implied that the
> peace groups were really fronts for the Communist Party, U.S.A. The
> headline for Kincaid's February 9, 1991 article read, "Far Left Sparks
> Anti-War Protests: Effectively Supports Iraq," implying that in time of
> war, the peace activists in effect were guilty of being criminal traitors.
> The rhetoric, source, and outlet for the story are all familiar components
> of an institutionalized domestic counter-subversion network. One arm of
> this network is comprised of private right- wing groups that spy on
> progressive dissidents and then publicize claims that the dissidents are
> engaged in potentially-illegal activity. These biased claims are then used
> by the other arm of the network, counter-subversive units within government
> intelligence agencies, as a rationale to launch investigative probes which
> frequently interfere with legitimate protest activities of dissidents who
> are not engaged in criminal activity, but merely exercising their First
> Amendment rights.
> Human Events, is an ultra-conservative weekly newspaper that periodically
> carries articles claiming to have uncovered subversive plots. And, as Human
> Events reporter Cliff Kincaid pointed out in his story on the Gulf War
> protest, Louise Rees is "publisher of Information Digest, the publication
> that monitors extremist groups."
> Unreliable Source
> Lack of accuracy is no barrier to success for private spy publications.
> Information Digest sold its biased but highly detailed reports on the
> activities of left, liberal, and radical groups for over a decade. Its
> subscribers were mainly corporate security agents and law enforcement
> officials.
> Information Digest collected its information not only by voraciously
> reading leftist periodicals, but also by physically infiltrating various
> groups, including several in Chicago. Information Digest repeatedly turned
> up in the files of the Chicago Red Squad and other local and federal
> intelligence agencies being sued for illegal surveillance and disruption.
> Its specialty is tracing alleged "Communist" infiltration of movements for
> social change.
> John Rees is known to have supplied the Information Digest and information
> to the Chicago Police Department, the FBI, and several other law
> enforcement agencies.
> He also worked for a time with the Church League of America in Wheaton,
> Illinois. Information from the Church League and a similar group called the
> American Security Council, has turned up in the Chicago Red Squad files.
> There is ample evidence that the Red Squad was plugged into a private
> political intelligence network. For instance, George Elliott was not the
> only civilian spy utilized by the Red Squad. There was a string of paid and
> unpaid civilian spies including Sheli Lulkin, a Chicago school teacher, who
> was linked to spying on no fewer than 80 Chicago organizations.
> Lulkin continued to keep in touch with some of the more right-wing former
> Red Squad agents, and shortly after being revealed as a civilian Red Squad
> spy, she received an award for her work from the Council Against Communist
> Aggression. Lulkin maintains she infiltrated community and labor groups in
> order to ferret out Communist influence and the "terrorist infrastructure."
> While in Washington to receive her award, Lulkin met with John and Sheila
> Louise Rees.
> John Rees first turned up in Chicago on the occasion of the 1968 Democratic
> Convention. He promptly went undercover to ferret out subversives. The
> process of how information from Rees ended up as an item in Robert
> Wiedrich's Chicago Tribune Tower Ticker column is illustrative both of how
> private spies feed information to the police (who then pass it to
> scoop-hunting journalists) and of how the information is distorted with
> each little step it takes.
> Documents released to Jerry Rubin in a FOIA request concerning the 1968
> convention protests provide the details of how Wiedrich was buffaloed by
> the private political spy network's information-laundering game. To begin
> with, we will let the FBI documents speak for themselves. What follows is
> taken from the memo prepared by the FBI agent assigned to investigate the
> Wiedrich article:
> "Chicago Tribune reporter Robert Wiedrich wrote a column 'Tower Ticker' on
> September 4, 1968, that the Chicago Police Department, Chicago, Illinois,
> had a secret tape recording made by an undercover man indicating that the
> Yippie leaders intended to tear Chicago apart. The article quoted part of
> the tape recording as 'These Chicago cops are soft. If that had been New
> York cops, they'd have busted our heads. It's gonna be easy to take these
> coppers and this town apart."
> "Mr. Wiedrich advised he obtained his information used in his article from
> Thomas McInerny, Mayor's Office, Commission of Investigation, Chicago,
> Illinois.
> "Mr. McInerny advised that the information he gave to Mr. Wiedrich was
> obtained from one John Rees....Mr. Rees did undercover work during the
> Democratic National Convention and reportedly made a tape recording of a
> meeting of dissidents in which the quote referred to above supposedly was
> made. Mr. McInerny does not have the tape recording in his possession nor
> has he heard it."
> The FBI agent went on to report that the tape recording was originally
> given to Thomas Lyons of the Chicago Police Intelligence Unit by John Rees.
> Unfortunately, the forgetful Mr. Lyons could not locate the tape and
> reported that "no transcript was made of the recording inasmuch as it is
> practically inaudible in its entirety." In fact, Lyons told the agent that
> the quote about the Chicago Police Department being soft was not on the
> tape recording at all. The quote was actually a statement by Rees, who
> mentioned in the course of a conversation with Lyons that the persons
> "gathered at the Quaker House generally felt the Chicago Police had been
> easy to deal with at the time the demonstrators were forced out of Lincoln
> Park." So much for accurate quotes. So much for Wiedrich's highly touted
> sources. The right-wing political spy network strikes again.
> As for Rees, the FBI concluded his information left something to be
> desired. One FBI memo puts it succinctly: "Rees is an unscrupulous
> unethical individual and an opportunist who operates with a self-serving
> interest. Information he has provided has been exaggerated and in
> generalities. Information from him cannot be considered reliable. We should
> not initiate any interview with this unscrupulous unethical individual
> concerning his knowledge of the disturbances in Chicago as to do so would
> be a waste of time."
> Despite this rather tawdry assessment, the FBI did accept information from
> Rees in the form of his newsletter Information Digest which several
> activists found in their FBI files obtained under the Freedom of
> Information Act.
> Rees is famous for one other aspect of his career. He received nationwide
> attention in 1964 when Peyton Place author Grace Metalious died leaving him
> her quarter-million-dollar estate on the basis of a death-bed will that
> ignored her estranged husband and their three children. Rees had known
> Metalious only a few months. Rees later renounced his claim to the estate
> once it was discovered liabilities exceeded assets.
> Copyright 2000 Political Research Associates.
> *****
> [AFIB Editor's Note: The article below is from the December 1983 issue of
> Overthrow magazine and provides essential background on one facet of the
> "public-private partnership" in political repression -- exposing the role
> played by "private" spooks such as the right-wing infiltrator and
> provocateur, John Rees. Courtesy of ARON KAY, [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> ____________________________________________________________________
> ____________________________________________________________________
> By Paul DeRienzo, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Was the Flight 007 Caper intended to be the masterstroke of Larry
> McDonald's intelligence career, a Far Right scheme to develop, with the S.
> Koreans, an independent capability to spy upon the Soviets?
> Everything we know about the Congressman's, background strongly suggests it.
> Larry P. McDonald (D-Ga.), a urologist who was once charged with federal
> conspiracy in connection with a scheme to raise money for the Birchers by
> smuggling the worthless cancer nostrum, laetrile, into the U.S. for
> distribution to thousands of gullible cancer victims, met his demise on his
> way to ceremonies marking the 30th anniversary of the U.S.-South Korean
> alliance. McDonald had just become head of the John Birch Society,
> representing a victory for the 'western goals' faction associated with the
> KCIA and the 'old guard' around Robert Welch. A lifetime member of the
> National Rifle Association, he was known to keep over 200 guns in his home.
> But he also played a major role in legitimizing his brand of lunatic fringe
> politics in the U.S.
> McDonald had recently been most visible testifying before the Senate
> Subcommittee on Anti-Terrorism, where he entered thousands of pages into
> the Congressional Record on the activities of the left, progressive
> individuals and organizations like the Yippies. In the Record, protected by
> congressional immunity, McDonald could print the most vicious lies without
> risking suit for slander or libel. Thereafter, it might be reprinted with
> impunity, and the rantings of Larry McDonald were widely disseminated in
> right wing circles.
> McDonald was also a major sponsor of private intelligence" operations, most
> recently operating the intelligence-gathering arm of the Birchers, the
> Western Goals Foundation, as a tax-exempt organization "to strengthen the
> political, economic and social structure of Western Civilization so as to
> make any merger with totalitarians impossible" (address: I I I South
> Columbus St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 549-6687).
> Western Goals (Linda Guell, Director) was founded by McDonald in 1979, "to
> fill the critical gap caused by the crippling of the FBI, the disabling of
> the House un-American Activities Committee and the destruction of crucial
> government files." McDonald told the Atlanta Journal in 1981 that, because
> of the limitations on the CIA and FBI, Western Goals "will outdistance them
> in a short period of time." What he did not tell the Journal was the extent
> to which Western Goals personnel were themselves responsible for that
> "crippling" and "disabling" through their own abuses and excesses.
> Listed on the Western Goals letterhead, as "editor" is one John Rees. In
> the early and mid '70s, Rees (a.k.a. John Seeley) and S. Louise Rees
> (a.k.a. Sheila O'Connor), edited another kind of McDonald publication, a
> semi-clandestine bulletin known as Information Digest.) , Which numbered
> amongst its subscribers more than 40 police "intelligence divisions" (red
> squads), and was associated with the LEIU. (Not to be confused with the now
> defunct federal LEAA, the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit continues as a
> private network).
> The Reeses had infiltrated the left in Washington, D.C. around the time of
> Mayday, in '71, trading heavily on their NLG cover, at one point even
> housing YIP organizers for the July 4th, 1973 Smoke-In and Impeach Nixon
> rally. The Reeses also ripped off $500 in receipts from the sale of Yipster
> Times and buttons, and at one point, John Rees threatened to punch out a
> Yippie who protested the theft.
> The Digest, which stopped publication in 1974, was a detailed summary of
> left 4ctivities, but the very nastiness of their dirty tricks and
> thoroughness with which they violated the privacy of various groups and
> individuals proved to be their undoing. The Reeses were exposed in 1976 in
> hearings of the New York State Assembly as "private spies" with ties to
> McDonald, the House Internal Security Committee, Senate Internal Security
> Subcommittee, New York State Police and FBI. (See Counterspy [Spring,
> 19761, and the National Lawyers Guild paper, Guild Notes [May, 19761.)
> According to Chip Berlet, editor of the National Lawyers Guild publication
> Public Eye, Rees continued to maintain "an informal private/public network"
> of active duty and retired FBI agents, police officers and private security
> experts. Private intelligence is provided by companies such as Pinkerton,
> Wackenhut and Ma Bell, as well as by Western Goals.
> Rees has been extraordinarily prolific as an editor of "private
> intelligence." He has placed more than 120 articles in Birch publications
> in recent years. Most recently, along with Arnaud de Borchgrave and Robert
> Moss,-authors of the witchhunt novel The Spike, he began publishing Early
> Warning, a $1,000-a-year newsletter on international trends.
> Under Rees's direction, the Western Goals Foundation has published a series
> of special reports with titles like "Red Locust" (on Soviet support-for
> "terrorists" in Southern Africa), "Outlaws of Amerika" (an attack on the
> National Lawyers Guild as a support group for the Weather Underground), and
> attacks on the nuclear freeze movement which Rees says is controlled from
> Moscow. Readers Digest author John Barron admits he used Rees's material as
> a primary source for his 1981 broadside at the anti-nuclear movement. There
> they gain a semblance of "respectability," something the Birchers or
> Western Goals could never provide.
> Western Goals & The LAPD
> It is not surprising, then, that the Foundation was recently tied into
> political infighting between the Los Angeles Times and the LAPD chief,
> Daryl F. Gates. The LA Times, which is owned by the Trilateral
> Commission-connected Times-Mirror Co., has been gunning for Gates since
> they made and issue of spying by the infamous LAPD Public Disorder
> Intelligence Division (PDID).
> The intrigue began in November 1982, when an associate superintendent of
> the LA unified school district, Jerry Halverson, was called into his boss's
> office for a meeting. According to sworn testimony he has given in a
> lawsuit filed by the ACLU sponsored Citizens' Commission on Police
> Repression, Halverson was shocked to find the editor of the LA Times Metro
> Section, Noel Greenwood, leading the meeting, and Police Commissioner Reva
> Tooley was also present. Greenwood revealed that his sources in the police
> department applied some heavy beans, saying that the PDID (address: 150
> North Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA; (213) 485-3391) was keeping files
> on "very important people," and that some of those files were among those
> that the police commission had ordered destroyed in 1975. According to-his
> informants, those files had instead been offered to the school district.
> Halverson admitted that files had been offered to him for storage, but he
> said that they were never accepted. However, Halverson said that someone in
> military intelligence might have taken them.
> Investigations growing out of the ACLU suit have dug up evidence of a
> partnership between elements of PDID and the Western Goals Foundation.
> According to a deposition taken from the chief file keeper for the PDID,
> Lt. Thomas Shiedecker, Jay Paul had presented the LAPD with a scheme to
> acquire a new computer for the department. Paul said that he had
> conservative business partners who would donate a computer; one of those
> business partners was Congressman Larry McDonald. The LAPD agreed to the
> deal.
> The computer was placed in the law offices of Paul's wife, Anne Love, in
> Long Beach, to be programmed. The ground rules set by the LA police
> commission were that the computer would be accessible to Western Goals but
> no PDID files would be put into the computer.
> At a recent Alexandria, VA, court hearing to compel foundation director
> Guell to testify in LA, a LAPD detective stated publicly that Western Goals
> computer discs do, in fact, contain information from the LAPD intelligence
> files. Meanwhile, in Baltimore September 15, a judge ordered John Rees to
> testify in LA and supply the jury with discs and printouts sent by Paul.
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