
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Elich, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: 'siemvesti' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 8:01 PM
>Subject: SN790:Bosnian Posavina (Part Eight)
>>3.5.3. Humiliation, Harassment and Intimidation
>>The testimonies of all the former inmates of the prison camps, of Serbian
>>nationality, given before the court, confirm that further to the above
>>almost impossible living conditions regarding accommodation, food and
>>hygiene in which the Serbs were living as inmates of the prison camps in
>>Odzak which were beneath any human dignity, further to a multitude of
>>of torture - body injuries inflicted on the inmates (as described
>>hereinabove), and harassment of the inmates which shall be discussed
>>in this report, members of the Serbian nationality were also in different
>>ways exposed to humiliation and intimidation.
>>We shall state here several concrete examples of humiliation and
>> In the month of May 1992 in the prison camp located in the
>>of the Primary School in Odzak, Hodzic Adisa, member of the military
>>of the 102nd Odzak Brigade ordered the Serb inmate G.Z. to take off all of
>>his clothes and then brought into the room a German boxer dog and took off
>>the dog's protection basket but the dog on that occasion did not hurt the
>>EVIDENCE: witness 280/95-39
>> In the prison camp located in the premises of the Primary School
>>Odzak during the year 1992 the inmates were ordered to hit each other, to
>>lick the blood off the floor, to lick the boots of the staff, to hit the
>>blackboard or the wall with their heads.
>>EVIDENCE: witness 280/95-7
>> In the prison camp in the Primary School in Odzak during the year
>>1992 Terzic Albina called "Nina" member of the HVO military police,
>>the inmates to take off their pants and underwear and her dog the big Dane
>>would sniffle their sexual organs.
>>EVIDENCE: witness 191/94-13.
>> In the prison camp in Odzak during one "interrogation" during the
>>month of May - June 1992 Nikolic Zdenko, member of the HVO military police
>>of the 102nd Odzak Brigade, who was physically torturing on several
>>occasions the inmate 191/94-4 from Trnjak, threw in front of him several
>>pork bones that he was eating, saying:
>>"Eat this, curse your Chetnik mother, this is for you, you are no better
>>than the dogs".
>>EVIDENCE: witness 191/94-4
>> GOLUBOVIC ANTO, as the prison camp commander in Odzak, TOLIC
>>as the chief of the guards shift and TERZIC ALBINA called "Nina", several
>>times organized the so-called "Camp Wedding" - of a woman inmate and a man
>>inmate, members of Serbian nationality, with the music and in their
>>and the presence of other inmates, forcing them to have a public sexual
>>EVIDENCE: 191/94-4 and 191/94-13
>> The witness 476/94-7 (born in 1960) testifies, inter alia, that
>>the prison camp in Odzak the following was happening:
>>"...They took out J.G. and Dj.K. In front of every body they were forcing
>>to suck the sexual organ of Dj, and then to put a finger in each other's
>>anus and lick the fingers..."
>>This witness, certainly under the impression of everything that he
>>in the prison camps, is saying:
>>"...The other martyrs can not complete this picture of humiliation and
>>torture by their testimonies. They were killed. That is why I can say only
>>one thing: those Serbs who are again in favor of the false brotherhood and
>>unity, I wish to God that they will fall into the hands of their
>> It should be mentioned that in the presented survey of the
>>of torture - humiliation, harassment and intimidation committed against
>>members of Serbian nationality in the prison camps in the area of Bosnian
>>Posavina, in this report in the section 3.2. presentation was given for
>>said forms of humiliation, harassment in the prison camps of Odzak as well
>>and the evidence numbers quoted, so we shall not repeat this here.
>>Furthermore, from the said presentation it is determined that in the
>>camps in Odzak the other forms of humiliation, torture and intimidation
>>We shall state here several of them:
>>A group bathing of naked inmates, even in front of citizens, by a jet of
>>cold water under pressure (evidence: witnesses 55/85-8, 424/95-41);
>>Forcing of inmates to kiss the boots of the guards and then kicking of the
>>inmate on the head with the same boot (evidence: witness 424/95-34)
>>For all the stated crimes against civilian population - members of Serbian
>>nationality, the direct responsible perpetrators are, of course, the
>>individuals whose names were stated, and certainly Golubovic Anto as the
>>prison camp commander.
>>3.5.4. Killing of Serbian Inmates in the Prison Camps in Odzak
>>Further to the already presented various types of torture - body injuring
>>inmates, members of Serbian nationality in the prison camps in Odzak, the
>>presented poor, almost impossible, living conditions in these camps, and
>>presentation of humiliation, torture and intimidation of the Serb inmates
>>the prison camps in Odzak, as far as it was determined until now, several
>>Serb inmates were also killed in the said camps.
>> In the month of July 1992 in the prison camp located in the
>>School in Novi Grad - Odzak, several military policemen were beating
>>Cvetkovic Simo called "Drinic" from Gornji Svilaj - Odzak, born in 1931,
>>the last one to beat him was Golubovic Anto, who broke a chair while
>>Cvetkovic Simo with it, Simo fainted and from the inflicted injuries died
>>that same night on July 12, 1992.
>>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 593/94-33, 55/95-9, 55/95-19, 424/95-11, 424/95-15,
>>424/95-17, 324/95-26, 424/95-33, 424/95-34, 424/95-36, 191/94-13,
>>and 280/95-73.
>> In the month of July 1992 in the prison camp for Serbs, located
>>the premises of the Primary School in Odzak, Golubovic Anto, Tolic Josip
>>Halilovic Ferid, the first one in his capacity of the prison camp
>>the second one in the capacity of the chief of the guards shift and the
>>third one in the capacity of the member of the military police of the
>>Odzak HVO Brigade - guard in the camp, on several occasions were beating
>>inmate TOMANOVIC RADE, with fists, boots and other objects. Then they tied
>>his hands to the volley-ball pillar, and were beating him so tied up.
>>Halilovic Ferid was hitting him with a riffle but on the back. From the
>>inflicted injuries he soon died, still tied to the pillar, on June 24,
>>One of the eye-witnesses of the death of Tomanovic Rade was also the
>>55/95-14, also an inmate, who stated the following before the
>>"...I was present when they were beating Rade Tomanovic from Novi Grad,
>>as long as he did not succumb to the injuries. After he died his body was
>>kicked by Ante Golubovic who was saying: "TAKE THIS DOG AWAY!"
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses: 365/94-2, 365/94-5, 593/94-13, 593/94-14, 53/94-40,
>>593/94-31, 593/94-33, 55/95-1, 55/95-2, 55/95-4, 55/95-7, 55/95-10,
>>55/95-11,55/95-14, 55/95-16, 55/95-18, 55/95-22, 55/95-28, 55/95-43,
>>280/95-72, 280/95-73, 280/95-74, 280/95-75, 280/95-76, 280/95-77,
>>424/95-1, 424/95-2, 424/95-4, 424/95-5, 424/95-9, 424/95-11, 424/95-15,
>>424/95-17, 424/95-19, 424/95-20, 424/95-24, 424/95-26, 424/95-27,
>>424/95-30, 424/95-31, 424/95-33, 424/95-34, 424/95-35, 424/95-36,
>>191/94-4, 191/94-5, 191/94-13 and 22/97.
>> In the month of May 1992 in the prison camp of "Strolit" in
>>Golubovic Anto, camp commander, together with Djojic Tomo, Culap Mirko and
>>Tolic Josip - members of the HVO police, several times wa beating the Serb
>>inmate Dervenic Svetozar called "Ceta". Several days before his death
>>Golubovic Anto allowed the members of the HVO police to take Dervenic
>>When he was returned to the camp, in the trunk of the car, and while he
>>still giving signs of life, they were beating him, and that same night he
>>died. Previously, during the torture, they hanged him by the hands in the
>>meat drying chamber.
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses: 593/94-13, 593/94-31, 55/95-1, 55/95-2, 55/95-4,
>>55/9515, 55/95-7, 55/95-9, 55/95-10, 55/95-11, 55/95-14, 55/95-16,
>>55/95-22, 55/95-28, 55/95-43, 424/95-4, 424/95-5, 424/95-9, 424/95-11,
>>424/95-17, 424/95-18, 424/95-25, 424/95-37, 191/94-4, 191/94-11 and
>>In connection with the murder of DERVENTIC SVETOZAR called "Ceta" the
>>witness 55/95-8 has direct knowledge of the circumstances being himself
>>tortured in the prison camp of "Strolit" in Odzak and stated in connection
>>with the death of his brother DERVENTIC SVETOZAR the following:
>>"... My brother was so much beaten up that he could not move, so I tried
>>save him. However, he died in my arms..."
>>The witness 55/95-8 also states:
>>"...I wish to mention that I had a special treatment after the death of my
>>brother in "Strolit" the prison camp in the hall of the Primary School in
>>Odzak. They were taking me out daily for the beating and were beating me
>>without mercy, and were especially interested how I had experienced the
>>death of my own brother..."
>> On July 3, 1992 in the prison camp for Serbs in the premises of
>>Primary School in Odzak, Golubovic Anto, in the capacity of the prison
>>commander, Tolic Josip and Bozic Jurica, in the capacity of the chiefs of
>>the guards shift were many times mercilessly beating the Serb DERVENTIC
>>called "Sila" and from the inflicted injuries he died on July 4, 1992.
>>The witness 365/94-5 testifies before the court about the torture of
>>Derventic Rade in the prison camp in Odzak, and about his own sufferings
>>sufferings of the other Serb inmates.
>>The witness states the following;
>>"...They took him to the cellar and all of them were beating him, in my
>>estimate for at least two hours. We could hear his screaming. While this
>>taking place several of the inmates had to go to the WC so they forced
>>to jump on their own heads. I was also among the inmates, so when I went
>>into the corridor I saw them beating Derventic. Then they order me to
>>at attention and to jump as if I was jumping into the water, but I had to
>>keep my arms close to my body. So I jumped once and hit my head well on
>>concrete, then they forced me to do in once again, and I did it
>>again...After the beating they returned Rade into the gym and he was lying
>>there unable to move, so they placed him on the stretcher, took him out
>>the corridor and there he died after 2-3 hours."
>>That Derventic Rade called "Sila" was killed in the prison camp in Odzak
>>also confirmed by the following
>>witnesses: 365/94-3, 593/94-13, 593/94-31, 55/95-1, 55/95-3, 55/95-4,
>>55/95-5, 55/95-7, 55/95-9, 55/95-10, 55/95-11, 55/95-12, 55/95-14,
>>55/95-16,55/95-18, 55/95-22, 55/95-28, 55/95-43, 424/95-1, 424/95-4,
>>424/95-11, 424/95-15, 424/95-17, 424/95-19, 424/95-26, 424/95-27,
>>424/95-31, 424/95-33, 424/95-34, 424/95-36, 424/95-37, 191/94-4, 191/94-5,
>>191/94-13, 191/94-29, 191/94-35, 280/95-72, 280/95-73, 280/95-78 and
>> During the year 1992 in the prison camp of Odzak tortured and
>>killed, further to Cvetkovic Sima, Tomanovic Rade, Derventic Svetozar and
>>Derventic Rade, was also GORANOVIC NIKOLA from Donja Dubica.
>>Several witnesses confirmed before the investigating judge that in the
>>camp GORANOVIC NIKOLA was tortured and killed.
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses: 55/95-5, 55/95-12 and 55/95-22.
>>Golubovic Anto, prison camp commander, is responsible as well as for all
>>previously stated crimes, also for the killing of CVETKOVIC SIMO,
>>above stated cases also the direct perpetrators whose names are stated
>>hereinabove in this report.
>>3.6. PRISON CAMPS IN BROD (Bosanski Brod)
>>The Muslim and Croat units during their withdrawal, when the Republic of
>>Srpska Army liberated the area of Odzak, deported Serbs detained in the
>>prison camps in Odzak into the prison camps in Brod (Bosanski Brod), as
>>follows: to the Secondary School Center "Fric Pavlik", to the suburb
>>settlement of "Tulek" - building material storage, to the prison camp
>>"Stadion" and to the prison camp in the premises of the local kayak club.
>>Everything that was stated about the living conditions of Serbs, civilian
>>inmates, in the already stated prison camps of Bosnian Posavina, also
>>to the prison camps in Brod.
>>It is necessary to underline here several facts.
>>Firstly, some persons - perpetrators of war crimes against members of
>>Serbian nationality who were committing crimes in the prison camps in
>>were committing such crimes also in Brod. Thus, for example, in the
>>testimony of surviving witnesses - inmates, the names are mentioned of
>>GOLUBOVIC ANTE, TOLIC JOSIP, BOZIC JURICA called "Bajica" and others.
>>Secondly, it derives from the contents of the gathered evidence that in
>>prison camps in Brod there was rape of female inmates, who were detained
>>only because of their Serbian nationality, and that such rape was, so to
>>say, a daily occurrence. It is necessary to point out here - and will be
>>presented more concretely from the contents of the given testimony - the
>>force, torture and the usual threats by far had exceeded the limits
>>otherwise necessary for the very act of rape to be executed. In this case,
>>the most ruthless torture and humiliation were an end unto themselves
>>irrespective of the very act of rape. Humiliation of the Serbian women -
>>inmates was having truly incomprehensible dimensions.
>>Thirdly, it was observed that, just like in the area of Orasje, a large
>>number of Serb inmates was taken to the front battle lines and during the
>>combat actions was forced to dig trenches. Under such circumstances a
>>number of Serb - inmates was killed or injured.
>>In connection with the living conditions of the Serb inmates in these
>>camps, the poor accommodation, hygiene, poor quality and scarce food a
>>number of former inmates of Brod prison camps gave their testimony.
>>EVIDENCE: Witnesses: 55/95-2, 55/95-3, 55/95-6, 55/95-7, 55/95-8, 55/95-9,
>>55/95-10, 55/95-12, 55/95-15, 55/95-16, 55/95-22, 55/95-27, 55/95-28,
>>55/95-43, 424/95-3, 424/95-5, 424/95-6, 424/95-8, 424/95-9, 424/95-15,
>>424/95-17, 424/95-26, 424/95-27, 424/95-30, 424/95-33, 424/95-35,
>>191/94-11, 584/94-16, 584/94-32, 584/94-1, and others
>>3.6.1. Torture - Body Injuring of the Inmates
>> In the prison camp in Brod, at the request of Terzic Albina
>>"Nina", a member of the HVO military police, Culap Mirko, also a member of
>>the HVO military police, first burned the face with the cigarette of the
>>Serb inmate witness 593/94-31 from Donja Dubica, and then extinguished the
>>cigarette on his face, then started biting the ear of this inmate, while
>>the same time Lepen Drago, member of the 101st Bosnian-Brod Brigade, was
>>biting the other ear, so they were pulling his head with their teeth,
>>pulling each one to the other side, until Culap Mirko did not completely
>>bite his ear off.
>>This testimony, given before the investigating judge by the witness -
>>593/94-31 and before the other state authorities, as well as the testimony
>>of a large number of other witnesses speaking of the torture of this Serb,
>>was confirmed as true also by the find and opinion of the medical
>>of medical experts in forensic medicine and neuropsychiatry.
>>Concretely speaking, the medical commission of medical experts examined
>>witness 593/94-31 and found that he is lacking the lobe of the left ear
>>that in its part the skin is bearing a star-like scar of grey-whitish
>>The following opinion was given:
>>"The present examination found a star-like grey-whitish scar on the lower
>>part of the left ear lobe which could have been formed because of "biting
>>off" of its lobe, which injury at the time it was inflicted on the witness
>>593/94-3 caused him to suffer pain of high intensity. As a direct
>>consequence of the inflicted injury and the lack of the left ear lobe and
>>the formation of the star-like scar of irregular shape, the witness
>>593/94-31 was deformed..."
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses 55/95-11, 593/94-31 and the find and opinion of the
>>medical commission of medical experts 365/94-III-2.
>>Perpetrators: TERZIC ALBINA called "Nina", CULAP MIRKO and LEPAN DRAGO,
>>of them members of the HVO military police.
>> In the prison camp in Brod during the year 1992 Cindric Damir
>>called "Cindra" and "Nindza" in the capacity of the military policeman and
>>one other person were beating the Serb inmate witness 55/95-26 from Gornji
>>Svilaj with fists, feet clad in boots and wood objects. Cindric was
>>the pistol barrel into his mouth, then they were tying his left leg and
>>suspended him from the structure of the basket pole in the sports hall
>>(gym), ordering another inmate to pull the rope and thus, pull him up or
>>lower him down, while they were beating him all the time. The moment the
>>rope broke the witness 55/95-26 fell head down and fainted. This inmate,
>>further to the other injuries during his detention in the prison camps in
>>Bosnian Posavina, also had a cross cut in into his back.
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses 191/94-38, 55/95-26 and 267/94-2.
>>Perpetrators of the crime: CINDRIC DAMIR called "Cindra" and "Nindza" and
>>one at present unidentified perpetrator.
>> During the summer of 1992 in the prison camp in Bosanski Brod
>>Golubovic Anto, prison camp commander, Tolic Josip and Bozic Jurica called
>>"Bajica", all of them members of the HVO military police of the 102 Odzak
>>Brigade, singled out while the inmates were digging trenches on the front
>>battle line during the combat action, three brothers Pavic from Novi Grad,
>>on of them PAVIC JADRANKO was wounded, so they ordered his two other
>>brothers Pavic RADE and STEVO to hold their wounded brother and during
>>time they were beating him with batons, riffle butt and fists, until he
>>EVIDENCE: witness 191/94-13.
>>Perpetrators of the crime: GOLUBOVIC ANTE, TOLIC JOSIP and BOZIC JURICA.
>> One of the inmates, member of Serbian nationality, who had the
>>misfortune to be detained in the prison camp in Odzak, in the prison camp
>>Donja Mahala, and also in the prison camps in Brod, the witness 593/94-10
>>and 280/95-56, born in 1967 (gave the testimony about his sufferings
>>the Public Safety Station in Doboj, then before the investigating judge of
>>the Municipal Court in Modrica, when he stated that he upholds everything
>>stated at the Public Safety Station in Doboj) and his sufferings in the
>>prison camps in Brod, where he was first detained in the camp of "Tulek"
>>then in the premises of the Secondary School Center, testifies as follows:
>>"...During the detention in the camp of Tulek I was treated very strictly.
>>They were beating us both during the day and at night, they were forcing
>>to sing Ustashi songs, to read "Our Father..." the Lord's Prayer, to kiss
>>the baseball bat before they start beating us with it, to kiss feet, hands
>>and similar of the Croat soldiers. During all that time they were
>>threatening that they will kill us all and saying that there is no life
>>Furthermore, when the witness is speaking of the time of his detention in
>>the prison camp in the Secondary School Center in Brod, he underlines:
>>"...I was several times physically abused and beaten but the hardest
>>was on October 5, 1992 in the Secondary School Center in Brod, when
>>Sisljagic Miroslav and Cukic Ilija escaped from the camp. They were
>>then Sisljagic Djordje, Sisljagic Simo and myself and several other
>>and the beating was with all possible objects, starting with fists and
>>boots, up to rubber batons, wooden boards and baseball bats. Among other
>>torture, they would tie our legs and suspend us from the basketball
>>structures, then they would beat us all over the body, or simply so tied
>>would lift us up to the height of one or two meters, and then let us drop
>>our heads...The harassment and physical torture that I have endured and
>>survived together with the other inmates on October 5, 1992 as I have
>>described, was executed by the military policemen from Bosanski and
>>Slavonski Brod, and concretely I was beaten that day with various objects,
>>wooden boards and spades by Cindric Damir and Jozic Luka, so that serious
>>body injuries were inflicted upon me in the form of fracture of several
>>ribs. I am feeling the consequence even today..."
>>EVIDENCE: witness 593/94-10 and 280/95-56
>>Perpetrators of the crime: CINDRIC DAMIR and JOZIC LUKA
>> In the month of July 1992 in the prison camp in Brod, at the city
>>stadium Klajic Blazen, member of the HVO entered the room in which the
>>witness 584/94-28 born in 1956 was detained, and started kicking him with
>>feet, cursing him, threatening to slit his throat, ordered him to take off
>>all of his clothes and lie flat on his stomach, then with the tip of the
>>knife had the cross and four letters "S" cut in into his back. The witness
>>reiterated with a curse convinced that Klajic will kill him, because in
>>of everyday torture and beatings he did want to be killed to stop his
>>sufferings. Klajic did not kill him, but threatened to kill him by a
>>from the pistol and then beat him up again.
>>EVIDENCE: witness 584/94-28
>>Perpetrator of the crime: BLAZEN KLAJIC, member of the HVO
>> In the month of June 1992 in Brod, in the prison camp whose
>>commander at that time was Jozic Luka called "Lukica", he asked the
>>584/94-16 (born in 1955) who he is and what he is doing, and when he
>>answered that he is a Serb, he answered: "That is who we need", and then
>>called Drago Lepan, Petar Lepan, Mate Condric and Zdenko Miljak, who were
>>all in the HVO uniforms, and Jozic gave them each the orders who will and
>>with what beat the witness - Miljak to hit him on the face, Lepan Dragi to
>>hit him with fists, and when he falls on the floor Lepan Petar to continue
>>with beating. They started executing the orders until the witness fainted.
>>After that the commander Jozic beat him so much with the boots and fists
>>that he was covered with sweat. When the witness regained consciousness,
>>Jozic called Vrbanjan Indira who was employed as a jurist in the
>>municipality in Brod and told her: Now you know what to do next". She
>>ordered the witness to take off all of his clothes, and was beating him on
>>the naked body with fists, feet and baton until he fell, and then kicked
>>with feet in the area of his sexual organ. Later she ordered him to kiss
>>chess-board flag which was on the wall and to shout: "Long live Ante
>>Pavelic". The witness was also beaten during the following days.
>>The witness 584/94-16 testified before the investigating judge and
>>the scene that he saw in the prison camp immediately following his above
>>described torture.
>>The witness states the following:
>>"...The beating lasted until 21:00 hours, and then at the orders of Luka
>>Jozic, Drago Lepan took me to the cellar in which there were some 15 other
>>detained Serbs. All of these people were so much beaten up that they
>>awful. They were covered with blood and bruises and swollen. Among those
>>Serbs I recognized Drago Trifkovic from Brod, Branislav and Pero Dujanic
>>from Brod, Andrija Dzudznovic from Barice, Jovo Sekulic from Barice, Ranko
>>Dzaic from the village of Vinska, Brod, Sreto Pavlovic from the village of
>>Vinska. In that room they placed on two bricks a narrow board and we were
>>lying on that board without any mattress or cover. The floor of that room
>>was covered with water so in the morning we were getting up all wet..."
>>Perpetrators: JOZIC LUKA, called "Lukica", LEPAN DRAGO, LEPAN PETAR,
>>EVIDENCE: witness 584/94-16
>> In the period between April and June 1992 in Brod, Stuc Ante and
>>Lepan Drago, both military policemen, were torturing in the prison camp in
>>the building of the military police, a Serb - the witness 584/94-12 (born
>>1927) in various ways. They took him to the room in which there were
>>sharpened pegs, pliers, needles and batons, asking him what are these
>>used for, and when he answered that he does not know, they ordered him to
>>take off all of his clothes and they pushed the tip of the sharped peg
>>his anus, then they pulled out his teeth with pliers, caught his ears, and
>>were beating him with fists and boots. Stuc Ante pulled out with pliers
>>upper teeth. Only one tooth remained which was 'moving' at the time of
>>giving the testimony".
>>The witness especially speaks of the sufferings of Serb inmates in the
>>prison camp in the stadium in Brod, where he had spent only a few days.
>>witness states as follows:
>>"...Anto Stuc came to that camp, and he was the main torturer. He was
>>people out, hitting them on the sexual organ, ordering them to take their
>>clothes off and was beating them naked then was ordering them to take
>>showers in ice cold water every night at midnight. After the shower they
>>were returned to the rooms and would have high fever the next day or would
>>fall in agony. They were beating Pero Trivic with his own stick because he
>>was an invalid and was carrying this stick, and they beat him until the
>>stick was completely broken against his body. The stick was thrown away
>>it was broken into pieces 20-30 cm..."
>>Finally, the witness 584/94-12 before the investigating judge stated also
>>the following:
>>"...About my detention in the prison camp and torture of Serbs I was
>>in various magazines and I am enclosing the clippings and the newspapers
>>"Narodna rec" to the minutes and I wish this to be an integral part of the
>>minutes taken on my testimony..."
>>Perpetrators of the crime: STUC ANTE and LEPAN DRAGO
>>EVIDENCE; witness 584/94-12
>> The witness 438/94-14 was born in 1952, and was detained in
>>prison camps and in all of them tortured, and he states that from the end
>>June 1992 he was in the prison camp in Brod, in the warehouse of the
>>Department Store "Beograd" and, inter alia, states the following before
>>investigating judge:
>>"...A special type of torture and harassment was when they called the
>>and when he would approach the two HVO persons would hit him on the sides
>>the ribs, two HVO members from the back on the kidneys, and one in front
>>the inmate is awaiting him with the baseball bat on which a large letter
>>is written, which the inmate first has to kiss, and then he would be
>>with that bat. I was twice within two days treated in this way...."
>>Otherwise, this witness stated that immediately when he was brought to
>>camp he and the other inmates were beaten "until they fainted with the
>>baseball bats, simple batons, riffle butt and truncheons..."
>>EVIDENCE: witness 438/94-14
>>3.6.2. Humiliation, Harassment and Intimidation of Serbian Inmates
>>This form of inhuman behavior towards the members of Serbian nationality
>>detained in the prison camps in Brod was also present in the other prison
>>camps in the other places in the area of Bosnian Posavina.
>> A large number of members of Serbian nationality who were
>>in the prison camps in Brod underline that one of the forms of humiliation
>>of Serbs was forcing them, under the most serious threat of death and use
>>force, to perform sodomy among themselves, or the Serbs were forced to do
>>that with the prison camp staff.
>>Thus, the witness - inmate 593/94-33 before the investigating judge states
>>the following:
>>"...In the prison camp in Bosanski Brod, in the suburb of "Tulek", the
>>arrested Serbs were brought from the prison camp in Odzak and were beaten
>>even more fiercely than in Odzak... They were forcing the inmates to suck
>>each other's penis, to hit each other with fists, to eat paper or anything
>>else that was at hand...I was mostly unconscious from the constant beating
>>and torture. I had a lot of my ribs broken and a fracture of the left
>>shoulder bone..."
>>Of course this testimony of the witness shows on yet another example how
>>ruthless was the treatment of Serb inmates and how the force was used
>>against them.
>>The witness 584/9-16, born in 1955, testified in detail before the
>>investigating judge about all the horrors through which he had passed, and
>>inter alia, while testifying about the prison camp of Brod, he underlined
>>the following detail:
>>"...A group of Croat soldiers in the camp in the suburb of "Tulek" was
>>performing sodomy against the arrested male Serbs. This group was headed
>>Oldobasic Dedo from Brod, Damir Cuma from Brod, Dragan Lepan and others.
>>They were forcing us to suck the penises of that group and were
>>to kill us if we refused..."
>>EVIDENCE: 593/94-33 and 584/94-16
>> In the year 1992 in the prison camp of the suburb of "Tulek" in
>>Brod, the Serb inmates were ordered: 1) to sing the Ustashi songs, 2) to
>>read "Our Father...." prayer in the version of the Catholic faith, 3) to
>>kiss the baseball bat with which they were then beaten, 4) to kiss the
>>of the HVO soldiers.
>>Thus, the witness 593/94-13 states before the investigating judge the
>>"...In that camp they were forcing us to read the Catholic prayer "Our
>>Father...", to kiss the feet of the Croat soldiers who were beating us, to
>>kiss the baseball bats on which the letter "U" was written, and then they
>>would hit us with that bat..."
>>The witness 593/94-33 gave the following testimony:
>>"...In the prison camp in Bosanski Brod in the suburb of "Tulek" the
>>arrested Serbs , deported from the camp in Odzak, were beaten even more
>>fiercely than in Odzak. In the rooms in which we were detained Ante
>>Golubovic with a group of Ustashi, who would first of all beat up the half
>>of the group of the arrested Serbs, and the other part of the group would
>>have to lick the blood. They were forcing us to sing the Ustashi songs, to
>>read the prayer "Our Father..." according to the Catholic faith rites, to
>>kiss the picture of Ante Pavelic, and were beating us with the baseball
>>on which the letter "U" was engraved..."
>>EVIDENCE: 593/94-13, 593/94-33
>> In the year 1992 in the prison camp in Brod, further to the other
>>types of torture, the inmates were ordered to eat a nylon stocking, to
>>off all of their clothes all of them and to stand naked for as long as
>>hours. For several months on end they would have no opportunity to have a
>>evidence: 280/95-11
>> The witness 584/94-16, born in 1955, testified before the
>>investigating judge not only about the physical torture to which he was
>>subjected, as it was already stated in this report, but also testified to
>>the incomprehensible humiliation to which he was submitted in the prison
>>camp in Brod.
>>The witness states that Miljak Zdenko from Brod, whom he knew from before
>>and who, like the other staff in the camp, was dressed in the HVO uniform,
>>inter alia, did the following:
>>"...Zdenko Miljak personally urinated into my mouth. The Croat soldier
>>nick name was "Britva" was urinating on the grass and was then forcing me
>>eat this grass..."
>>3.6.3. Killing of the Serb Inmates
>>In the prison camps in Brod certain members of Serbian nationality,
>>to terrible torture, injuring, humiliation, have also lost their lives in
>>those camps.
>> The witness 584/94-12 and 584/94-26 from Brod, testified that in
>>the month of July 1992, while they were in the prison camp in the stadium,
>>lethal injuries were inflicted upon RADOVANOVIC MILAN, KOSTADINOVIC PEJO
>>CEREK SLAVKO from Brod, by origin from Lijesce.
>>The witness 584/94-12 states:
>>"...I wish to underline that the Croat soldiers on July 12, 1992 when the
>>Serbian army took over Odzak, took out five of the detained Serbs, among
>>them were Milan Radovanovic and Pajo Kostadinovic. The entire group was
>>beaten all the night with metal objects and all the five of them succumbed
>>to the injuries. They were beaten by Ante Opacak from Vrela called
>>they were also beaten by Ivica Klajic, a Croat soldier from the village of
>>The witness 584/94-26 stated before the investigating judge:
>>"...When I came to the camp Stadium, from the injuries inflicted by
>>beating Slavko Cerek from Brod died, by birth from Lijesce. During my
>>further stay in that camp also Milan Radovanovic from the village of
>>Zboriste died, and also one young man from Brod died who was previously a
>>bus driver, but I do not know his name..."
>>EVIDENCE: 584/94-12, 584/94-26
>> From the testimony of the witness 584/94-12, born in 1927, it is
>>determined that from the torture inflicted upon him in the prison camp in
>>Brod died KUSLJIC ZDRAVKO from Brodsko Polje - Municipality of Brod.
>>Concretely, the witness 584/94-12 stated before the investigating judge of
>>the Municipal Court of Derventa on November 17, 1994 the following:
>>"...I have personally seen when Ante Stuc castrated Kusljic Zdravko from
>>Brodsko Polje, Municipality of Brod. He died as the consequence of
>>EVIDENCE: 584/94-12
>> PAJIC MIRKO, professor of music from Derventa died from the
>>injuries suffered in the prison camp in Brod, while he was detained in the
>>prison camp in the Secondary School Center "Fric Pavlik" in the month of
>>August 1992.
>>Golubovic Anto, Tolic Josip and Bozic Jurica called "Bajica" organized and
>>took part in the beating of Mirko Pajic. As the witness 280/95-7
>>they took him to the adjacent room "and after some twenty minutes he was
>>brought into the hall all beaten up and after twenty minutes he died".
>>>From the testimonies of several witnesses it is determined beyond any
>>that professor Pajic was killed because he tried to send a piece of paper
>>the International Red Cross delegation about the conditions of life in the
>>camp, that there are also Serbian women in the camp, that they are hidden
>>and that there are other prison camps in Brod.
>>The witness 280/95-68, a Serbian woman, who was raped by Golubovic Anto
>>who later received a letter from him blackmailing her that she must live
>>with him, inter alia, stated the following:
>>"...When I was with him in the apartment of Brekalo Goran, Anto told me
>>he had beaten to death a certain Serb from Derventa, who told members of
>>delegation of the International Red Cross that Croats are hiding the
>>arrested women..."
>>A number of witnesses - Serb inmates testified about the lethal beating to
>>which the professor from Derventa, Pajic Mirko, was subjected in the
>>camp in Brod, located in the Secondary School Center "Fric Pavlik". It is
>>stated here that another two witnesses explained closer why the said Serb
>>was so beaten up that soon after the beating he was dead from the
>>The witnesses 55/95-9 and 55/95-11 stated before the investigating judge
>>that Serb inmates were ordered during the visit of the representatives of
>>the Red Cross and the press to say that they are voluntarily going to dig
>>trenches, that they have good food, and that they do not wish to be
>>exchanged, that they are of their own free will in these prison camps,
>>they are going from the camp to repair the houses in Brod "which were
>>damaged by the Chetniks by their grenades" and similar. During one visit
>>the representatives of the International Red Cross, professor Pajic Mirko
>>simply did not adhere to that order and had sent the piece of paper with
>>message that was not up to the liking of the prison camp command and he
>>immediately beaten up - practically murdered.
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses: 365/94-3, 55/95-2, 55/95-9, 55/95-11, 55/95-16,
>>55/95-28, 55/95-38, 55/95-43, 424/95-1, 424/95-2, 424/95-1, 424/95-10,
>>424/95-11, 424/95-15, 424/95-26, 424/95-34, 191/94-5, 280/95-68,
>>280/95-74, 280/95-75, 584/94-16.
>>Perpetrators of the crimes: GOLUBOVIC ANTO, TOLIC JOSIP and BOZIC JURICA.
>>3.6.4. Rape of Women, Serbian Inmates, in the Prison Camp in Brod
>>Testimonies of many witnesses show that in the prison camps in Brod the
>>of Serbian women inmates was numerous. In this, as it was already stated,
>>the treatment of women was extremely inhuman.
>>Before stating the specific cases of rape of Serbian women - inmates in
>>prison camps of Brod, we shall state an example illustrating that it was
>>sufficient not only for the female inmate to be a Serb so that she would
>>subjected to all kinds of torture and rape, but that it was sufficient for
>>any female that there is any, no matter how unjustified suspicion, that
>>has any connection with Serbs.
>> The witness 584/94-14, a Muslim woman, testified before the
>>investigating judge of the Municipal Court of Derventa on November 16,
>>She stated that in early June 1992 she was arrested and deported to the
>>prison camp in Brod, in the premises of the stadium. She was told that, as
>>she says, she was accused of "having some kind of a connection with the
>>Chetniks from Kobasa Bosanski". The witness denied that she had any
>>connection in the said sense with any Serbs. She was subjected to terrible
>>torture. Various types of torture were applied on her, she was raped, and
>>sodomized and this simultaneously by several men - the prison camp staff.
>>The witness 584/94-14 especially singled out VRBANJAC INDIRA as the
>>commander of the women's camp and the already in this report mentioned
>>Finally, the witness stated a number of details in connection with the
>>torture and rape of women of Serbian nationality, which shall be further
>>discussed in the report.
>> The witness 584/94-33, a Serbian woman, born in 1928, was
>>in the prison camp in Brod at the city stadium, and was interrogated
>>the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of Derventa on November 10,
>>1994, and she described in detail the treatment of the Serb women -
>>the humiliation that they were exposed to and at the same time she
>>the truthfulness of the testimony of the Muslim woman - witness 584/94-14,
>>stated in the preceding paragraph.
>>The witness concretely, inter alia, stated the following:
>>"... In the prison camp located in the stadium premises women were
>>but in other premises also were detained the male inmates. In the room in
>>which I was detained during the night Croat soldiers were coming and were
>>ordering us to take off all of our clothes, and then were raping the
>>women, and us, the older ones, were forcing to suck their penis and were
>>torturing us in different ways. In that room there were two of us, older
>>women, and the others were younger, and they were raped. They were raped
>>the presence of all of us others in the room, and were taking out some
>>outside of the room and were raping them there. These women would tell us,
>>when they returned that even seven Croat soldiers would rape them in a
>>In my presence they raped a muslim woman F. She gave a statement for the
>>"intervju" and her statement is fully correct. I have the copy of that
>>"Intervju" but I would like to keep it for myself, as a document... During
>>my detention at the prison camp in the stadium, the commander of the
>>part of the prison camp was a Croat policewomen Indira Vrbanjac, whom I
>>personally. She was especially beating the arrested Serbian women and was
>>humiliating them in different ways. She was bringing the Croat soldiers
>>were in her presence raping the younger women of Serbian nationality. I
>>seen with my own eyes when they raped K., M, H. and the others..."
>>This witness also stated another detail from the period when she was
>>detained in the said camp. She stated the following:
>>"...Croat soldiers were beating us all the time, they were cursing our
>>Serbian and Chetnik mother, and were threatening to send us "down the Sava
>>river to Belgrade", and similar..."
>>Finally, the witness 584/94-33 stated that during the time she was
>>in the prison camp, for a period of two months, she lost 20 kilograms of
>>body weight because when she was arrested she had 80 kilograms and when
>>was released she had some 60 kilograms.
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses 584/94-33, 584/94-14, 584/94-24, 584/94-31.
>>For these crimes the responsible person is: VRBANJAC INDIRA, commander of
>>the women's part of the prison camp at the City Stadium in Brod, who was
>>ticipating in the raping or was bringing the soldiers in who were in her
>>presence raping, and the responsible are also the other, at present,
>>unidentified perpetrators.
>> The witness 267/94-2 *584/94-32), a Serbian woman, born in 1954,
>>gave two times her testimony in connection with the rape committed on her
>>and on the other Serbian inmates in the prison camp in Brod. She stated
>>in the prison camp in the stadium she was detained from September 11, 1992
>>when she was taken to the prison camp together with her husband.
>>The witness states the following:
>>"...In this room came Drago Cabrajic from Novo Selo. He caught me by the
>>hair and very roughly took me to another room. He started beating me and
>>threatening to slit my throat. He was cursing my Chetnik mother. He asked
>>me: "What relations is priest Djujic to you?". Then he added: "I want to
>>make a small Ustasha". He was the first one, in a series of the Ustashi
>>torturers, who had committed rape against me. After him, another 11 of
>>came into the room. They were raping me all - one by one. They were all i
>>uniforms bearing the insignia of a "chess-board".
>>This pack of beasts in a human form, further to the already mentioned
>>Cabrajic from Bosanski Brod, consisting of the following persons:
>>Ivica Glavic from Sijekovac, Taib Slabic from Bosanski Brod, Ivica
>>called "Cedo" from Novo Selo, Jurkovic called "Mangas" from Bosanski Brod,
>>Kadrija Mlivic from Sijekovac, Drago Lepan from Bosanski Brod, Tadija
>>from Bosanski Brod, Lukica Jozic from Kovac, Adam Antolovic from Bosanski
>>Brod, Blazevic from Sijekovac and a certain "Cicak" from Sijekovac. Every
>>evening they were raping, both myself and the other women detained with
>>I will remember for ever Ivica Glavic from Sijekovac for his murderous way
>>of not being satisfied with only raping me. He would take me to Luscani,
>>the front combat fire lines where I was raped by the soldiers. They would
>>come out of the trenches - like ghosts, and one by one they would rape
>>me...From this incessant violence I was fainting and did not know how long
>>they were torturing me or how many they were... Further to the rape and
>>other physical torture, I was also forced to endure various psychological
>>torture and humiliation. For example, they were forcing me to watch my
>>husband being tortured. They were humiliating both him and me by their
>>statements that they were raping me. In this, special pleasure was enjoyed
>>by Ivica Glavic. His cynical words are deeply inserted in my memory, the
>>words he spoke to my husband in my presence: "My grand-father was a
>>and I am even a greater one than he. Here is your wife - have a good look
>>her. We have all fucked her, she is now like a cow"..."
>>The witness before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of
>>Derventa on November 10, 1994 stated the following:
>>"...My husband Z. passed through all the prison camps in Croatia and in
>>he had spent 11 months. He was all broken up and is now living somewhere
>>Novi Sad, but I do not know his address..."
>>It is not difficult to assume what tragic consequences occurred in those
>>women who suffered all these terrors and in their marriages and in the
>>of their families.
>>The witness 267/94-2 testified about the anguish of other women - of
>>nationality in the said prison camp.
>>Finally, the witness spoke also of Vrbanjac Indira.
>>"...During my detention in the prison camp at the stadium in Brod, Indira
>>Vrbanjac was coming and she was in the Croat police and was interrogating
>>and beating the women..."
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses 584/94-32 and 267/94-2, 584/94-31

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