-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> CIA Says 'Lack of Candor' Led to Firing
> Memo Says Attorney Failed 2 Polygraph Tests;
> Agency Denies Antisemitism Charge
> http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPlate/2000-02/06/246l-020600-idx.html
> By Vernon Loeb
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Sunday, February 6, 2000; Page A10
> The CIA fired staff attorney Adam J. Ciralsky and
> revoked his top-secret security clearance in 1998
> after he failed two polygraph examinations and
> exhibited a "lack of candor" about relationships with
> associates who may have been tied to Israeli
> intelligence, according to a CIA memorandum.
> The memorandum was made available by sources familiar
> with the case in anticipation of Ciralsky's scheduled
> appearance tonight on the CBS program "60
> Minutes"--after months of confrontation with the CIA.
> Ciralsky's lawyers have alleged that he was singled
> out for investigation and accused of dual loyalty to
> Israel because he is an observant Jew.
> Extensive media coverage and Ciralsky's allegations of
> CIA antisemitism have already prompted high-level
> reviews of his case on Capitol Hill and inside the
> agency.
> CIA Director George J. Tenet, [himself a Jew], supports
> Ciralsky's firing. But he apologized last year for
> "insensitive, unprofessional and highly inappropriate"
> remarks made by CIA investigators handling Ciralsky's
> case. Tenet has also ordered senior CIA managers to
> undergo sensitivity training provided by the
> Anti-Defamation League.
> In an e-mail message to CIA employees on Friday, Tenet
> said "60 Minutes" apparently intended to air "old
> allegations of antisemitism at the agency." Tenet said
> that independent reviews found the allegations
> unsubstantiated, and that "I will not tolerate
> antisemitism or any other form of discrimination at
> the agency."
> CIA spokesman Bill Harrow issued a statement Friday
> saying that "the agency's actions regarding Mr.
> Ciralsky were not the result of antisemitism, and his
> allegations are unfounded."
> Ciralsky's attorney, Neal M. Sher, the Justice
> Department's former chief Nazi hunter, said yesterday
> in an interview that the CIA memorandum is based on
> information provided by a "thoroughly discredited"
> source.
> "The agency, in a written settlement that they
> proposed to us and then reneged on, were fully
> prepared to expunge that document," Sher said. "This
> case is about antisemitism and illegal behavior on the
> part of the agency."
> CIA officials said the agency never agreed to expunge
> the memo.
> Sher also released several communications posted
> Friday to an internal CIA bulletin for Jewish
> employees after Tenet's e-mail message. Those
> employees said antisemitism is a problem at the
> agency. "Does anyone know how one would go about
> informing the [director of central intelligence]
> directly that some incidents of antisemitism do
> [exist] and are tolerated?" one of the employees
> wrote.
> Wrote another: "The establishment of special focus
> groups and courses for certain Agency employees all
> suggest that a serious problem exists." Sher said CIA
> sources provided him with the unclassified postings by
> Jewish employees.
> Harlow said there has been no formal complaint of
> antisemitism filed by any CIA employee in the past
> five years. "If there are such complaints, we want to
> hear about them and deal with them," he said.
> Ciralsky, 28, a Milwaukee native, started working for
> the CIA's Office of General Counsel in December 1996.
> Within days of his arrival, the CIA opened a
> counterespionage investigation after receiving a
> report from another agency raising concerns about
> Ciralsky that were related to his previous employment
> at a defense contractor.
> In July 1998, after Ciralsky had taken two polygraph
> examinations and been interviewed numerous times, the
> agency revoked his top-secret clearance and
> effectively terminated his employment for not fully
> revealing his relationship with two people with dual
> U.S.-Israeli citizenship who work for Israeli defense
> firms and have possible ties to Israeli intelligence.
> CIA investigators determined that Ciralsky failed to
> disclose his association with one of the dual
> nationals, whom he met at an international youth
> meeting in Israel and later introduced to his boss at
> Berner Lanphier and Associates (BLA), a
> Washington-area defense contractor, according to the
> CIA memorandum.
> The memo, written by Alan C. Wade, the agency's
> associate deputy director for security, said the
> meeting brokered by Ciralsky involved the possible
> sale of Israeli-made combat tank sensors to the
> Pentagon.
> Based on information obtained from a BLA employee,
> Wade also concluded that Ciralsky knew of the dual
> national's attempts to obtain export-controlled
> ballistic missile tracking software from BLA, and that
> the dual national had suspected ties to Israeli
> intelligence.
> Wade's memo also states that Ciralsky brokered another
> meeting at BLA for a second dual national interested
> in selling Israeli-made unmanned aerial vehicles
> (UAVs) to the Pentagon. Based on information obtained
> from the BLA employee, Wade concluded that Ciralsky
> had access to classified UAV software and proposed
> that the essence of that software be given to the dual
> national, whom Wade suspected of ties to Israeli
> intelligence.
> Wade also says that Ciralsky failed two polygraph
> examinations in which he was asked questions about
> "deliberately compromising U.S. government classified
> information to an Israeli national, accepting
> compensation from an Israeli national in exchange for
> U.S. government classified information, and
> deliberately concealing from the U.S. government a
> relationship with an Israeli national."
> Sher said that the BLA employee relied on by the
> agency has provided so much contradictory evidence
> that no one who has studied Wade's memo believes the
> employee to be credible. "When you analyze that
> document, there's no 'there' there," Sher said.
> Sher said CIA officials also have "told me that Mr.
> Ciralsky has violated no rule, regulation or law and
> has engaged in no misconduct." Sher said Ciralsky
> intends to sue the CIA for monetary damages on grounds
> that he was fired and stripped of his security
> clearance "because of his actions as a Jew."
> A senior intelligence official said the agency stands
> behind the Wade memo. "We did not offer to expunge the
> document," the official said. "That was a demand of
> Ciralsky's lawyers, which they made continuously, and
> which was continuously rejected."
> Earlier, Sher released internal CIA documents from
> Ciralsky's case file that he believes contain
> antisemitic remarks, remarks for which Tenet has
> apologized.
> In one, a CIA official said Ciralsky was "so biased in
> favor of Israel that he has great difficulty
> separating his great pride in being such a staunch
> supporter of Israel in word and deed. . . . From my
> experience with rich Jewish friends from college, I
> would fully expect [Ciralsky's] wealthy daddy to
> support Israeli political/social causes in some form
> or other, be it Israeli bonds purchased through the
> United Jewish Appeal, or outright financial support to
> the Likud Party."
> A subsequent CIA memo, written two weeks before
> Ciralsky's final polygraph, states that Tenet "says
> this guy is outta here because of lack of candor. . .
> . Subject is scheduled for [another] poly. . . . Once
> that's over, it looks like we'll be waving goodbye to
> our friend."
> 2000 The Washington Post Company
> -------------------
> find out which is stronger--the intelligence you were
> born with, or a lifetime of brainwashing. You can make
> it. I did. "
> ####################################################
> [who happens to be JEWISH and a friend]
> ---------------------------------------
> Another very deep, dark secret of the 20th Century, is
> how some Chief Rabbis---certainly not all of
> them---operated in countries around Nazi Germany. In
> Poland, for example, these purported holymen were the
> community bankers. The ordinary people not having
> local banks available, such as in the U.S., they
> entrusted them with their money and valuables. And
> these Chief Rabbis, too often, told their people,
> after the invasion by the Germans, after 1939, "Shush,
> quiet, say nothing, get on the train. The Germans want
> you to work on the farm".
> The ordinary Jews were fed these fairy tales. The
> trains took them to places like Auschwitz where many
> perished, having been worked to death as slave
> laborers for I.G. Farben and other Nazi indusry. Some
> concentration camp survivors I have known in Chicago
> have given me eyewitness accounts. They claim the
> grandchildren of these Chief Rabbis are big dealers in
> real estate and other businesses in the Chicago-area,
> with the treasures stolen by their Chief Rabbi
> grandfathers from fellow Jews, who naively believed
> what they were told, and got on the train "for the
> farm".
> "You know who they are! Sue them! Expose them! The
> hour is late. You are 80 years old. What are you
> waiting for?" I have pleaded. My offer to volunteer my
> expertise on legal research has so far not been
> answered or accepted. In vain, I want this particular
> Great Secret of the 20th Century to be a matter of
> undisputed court record.
> --->>>>>>
> Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer.
> Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to
> Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of
> judicial and other bribery and political murders.
> Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995,
> moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access
> Cable TV Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on Channel 21,
> 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of
> printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a
> stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4
> x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to
> Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H.
> Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago
> IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight,
> (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls].
> Before sending FAX, call.
> http://www.nato.int   [check out that root domain name of .int]
> _________________________________________________________

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