-Caveat Lector-

--------- Forwarded message ----------
>Here is the latest shocking letter I have received. The Seattle police
>actions against law-abiding citizens looks to me like something that
>not be allowed to just fade away. What I am receiving sounds like
>more than
>just the actions of an incompetent mayor and a rambo police chief.
>let me know if I am overreacting.

>Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 11:59:08 -0700
>From: Jim and Jenni Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>We just received this forwarded post (originated in US) from a friend in
>Australia.  It's the worst we have heard yet! Jim and Jenni Muir

> *** Begin of forwarded message ***
> >>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >>>Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:59:37 EST
> >>>From: Free Student Press Project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >><snip>
> >>>Subject: More from Seattle -- 12/3/99
> >>>
> >>>The following is written by me, Damon Krane, a 20 year-old college
> student
> >>>who rode a bus two and a half days from Pittsburgh, PA to join the
> protests
> >>>against anti-democratic corporate domination and the exploitation of
> human
> >>>and animal life and the natuaral resources of this planet for the
> of
> >>>profit, as represented by the WTO, which seeks to worsen the
> and
> >>>take decision further and further away from the people whose lives
> >>>affected by them.  The oligopolistic interests of corporate
> >>>fought back, the Constitution was suspended, and seattle became a
> police
> >>>state.  But yesterday we prevailed, winning several important
> victories
> and
> >>>raising public awareness.
> >>>
> >>>Permission is given to reprint this piece or excerpts from it to all
> who
> >>>recieve this message.  Please forward it to others.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Much more has happened since I wrote Tuesday's story.  Wednesday
> my
> >>>friend and I were hit with a concusion grenade and a tear gas
> cannister
> >>>fired from an armored personnel carrier.  We were in our house on
> 10th.
> Ave.
> >>>on Capitol Hill when we heard teargas being shot off outside.
> Hill
> >>>is a residential area and the part we are in is blocks and blocks
> from
> >>>the curfew zone where martial law had been established, yet police
> were
> >>>pursuing protesters and gassing bystanders.  We rushed outside, and
> standing
> >>>in the front yard we saw the armored vehicle traveling down the
> >>>toward us.  My friend was outraged.  This was his house, his
> neighborhood.
> >>>People were allowed to be outside their houses and on the streets.
> But
> when
> >>>we didn't run back inside and showed our objection to the police's
> tactics
> >>>(I raised both middle fingers and my friend shouted "Go Home!  We
> don't
> want
> >>>you here!"), an officer in full riot gear and gas mask raised his
> gas-gun
> >>>and aimed it directly at us.  As he was doing that, another officer
> fired
> a
> >>>concussion grenade at us.  It exploded and a few of the rubber
> hit
> >>>me in the arm.  As we turned to run back inside, the first officer
> fired
> the
> >>>tear gas cannister.  It hit the house inches from a window and just
> close
> >>>to our heads.  It exploded in a bright flash and began spewing gas
> we
> ran
> >>>to the door.  We got inside, yelling and grasping our friends.  We
> realized
> >>>we were right in front of a window that faced out onto the street.
> >>>turned to see the armored vehicle passing as the officers aimed
> >>>weapons in at us.  I yelled, "Get down!!" and everyone dropped to
> floor.
> >>>  As the vehicle passed we began stuffing clothes underneath the
> to
> >>>keep out as much of the tear gas as we could.
> >>>      Their was no crowd to disperse in that instance; no unruly mob
> >>>threatening to destroy property.  My friend and I were standing in
> front
> of
> >>>his house, and after identifying ourselves as protesters (this time
> a
> >>>police state and not the WTO) the police attacked us.  They attacked
> many
> >>>other Capitol Hill residents that evening, gassing, beating and
> >>>pepper-spraying them.  We watched on the news as one resident
> approached
> >>>police yelling, "There are no protesters here.  We're all residents!
> What
> >>>are you doing here!?"  Three officers then sprayed the man
> simultaneously
> >>>with pepper spray.  We watched a woman be tackled and held to the
> pavement
> >>>as one officer hit her repeatedly in the head with a club and
> >>>sprayed her face.  The scenes we witnessed were worse than any
> I've
> >>>seen of police brutality during the Civil Rights Movement of the
> 1960's.
> It
> >>>became very clear that the police posed an incredible threat to the
> safety
> >>>of the people of Seattle that night.  As paranoid as this may sound,
> we
> >>>devised an escape plan if police raided our house.  But with that
> vision
> of
> >>>a man in uniform raising a gun and firing it at my head -an image I
> don't
> >>>think I'll ever forget- it seemed better to be safe than sorry.
> >>>      Another friend said that evening that we weren't unique in our
> >>>situation, and she wasn't just talking about Seattle.  Throughout
> >>>history of this country similar violence has been aimed at people
> struggling
> >>>for social justice.  Right now all across the world it is aimed at
> such
> >>>people.  Similar violence has been -and is- aimed at
> in
> >>>this country for simply being African-Americans.  "There's plenty of
> people
> >>>that this system thinks are worth less than shit," she said.  "We
> aren't
> >>>unique."  For privileged white kids like us, though, this was a very
> new
> >>>experience.  But for one night we new what it was like to live in a
> >>>totalitarian police state.  We knew what it was like to be a
> Salvadoran
> >>>peasant; an indegenious farmer in Chiapas, Mexico; a native advocate
> of
> >>>Timorese or Tibetan independence; a student struggling for democracy
> in
> >>>Burma; an black man in America; a Native American in America; a Jew
> Nazi
> >>>Germany.
> >>>     Tuesday and Wednesday the police were targeting anyone with a
> medic's
> >>>armband who was trying to help give first aid to the injured
> protesters,
> by
> >>>singling them out for pepper spray and beatings.  They soon learned
> hide
> >>>their armbands.  It's hard to imagine that it was a coincidence that
> the
> >>>residents of Capitol Hill were terrorized by police, for it was the
> >>>residents of Capitol Hill who had been most sympathetic to
> >>>protesters, providing them with places to stay.  Anyone offering
> support
> or
> >>>protection to the portesters was targetted by police and the city
> it
> >>>illegal to buy, sell, or carry gas masks.
> >>>     The same officer who I had pleasantly spoken to earlier that
> whose
> >>>hand I had shook, could have been the same officer who had fired
> tear
> >>>gas cannister at my head; the officer who had clubbed me the day
> before;
> or
> >>>the one who pulled my hand away to spray me in the eyes with pepper
> spray.
> >>>The worst attorcities this world has ever seen have not been
> by
> >>>deranged psychopaths or the "criminally insane."  They have been
> committed
> >>>by ordinary people, no different from you and me, who have been
> trained
> to
> >>>blindly follow orders: soldiers, police officers.  And now my
> and
> I
> >>>were the targets of these people as was anyone who did not flee
> anyone
> >>>who did not readily submit to their tyranny.  And, by virtue of
> >>>uniform, these people had become our enemies and the greatest threat
> to
> the
> >>>people of Seattle.
> >>>     That night the national press coverage started to reveal some
> the
> >>>real story in Seattle and public pressure came down on Seattle; the
> >>>filed suit against the city for it's disregard for the Constitution;
> and,
> >>>though it was still prefaced with the outright lie that the attacks
> >>>police were justifiably provoked by protesters, one local station
> began
> >>>airing the notion that "police may have gone too far" between clips
> >>>unarmed bystanders being brutally beaten.  I'm assuming that it was
> all
> of
> >>>this public pressure that finally restrained the police and their
> superiors.
> >>>  No pepper spray, clubs, tear gas, concussion grenades, or rubber
> bullets
> >>>were used during a fulll day of protests, rallies and marches
> Thursday.
> And
> >>>to the surprise of none of the protesters, there was NO VIOLENCE and
> NO
> >>>      Last night, residents of Capitol Hill organized a march
> police
> >>>brutality and joined WTO protesters  One local station finally let
> >>>residents --many of them visibly bruised and battered-- tell their
> stories.
> >>>An emergency city council meeting was held yesterday, and many
> are
> >>>calling for the resignation of the mayor and police chief.  I think
> that's a
> >>>good place to start.
> >>>     After not being turned back by two solid days of the police in
> full
> >>>riot gear, their gas, bullets, clubs, and the National Guard, we
> protesters
> >>>won a huge victory yesterday.  In defiance of the No-Constitution,
> >>>No-Democracy zone, we marched into the city's downtown streets and
> >>>congregated in Victor Steinburg (sp?) park.  With the Puget Sound
> behind
> us
> >>>and a beautiful blue sky overhead for the first time in three days
> rain,
> >>>the sun shined down on a rally of several thousand people.  Ralph
> Nader,
> >>>Vandana Shiva, Jim Hightower, and many, many others addressed the
> crowd.
> >>>Labor Unionists and small farmers spoke from the same stage as a
> from
> >>>Eath First! and other envornmentalists.  They cheered for one
> >>>Small family farmers -not just from the US but from France, Brazil,
> the
> >>>Philipines, Korea, and Brazil- spoke out in solidarity against the
> World
> >>>Trade Organization.  A man from Green Peace anounced that they had
> succeded
> >>>in blocking a ship full of genetically engineered, WTO endorsed
> >>>"Franken-food" from Entering France.  We heard of an all-day
> demonstration
> >>>being held in the Neatherlands, and of anti-WTO demonstrators
> surrounding
> >>>the embassy of the counrty most directly responsible for exploiting
> their
> >>>people and resources -- the United States.  From there, we split up
> and
> >>>marched to various the headquarters of various corporate criminals
> like
> the
> >>>Cargill Corporation and others.  After demonstrations where held in
> those
> >>>places, we coverged on the King County Jail and staged a sit-in in
> response
> >>>to the 587 protesters who had been illegally arrested and had been
> illegally
> >>>detained for over 36 hours without being charged for anything or
> >>>permitted access to phones or lawyers.
> >>>     We demonstrated there for several hours and local businesses
> delivered
> >>>pizza, bread, and sandwiches in support of us.  After nightfall,
> lawyers
> >>>from the Direct Action Network's legal team addressed the crowd.
> city
> >>>had been forced to enter into negotiations with them and had ageed
> let
> >>>them meet with the prisoners for the first time on the condition
> we
> >>>would leave the jail.  If an acceptable agreement is not reached,
> we'll
> be
> >>>back at the jail today.
> >>>     Once the lawyers waved to us from inside the we left
> and
> >>>marched out of downtown, this time with a police escort, as
> >>>cheered, waved from bus windows and honked car horns in support.  On
> the
> >>>windows of one local business was a sign reading: "Closed in support
> of
> >>>protesters."  As we marched through the streets we chanted "This is
> what
> >>>democracy looks like!" and "The people united will never be
> and
> >>>"This is only the beginning!"
> >>>      Some of us were veteran activists accustomed to pepper spray,
> some
> >>>were young newcomers like me who had never been sprayed or suffered
> blow
> >>>from a police officer's club before this week, but we all refused to
> be
> >>>silenced, and yesterday we prevailed.  The past few days have
> the
> >>>worst experiences of my life, but yesterday may have been the best.
> To
> be
> >>>part of a movement made up of people of conscience from across the
> >>>spectrum, the country, and the world; to be part of that movement's
> >>>successes from shutting down the first day of secret WTO meetings,
> >>>getting lawyers to our friends, to overcoming police violence and
> biased
> >>>media coverage; to be inseperable attached to the struggles of the
> past,
> the
> >>>struggles of the world, and the struggle for a just future, is a
> feeling
> of
> >>>community and solidarity and empowerment that I don't even have the
> words
> to
> >>>describe.  This country is long overdue for a political awakening
> this
> >>>is only the beginning.
> >>>
> >>>-Damon Krane
> >>>Seattle: 12/3/99


If we were directed from Washington when to sow and when to
reap, we would soon want for bread. - Thomas Jefferson

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