-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----

The Body Snatchers
by Russell Madden


The Texas legislature has apparently come up with a new twist on a
very old practice. In a story reported by CBS news, the wise and
compassionate lawmakers of the Lone Star state are in the process of
emulating their more enlightened European brethren. What they hope to
do is to alter Texas law so that your body and its contents will be put to
good use when you die.

The goal is to create a condition called "presumed consent," sort of like
your book club sending you their latest selections unless you expressly
tell them not to. In this case, your organs will be harvested for
distribution to various sick folks upon your demise unless you
affirmatively deny that such is your desire. Such "opting out" works
wonders in Europe for increasing the supply of organs available for
transplantation. And we all know what a fountainhead for freedom our
European cousins are... With over 70,000 Americans waiting
desperately to receive acceptable replacement parts for failing organs,
there is obviously a need to increase the supply of substitute organs.

Unfortunately for these patients, not enough of their fellow citizens are
signing their donor cards. Ingenious souls that they are, the Texans
pushing this plan know that many of these ill folks could benefit from the
deaths of others. If those who die are so uncaring that they do not
voluntarily offer to surrender their bodies to the State, well, then... In the
old days in Europe, of course, researchers delving into the mysteries of
the human body paid various unsavory characters to visit cemeteries
and remove the corpses of the recently departed. They, too, did not
bother with such messy niceties as gaining consent from the dead
person's relatives. After all, they might say no. What would happen to
medical progress if these inquisitive scientists let grieving kinfolk deprive
them of the bodies they needed to continue their studies? The dead no
longer had use for their flesh and bones. The survivors would be none
the wiser, either, if the snatch was made under the cover of darkness.

Sadly, despite their noble intent, grave robbers received neither the
gratitude nor the blessings of those who did discover what happened to
their loved ones.

All Not Forbidden Is Permitted

One can only marvel at the amazing progress the centuries have
bestowed upon us. Modern day body snatchers need no longer scurry
about in the dark of night nor fear a ready noose for their temerity. No,
nowadays the grave robbing is to be sanctioned by the power and glory
of the State.

Imagine if those skulking figures of old had stood boldly and offered in
their defense that, well, no one said we couldn't dig up the corpse and
slice it open. Why, maybe the Texas authorities have come up with a
novel principle for guiding social interactions perfect for the era in which
we labor! As long as someone doesn't explicitly say you cannot do
something, then the sky's the limit. Carte blanche. Conjure the
possibilities... Your neighbor walks unbidden into your house. He takes
food out of your refrigerator and munches on a hot wing while rifling
through your wallet.

Shoving a few twenties into his pocket, he reaches over and kisses your
wife. Then nonchalantly, he strolls over, punches you in the mouth, lifts
up your new DVD player, picks your pocket for your car keys, then
drives away in your new SUV. Who's to stop or criticize him? After all,
you did not explicitly tell him not to do any of those particular acts.
Where's the notice on the door? And if you do place a long list of
forbidden behaviors there, why, I'm sure your neighbor's a creative lad. I
have no doubt whatsoever that he can think of a myriad of things he can
do that you cannot possibly foresee and explicitly forbid. Robbery, rape,
murder, fraud... Gosh. The opportunities for getting what you need are
mind-boggling. (Why stop at "needs," though? In today's subjectivist
culture, wants and desires are magically transformed into "needs"
simply because you say so. Plus, "needs" trump any objections. Don't
they?) We Take Your Money, Why Not Your Body? On second thought,
maybe this principle of "presumed consent" is not so novel in the annals
of the State, after all. Currently when you die, if you were too frugal, too
successful, too prudent in your life, and you amassed too much money,
the State has no compunction stepping in and seizing over half the
wealth you accumulated.

Who cares that such property represents years of your life and the
creative energy of your mind? You lived in this society and therefore you
gave "presumed consent" to whatever laws the majority deemed proper.
Estate taxes are a mere drop in the bucket, though. Income taxes,
social security taxes, Medicare taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes, sin
taxes, property taxes, and on and on are taken from you whether you
want to surrender them or not.

With those and other types of what might be called "life robbery" or "life
snatching," you don't even have a chance to opt out of the system.
Those caring folks in Texas are at least considering that small sop to
your sensibilities. Then there is the draft. While we no longer have active
"selective service" (don't you just love government euphemisms for
slavery?), all men have to register when they turn eighteen or risk being
denied any shot at government-funded student loans or government
jobs. (The horror!) As Ayn Rand said, "Of all the statist violations of
individual rights in a mixed economy, the military draft is the worst.... It
negates man's fundamental right -- the right to life -- and establishes the
fundamental principle of statism: that a man's life belongs to the state,
and the state may claim it by compelling him to sacrifice it in battle.
Once that principle is accepted, the rest is only a matter of time. "...if
his consent is not required to send him into unspeakable martyrdom -
then, in principle, all rights are negated in that state, and its government
is not man's protector any longer. What else is there left to protect?"
("The Wreckage of the Consensus," in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal,
p. 226 - 227, emphasis in original.) What else, indeed?

Your Organs, Dead or Alive

If the State can send your living self into some hellhole to die a mangled
and miserable death for a bitter people who neither like you nor want
you there, what barrier is there to prevent it from claiming your organs
from your lifeless self? To statists and collectivists, you are nothing
more than a "resource" to be exploited as the majority judges best. You
are to be figuratively and literally "harvested" - alive or dead - like some
crop of wheat or corn or rice with no more regard for your rights, your
values, or your choices than those amber fields of grain. No inkling
crosses the benighted consciousnesses of these obscene rulers that
another path exists for solving the very real problem of transplant
shortages. Most of us would like to see an increase in the numbers of
organs available for dying patients. But, no, these bearers of an ancient
banner helped create the shortage by outlawing the sale of body parts,
by denying you ownership of your body whether you are alive or dead.
They then take an unfortunate situation that they have exacerbated by
their ill-considered prohibitions then look to even more violations of your
rights to "solve" it. Recognize our right to a free market in organs and
the politicos benefit not only patients but the survivors of those who die.
As Walter Williams has pointed out, if people knew they could sell parts
of their bodies upon death and help ease the financial burdens of their
spouses and children, they would be more likely to take better care of
their bodies. Your organs could become part of your estate - a valuable
resource that you control - rather than merely a corpse to be burned or
eaten by worms.

How Much Is That Kidney in the Window?

But, no. Rather than appeal to freedom and what is right, the Texas
lawmakers want to institute some twisted new version of estate taxes.
Unfortunately, if we consider Rand's quote regarding the draft, we may
soon be seeing such proposals in more states or even nationally.
"Informed consent" already operates in fewer and fewer areas of
life. Adults meekly accept more and more mandates from the State.
Children are raised in state-run educational institutions that teach
mindless obedience and acceptance of arbitrary and irrational rules;
mini-police states that inculcate State-worship and that destroy
independent thoughts and spirits. Maureen Sweeny of Baylor Medical
Center's Division of Organ Transplants favors "presumed consent"
provisions. "I think when you take away people's free will around
something it has the potential to backfire."  (No!) She also said that,
"I'm not sure Texans, or Americans for that matter, are ready yet,
culturally, to have somebody mandate that you have to give your organs
if you're brain dead." Maybe she's correct that Americans are not yet
ready to accept such mandatory harvesting. I fear, however, that
someday soon they will be.

(For fictional ponderings of some of these issues, see Larry Niven's A
Gift  From Earth [in which criminals receive the death penalty for minor
offenses and have their organs harvested]; J. Neil Schulman's The
Rainbow Cadenza [in which women are drafted for sexual service]; and
my own, "The Greatest Good" [in which healthy people are drafted for
their organs; available on my website].

See Russ Madden's articles, short stories, novel excerpts, and items of
interest to Objectivists, libertarians, and sci-fi fans at
http://home.earthlink.net/~rdmadden/webdocs/. -30-


Best Wishes

They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin, Statesman and Inventor, 1759

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