-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 1:20 AM
Subject: Refugee Day





June 29th in Bulgaria - like in many other places in the world - was more or less widely marked and celebrated as the International Day of Refugees. Speeches and talks over TV channels and other media, concerts in the parks, cookies, candies and balloons for the children were supposed to show understanding and compassion with the dismal fate of hundreds of thousands of people from the countries in Africa, Asia and elsewhere who are continuously leaving their homes and their lands of birth in a search of a safer dwelling and living for themselves and their families.

Many words of supposedly good feelings and good intentions were said. Meanwhile it was noted that most of the money for the support of the refugees in Bulgaria is coming from the so-called NGOs. And the money for the WELL-FUNCTIONING NGOs here (as everywhere else!) is coming mostly from… various Institutions and Agencies in the USA and the West.

How GENEROUS and HUMANE on their side to remember on that day those multitudes of forcibly displaced people throughout the world and to offer them some verbal or "pocket-money" consolation for their tragic lot! And - HOW NOBLE on the part of UN and the other respective International Organizations to introduce such a World Refugee Day!

At the same time it brings however also the sad memories of a number of other, equally UNHAPPY International Days (and Holidays!) that have been somehow instituted and accepted as a kind of a VERY ROUTINE practice recently.

The International Day of POVERTY, the International Day of HUNGER, the International Day of UNEMPLOYMENT, the international Day of CHILDREN’S MORTALITY are just some of the Headlines in a long list that can be made even longer.

PEIOPLE WITH MEMORY may also remember times when such HOLIDAYS simply DID NOT EXIST! It was not because such phenomena were completely ALIEN or even UNKNOWN throughout the history of Humanity or that it had been less susceptible, compassionate or capable of understanding them.

The FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE between the world of today and the world of 40-50 years ago was that in those DAYS THEN there was both a WIDESPREAD BELIEF AND DETERMINATION that all those, mildly speaking, UNPLEASANT THINGS AND INJUSTICES could be done away with and SHOULD BE ERADICATED from the life of Humanity. And there was also the necessary POTENTIAL - both economic, technological or human for doing so.

What was completely lacking however was the necessary GOOD WILL to encourage all those countries and nations of Africa, Asia and elsewhere to find their own adequate ways and means of developing their own resources and potential for their own good. More than that, even more apparent in the course of time, was the strong determination on the side of the former colonial masters (and USA!) NOT to allow any move towards whatever form of GENUINE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT in the "newly-liberated countries" from which they formally withdrew a couple of decades after the World War II. All those nations were not only progressively deprived of their riches and natural resources, but also got incorporated into a massively destructive NON-DEVELOPMENT "neocolonial" scheme which was started almost immediately with their formal independence. As time was passing by, the sad results of this DEVASTATING SCHEME were becoming - and are getting! - more and more apparent and vivid.

For decades before that practically the same NON-DEVELOPMENT "neocolonial" scheme was widely practiced in the "Latin American backyard" of the USA. The many FREE AND INDEPENDENT republics of that, no doubt rich and large subcontinent, could flutter their picturesque national flags and perform their national songs and dances as long as they wished. Their puppet armies could majestically march on National Day, beat their drums and make operetta-style maneuvers in the open. Corrupt ruling "elites" could waste as much of the national wealth and assets as possible on parasitic spending both for themselves and their families. Most luxurious imported cars, shining offices and palaces, overpaid prostitutes - all those EXTRAS of Power were lavishly allowed, tolerated and even encouraged.

The only thing UNCONDITIONALLY FORBIDDEN, however, was ANY THOUGHT or even intention of a somehow GENUINE DEVELOPMENT of the economy and the productive potential of the country that may have lasting positive implications on the standards of living and may contribute for a more dignified present and future of its people.

In case of a certain VIOLATIONS of this SCHEME, the local puppet army would be requested, for example, to HAVE A MARCH from their barracks to the President'’ office to RESTORE ORDER. If the CASE is GRAVE, then a more substantial military intervention of the "Big Brother" from ABROAD is willingly organized…

As it was already noted, this SCHEME was successfully practiced in the "South American backyard" of the USA for a number of decades before World War II. After it that SCHEME was almost as SUCCESFULLY spread over most of the so-called "newly-liberated countries" of the former colonial empires.

Those who for one reason or another did not follow the NON-DEVELOPMENT NEO-COLONIALISTIC SCHEME were quickly proclaimed "COMUNISTIC" which meant that a WORLDWIDE COLONIAL CAPITALISTIC CRUSADE was starting on them. That was the case, for example, with President Hecobo Arbens of Guatemala. In 1953 his country did not have any relations whatsoever with the USSR of those days. In 1953 he, however, decided to use for national purposes some of the lands, which the USA’s "United Fruit Company" failed to cultivate. The result was a CIA military intervention and 200,000 civilian casualties in this small country.

Patrice Lumumba, the First Prime Minister of FREE Kongo, was killed in January 1961, some six months after he declared the Independence of the country and … the intention of his Government to nationalize the diamond mines of Union Miniere de Katanga (the same Belgian-owned monopoly that has moved in Bulgaria in 1997 and took grip of the Bulgarian copper-gold producing industry!…)

Aliende in Chile also DARED to start a national production in several industries for which he paid with his life in the CIA monitored military coup on September 11, 1973.

These are just few of the more than 200 acts of open military interventions that the USA and the West in general had initiated in various countries of the so-called "Third World". Countries that in one way or another had tried to get free from the NON-DEVELOPMENT grip imposed on them after they were so LAVISHLY granted their FORMAL independence.

All those awful human tragedies - the terrible poverty, the striking infant mortality, the thousands and millions of displaced people and refugees inside these countries and out of them to the rest of the world - are simply the PLANNED AND DESIRED RESULTS OF THOSE SAME NON-DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES. The STARTEGIES that the RICH, CLEVER AND DEMOCRATIC WESTERN POWERS HAD IMPOSED ON THESE COUNTRIES, TAKING CARE THAT THEIR VICTIMS IN NO WAY GET RID OF THEM.

After 1989 Eastern Europe (present-day Russia included!) had also been incorporated in that very SCHEME. Yugoslavia tried to resist and became a target of brutal military aggression. Its President Slobodan Milosevic was stained as "ultra-nationalist" and "beast-enemy of Humanity", and was criminally abducted to Hague by the criminal local servants of the "New World Order".

USA started also a merciless and most inhuman war that is still on against the people and the state of Iraq whose Government under President Saddam Hussein was following for a number of decades a policy of national development of the productive potential of the country. Now Iraq is totally destroyed by the WESTERN LIBERATORS and the people who dared to initiate such policies are qualified as "CRIMINALS". Most probably they will suffer the "mercy of the victors" very soon.

Nothing new and everything is logical. It was a commonplace practice in ancient Rome and elsewhere. It was a common practice to crucify ALL THE PARTICIPANTS after the defeat of a slave revolt: not a shred of memory for the Days of Freedom and the possibility of Good Life should be left behind!

The SAME OLD PATTERN OF SLAVERY reigns nowadays too! Those who have accumulated their riches through SLAVERY in the proceeding centuries, obviously have NOT forgotten that SLAVERY is the MOST EFFECTIVE WAY of going on being WEALTHY AND SUCCESSFUL in the present-day and near-future world as well!

Iv. Ivanov


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