-Caveat Lector-

Is there  a Media War coming against the Goddess Culture?

    by Ed Hubbard
    September 18, 2000
    URL: http://www.themestream.com/articles/180575.html

    by Rev. Ed Hubbard

Today the Goddess Culture is a growing, even thriving society within our Global 
Civilization.  In the United
States, We see various Groups seeking to provide service to the Goddess-Based Culture, 
others providing
networking tools, yet others supply goods, while others yet seek to exploit it for 
commercial reasons.
Hollywood adores the idea of a Goddess Culture and mainstream media has a 
love-hate-confusing relationship
with the various communities.  All of this points to signs of growth and changing 
ideas all around us, that
have given the community space to mature.

When I speak of the Goddess Culture, I speak of individuals, singly and collectively, 
which hold that life is
in itself, divine and hold at least some ideas of feminine forms of Deity, as well as 
male deity forms.  Often
they see the Living Earth as mother, and symbolically Our Divine Mother, provider of 
life.  This community has
labels that include Pagans, Wiccan, Isians and Ecospiritualists but may also include 
Gaiaist Scientists,
Environmentalists, and even Evolutionists.  This is by no means an inclusive list, 
just a sampling of
individuals who share some belief in Divine life.

We have seen the Goddess Culture grow in the United States, Europe, Australia, South 
America, Parts of Asia,
and now deeply in South Africa.  Everywhere we turn see communities awakening and 
networking at incredible
speeds. This has been a turning point for a faith that is most ancient and newly born 
for this age.

But we are seeing a conflict emerge between those who hold stricter Christian Beliefs 
and the newly emerging
Goddess Culture.  I am defining stricter Christian Groups as ones who believe in 
separation from nonbelievers
and obedience to God, Church, and State, usually in that order.  That theirs is the 
only proper way of life
and that Laws based on religious beliefs should be placed on all members of society.  
Of Course, not just the
Goddess Community, but any community which does not share Similar Christian Values as 
community standards and
recognize the appropriate power structure will come under attack.  The Goddess Culture 
is becoming a much more
frequent target by these forces.

The question is why the Goddess Community (Mostly Pagan/Wiccan components) come under 
attack and why this is
just the beginning of a first volleys in a larger Media War?  The Strict Christian 
Community depends upon a
structure of Churches, Sunday Schools, Mass or Services, Schools, and Family 
Participation as the process to
control and even grow their congregations.  This structure provides stability and 
security for all parties
involved.  They are secure of the rules of society and their place within that 
community.  Yet by having just
such an alliance, it then becomes an easier task to elect individuals to government 
office that share this
belief and support the continued advancement of the this structure.  This allows the 
Church, and their
leadership to carry out a crucial function, Control of Knowledge.

Control Of Knowledge is the primary mechanism of perpetuation of the Strict Christian 
Community.  Schools,
Government Officials, Churches, Families, even Law Enforcement require uniform 
standards of behavior according
to this system.  Lastly, combined with control of Media and sources of news truly 
controls the education and
knowledge base, and in turn controls the behavior of the group with powerful means of 
forcing those who
disagree into submission or isolation.

What does this have to do with the Growing Goddess Culture?  It is a diverse community 
utilizing long-range
forms of communication.  We exist strongly in many places, we are active, and we are 
dedicated.  In the older
structure of State Christianity, we would have been left isolated in our local 
communities.  But we believe in
unity and fellowship beyond the local community and share across nations.  And we 

Today's world is becoming hyperactive, accelerated, and wired for the concept of open 
Regularly beyond any one government's or societies control humanity is communicating.  
Open communications
threatens isolated communities, as new information enters.

Individuals, singly and in mass, are gaining access to their own knowledge, be it for 
entertainment or serious
inquiry.  Isolated and powerless, together across vast distance we work together 
almost in telepathic fashion.
This changes societies and old power structures break down, and in the end wars may 
emerge.  Conflict at the
very least as old beliefs are tested.

When control is lost, one must surrender or conduct a war, even if only a war of 
words.  War in the Media is
the most acceptable form of violence available to those who insist on control today.  
We have begun to see the
strategy played out.  Even a presidential Candidate and Governor of Texas has stated 
his opposition against
Wicca in the military.  We see the ability and timing of a conflict that could emerge 
beneath a presidential
election.  Already in South Africa, we see violence and accusations now on a weekly 
basis in Johannesburg and
ABC News.  As we turn we receive praise and scorn by the very same media.

Media Wars give power and substance to rumor, guilt is assumed, innocence is quickly 
lost.  Powerful
jealousies build and ideals can be squashed.  In the end isolation, despair, tragedy 
and even death follow the
those who fall victim in such conflicts.  The Goddess Community has highly 
identifiable traits that will
create a strong fodder in any conflict and enough people who will engage in it because 
we may not have a

My Question to you is the Goddess Community seeing the first conflicts in a Media War?

 Copyright Ed Hubbard

About this author:

Media Consumer, Ed is an activist with the Pagan and Wiccan  Communities, as well as 
communicator through
Telepathic Media.  Ed is also the Editor/Publisher of Daily Goddess News along with 
his partner and beloved
Joy Fry.

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