-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: John Catalinotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 6:33 AM
Subject: Re: Sep. 27,28 worldwide/ANSWER to Bush/Unity statement/

> We have heard directly from people planning demonstrations
> on Sept. 25-
> 28 in Canada, the U.S., Poland, Britain, Turkey, Greece,
> Finland,
> Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Japan, Spain, and
> indirectly of
> protests in Italy, Palestine, India. There are undoubtedly
> other
> protests planned. In the U.S., Canada, Norway, Belgium,
> Japan there are Oct. 25 actions planned. I also include an
> ANSWER statement on Bush's speech and a unity statement of
> ANSWER & UFPJ for the Oct. 25 protest.--John Catalinotto
> In Warsaw, Poland, there is going to be a national
> demonstration on
> Sept. 27 - against the occupation of Iraq and for the
> withdrawal of
> Polish troops. Poland is governing one of the occupations
> zones in Iraq
> and has sent around 2,500 troops. We are building for a
> big
> demonstration to show that people in Poland don't agree
> with the
> government's striving to be Bush's best friend and to
> become a colonial
> "master." Demonstrators will walk to the President's
> Palac, the American
> Embassy and the Premier's office.
> Hoping for a successful day of protest on Sept. 27 Ela
> Inicjatywa Stop
> wojnie, Poland
> In Turkey there is going to be an important
> anti-occupation anti-
> collaboration demonstration in Ankara on Sept. 27. You can
> imagine its
> importance with all the discussion going on about Turkey
> sending troops
> to Iraq. In fact, I wish some of you could come there in
> solidarity.
> Ayse
> Stop the War coalition with Trade Unions will organize a
> national
> demonstration in Athens on Sept. 27 with slogans, "End
> occupation in
> Iraq now-Free Palestine!" The demonstration will go to
> UK,U.S. and
> Israeli embassies. Petros Constantinou
> FINLAND Anti-war demonstration in Helsinki, Finland, on
> Sept. 27. Juhani
> On September 27 in Berlin, Germany, at 14 h we start with
> an action
> between the U.S. and UK embassy, where we mark the trace
> of blood with
> red hands. Then we will march through the city to
> "Leipziger Platz"
> where we tear down a symbolic wall between Israel and
> Palestine and
> plant olive trees. The final act will be at Potsdamer
> Platz where we
> have international speakers from Iraq, Palestine, USA and
> Israel and
> Germany. Organized by Aktionsbündnis 27.09. Peter
> A concert will take place in Paris collecting funds for
> medical care in
> Palestine. JS
> We are planning a demonstration in Brussels on Sept.27
> followed by a
> meeting. It will be a common organization of all the
> anti-war forces.
> STOP USA has negociated a platform against the occupation
> of Irak and
> for solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. Jo Cottenier
> (PTB)
> Here in Norway there will be a rally in Oslo sept 27th
> (plus some
> smaller activities some other places) concentrated on
> Palestine. The
> main initiative comes from the Palestine solidarity
> committees here, in
> cooperation with the main Trade Union Association of Oslo
> and The
> Peoples Aid (One of the four major humanitarian
> associations in Norway,
> supported by the trade unions), and, of course, the
> Anti-war Nettwork.
> In the appeals Iraq, of course, also will be mentioned,
> and mobilizing
> for the Oct 25 manifestation on Iraq, with the main issue
> to bring back
> the 150 Norwegian soldiers. Arnljot A.
> as you probably know, we are holding a national demo here
> in London on
> September 27. The slogan is: 'No more lies, no more war,
> end the
> occupation of Iraq, freedom for Palestine' In the context
> of a
> completley discredited war government we are expecting a
> very big
> turnout. Chris Nineham StWC Britain
> On Sept. 27 "Stop War World Action" will hold a rally and
> wage
> demonstration in Shibuya in Tokyo. Anti-War Joint Ation
> Committee,
> Secretary Kikuchi Takao
> In Madrid at 7 p.m. on Sept. 27, with the slogans "End the
> occupation of
> Iraq, withdraw the Spanish troops, for the national rights
> of the
> Palestinian people." CSCA web site
> United States: San Diego, Sept. 27, Seattle, San
> FRancisco, Los Angeles,
> Boston, New York, Sept. 28, Alexandria, VA., Sept. 25.
> Other cities (see
> www.internationalanswer.org)
> Canada -- Vancouver, others.
> Also, In Palestine and Israel AIC and other organizations
> (including
> surely the ISM) prepare mobilisations. There may be a
> demonstration in
> Barcelona. There are undoubtedly other demonstrations that
> we have not
> heard from yet.
> --------------------------A.N.S.W.E.R. COALITION RESPONDS
> President Bush's illegal war and occupation of Iraq has
> left the
> Administration in a position of extreme political
> vulnerability. He now
> wants the United Nations and U.S. taxpayers to bail him
> out. Having
> defied U.S. and world public opinion - which preemptively
> opposed his
> planned, illegal invasion of Iraq - the Bush
> administration wants to
> internationalize responsibility for the U.S. quagmire in
> Iraq. With U.S.
> casualties mounting daily he wants the soldiers of other
> countries to do
> more of the dying to take the heat off himself at home.
> And in the name
> of fighting international terrorism he wants the already
> suffering
> working class, poor and middle class communities to foot
> the bill to the
> tune of another $87 billion (triple what they had
> projected). Having had
> his public rationale(s) for the war exposed in recent
> weeks as a
> complete fraud, Bush shamelessly reverts to the
> time-tested tactic of
> trying to scare the hell out of people.
> President Bush's conduct on Iraq - before, during and now
> after the Iraq
> war - has made the old cliché about truth being the "first
> casualty in
> war" to be a grand understatement. Everything about this
> "pre-emptive
> war" is premised on deceit. Even in the realm of ever
> duplicitous "world
> politics," the Administration's pattern of cynical
> deception was and
> remains breathtaking. Tonight's nationally televised
> address conforms to
> this pattern of endless deceit.
> 1) Bush lied before the war. Iraq never posed a grave and
> imminent
> danger to the United States. Iraq had nothing to do with
> September 11th.
> Iraq never possessed nuclear weapons. Iraq was not rapidly
> trying to
> develop weapons of mass destruction. This was a war of
> aggression
> against the second-largest oil producer on the planet that
> had been
> weakened by a decade of economic sanctions and political
> isolation.
> 2) Bush lied during the war. This was not liberation. The
> Iraqi people
> did not welcome the U.S. armed forces as liberators but as
> occupiers.
> Their lives did not become better. On the contrary, this
> culturally rich
> society has been torn apart, deprived of necessary
> services to sustain
> civilian society and on the brink of internal collapse.
> 3) Bush is lying now. Iraq is not the battlefield between
> "international
> terrorism" and the forces of so-called "freedom" and
> "civilization." The
> growing resistance to U.S. occupation is the consequence
> of an angry and
> proud people in Iraq who insist on reclaiming their own
> sovereignty.
> Having killed tens of thousands of Iraqis in an illegal
> invasion - and a
> growing number of dead and maimed U.S. soldiers - the Bush
> team wants
> U.S. taxpayers to spend at least another $87 billion on
> the occupation
> of Iraq. The vast majority sentiment in Iraq wants the
> U.S. soldiers to
> leave and the U.S. GIs want to go home. The Iraqi people's
> call to end
> the occupation is not a call for even more foreign nations
> to occupy it
> and to take a share in the looting of Iraq's natural
> resources. The
> truth is that the invasion and occupation of Iraq is
> viewed by the
> people of the Middle East as an act of "international
> terrorism" and as
> such it can only lead to a dangerous escalation in the
> cycle of
> violence.
> Why did Bush address the nation tonight? He, like Nixon a
> generation
> ago, fears that the people of the United States are
> turning against this
> criminal war. During his administration, Bush has only
> rarely felt that
> he must address the people, and does so when he fears that
> a sentiment
> is growing strong enough to challenge his illegal actions.
> He must then
> lie more to convince the people of the U.S. to support his
> criminal
> endeavors, or at least acquiesce in them. His shameful
> "top gun" act
> aboard the aircraft carrier the U.S.S. Lincoln, in front
> of a "Mission
> Accomplished" banner, was an effort to tell people in the
> United States
> and around the world that the war was over and that no
> more critical
> attention need be focused on Iraq. Tonight, with that lie
> laid bare, he
> is seeking to go a new route, to convince people that far
> from being
> over, the war is a high stakes game to save "civilization"
> and "freedom"
> and that it requires endless sacrifice in human life and
> vitally needed
> resources.
> The A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition calls on people in the United
> States to join
> together for a massive demonstration in Washington DC on
> October 25th to
> demand "Bring the Troops Home Now, End the Occupation of
> Iraq." Tens of
> thousands will be in the streets that day as the antiwar
> movement picks
> up new momentum. For information about transportation to
> Washington DC
> or to get literature go to
> http://www.internationalanswer.org
> ---------------------OCTOBER 25th: March for an end to the
> occupation of
> Iraq!
> Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (A.N.S.W.E.R.) and United
> for Peace and
> Justice (UFPJ), are joining forces to call on all those
> who oppose the
> war, invasion and occupation of Iraq, to unite on
> Saturday, October 25
> in Washington, D.C., for a truly massive outpouring
> reflecting the
> growing popular opposition to the Bush Administration's
> foreign and
> domestic program. It was the peace and antiwar movement in
> the 1960's
> and 70's that proved to be one of the decisive factors
> ending the US war
> in Vietnam. The October 25th demonstration will be a
> powerful
> repudiation by the people of the United States of Bush's
> criminal war
> and occupation of Iraq and will be a signal of the new
> antiwar
> movement's potent political force countering the Bush
> Administration.
> UFPJ and A.N.S.W.E.R. have both organized antiwar
> demonstrations
> numbering in the hundreds of thousands in the last year
> and have now
> agreed to join forces for the purpose of organizing the
> October 25
> National March on Washington, D.C. under the banner: End
> the Occupation
> of Iraq, Bring the Troops Home Now! The protest will also
> condemn the
> vast cuts in vital domestic social and economic programs
> and demand:
> Money for jobs, education & healthcare, not war and
> occupation. As the
> October 25-26 weekend is also the second anniversary of
> the passage of
> the so-called Patriot Act, authorizing political arrests,
> indefinite
> detentions, domestic spying, and religious and racial
> profiling, the
> demonstration will also be a call to Fight Back Against
> the Patriot Act.
> By working together we are optimistic that this
> mobilization will be an
> expression of the wide-spread opposition to the ongoing
> occupation of
> Iraq. We urge you to do everything possible to help bring
> massive
> numbers of people to Washington, D.C. on October 25th!
> Statement Issued by A.N.S.W.E.R. and UFPJ, 9/5/03.
> For more information: http://www.internationalanswer.org
> http://www.unitedforpeace.org

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