-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.activism
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 8:05 PM
Subject: Sidney Blumenthal To Betray Clinton?


(CNNS, 01/27/99) --  During  the  Watergate  investigation in the
early 1970s, White House aide John Dean played  a  pivotal  role.
Dean's  testimony  regarding  his  boss,  then-President  Richard
Nixon, was explosive and propelled Nixon from office, in 1974.

John Dean fingered Richard Nixon.  Sources in Washington, DC have
informed  Sherman  H.  Skolnick,  chairman of the public interest
research  group,  Citizens'  Committee  to  Clean  Up  the Courts
(CCCUC), that Sidney Blumenthal, aide to President Bill  Clinton,
is  likely  to  play  a  John Dean-like role when he is called to
testify at Clinton's impeachment trial.

Motivation for Blumenthal's possible  betrayal is unclear at this
point.  He may just be fed up with how his boss, Bill Clinton, is
operating.   Or  perhaps,  in  the  welter   of   blackmail   and
counter-blackmail  infesting  the  U.S.  capital,  Blumenthal has
himself come under irresistable pressure.

One of  Skolnick's  sources  is  adamant:   "Sidney Blumenthal is
going to WRECK Bill Clinton."

The dirt which  Blumenthal  reportedly  wields,  like  a sword of
Damocles, over Clinton's head, may pertain to specific details on
job  offers  made  to  Monica Lewinsky, the *femme fatale* of the
Clinton presidency.

A week before the death of White  House  deputy  counsel  Vincent
Foster,  in July, 1993, a meeting of top-level politicos was held
at the Cardozo (Landau) estate, on the eastern shore of Maryland.
Blumenthal, says Skolnick,  is  tight  with  that clique of elite
planners.   Blumenthal  is also, reportedly, in some way involved
with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, according to Skolnick.

Blumenthal, formerly from the north side of Chicago, later became
a  journalist,  based in New York City.  From there he was tapped
as a high-level aide and advisor to President Bill Clinton.

+  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

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Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
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Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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