-----Original Message-----
From: Elich, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'siemvesti' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 7:50 PM
Subject: SN784:Bosnian Posavina (Part Two)

>Witness 638/95-12 before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of
>Brcko on February 15, 1994 also testified about the killing of Brestovacki
>Milka and Brestovacki Radojka:
>"...While I was withdrawing I personally heard Brestovacki Milka, who was
>the orders of the enemy soldier, while crying, calling her husband Marko.
>After that, this soldier killed her on the road. A bit later he also killed
>Brestovacki Radojka. Both of them were civilians and had no weapons what so
>ever with them..."
>Municipal Public Prosecution of Brcko filed under number Kt. 72/93 of July
>25, 1994 an Indictment against several persons for the criminal acts of war
>crimes against civilian population from Article 42, para. 1 taken from the
>Penal Code of the SFRY, in connection with the said crimes committed in mid
>September 1992 in the region of the Serbian villages of Vitanovici, Bukvik
>Gornji and Bukvik Donji in the municipality of Brcko.
>Furthermore, Municipal Public Prosecution of Brcko of the Republic of
>filed under number Kt. 77/93 of July 16, 1994 an Indictment against several
>persons, Muslims and Croats, for the crimes committed on September 11, 1992
>in the Serbian villages of Vujicici, Gajevi and Lukavac - for the criminal
>acts of war crimes against civilian population from Article 142 para. 1 of
>the Penal Code of the Republic of Srpska - General Part.
>EVIDENCE: witnesses; 617/95-2, 617/95-3, 617/95-4, 617/95-6, 617/95-7,
>617/95-8, 617/95-9, 617/95-10, 617/95-11, 617/95-12, 617/95-13, 617/95-14,
>617/95-15, 617/95-16, 617/95-19, 617/95-22, 617/95-25, 617/95-26,
>617/95-31, 617/95-33, 617/95-40, 679/95-5, 679/95-8, 679/95-14, 679/95-30,
>679/95-33, 634/95-4, 638/95-1, 638/95-2, 638/95-6, 638/95-7, 638/95-8,
>638/95-9, 638/95-10, 638/95-12 and 640/95-4.
>2.1.4. Vucilovac
>On December 12, 1992 Croat army from the adjacent villages entered the
>village of Vucilovac - municipality of Brcko and just like in the above
>stated villages, started killing civilian population, plundering property
>the Serbian population and setting houses on fire in which Serbs were
>Witness 617/95-21 before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of
>Brcko on July 24, 1995 stated the following:
>"... In the first half of 1992 when the war started, from the Croat
>threats were being sent to the Serbian population in the villages of
>Vucilovac and Kopanice, saying that all the Serbs from this area will be
>expelled or killed. Some time in July or September the same year Serbian
>population from the village of Kopanice was expelled and in November and
>first half of December Croat army expelled all Serbs from Vucilovac. During
>their entry into the village of Vucilovac Croat army killed all the
>inhabitants who did not leave their houses and killed them in their own
>homes, on the spot..."
>During the attack of the armed Croats on Vucilovac the following persons of
>Serbian nationality were killed:
>1) MAJSTOROVIC PANTO, born in 1944 (witnesses: 617/95-23, 24, 37, 679/95-1,
>2) MAJSTOROVIC MILENKO, born in 1971 (witnesses: 617/95-23, 24, 37,
>679/95-1, 10, 11, 12, 220;
>3) MAJSTOROVIC ILIJA, born in 1937 (witnesses: 617/95-23, 24, 679/95-1,
>4) MARGETIC MARINKO, born in 1942 (witnesses: 617/95-23, 37, 679/95-2, 3,
>10, 11, 12);
>5) IGNJIC OLJA, born in 1939, a Croat woman married to a Serb (witnesses:
>679/95-1, 6);
>6) NIKOLIC RUZA, born in 1926 (witnesses: 617/95-24, 679/95-1,2,3,10 and
>7) LUKIC (of father Mika) NETKA, born in 1928 (witnesses: 617/95-24,
>8) MARGETIC (of father Lazar) MILAN, born in 1963 (witnesses: 679/95-1 and
>9) KITIC (of father Nikola) PERO, born in 1953 (witness: 679/95-1);
>10) LUKIC (of father Nikola) MICO, born in 1946 (witness: 679/95-1);
>11) MITROVIC SVETISLAV, born in 1968 (witnesses: 679/95-1 and 679/95-7);
>12) PETROVIC (of father Bozo) BOZO, born in 1952 (witness: 679/95-1);
>13) MISIC (of father Marko) JOCO, born in 1973 (witnesses: 679/95-1, 39);
>14) OSTOJIC (of father Risto) LAZO, born in 1946 (witnesses: 679/95-1, 16);
>15) LUKIC (of father Petar) RATKO, born in 1944 (witness: 679/95-1);
>16) NIKIC (of father Stanisa) SLADJAN, born in 1967 (witness: 679/95-1);
>17) ARSENIC (of father Niko) KRSTO, born in 1906 (witnesses: 679/95-7 and
>Regarding the perpetrators of the above stated crimes, the surviving
>eye-witnesses of Serbian nationality, mostly did not know the perpetrators
>of these crimes. They were explaining in detail that the attack was carried
>out by the Croat army from the adjacent villages. They were all in
>in this respect and the witness 679/95-42 stated before the investigating
>judge of the Municipal Court of Brcko on August 25, 1995 the following:
>"...Croats in their villages had formed the military units bearing the HVO
>(Croat Defense Council) insignia and started sending threats to the
>population of Vucilovac saying that all Serbs will be expelled and
>Such a situation lasted until December 12, 1992 when Croat soldiers entered
>the village of Vucilovac from the adjacent villages and started setting on
>fire Serbian houses and killing Serbian population...As far as I know Ivo
>Vincentic called "Konj" ("Horse") took part in the attack and was
>outstanding in killing and massacring of Serbs present in Vucilovac..."
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 617/95-21, 617/95-23, 617/95-24, 679/95-1, 679/95-2,
>679/95-3, 679/95-4, 679/95-6, 679/95-7, 679/95-10, 679/95-11, 679/95-12,
>679/95-15, 679/95-16, 679/95-22, 679/95-28, 679/95-39 and 679/95-42.
>2.1.5. Cerik
>On June 11, 1992 and later on August 28, 1992 Muslim and Croat units made
>attack on the village of Cerik and members of Serbian nationality, on their
>lives and their property.
>Witness 636/95-5 stated before the investigating judge of the Municipal
>Court of Brcko on December 28, 1993 the following:
>"...On June 17, 1992 in the morning, at some 06:00 hours, we were attacked
>by our until yesterday neighbors, Muslims and Croats, and during the attack
>Simic Simo 80 years old was killed, killed in his own front-yard, also
>Markovic (of father Ilija) Jovo some 20 years old was slaughtered and
>(of father Mihailo) Spasoje, 31 years old. The attackers set fire on eight
>houses. We organized ourselves and rejected the enemy attack. The second
>attack took place on August 28, 1992 at some 17:00 hours. There was a lot
>refugees in the village from Bijela, Spionica, Srbnica and other Serbian
>villages which were occupied. We were attacked by our neighbors from
>and Bijela, and they had heavy artillery. We learnt that the entire action
>was planned by the Bijeljina Headquarters and that it was the 108th
>Brigade of the HVO (Croat Defense Council). On that occasion a large number
>of civilians was killed and the village of Cerik practically whipped out
>from the face of the earth. Households were pillaged and then the houses
>all other premises set on fire..."
>During the attack on June 17, 1992 the following civilians of Serbian
>nationality were killed:
>1) SIMIC SIMO, born in 1924 (witnesses: 636/95-5,6);
>2) MARKOVIC (of father Ilija) JOVO, born in 19664, who was slaughtered
>(witnesses; 636/95-5, 6), and
>3) ANDRIC (of father Mihailo) SPASOJE, born in 1962 (witnesses: 636/95-5,
>During the attack on Cerik on August 28, 1992 the following Serbs were
>1) DZOMBIC (of father Vojin) PETAR, born in 1942 (witness: 636/95-5);
>2) ZARIC (of father Mivo) ZARKO, born in 1919 (witness: 636/95-5);
>3) ILIC (of father Jovo) LAZO, born in 1933 (witness: 636/95-5);
>4) DRAGICEVIC MILUTIN, born in 1925 (witness: 636/95-5);
>5) JOVANOVIC RISTO, born in 1926 (witness: 636/95-5 and the minutes on
>identification of May 27, 1995 - 144/95-3);
>6) BRKOVIC MITRA, born in 1937 (witness: 636/95-5);
>7) BRKOVIC (of father Radovan) MILENA, born in 1975 (witness: 636/95-5);
>8) MILICEVIC (of father Miko) ACO, born in 1958 (witness: 636/95-5);
>9) SEKULIC (of father Savo) MILIVOJE, born in 1940 (witness: 636/95-5 and
>minutes on identification of May 27, 1995 - 144/95-3);
>10) MIJATOVIC DANKO, born in 1939 (witness: 636/95-5 and minutes on
>identification of May 27, 1995 - 144/95-3), and
>11) MICANOVIC OSTOJA, born in 1939 (witness: 636/95-5 and minutes on
>identification of May 27, 1995 - 144/95-3).
>Witness 636/95-5 stated the following:
>"...These people for whom I said that they were killed, I have personally
>seen killed and I was burying them..."
>Witness 636/95-6 and 144/95-3 stated that, further to the others,
>perpetrators of the crimes in the above stated events were the following
>Against the above stated persons and some other persons Municipal Public
>Prosecution of Brcko filed the Indictment under number Kt. 67/93 of July
>1993 for criminal acts of war crimes against civilian population from
>Article 142 para. 1 taken over from the Penal Code of the SFRY.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 636/95-5, 144/95-3, 636/95-6 and 144/95-3.
>On April 8, 1993 the 108th Brigade of the so-called Army of
>Bosnia-Herzegovina under the command of Pljakic Ramiz carried out the
>on the village of Biliste - municipality of Brcko and on that occasion
>captured a number of members of the Republic of Srpska Army, who were
>exposed to torture and were then all killed.
>On May 7, 1993 at the checkpoint in Dubravice Republic of Srpska Army took
>over the earthly remains of the four fighters - members of the Republic of
>Srpska Army: Pudic (of father Djoko) Stojan, Jovicic (of father Ranko)
>Perica, Padezanin Zeljko and Marjanovic Radovan.
>The first two persons named above were captured after the event of March 8,
>1993, and Padezanin Zeljko and Marjanovic Radovan after the attack which
>carried out on April 27, 1993 on the village of Lipovac, also by the 108th
>Brigade of the so-called Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
>>From the autopsy records made at the Institute for Pathology and Forensic
>Medicine of the Military Medical Academy hospital, describing the autopsy
>made on May 7, 1993 in Brcko under number BC-S-11 and BC-S-12, the
>findings are made:
>On the basis of the autopsy made on Budic Stojan, born in 1953 in the
>village of Grabovica, municipality of Brcko, and on the basis of the finds,
>the opinion is given which states, inter alia, the following facts:
>I - The corpse is in the advance state of decay and the autopsy alone can
>not show the real cause of death with any certainty. However, bearing in
>mind the autopsy results, it can be determined with a high degree of
>certainty that the death was violent and that it took place because of
>II - Decapitation was performed most probably in two parts: in the first
>part cutting off of the soft tissue of the neck was done with a blow of a
>sharp blade of a mechanical weapon, and in the second part cutting off of
>the fourth neck vertebra was done with the blow of a sharp blade of a heavy
>mechanical weapon.
>XII - Pudic Stojan most probably first suffered the injuries from fire arms
>in the lower extremities with the entrance holes on the exterior side of
>right knee, exterior side of the right buttock, interior side of the left
>buttock and the front exterior side of the left buttock, described under
>items 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the exterior find, and then, while he was flat on
>back and alive, his head was cut off by another person.
>XIV - Death was of an assassination origin.
>Together with the above stated autopsy report BC-S-11 of May 7, 1993,
>photo-documents are also enclosed.
>On the basis of the autopsy report of the autopsy performed on the deceased
>Jovicic Perica, born in 1972 in the village of Grbavica - Brcko, the
>findings are, inter alia, the following:
>On the basis of the exterior find, interior find, pathological and anatomy
>diagnosis, the opinion states, among others, the following:
>I - The corpse was in the advanced stage of decay, and the autopsy alone
>not determine with certainty the cause of death. However, bearing in mind
>the autopsy report, it may be determined with a high degree of probability
>that the death was from violent causes and that it was caused by
>II - Decapitation was performed most probably in two parts: in the first
>part cutting off was done of the soft neck tissue with the blade of a
>mechanical weapon on a swing, and in the other part it was performed by
>cutting off the third neck vertebra with the blade of a heavy mechanical
>weapon on a swing.
>III - Injuries in the part of the left side of the face, described in item
>4, of the exterior find, represent a cutting and pressing wound caused by
>the blunt heavy and swung mechanical object, with the simultaneous double
>fracture of the left part of the lower mandibular bone, described in item 2
>of the exterior find.
>IV - Injury above the left nipple described in item 6 of the exterior find,
>is an entrance opening of the bullet cased by a projectile of a fired hand
>weapon, most probably from some distance, and its bottom in the form of a
>channel continues through the skin, subcutaneous tissue, IV and V rib on
>left side, upper part of the left lung and muscles, III inter-rib area on
>the left side, where a deformed metal projectile was found corresponding to
>the 7.65 mm pistol ammunition. The direction of the wound channel is:
>forward and back, from down upwards, from the right to the left.
>V - Most probably the first injury to be inflicted on Jovicic Perica was
>cutting and pressing wound described in item 5 of the exterior find, with
>double fracture of the left lower mandibular bone, and then, while he was
>his back and alive he was decapitated by another person.
>VI - The injury from fire arms described in item 6 of the exterior find was
>inflicted most probably after the death, i.e. after decapitation.
>VII - Death is of assassination origin.
>Together with this autopsy report photo-documents taken during the autopsy
>are enclosed.
>EVIDENCE: 144/95-9, autopsy reports made at the Institute for Pathology and
>Forensic Medicine of the Military Medical Academy hospital of May 7, 1993
>under number BC-S-11 and BC-S-12.
>The above stated facts show that the perpetrators of the assassination of
>the prisoners of war Budic Stojan and Jovicic Perica committed war crimes
>against the prisoners of war, which as above stated, were sanctioned
>according to the provisions of the Penal Code of the former Yugoslavia, in
>accordance with the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War of 1949 ratified
>by the state of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia in 1950.
>2.2. ORASJE
>On May 9 1992 in Bukova Greda in the municipality of Orasje members of the
>military police of the 106th Oraska brigade, under the command of Pero
>Vincetic called "Konj" ("Horse") carried out a raid on Serbs on which
>occasion the following Serbs were killed:
>1) VASILJEVIC LAZAR, of father Arsenije, born in 1961;
>2) GAVRIC MICO, born in 1939 in Bukova Greda - Orasje;
>3) GAVRIC MISO, of father Pero, born in 1974 in Bukova Greda - Orasje;
>4) MAKSIMOVIC ZORAN, of father Pero, born in 1969 in Bukova Greda - Orasje;
>5) MAKSIMOVIC ZARKO, of father Jovo, born in 1952 in Bukova Greda - Orasje;
>6) SVIJANOVIC DRAGO, of father Pero, born in 1963 in Bukova Greda - Orasje;
>7) MAKSIMOVIC MARKO, of father Jovan, born in 1937 in Bukova Greda -
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 267/94-1, 267/94-6, 267/94-8, 267/94-14 and 396/95-6
>and 637/95-3, 396/95-5, 679/95-23, 679/95-24, 679/95-27, 679/95-32,
>679/95-35, 679/95-37 and the minutes on identification compiled at the
>Municipal Court of Brcko on June 24, 1994 (144/95-12).
>2.3. ODZAK
>2.3.1. On April 19, 1992 in the village od Donja Dubica near Odzak which
>populated mostly by Serbian population, a Serb, Djuric Rajko was killed
>an ambush, and killing was attempted of Goranovic Stevo, Bozic Rajko and
>Bozic Boro.
>Perpetrator of this crime is Ante Andrijevic, a veterinary technician from
>This crime was a signal for the Serbian population to leave Donja Dubica
>Serbian population, after this event, relocated to the village of Novi
>EVIDENCE: Witness: 554/94-I-193 and 191/94-4.
>2.3.2. On May 31, 1992 in the hamlet of Jezero - Odzak, crime was committed
>against civilians of Serbian nationality by the armed persons, at present
>unknown, and on that occasion the following inhabitants of Jezero were
>EVIDENCE: Minutes on the inquest by the Ministry of Interior of
>Bosnia-Herzegovina, Public Safety Station Odzak No. 13-8/02-03 of May 31,
>1992; 191/94-1 and 191/94-37.
>2.3.3. On June 13, 1992 Zvonko Andjelic called "Kenta" from Gornje
Svilaje -
>Odzak, with the promise that for the reward of 30,000 Swiss franks he will
>illegally transport through the Republic of Croatia to Switzerland Radovan
>Kovacevic, Bosiljka Kovacevic and Marija Miletic, all of them from Novi
>Grad, municipality of Odzak, took the said persons in his passenger car
>to the hill of Kadar in Gornji Svilaj and there killed the following
>1) KOVACEVIC BOSILJKA, called "Boja", from Novi Grad, municipality of
>born in 1932, of father Jovo, and
>2) MILETIC MARIJA, from Novi Grad, municipality of Odzak, born in 1932, of
>father Ljubo, while
>3) KOVACEVIC RADOVAN, from Novi Grad, municipality of Odzak, born in 1930
>father Mitar, whom he wounded, and the victim escaped to the house of Pavo
>Gudelj, but was soon discovered so Zvonko Andjelic also killed him.
>In this manner the above named Serbs had their lives ended.
>EVIDENCE: Witness: 280/95-85.
>1) ANDJELIC (of father Jure) ZVONKO, member of the military police of the
>102nd Odzak Brigade of the HVO (Croat Defense Council).
>2.3.4. In early June 1992 in Novi Grad - Odzak an unidentified person in a
>camouflage uniform worn by the Croat soldiers, without any cause killed an
>aged Serbian woman.
>1) ZORKA TATIC, born in 1914, and she was killed on her own doorstep from
>the automatic riffle ammunition round fired in her back.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 424/95-13 and 424/95-14.
>2.4.1. On March 26, 1992 in the afternoon, in the village of Sijekovac,
>municipality of Brod (Bosanski Brod) in which the majority of population
>Muslim and Croat and in which there were some 50-60 Serbian houses, entered
>one unit of the Croat Army headed by Marko Brkaca. Most of the soldiers
>masked, with stockings over their faces so the witnesses assume that they
>were their neighbors Croats and Muslims from Sijekovac. Through the
>loud-speaker they called upon Serbs to hand over the weapons and left them
>the deadline of 10 minutes to do so. The entire area with Serbian houses
>surrounded and the soldiers, even before the deadline, started to open fire
>and raid Serbian houses, throwing out the inhabitants who were inside. They
>separated men from women and children, and from the group of men that they
>had singled out, immediately on the spot, killed from fire arms the
>following persons:
>1) ZECEVIC JOVO and his sons
>5) MILOSEVIC LUKA and his sons
>7) MILOSEVIC DRAGAN, whom they previously snatched from the arms of his
>One of the soldiers put the knife to the throat of S.M. who was then 9
>old, and said: "Do you want me to cut also your throat?", and then pushed
>him away and said: "You are still small, I will not slaughter you", so the
>boy remained alive, but his father Luka Milosevic and his two elder
>were killed. After all this, the bodies of Milan Zecevic, Petar Zecevic and
>Vaso Zecevic were thrown at the waste dump site near the refinery in Brod
>and the body of their father Jovo was never found.
>EVIDENCE: Witnesses 584/94-1, 584/94-2, 584/94-3, 584/94=4 and 283/94
>2.4.2. On April 8, 1992 in the village of Sijekovac near Bosanski Brod, at
>some 01:00 hours Croat soldiers came to the house of Sedlic Novak and
>the following persons:
>1) SEDLIC NOVAK, born in 1931, and his cousin
>2) BRKOVIC MILORAD, they took to the bathroom and beat up, then covered
>benzine and set on fire. Milorad Brkovic succeeded in escaping although
>were shooting after him and had wounded him, and when the witness 584/94-1
>wanted to help her husband they did not let her, saying: "Get back or you
>will burn just like Milorad and Novak are burning", so she concluded that
>the perpetrators knew her husband and brother and that most probably they
>were Croats and Muslims from their village. Later she found only parts of
>the body of her dead husband Novak while the most parts of the body was
>burnt down.
>1) PRKACA MARKO, a Croat from Slavonski Brod
>2) KOVACEVIC ZEMIR, a Muslim from Sijekovac
>3) CAUSEVIC NIJAZ, called "Nedo", a Muslim from Sijekovac
>EVIDENCE: Witness 584/94-1 and other documents
>2.4.3. On July 24, 1992 at some 01:00 hours into the building "C" in the
>settlement of Skela in Bosanski Brod, came a group of five Croat soldiers
>the HVO uniforms and started banging on the door of the apartment No. 14
>where the resident was a Serb
>with his wife and his 11 years old child. In fear, the wife with the child
>went out to the balcony and jumped from the 3rd floor balcony, when she was
>seriously injured. She heard the screams of her husband. When she later
>returned to the apartment she found traces of blood, and the next day was
>called to make identification. At the cemetery she recognized the corpse of
>her husband, whose neck was cut and in the area of his chest he had a large
>number of knife wounds. After she paid the burial expenses as she was
>ordered, together with son she was expelled from Bosanski Brod and she
>returned there only after liberation.
>1) KLJAJIC BLAZENKO and other HVO members
>EVIDENCE: Witness 584/94-19.
>During the year 1992 and onwards in the territories of the then-so-called
>Bosnia and Herzegovina which were under the control of the Muslim and Croat
>armed forces, a large number of prison camps and prisons were established
>for imprisonment of civilians of Serbian nationality who were expelled from
>their homes, and also for the imprisonment of the captured Serbs.
>Thus, in the area of Bosnian Posavina a system of 35 prison camps was
>established (Brod-8, Brcko-19, Samac-1, Orasje-4 and Odzak-3) for Serbian
>civilian population. It may be said that almost the entire Bosnian Posavina
>was transformed into a prison camp for Serbs.
>Concretely, the following prison camps were in existence:
>in Brod: 1) Secondary school center "Fric Pavlik", 2) Tulek, warehouse of
>"Beograd" Department Stores, 3) storage of building material of the "GIK"
>company, 4) Krndija camp (facing the Fire Department), 5) camp along the
>Sava river (kayak club), 6) production hall of the stockings factory
>"Bosna", 7) camp in the building of the military police (a former
>"Jugobanka" building), and 8) city stadium of the "Polet" soccer club.
>in Brcko: 9) Boderiste, "Interplet" factory hall, 10) Bosanska Bijela, town
>hall, 11) Bosanska Bijela, plum drying plant, 12) Bosanska Bijela, private
>houses, 13) Boce, primary school, 14) Boce, local community premises, 15)
>Gornji Zovik, building material storage, 16) Gornji Rahic, town hall, 17)
>Gornji Rahic, building material storage, 18) Gornji Rahic, drying plant in
>Okrajci, 19) Gornji Rahic, primary school, 20) garage in the nursery garden
>between Rahici and Maoca, 21) Donji Rahic, private houses, 22) Maoca,
>chicken farm, 23) Maoca, "Bolji zivot" cafe, 24) Palanka, local community
>library, 25) Rasljani, warehouse, 26) Ulice, primary school, and 27) Ulice,
>town hall.
>in Samac: 28) village of Domaljevac, primary school
>in Orasje: 29) secondary school center, 30) Donja Mahala, camp in the
>primary school, 31) Donja Mahala, shed of Mirza Filipovic called
>"Deljkovic", and
>in Odzak: 32) Posavska Mahala, 33) primary school (the gym), 34) "Strolit"
>company, and 35) Novi Grad village.
>In this document we will present evidence for some of the crimes committed
>in the prison camps in the area of the municipalities of Brcko, Orasje,
>Odzak and Bosanski Brod.
>Immediately it must be said that at present there is no reliable evidence
>a precise number of Serbs who have been taken from the year 1992 onwards to
>these camps. As an exception, there is a document entitle "The List of
>Detainees in Prison (school building)" in Odzak compiled by the authorities
>of the Croat Defense Council (HVO) listing 618 persons, which shall be
>discussed in more detail in Chapter 4. The fact remains beyond any doubt,
>however, that Serbs were in mass, and only because of being Serbs, deported
>to the prison camps where the living conditions were insufferable, on the
>one hand regarding the accommodation, nutrition and hygiene, and on the
>other hand regarding serious torture, humiliation and even killing of the
>inmates, many of them having experienced these camps as hell on earth.
>The capacity of the said camps in view of the number of people who were
>imprisoned there, most often was even below the spacial minimum necessary
>for the most elementary survival. There is evidence that, for example, in
>the camp which was located in the primary school building in Odzak, one
>detainee was having less than one half of a square meter for himself!
>Serbs - inmates, neither had the necessary minimum of food and water, so
>daily rations they were receiving were one slice of bread and a cup of tea
>or of some so-called soup or stew. The inmates were placed in almost
>intolerable positions regarding the hygiene. They were often forced in the
>same room in which a large number of inmates were detained, highly
>overcrowded, to have their physiological needs and bowl movement and
>throughout the day to keep in that same closed room the buckets serving as
>WC. The inmates were subjected to various kinds of torture at times so
>monstrous that a normal human mind can hardly perceive what a human
>invention can come up with, and tortures that were such that in some cases
>Serbs - the inmates were trying to take their own lives.
>About the said circumstances there will be more discussion further in this
>document when the most drastic kinds of torture, harassment and humiliation
>of civilian inmates of Serbian nationality in the prison camps of the area
>of Bosnian Posavina will be presented. It may be said that such treatment
>was in operation, with only some slight differences, also in the area of
>entire so-called Bosnia and Herzegovina controlled by the Muslim and Croat
>armed forces.
>It is necessary to point out here that already a special type of killing
>conceived for the prison camp inmates of Serbian nationality, which had the
>following characteristics: taking of the inmates to a forced labor, beyond
>all the rules of the international law and this to the front battle lines,
>and during the time of most intensive combat actions, when they were used
>for digging trenches and construction of other fortification structures,
>pulling out of the wounded and killed Croat and Muslim soldiers; and if
>should stay alive, during the performance of such works, they were forced
>attend the mutilation of the dead bodies of the Serbian fighters.
>The witness 267/94-9, a former inmate of Brcko, states that the inmates
>the prison camps in Orasje in Donja Mahala were digging trenches without
>protection, that they were exposed from all the sides to the fire arm
>bullets and grenades, that they were carrying timber beams for kilometers,
>that they were not given any tools - "there were even persons who had to do
>the digging with their own fingers". According to his estimate, some 10% of
>inmates from Orasje and Bukova Greda were killed, and he himself had on the
>spot taken out 5-6 persons who were dead or wounded. Many inmates in this
>way had lost their lives, many were seriously wounded and only through
>fortunate circumstances remained alive.
>We are presenting here only a brief survey of some of the observed manners
>of torture and humiliation of Serbian population for purpose of better
>inview. Later in this document concrete cases will be stated with detailed
>description of the events.
>3.2.1. Methods of Torture - Body Injury of Inmates
>1) Piercing of tongue with knife was committed in the prison camp of Donja

>Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 158/95-1, 5 and 6; 637/95-6; 267/94-9);
>2) Putting of hands in chains and squeezing was exercised in the prison
>of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-5 and 396/95-8);
>3) Placing of a nude woman on the burning hot electric stove, executed in
>the prison camp in Bosanski Brod (evidence: 584/94-32, 584/94-14, 2667/94-2
>and 55/95-2);
>4) Piercing of hands and feet by a knife or a screw-driver, executed in the
>prison camps in Odzak (evidence: 365/94-1) and in the prison camp of Donja
>Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 158/95-4 and 6; 55/95-7; 637/95-6);
>5) Hitting of testicles with a hard object, applied on inmates in the
>camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-5);
>6) Plugging of ears, sexual organs and fingers to the electric current,
>executed in the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-5,
>158/95-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7);
>7) Piercing of body with burning hot iron rod - placing of burning hot iron
>rod in the mouth of inmates, executed in the prison camp of Donja Mahala -
>Orasje (evidence: 158/95-1 and 7);
>8) Biting off of ears of inmates by teeth, committed in the prison camp in
>Bosanski Brod (evidence: 191/94-38, 280/95-11, 280/95-2, 593/94-31,
>and 365/94-III-2);
>9) Piercing of ears by wire, then hanging of a piece of board on the wire
>piercing of ears, committed in the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje
>(evidence: 95/95-7, 267/94-10, 267/94-8, 424/95-26 and 396/95-10);
>10) Breaking of limbs of inmates, committed in the prison camps in Odzak
>(evidence: 424/95-26) and in the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje
>(evidence: 267/94 and 267/94-9);
>11) Stabbing of knife in the knee of the inmate, executed in the prison
>of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-8);
>12) Gauging of eyes or attempts at gauging of eyes of inmates, committed in
>the prison camp of Rahic (evidence: 617/95-2, 679/95-17);
>13) Suspending inmates in the meat drying plant, executed in the prison
>of Odzak (evidence: 191/94-35);
>14) Hanging inmates by their legs, then dropping them down so that they
>hit the floor with their head, committed in the prison camp in Bosanski
>(evidence: 191/94-38, 55/95-26, 267/94-2 and 593/94-10);
>15) Beating of inmates with boards, chairs, electric cables, batons, table
>legs, executed in all the prison camps in the area of Bosanska Posavina;
>16) Cutting in by knife of the Ustashi symbol letter "U" into the heads and
>various other body parts of inmates, committed in Odzak (evidence:
>17) Piercing of ears by the paper staple machine or cutting up of the ear
>lobes, committed in the prison camps in Rahic (evidence: 679/95-17) and in
>the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-5 and 8, and
>18) Forcing of inmates to run and hit the head on the wall or to hit the
>head against some other solid objects, committed in the prison camps in
>Rahic (evidence: 617/95-7), in the prison camp in Odzak (evidence: 55/95-1,
>4, 5, 9 - 18, 22, 28, 29 and 43, 280/95-4, 10, 28 and 191/94-5, 30 38) and
>in the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-5);
>19) Forcing of inmates to jump from the table to the floor head down,
>committed in the prison camp in Odzak (evidence: 55/95-11 and 191/94-5);
>20) Forcing inmates to fight each other until they faint, including
>between brothers, executed in the prison camps in Odzak (evidence: 55/95-7,
>11, 12, 16 - 18, 22, 424/95-21, 191/94-5, 55/95-13 and 18); in the prison
>camp in Bosanski Brod (evidence: 424/95-17, 24, 39, 42 and 280/95-76); in
>the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 584/94-2); and in the
>prison camp in the village of Ulice (evidence: 638/95-2);
>21) Forcing of inmates to run and hit the wall with their heads until they
>faint, while preserving the eye-glasses which the inmates are forced to
>in the process, performed in the prison camp of Odzak (evidence: 280/95-9);

>22) Hitting of inmates in such a way that the guards catch heads of two
>inmates and start hitting one head against the other, committed in Odzak
>(evidence: 280/95-1);
>23) Fracturing of jaws of inmates, committed in the prison camp of Donja
>Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-7, 158/95-1);
>24) Cutting off of fingers on hands and toes of inmates, committed in the
>prison camps of Bosanski Brod (evidence; 584/94-12) and in the prison camp
>of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-5, 267/94-14);
>25) Cutting off of fingers from hands - finger by finger, committed in the
>prison camp in Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-5);
>26) Pulling out of teeth of inmates by ordinary pliers and breaking of
>teeth, committed in the prison camps of Bosanski Brod (evidence:
>in the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 267/94-5); in Rahic
>(evidence: 617/95-36, 679/95-19), in the prison camp in the village of
>(evidence: 679/95-21);
>27) Placing of a pistol barrel in the mouth of the inmate with the demand
>that the inmate bites the pistole with teeth, then sudden withdrawal of the
>pistol so that the tooth would be caught when the aim is pulled out,
>committed in the prison camp in Odzak (evidence: 55/95-43 and 191/94-11);
>28) Jumping on top of inmates lying on the floor, committed in the prison
>camp in Odzak (evidence: 55/95-1, 2 and 28);
>29) Spraying of eyes of inmates, committed in the prison camp of Donja
>Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 55/95-7);
>30) Sticking pins, small nails, stilettoes, safety pins and other under the
>nails of inmates or between their fingers on hands and toes, committed in
>the prison camps of Bosanski Brod (evidence: 584/94-12) and Rahic
>31) Placing of a rod into the inmate's anus, impaling, committed in the
>prison camp in Bosanski Brod (evidence; 584/94-12);
>32) Shooting from a hunting riffle into inmates with a cartridge filled
>salt, committed in the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje (evidence:
>158/95-2, 5 and 6);
>33) Pushing of the tube down the inmate's throat and letting water run
>through the tube under pressure, committed in the prison camp of Donja
>Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 496/95-3);
>34) Pulling off of nails of the inmates, executed in the prison of Donja
>Mahala - Orasje (evidence: 55/95-7 and 267/94-12);

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