-----Original Message-----
From: Elich, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'siemvesti' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 7:59 PM
Subject: SN789:Bosnian Posavina (Part Seven)

> Here we shall present very concrete testimonies of a large number
>of inmates of the prison camp in Odzak, who were in large numbers detained
>within a small area, who were mercilessly tortured only because they were
>Serbs, and had to suffer not only their own agony but also endure the
>sufferings of their compatriots. Most often they are mentioning the
>following persons as their main torturers, as is confirmed by the
>testimonies of the said witnesses, and many others they did not even know:
>1) GOLUBOVIC ANTO, prison camp commander
>2) TOLIC JOSIP, chief of the guard shift
>3) BOZIC JURICA, chief of the guard shift
>7) AHMETOVIC IBRAHIM called "Ibe"
>11) TERZIC ALBINA called "Nina"
>It is necessary to bear in mind here that all of these Serbs - witnesses,
>victims, are to be found "on the list of detainees in the prison (school)"
>which was complied by the Croat Defense Council of Odzak, which was found
>and which shall be discussed in more detail while speaking of the ethnic
>cleansing of Serbs from these areas (evidence: 191/94-document 11), which
>an integral part of this report.
> The witness 476.94-2 (55/95-29) born in 1941, in his testimony
>given before the investigating judge, stated that in the prison camp in the
>Primary School in Odzak no one was spared various forms of torture. They
>were beating the inmates with batons, fists, boots. In the prison camp in
>Odzak the witness was Imprisoned from early May to July 9, 1992, and was
>then transferred to the prison camp in Bosanski Brod where he remained
>June 1, 1993.
>According to the anamnesis that the witness gave to the medical commission
>of medical experts, on June 28, 1992 in the prison camp in Odzak they threw
>a school desk on his head when he suffered injury of the spine and could
>walk for two weeks.
>The find and opinion of the medical commission of medical experts confirms
>the following state of the witness 476/94-2:
>"...fracture of the extension of the 7th cervical vertebra as a consequence
>of a blow by a blunt mechanical object. In view of veracity of the
>that the witness after the fracture could not walk for a certain time, it
>may be concluded that together with a fracture of the 7th cervical vertebra
>there was a disturbed function of the center and routes of spinal marrow at
>that height, which all together at the time of infliction represents a
>serious body injury. During the infliction of the injury there was a pain
>high intensity. As a direct consequence of these injuries the witness now
>experiences a limited mobility of the head followed with pain and
>crepitation in the neck area, and it is possible that for this reason he is
>"not feeling the first three fingers of his left hand".
>EVIDENCE: witnesses 476/94-2; 55/95-29, find and opinion of the medical
>commission of medical experts, specialists in forensic medicine and
>neuropsychiatry (365/94-III-3).
> The witness 424/95-10 (born in 1940) was detained in the prison
>camp in the Primary School in Odzak from May 8, 1992 to August 25, 1992.
>The witness stated the following before the investigating judge:
>"...They were ordering us to stand by the wall with our arms up and would
>curse our Serbian mother, Chetnik mother and would threaten that we shall
>all be killed, that for Serbs there is no more life. They were kicking us
>with boots, riffle butt, wood boards, rods, batons, fists, pieces of metal
>pipes of 70-80 cm in length, pieces of cable for electricity conducting and
>all possible other objects. If anyone would fall down they were stumping
>with feet. The groups that were beating us were headed by Ivica Klajic,
>Josip Tolic, Tomo Djojic, a certain "Vauga" and the others that I do not
>know their names. They were all wearing black Ustashi uniforms with Ustashi
>insignia and were demanding to be addressed as "Mister Ustasha". They were
>forcing us to sing the Ustashi songs for several hours on end, and were
>beating us every day several times, most often at night... After the
>from the prison camp I was sent for medical treatment to Belgrade at the
>Military Medical Academy hospital because my bones had healed with
>deformities so they had to be broken again and treated..."
>EVIDENCE: Testimony of the witness 424/95-10, the victim.
>The find and opinion of the medical commission of medical experts
>specialists in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry regarding the witness
>424/95-10 confirm that testimony of this witness can be admitted beyond any
>>From the find and opinion of the said commission it is determined that the
>callus on the right shoulder bone was formed on the spot of its fracture,
>which fracture was caused by a blow of a blunt mechanical object and in
>itself at the time of infliction represented a serious body injury, and
>the determined calluses on the lower end of the left shoulder bone were
>formed on the places of its fracture, which fractures were caused by blows
>of a blunt mechanical object. These fractures at the time of infliction are
>qualified as serious body injuries.
>Medical specialists in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry gave the
>opinion that as a direct consequence of heeling of the said fractures the
>witness 424/95-10 suffered a limited extension movement of the left elbow
>EVIDENCE: Find and opinion of the medical experts - specialists in forensic
>medicine and neuropsychiatry (365/94-III-4).
> One of the victims of the prison camp in Odzak, and also camps in
>Bosanski Brod and Orasje was also the witness 424/95-11 (born in 1952)
>detained from May 8, 1992 to November 5, 1992.
>The witness describes torture in the camp in Odzak and, inter alia, states
>the following:
>"...In the beatings of the detained Serbs especially outstanding was a
>certain Cindric from Slavonski Brod, and with him were Ante Golubovic,
>Tolic, Ivica Klajic, Tomo Djojic, Zdenko Nikolic and others. I knew them
>from before at sight, because they were the neighbors from the adjacent
>villages... During the imprisonment in the prison camp in Odzak, one day
>when I was taken out to be beaten, Croat soldiers were jumping on my chest
>and on that occasion several of my ribs were broken both on the left and on
>the right side, and I had many injuries in the area of the spine and other
>parts of the body. I was examined by the medical experts in Samac and a
>medical documentation was then made..."
>EVIDENCE: 424/95-11.
>The written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical experts,
>specialists in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry confirms that the
>testimony of this witness 424/95-11 may be admitted as evidence beyond any
>>From the find and opinion of the medical commission it is determined that
>the described calluses on the 8th and the 9th left ribs in the same line
>were formed on the places of fractures of these ribs, which fractures were
>caused by at least one blow by a blunt mechanical object such as fist,
>foot, baton, rod, etc. These fractures themselves are qualified as slight
>body injury. The opinion was given that the callus on the 8th right rib
>formed on the place of fracture of this rib was caused in a similar way as
>the fracture of the left rib and this fracture in itself is qualified as
>slight body injury.
>EVIDENCE: The written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical
>experts 365/94-III-5.
> The witness 55/95-3 (born in 1962) was detained during the year
>1992 in the prison camps in the area of Bosnian Posavina, and in the prison
>camp of Odzak starting from May 8, 1992. The witness was also detained in
>the prison camp in Split.
>The witness 55/95-3 testified before the investigating judge and described
>beatings suffered in the prison camp in Odzak, specifying the following:
>"...They were beating us until we fainted, and afterwards they would drag
>to the gym and would leave us there... Croat soldiers in the Ustashi
>uniforms and with such insignia were torturing us in such a way that they
>would sit on our chest and wait to smoke a cigarette and then they would
>extinguish cigarettes on our arms and other parts of the body. They were
>even ordering some of us to open our mouth and would extinguish the
>cigarettes on the tongues. They were extinguishing their cigarettes on my
>left forearm, and I am having today visible scars..."
>The witness underlined that on September 25, 1992, during the transfer of
>inmates from the prison camp in Bosanski Brod to Slavonski Brod he found a
>mine and after its explosion he lost his left leg.
>This witness was also subjected to medical examination by the medical
>commission of specialists in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry and from
>the written find and opinion of the medical commission the following is
>That the witness 55/95-3 suffered explosive injuries of the left and the
>right leg, so that the amputation of the left leg had to be performed, so
>that it may be concluded with certainty that these injuries at the time of
>infliction in themselves are qualified as serious body injuries and
>potentially lethal body injuries. There was also intensive pain and fear of
>high intensity, and the witness because of this is completely incapable of
>performing his job as an electrician and needs constant care by other
>In the written find and opinion it is stated that the examination showed a
>reduced mobility of the left arm in the shoulder joint with visible atrophy
>of the muscles, most probably as a consequence of the injuries suffered in
>the form of sprain of the left shoulder, which injury at the time it was
>inflicted in itself represents a serious body injury. This injury was
>by a blow of a blunt mechanical object, such as a riffle butt, and upon
>infliction it was accompanied by pain of high intensity.
>Finally, in the written find and opinion of the medical commission the
>scars on the skin of left forearm and the left hand show that they are the
>consequence of the injuries suffered in these areas, and on the basis of
>anamnesis it is possible that the cuts were inflicted by a blow with a
>edge of a mechanical object, and the detected regular shaped circular
>grey-whitish scars on the left hand could have been caused as a consequence
>of burns from extinguishing cigarettes. Each one of these burns at the time
>it was inflicted was a light body injury and during the infliction of the
>injury there was pain of high intensity.
>EVIDENCE: Testimony of the witness 55/95-3 and the written find and opinion
>of the medical experts 365/94-III-8.
> Another witness - victim, a Serb, testifies about his agony at
>time of his detention in the prison camps in the area of Bosnian Posavina -
>in Odzak, then in Bosanski Brod and in Orasje.
>The witness 365/94-5 (born in 1970) was detained in the prison camp in
>from May 8, 1992 to July 9, 1992.
>The witness describes one event in the prison camp in Odzak in the
>"...While I was detained in Odzak, one night I was taken out with another
>ten inmates by Ivica Klajic and with him were also Ante Golubovic, Josip
>Tolic and some other Croats and Muslims that I do not know. They took us
>into the corridor, placed us next to the wall with our faces turned towards
>the wall, and then started to bestially beat us all over the body, with
>batons, chairs that they could grab and feet with the boots on. If anyone
>would fall they would jump on him, and then they ordered some inmates to
>take out the fallen one to wash his face... After the beating I felt
>terrible pain and had bruises..."
>This witness while he was detained in the prison camp of Donja Mahala was
>taken to dig trenches during the combat actions, where he was injured by a
>grenade so that the geller of the grenade pierced his frontal bone and
>remained there, but his brain was not damaged. Another several inmates were
>killed or wounded.
>The witness 365/94-5 was also an eye-witness of the torture and injuring of
>the other inmates and in the corresponding sections of this report the
>number of the minutes on the testimony of this witness is recorded as
>The validity of testimony of this witness is confirmed by the find and
>opinion of the medical experts, specialists in forensic medicine and
>Namely, from the written find and opinion of the medical commission of
>medical experts it is confirmed that the witness 365/94-5 suffered injuries
>in the right frontal part caused by explosive dispersing agent when the
>fracture of the bone of this part occurred, followed by the injuries of the
>scull cavity so that the patient had submitted to surgery. Injury at the
>time of infliction in itself is qualified as a serious and possibly lethal
>body injury. The medical experts have concluded that because of the
>suffered the witness 365/94-5 must take daily PHENOBARBITONE for prevention
>of post-traumatic epilepsy and as the consequence of suffered head injuries
>the witness is showing signs of post-traumatic syndrome.
>EVIDENCE: The written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical
>experts 365/94-III-10 and the minutes 365/94-5.
> The witness 424/9-5 (born in 1963) was detained from May 8, 1992
>to January 12, 1993 in several prison camps - first in the camp in the
>premises of the Primary School in Odzak. While he was in the prison camp in
>Orasje - Donja Mahala, he was forced to take part in digging of trenches
>even during the combat actions and was wounded on November 8, 1992 in the
>head, near the village of Grebnica. He lost sight on his right eye.
>About the situation in which the Serb inmates were in and he himself, the
>witness states the following before the investigating judge:
>"... After our imprisonment Croat and Muslim soldiers started to take out
>groups of Serbs from the hall and when they would return, they were beaten
>up, bruised and bloody. The group of soldiers which was beating us was
>headed by Ante Golubovic from Odzak, whom I knew from before, then by Josip
>Tolic from Novo Selo, Ilija Klajic from Vrbovac and a certain Ivica who was
>from Bijele Bare, but I do not know other details about him..."
>The medical commission of medical experts, specialists in forensic medicine
>and neuropsychiatry, gave its opinion on the basis of examination of the
>witness 424/9-5 and corresponding medical documentation that the witness
>suffered an injury on the right frontal part of the head caused by
>dispersive agent, that there was a fracture of the bones of this part of
>head and face with the injuries to the contents of the skull cavity and the
>right eye, because of which he was operated, that they are serious and
>potentially lethal injuries at the time of infliction, that as a
>the witness 424/9-5 has a 30% reduced vision and because of the injuries
>suffered in the right part of the head and face he is deformed. Finally, as
>a direct consequence of the suffered injuries and the loss of the right eye
>and deformities, the witness 424/9-5 is experiencing psychological
>especially manifested in an inactive and depressive reaction.
>EVIDENCE: The written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical
>experts 365/94-III-11 and the minutes on the hearing of witness 424/9-5
>before the investigating judge.
> The witness 424/95-29 (born in 1957) was detained from May 8,
>to July 5, 1992 in the prison camp in the school premises in Odzak.
>In his testimony before the investigating judge this witness stated that
>inmates were "terribly tortured" and during the beatings - torture, no
>objects were neglected. The witness states the following:
>"...They were beating us several times during the day and most often in the
>late night hours. They would enter the hall and would step on us lying on
>the floor and from this I suffered the injury in the form of fraction of my
>ribs on the left side and the injury of my right eye..."
>This witness stated that the inmates were being told that they are a lower
>class and that there will be no life for them in this state, that they will
>all be liquidated by slaughter, killing and torture by hunger. The witness
>was an eye-witness to the tortures and to even inflicting of lethal
>to the other inmates - Serbs, and in this report in appropriate sections
>hearing of this witness is proposed.
>The witness 424/95-29 was subjected to the medical examination by the
>medical commission of specialists in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry.
>The written find and opinion of the medical commission of medical experts
>determines that the witness 424/95-29 has calluses on the 7th and the 8th
>left ribs in the height of the armpit line, that there are longitudinal
>whitish scar in the middle of the cranial bone size 5x0.3 cm. In the area
>the navel the existence of a hernia was found the size of a walnut, and the
>right eye ball and the entire right cheekbone space of the face is pushed
>backwards, so that there is a clear disproportion in respect to the left
>side of the face. The given opinion is that the found deformation of the
>right side cheekbone side of the face in the form of pressing backward is
>the consequence of the inflicted fracture of the face bones in this area,
>which is a serious body injury at the time of infliction and during the
>infliction followed by pain of high intensity and fear of high intensity.
>Because of the suffered deformity the witness 424/95-29 is now deformed.
>Finally, the opinion was given that the found scars on the cranial part and
>on the 7th and the 8th left ribs are the consequence of at least one blow
>the blunt mechanical object, such a fist, knee, foot, riffle butt, etc.,
>that they are slight body injuries, but that the witness 424/95-29 suffered
>pain of high intensity.
>EVIDENCE: Witness 424/95-29 and the opinion of the medical commission of
>medical experts 365/94-III-12.
> The witness RAKIC BORO (born in 1964) was detained with a large
>number of other Serbs who were before the war living in Novi Grad,
>Municipality of Odzak, in several prison camps in the area of Bosnian
>Posavina - in Odzak from May 8, 1992 to July 9, 1992, a shorter time in the
>prison camp in Slavonski Brod, then in Bosanski Brod up to October 6, 1992
>and from that time to January 29, 1993 when he was released and exchanged,
>in the prison camp of Donja Mahala - Orasje. In all of these camps he was
>beaten and tortured. Like many other Serb inmates, he was beaten by various
>solid objects that came handy to the torturers. This witness, inter alia,
>while testifying about the torture in the prison camp in Odzak, states the
>"...We were all blue from bruises, covered with blood and swollen, and the
>soldiers who were beating us were forcing us to lick the blood from the
>floor and to sing the Ustashi or Muslim songs..."
>While speaking of the time spent in the prison camp of Bosanski Brod the
>witness underlines that the Croat soldiers were cutting him up with the tip
>of the knife on the chest and were threatening to slit his throat. When he
>was taken to the prison camp he had 106 kilograms of body weight and when
>was released he had some 70 kilograms.
>This inmate was also subjected to the examination by the medical commission
>of medical experts in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry and after the
>examination of the witness 424/95-19 the commission concluded that there
>scars on the front part of his chest and was of the opinion that they were
>formed on the places of inflicted injuries in this part and on the basis of
>anamnesis, from the possible cuts inflicted by the blow of a sharp edge of
>the mechanical object.
>EVIDENCE: Witness 424/95-19 and the written find and opinion of the medical
>commission of medical experts 365/94-III-14.
> The witness 365/94-4 (born in 1943) testified about his detention
>in the prison camp in Odzak and before the investigating judge stated the
>"...In beating of the prisoners especially outstanding was Toma Djojic from
>one village near Odzak. He was beating me on several occasions and several
>times he broke my nose so that I had abundant bleeding. He had his own
>which was beating us together with him..."
>EVIDENCE: 365/94-4
> Just how ruthless and inhuman was the treatment of Serbs detained
>in May 1992 in the prison camp of "Strolit" in Odzak, may be seen from the
>detailed testimony of the witness 593/94-4 (born in 1920):
>It was demanded from the witness 593/94-4 to "confess" that during World
>Two he slaughtered the priest, honorable Trujo. He did not wish to confess,
>of course, to something that he did not do, so he was subjected to various
>tortures at the orders of Dujak Andrija, chief of the Croat police in
>The witness stated before the investigating judge, inter alia, the
>"...When I was brought into the same room to which I was taken two days
>there was Andrija Dujak seated with a group of Croat soldiers... One of
>these policemen was Ivan Bozic called "Papan", and the other one was Jure
>Bozic called "Valuga". Andrija Dujak said that I do not want to confess to
>anything, and the said Bozic said:
>"...Oh yes he will, of course he will confess!"..."
>The witness further states that Bozic Ivan struck him several times with a
>baton on the head. One soldier with a large dagger threatened to cut off
>ear, two other soldiers placed a cable around his neck, tightened the
>and said to Andrija Dujak: "Look, chief, how his eyes will bulge". The
>witness further states that one day a soldier came in, dressed in a black
>uniform with the Ustashi insignia and told the witness that he has a task
>shoot him. He took the witness outside, asked him to tie a scarf around his
>eyes, which the witness refused, and the soldier pointed the automatic gun
>at the witness in his direction, pressed the triget, and then told him: "I
>was only joking". On another occasion they were placing the barrel of a
>Kalashnikow gun into his mouth, then were pressing the trigger, having
>previously taken out the ammunition, which fact the witness, of course, did
>not know. On one occasion they pushed the tube into the witness's mouth and
>poured the liquid chlorine. They were beating the witness with the fists,
>they were pulling his hair, once he was struck on the nose, blood gushed
>out, then he was stabbed with a knife in the head, so he was also bleeding
>there, and was forced to eat the food into which his own blood was pouring.
>Finally, this witness stated that many persons were beating him in the said
>camp, that the torturers were entering into the room in which he was
>detained both during the day and at night, that they were beating also the
>other inmates. He says that the room was entered by Golubovic Ante,
>Dzananovic Nefrid from Odzak, Kelava Anto, Stanic Perica and others. The
>names of the said persons he learnt from the detained Serbs, and those who
>knew them well, because this witness is not from Odzak. Otherwise, during
>the time of torture the witness had 73 years of age and, as he stated,
>during 56 days of detention he lost 27 kilograms.
>EVIDENCE: 593/94-4
> The witness 593/94-26 (born in 132) testified about his
>in the prison camp in Odzak, and stated the following before the
>investigating judge:
>"... I was taken out on June 13, 1992 and was beaten up by Tomo Djojic and
>on that occasion he broke my left forearm which was healed without any
>medical help...so that now my left arm is crooked, the part of the forearm.
>Further to the fracture of the arm I was kicked with feet and my liver was
>damaged and I have suffered a number of other injuries all over my body..."
>The witness further states:
>"...Further to Toma Djojic, in the beatings especially outstanding was also
>Ante Golubovic. he was one of the terrible torturers... I wish to point out
>that the Ustashi, when they would enter the sports hall where we were
>detained, would force Serbs to hit their heads against the wall, for as
>as they would not faint and fall down. Furthermore, Tomo Djojic and Ante
>Golubovic were forcing the detained Serbs to sit by the wall and then
>"Our Father...", the Lord's Prayer. Who would not know to recite would be
>kicked in the head with a boot, so afterwards everyone was covered with
>blood...I know also that the Ustashi were entering the sports hall and were
>extinguishing cigarettes on the bodies of the detained Serbs...and if the
>wounds would be covered by a band-aid Toma Djojic and Ante Golubovic would
>enter and mostly hit those parts of the body with their fists and other
>objects, so that there was terrible bleeding..."
>EVIDENCE: 593/94-26
> The witness 55/95-1 born in 1965 was detained in the prison camp
>in Odzak from May 8, 1992 to July 15, 1992 and his testimony also confirms
>the inhuman treatment of Serbs - civilians, the inmates of the said camp
>the sole reason that they were Serbs.
>This witness underlines the following;
>"...I had many injuries on the back and the other parts of my body, my nose
>bones were also broken and even today I am having visible injuries... I
>to underline that the Croat soldiers during our detention in the camp,
>before starting with the beating, were ordering us to lie down on the
>then they would step on our backs and other parts of the body and from this
>even today I feel pain in the area of my spine..."
>EVIDENCE: 55/95-1
> Testimony of the witness 55/95-2 (born in 1957) confirms also how
>much Serb civilians were exposed to physical and psychological torture by
>the staff in the prison camp in Odzak. The said witness states the
>"...They were beating us, especially a certain Cindric and they were saying
>that he is from Slavonski Brod, also by Ante Golubovic, for whom they were
>claiming that he is from Odzak, although I did not know him from before.
>Croat soldier immediately upon arrival to this camp struck me with a riffle
>butt and broke four of my teeth on the right side on the lower jaw. Croat
>soldiers who were beating us were mostly dressed in black uniforms with a
>"U" letter insignia or were presenting themselves to us as a Ustashi..."
>EVIDENCE: 55/95-2
> The witness 280/95-13 in his testimony states the following:
>"...During our detention in the prison camp in Odzak Cindric Damir was
>coming frequently, and in the hall on several occasions was beating
>regularly the inmates with a baton on the head, and whenever he came he
>would force all the inmates to stand at attention and sing the song "Here
>Dawn, Here is Day", for several tens of times in a row, while he was
>with his friends in the nearby cafe drinking beer. If singing was not loud
>enough to be heard he would enter the hall and would beat us with the baton
>demanding that we sing louder..."
>EVIDENCE: 280/95-13.
> The witness 55/95-9 (born in 1943) testifies about the torture of
>the Serb civilians in the prison camp in Odzak and their humiliation. The
>witness states the following:
>"...They were cursing our Serbian mother saying that we all be killed and
>that there is no life for us..."
>The witness further states:
>"...The prison camp commander in Odzak was Ante Golubovic, born in the
>village of Osjecak and was living in Odzak. Further to Ante, in this camp
>was also his deputy Josip Tolic from Bijele Bare and a certain Ivica. There
>was also with them Tomo Djojic, Ustasha from Novo Selo who was forcing the
>detained Serbs to hit their heads against the wall and was especially
>torturing them. Torture in the said prison camp was of various kinds, among
>other things the inmates were forced to stand for long hours in the sun,
>they were closed under the canvas when temperature was over 30 degrees
>Celsius and were holding them there until they were comatose..."
>EVIDENCE: 55/95-9
> About the mass and ruthless physical torture of the Serb inmates
>in the prison camp in Odzak the witness 55/95-10 (born in 1940) testifies
>before the investigating judge by stating the following:
>"...After we were brought into the sports hall (gym) the Croat soldiers in
>the Ustashi uniforms started taking the arrested Serbs in group to the
>classrooms of the school and there they were first forcing us to bang our
>heads against the wall, and then were hitting us with feet, fists, riffle
>butt, batons and wooden chairs. Every one of us would start bleeding from
>the hitting from various parts of the body, and then they would force us to
>lick our own blood from the floor, cursing our Chetnik and Serbian mother.
>Especially outstanding in the beating was the prison camp commander Ante
>Golubovic, and also Toma Djojic, Josip Tolic, Ivica Rajkovacic and the
>EVIDENCE: 55/95-10
> Members of Serbian nationality, father and son, 55/95-13 (born in
>1932) and 55/95-18 (born in 1968) are giving a truly moving testimony
>the investigating judge:
>The witness 55/95-13 states the following:
>"...I was forced to look while they were beating my sons and when they were
>ordering them to hit each other. Together with me also my son (witness
>55/95-18) was exchanged, who was terribly tortured during the detention in
>Odzak. Ustashi were cutting him up on the neck with the axe and on the
>chest, they broke his skull bones, etc. In the prison camp in Odzak in the
>beatings especially outstanding were Toma Djojic, Ante Golubovic, Jurica
>Bozic, Josip Tolic, Ivica Rajcevic, a certain Resad from Odzak. They were
>all wearing the black Ustashi uniforms with the insignia of the letter "U"
>and on their chest on the uniforms it was written "1941" and then "Ante
>The witness 55/95-18, the son of the witness 55/95-13, who was detained in
>the prison camp in Odzak from May 8, 1992 to July 4, 1992 confirms the
>statements of his father, and especially describes the tortures to which he
>was submitted in the said camp.
>"...After 18 days of detention in that camp one soldier in a black Ustashi
>uniform and with the Ustashi insignia, hit me on the head with a riffle
>so that he broke my skull bones. Before he hit me with the riffle but he
>cutting me up on the neck threatening to slit my throat, and with the tip
>the knife pierced me under the beard, and I am having the scars even today.
>On the chest with the tip of the knife he was drawing the letter "U" and
>made a cut so that I am having even now the scar. He was cutting me with
>knife on the upper and lower sides of my right forearm, and I am also
>the scars there... I wish especially to underline that the most difficult
>thing during the detention in the camp was the knowledge that in that same
>prison camp also my father and my younger brother were detained. Ustashi
>were forcing the two of us to fight each other and our father had to watch.
>After this the Ustashi were beating both of us and our father also had to
>watch this..."
>EVIDENCE: 55/95-13 and 55/95-18
> The witness 55/95-43 (born in 1958) stated the following before
>the investigating judge:
>"...in the beating of the detained Serbs the most outstanding were Tomo
>Djojic...Ivica Klajic...Ante Golubovic...Josip Tolic...They were all in
>black uniforms and had a letter "U" on their cap and on their chest it was
>written "Ante Pavelic 1941". While they were beating me they were cursing
>Serbian and Chetnik mother, threatening that we shall all be killed, they
>were placing a knife and a pistol barrel into our mouth forcing us to bite
>the barrel with out teeth and then they would suddenly pull out the barrel
>and the tooth caught in the aim would be extracted..."
>EVIDENCE: 55/95-43
> The witness 424/95-23 (born in 1909) stated that from May 8, 1992
>for two and a half months he was detained in the prison camps in Odzak -
>premises of the Primary School and in Bosanski Brod.
>This witness, who at that time was 83 years old, testifies that even he was
>not spared the beating and torture. He says the following:
>"...I was personally kicked with boots and hit with fists and a metal chair
>by Ante Golubovic from Osjecak. He was beating me all over the body cursing
>my Serbian and Chetnik mother, threatening that we shall be killed...Life
>was very harsh in the prison camps in which I was detained, because they
>were beating us every day and torturing us, forcing us to sing Ustashi
>songs. The Croat army had no respect for the elderly persons, but was
>equally treating both young and old..."
>EVIDENCE: 424/95-23
> The witness 424/95-26 (born in 1951) confirms the truthfulness of
>the testimonies by many witnesses regarding the crimes committed by Ante
>Golubovic, Josip Tolic, Tomo Djojic, Ferid Halilovic, Jurica Bozic and
>states before the investigating judge the following:
>"...They were entering in the hall with knives in their hands, and they
>stabbing me with a knife in the knee, cutting my left ear, and had broken
>rib on the left side..."
>EVIDENCE: 424/95-26
> The witness 424/95-43 (280/95-28), born in 1965, suffered great
>torture during the year 1992 from early June 1992 in the prison camp in
>Odzak and his testimony is truly moving:
>The witness describes that on one occasion in early June 1992 he was called
>by Tolic Josip, chief of the guard shift in the prison camp and when some
>the soldiers started beating him, Cindric Damir reacted in the way that the
>witness describes as follows:
>"...Then Cindric Damir said "Go away, this is nothing. Now you shall see
>the Ustashi can beat". Then he placed me on my back side and Milos Marko on
>the front side parts of the broken classroom furniture from which the nails
>were sticking out, they started kicking with other objects these boards
>simultaneously. When I fell on the floor Cindric jumped all over my body
>with boots on, and Milos Marko was beating me with the riffle butt and with
>his boots on the kidneys and in the area of sexual organs. Then they took
>to the camp, they lifted me to my feet and both of them simultaneously
>grabbed my hair and started hitting my head against the blackboard for as
>long as the skin was not broken and the blood started flowing. Then they
>threw me again on the floor and continued to beat me with iron rods, so
>I lost all feeling of time. I can not understand how, when they stopped
>beating me, I could go on my own two feet, back to the hall..."
>How tragic the position of Serb civilians in the prison camps in Odzak
>really was, is also confirmed by the detail referring to the reactions of
>the physician at the Medical Center of Odzak, where the witness after the
>torture was taken, and it was not the first time that he was taken to the
>Medical Center. The witness 424/95-43 states the following:
>"...I remember that at that time a doctor named Stipo was angry at the
>policemen who brought me and told them: "Either kill him or leave him
>I can not patch him any longer, and it is a waste to give him
>EVIDENCE: 424/95-43 and 280/95-28
> The witness 424/95-45 (born in 1922) described in detail and very
>movingly her sufferings and tortures endured in the prison camp in Odzak.
>Certainly every torture is a hard experience for everyone, and especially
>for the innocent victim. It is hard and unjust to make a difference between
>one or the other form of torture, but it is certainly necessary especially
>to point out at the ruthlessness expressed by the torturers in the prison
>camp in Odzak in respect to the now deceased Dragic Rajko from Donja Dubica
>and his mother, the witness 424/95-45.
>The witness 424/95-45, an old women 73 years old, was taken on May 8, 1992
>to the prison camp located at the Primary School in Odzak, together with
>husband and an ailing son born in 1942, who was disabled from birth and was
>The witness 424/95-45 testifies before the judge as follows:
>"...That same evening in the hall where we were lying on the floor, came a
>group of the Ustashi and started, while we were lying, to hit us with feet
>and fists. The next day one Ustasha entered with a lighted cigarette and
>started to push the lighted end of the cigarette into my son's mouth. I
>begged him not to do that, because my son was ill, but he did not show any
>intention of giving up from pushing the cigarette into my son's mouth.
>was crying but it did not help. Ustasha was having his fun for as long as
>wished. The present women were begging him not to do that, but all the
>pleading was in vain. On that same day a group of the Ustashi entered the
>hall and all of them started to extinguish their cigarettes on the face of
>my son, then they took some object which was obviously plugged into the
>electrical current and with that object they were touching him on the face.
>This was done in the presence of women who were in the same room and in my
>presence. You can imagine how I was feeling during that situation..."
>EVIDENCE: 424/95-45, 476/94-5.
> The witness 476/94-7 (born in 1960) testifies about the
>in the prison camp in Odzak from May 8, 1992 and later on in Bosanski Brod
>and other camps, and in connection with his detention in the prison camp in
>Odzak states the following:
>"...When I entered in Golubovic's office I found there Josip Tolic and
>Jurica Bozic. Golubovic asked me whether I want the exchange. I answered
>that I do. Golubovic said: "Oh, Cedo, but freedom must be paid for. If you
>have 300 DEM we will put you on the list for the exchange, and if you do
>have you go in front of the wall for further treatment..."
>This witness also confirmed that the inmates were tortured, beaten and that
>the most outstanding in this were Golubovic Ante, Tolic Josip, Bozic Jurica
>"Ibe", Ferid, Djojic Anto called "Kelin" (he was putting the bomb into his
>mouth and while the witness was holding the bomb in the mouth, the guards
>were beating him). He had to hit his head against the wall, and once Djojic
>caught his head and was hitting the head against the wall until the witness
>EVIDENCE: 476/94-7
> Many Serbs - former inmates from the area of Bosnian Posavina,
>especially from the area of the Municipality of Odzak and especially the
>village of Novi Grad, confirmed in their testimonies that the tortures in
>the prison camps in Odzak were every day occurrence and performed in masses
>and ruthlessly, that they were themselves tortured in different ways and
>that they were eye-witnesses to the sufferings of others, and in their
>testimonies confirmed that the greatest torture was inflicted on the
>by the following persons:
>KLAJIC IVICA and others stated in the testimony of witnesses and all of
>are responsible for the crimes committed against the civilian Serbian
>population, aimed at execution of genocide of the Serbian people in the
>of Bosnian Posavina.
>Responsible perpetrators: GOLUBOVIC ANTE, prison camp commander for all the
>cases of committed crimes and all the persons stated in the testimony of
>witnesses-victims, designated as direct perpetrators.
>This is confirmed, further to the above, also by the witnesses who have
>given their testimony in the minutes: 55/95-4, 55/95-5, 55/95-6, 55/95-7,
>55/95-8, 55/95-11, 55/95-12, 55/95-14, 55/95-15, 55/95-17, 55/95-23,
>55/95-27, 55/95-28, 55/95-29, 424/95-1, 424/95-2, 424/95-3, 424/95-5,
>424/95-6, 424/95-7,424/95-8, 424/95-9, 424/95-27, 424/95-20, 424/95-21,
>424/95-24, 424/95-25, 424/95-27, 424/95-31, 424/95-33, 424/95-34,
>424/95-36, 424/95-37, 424/95-38, 424/95-41, 424/95-42, 191/94-4, 191/94-11,
>280/95-72, 280/95-73, 280/95-74, 280/95-75, 280/95-76, 280/95-77,
>593/94-10 and 593/94-14.
>3.5.2. Conditions of Living in the Prison Camps in Odzak: Accommodation,
>Food and Hygiene
> In the prison camp in Odzak located in the Primary School, in the
>gym, during the year 1992 and in a small area some 700 inmates were
>of Serbian nationality who were being starved to death. The inmates were
>receiving only a small slice of bread per day (one loaf of bread was
>on 15-20 inmates) and a cup of tea. This was testified by a large number of
>witnesses - former inmates of the prison camp in Odzak.
> The witness 593/94-1 born in 1950 describes conditions of living
>Serbs in the prison camp "Strolit" in Odzak in the year 1992, and also
>testifies about the torture inflicted on the Serb inmates.
>While speaking of the accommodation and hygiene, or better the lack of the
>same, this witness states before the investigating judge, inter alia, the
>"...They took us to a room size 5x4 meters in which 30 Serbs were detained.
>Since the room was small and there was a lot of us, we could neither lie
>down nor sit properly on the floor. In that room there was a bucket and we
>were all having our physiological needs in it, and we were not given any
>water. We were given once per day a slice of bread and a bit of soup or
>tea. The slice of bread was perhaps some 50-100 grams and the tea or soup
>2-3 spoonfuls... They were beating us and torturing only because we were
>Serbs...and very often brothers Djojic would enter the camp room, I do not
>know anything further about them, but there was talk that they are from
>Odzak, and they would beat us mercilessly, cursing our Chetnik mother and
>humiliating us in different ways... In that camp I remained for 32 days and
>during that time I lost 25 kilograms of body weight..."
> The witness 593/94-2 also testifies before the investigating judge
>about the prison camp of "Strolit" in Odzak and states the following:
>"...During the detention in the prison camp I lost weight so at the time of
>the exchange I had only 30 kilograms of body weight. No one from my family
>and acquaintances could even recognize me..."
>For such a position of Serbs in the prison camps in Odzak the most
>responsible person in Golubovic Anto - prison camp commander.
>Further to the above stated witnesses, about the harsh conditions of living
>in the prison camps of Odzak also testified the following: 365/95-3,
>365/94-5, 365/94-7, 593/94-9, 593/94-10, 593/94-14, 593/94-25, 593/94-26,
>593/94-30, 593/94-33, 55/95-1, 55/95-2, 55/95-3, 55/95-4, 55/95-5, 55/95-6,
>55/95-7, 55/95-10, 55/95-11, 55/95-12, 55/95-13, 55/95-14, 55/95-15,
>55/95-16, 55/95-18, 55/95-22, 55/95-28, 55/95-29, 55/95-43, 424/95-1,
>424/95-2, 424/95-3, 424/95-4, 424/95-5, 424/95-6, 424/95-7, 424/95-8,
>424/95-9, 424/95-10, 424/95-11, 424/95-15, 424/95-16, 424/95-17, 424/95-18,
>424/95-19, 424/95-20, 424/95-21, 424/95-24, 424/95-27, 424/95-29,
>424/95-31, 424/95-33, 424/95-34, 424/95-35, 424/95-36, 424/95-38,
>424/95-42, 424/95-43, 191/94-5 and 191/94-13.

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