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----- Original Message -----
From: "dawn m clark-stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "sunrise 1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "sunrise 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "sunrise 4"
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: URGENT!!! Please forward to everyone you know......

Web site address:  http://www.larrynichols.com for more information
I'm sending both plain text (below) and an MS Word document attachment
(easier to read if you have MS Word).    Please read right away!!!

If you love your country, you must read ALL of this.
The election is over and the courts have made their decisions and George W.
Bush is the President-elect.  Everything is OK now S so why are some of us
getting the feeling ³WE¹VE BEEN HAD?²
Consider this.  If you were President of the United States and your final
term was coming to an end, wouldn¹t you be thinking about where you were
going to live when January 20th rolled around?  Wouldn¹t you be looking for
somewhere to call home?  And wouldn¹t you start the process in time for the
Secret Service to prepare your new home so that they could properly protect
You say he has the home in New York to go to, but from all accounts that is
Hillary¹s.  Well, they¹re husband and wife so they will live there together.
If that¹s true then the persistent rumors out of Washington that the Clinton
¹s are divorcing must be wrong, but if they are, then why is Hillary getting
a reported eight million dollar advance on her book where she¹s going to
tell all about Bill?  Hardly the kind of thing you would do if you wanted to
stay married.
Then there is the new multi-million dollar estate in D.C. that Hillary just
bought.  That¹s right, Hillary¹s buying it, not Bill and Hillary.  Bill says
that he wants her to have it so he¹ll have a place to visit her.  These are
the very questions that former Clinton associate Larry Nichols has been
asking during talk show appearances and on his website
(http://www.larrynichols.com/).  Only after Nichols had been asking this
question for several weeks did the mainstream media pick up on the fact that
Bill Clinton had no place to go to when he left office.  When Clinton
staffers were asked about it they said ³the President wants to savor every
moment of his remaining term in office.²  Nichols persisted and finally the
stories began to appear that the Clintons were shopping for a home in D.C.,
when in fact it was Hillary and NOT ³the Clintons.²  Were they again
reacting to Larry Nichols?
During the Nixon administration at the peak of the Cold War Congress enacted
Dooms Day legislation intended to allow the President to run the country in
the event that a substantial portion of the government was killed in a
nuclear attack.  That legislation established the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, or FEMA, as it is known.  You¹ve heard of it during times
of disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tornados and hurricanes.  We think
of it as the disaster agency, but FEMA only recently came to have those
During the Iran/Contra hearings, Congressman Jack Brooks asked Oliver North
if he were working on a plan that would suspend or circumvent the U.S.
Constitution and allow the present Administration, meaning Reagan¹s
Administration, to continue in office beyond his term limit.  On both
questions Chairman of the Committee Inouye ordered North not to answer and
as a matter of fact suggested to Brooks that if he wanted to continue this
line of questioning that it should be done in closed hearings.  What was it
that Oliver North was working on that Jack Brooks knew about that couldn¹t
be discussed in open hearings?  It was FEMA, (The Federal Emergency
Management Act).  This was further brought out in a video dealing with the
Iran/Contral war when Congressman Henry Gonzalez made it very clear that a
President could suspend the Constitution, serve beyond his term limit, and
even have American citizens arrested and detained under the auspices of
terrorism as an example and deny them their rights under Constitutional Law.
It is a fact that under FEMA a President may declare a national emergency
and thereby, in effect, make himself the de facto Monarch.  Congress and the
Supreme Court would be sent home and all power placed in the hands of the
President.  Just imagine that much power in the hands of one manS BILL
Once FEMA is invoked, it cannot be suspended for a period of less than one
year.  This was put in so that presidents would not be able to use this act
as a way to handle lesser or minor problems.  In the hands of Bill Clinton
this could be incredibly dangerous.  Knowing that this was a possibility,
Congress set forth a way that if a President refused to declare the
emergency over that the military could, under the Unlawful Order law,
reinstate through peaceful means the Constitution and the government back to
the people.  This safety net may explain why, effective October 6, 2000, the
Attorney General, or in this case, Janet Reno, during times of a national
disaster would take full and complete control of our military and our
nuclear arsenal.  You must ask yourself why would Bill Clinton sign into
effect a special order making the Attorney General have full power and
control over our military?  What legitimate purpose could this move have,
especially when you consider the Posse Comitatus Act passed at the end of
the Civil War preventing a President from using the military as a national
police force as Abraham Lincoln had done?  At this point, Bill Clinton¹s
system of obtaining power and keeping it is complete.
Ask yourself this question: If you were the President of the United States,
and you had allegedly committed high crimes and misdemeanors that included
accepting bribes (in the form of illegal foreign campaign contributions)
from a country (Communist China) that potentially presents the deadliest
threat against American citizens, and you had so far successfully thwarted
every effort by the people and the Congress of the United States to uncover
the facts of your alleged crimes, would you, if you could find a way to
legally hold on to the Presidency after your term in office had expired,
surrender that high office that had protected you for the past eight years,
or would you give it up and face possible prosecution and imprisonment?
During the 1998 mid-term elections, Bill Clinton was stumping for candidates
across the country.  The press entourage that travels with the President was
telling jokes about the Clinton Administration when the President boarded
Air Force One.  Sensing his administration was the butt of the joke, and
after engaging with small talk with the press corps, Clinton said, ³I wonder
if you folks in the media would talk about me like that if you thought I was
going to be the last president the United States ever had?²
Was Bill Clinton joking or was this a slip of the tongue?  If Bill Clinton
is truly planning a legal ³coup d¹etat,² FEMA would be his tool of choice.
All he needs is a National Emergency and he¹s set to become a legal dictator
in America.  In 1861, Abraham Lincoln suspended the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights while we fought the ³War Between the States.²  Look at what¹s
going on around the world and you can see a number of potential events that
under the right circumstances could be used to manifest a domestic crisis in
this country, which would be all Clinton needs to trigger FEMA.
The Stock Market has been in a decline ever since the Clinton Justice
Department savaged Microsoft, causing it to lose over half its value.  On
the heals of Microsoft, the ³dotcoms² fell out of the sky causing Americans
to lose more than a trillion dollars from their retirement savings.  The
NASDAQ has lost over fifty percent of its value in the last year and in
spite of Fed Chairman Greenspan¹s lowering interest rates twice in two days,
the stock market continues to freefall.
The Middle East peace talks are on againS off againS and perhaps on again.
Bill Clinton has been pushing both sides to make peace and the Israelis have
made unprecedented concessions to secure peace, but the Palestinians are
still throwing rocks and bombs even as Yassar Arafat visits with the
President and says he wants to negotiate.  In fact, the Palestinians aren¹t
very happy with the United States and there are fears that we could see
terrorist attacks here in America from dissident Palestinian factions who
will never accept peace with the Israelis.
Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other Black leaders are preaching that
President elect Bush has ³stolen the election² and that there were
widespread instances of Black voters being denied their right to vote.
Jackson and others have threatened widespread demonstrations that could turn
into rioting.  With several hand counts of the Florida vote about to
commence by Liberal groups and the media, it is a foregone conclusion that
they will prove that Al Gore was the real winner in Florida and that the
presidency was stolen by George Bush, making it possible that the threatened
demonstrations could turn violent.  And the list goes on.  ANY OF THESE
In the meantime, Bill Clinton has been very quiet, having been out of the
country much of the time since the election.  Gore in his concession speech
did not even mention the President, which caused more concern from the media
than the fact that Clinton has said almost nothing.  But, this could be just
another Clinton smoke screen.  The first ³Rule of Clinton² is to always do
just the opposite of what he says.  In this case he is saying nothing, which
would mean that he is up to something big.
Starting is his Arkansas days, Bill Clinton found that information is power,
especially information on your opponents or those that could help or hurt
you.  When Bill Clinton came to Washington he knew that information would be
the key to his future success.  Within weeks of becoming President he
started collecting information on those in power leading to the ³File Gate²
investigation.  Hundreds, possibly well over a thousand ³raw² FBI files were
sent to the White House where Clinton staffers poured over them looking for
information that could be useful to them.  While the files may have been
returned to the FBI, and no one knows for sure, it is reported that the
contents were captured in computers and remain there to this day.  In
addition, teams of private investigators collect information on those that
could present a problem for Bill Clinton.  This information can be used to
control members of Congress, the media or others that get in the way or will
not do the bidding of Bill Clinton.  This method of governing was successful
in Arkansas and had proved equally successful in Washington where everyone
seems to have something to hide.  Didn¹t it seem odd that not a single
Democrat voted for Impeachment?  Long after Bill Clinton leaves the White
House, if he ever does, he will remain the most powerful man in the world
with the information that he controls, and for Bill Clinton power is
Twenty-eight states have laws allowing their Electoral College Electors to
vote contrary to the wishes of the people of their state.  Knowing that, if
Bill Clinton wanted Al Gore to be President, doesn¹t it seem surprising that
he couldn¹t get just three people to change their vote in favor of Al Gore?
If Bill Clinton is planning to leave the White House on January 20th, who do
you think he would want to be President Elect?  Al Gore or George Bush?
If Bill Clinton is planning on staying in office, who do you think he would
want to be President Elect?  Al Gore or George Bush?
With all the money, power and ability to intimidate that Bill Clinton and
his friends and operatives can bring to bear, it¹s inconceivable that
getting three Electors to change their votes could not be accomplished.
That being said, Bill Clinton got the outcome that he wantedS George W.
If Bill Clinton were planning to give up power and the office of President,
he would want to turn power over to a member of his party, Al Gore.
If Bill Clinton was planning to stay, then his party would likely revolt if
he usurped power from their standard bearer, Al Gore, but if George Bush was
the President Elect, he would only be denying power to the man that they
believe has ³stolen the Presidency,² and they would most likely support him
at least for a time, so the answer is George Bush.
The United States of America is unique among nations.  In our 225-year
history we have never lost sight of the goals and ideas set down by the
founding fathers:  A government of, by and for the people.  Over the past
forty years or so, we have been gradually moving towards socialism.  Liberal
ideas are everywhere.  Morals are at an all time low and our children are
being taught in school that ideas that were abhorrent to us a half-century
ago and which still are to most of us are OK and normal.  In the days of
Nixon no one would have ever thought that FEMA could be used in the ways
suggested above.  Bill Clinton believes that he has the right to, and
should, remain in power.  He has attempted to have the Supreme Court
overturn the 22nd Amendment that limits a President to two terms, but
fortunately the Court didn¹t listen to him.  Bill Clinton is consumed by
power.  Money means little to him except for the power that he can buy with
it and he will do anything to remain in power beyond his term.
If we are to pass the mantle of President on to the next President, then we
need to stop Bill Clinton before it is too late and America is irreparably
damaged forever.  Larry Nichols knows Bill Clinton as few others know him.
He worked directly with Clinton in Arkansas as a member of the Clinton
³Kitchen Cabinet² and as Marketing Director of the Arkansas Development
Finance Authority.  In Arkansas he saw first hand the Bill Clinton that
would stop at nothing to obtain what he wanted.  He saw the corruption and
the plans whereby Bill Clinton was able to get elected to the highest office
in the land, and he knows that Bill Clinton ³Ain¹t Leavin² unless ³We the
People² stand and be counted and let Bill Clinton know that we won¹t stand
for it if he tries to stay in office.
Bill Clinton¹s plan won¹t work if it is exposed to the light of day.  You
can count on the fact that the media won¹t talk about the possibility of his
staying, even though privately many know about FEMA and what Larry Nichols
has been talking about for months.  So, it¹s up to us, the Silent Majority
that love our country and believes in its goodness to STAND AND BE COUNTED.
We must take it upon ourselves to shine the light on Bill Clinton so that
come January 20th, the next President will be installed in the highest
office in the land.
Start by forwarding a copy of this letter to everyone that you know that
loves America.  Call your local talk radio show and ask them what they think
about Larry Nichols¹ statement that ³Clinton Ain¹t Leavin,² and tell them
what you have read here about FEMA and direct them to the Larry Nichols
website at www.larrynichols.com for more information.  Send a letter, fax or
email to your representatives in Congress and ask them the three questions
we mentioned earlier.  Be exact, use the words exactly the way we did so
that there can be no mistake in what you¹ve said and what they think you¹ve

said.  Then be sure that you point out the answers as detailed in our letter
because then they can see very clearly that something is wrong with this
Larry Nichols has done everything humanly possible to get this word out so
that we could stop Clinton but now it¹s up to you.  You must act now and do
your part by sending this letter along with any comments or remarks you want
to make to as many people as you possibly can using fax machines, e-mails,
hand delivering, and if time permits, even direct mail.  But no matter how
you do it, you must do it now.  Clinton can not steal our country unless he
can take it cleanly and the majority of the people don¹t know what¹s
A Personal Note from Larry Nichols:
Folks, we have talked together and worked together for many years now but it
has all come down to now just a few days and even a few hours left for us to
try to save this nation and the future of our children and grandchildren
from this sinister couple that have control today.  I think if you will go
back and look at what all I have told you over the years about Bill and
Hillary Clinton and compare what I have said to what they have actually
done, and you will see that I have told the truth in every way.  I can only
beg you now to help me one last time to try to reach as many people as
humanly possible.
The mainstream media has kept me off the air so that I could not communicate
to the masses.  But even though they have been somewhat successful, the fact
of the matter is they have failed, and the proof is that I¹ve had the great
fortune of meeting you.  They can stop every mainstream media from having me
on; they can stop every mainstream publication from writing honestly about
the things that I have said, but they can¹t stop word of mouth and the tidal
wave it can cause.
If they weren¹t afraid of what I¹m saying and what I¹m warning you about,
you understand that they wouldn¹t go to the extremes they have to keep me
from being in full view of the people.  Since the Gennifer Flowers tapes
where Bill Clinton said for the whole world to hear, that if they can keep
me off TV, that I couldn¹t get any traction, he has been proven wrong.  He
forgot about my determination and talk radio and videotape.
We all pitched in in ¹94 and we changed Congress for the first time in 50
years where both Houses changed from being controlled by the Democratic
Party, to the Republican Party having absolute control.  Unfortunately, we
were let down by the Republican Party because we didn¹t take into
consideration how much information Clinton had in the FBI files.  But never
forget that WE caused that change, and WE CAN DO IT AGAIN now by just
spreading the word to each other and making sure that every single person in
Washington knows what the Clintons are up to and that we¹re not going to let
it happen.
Now I know that there¹s no way I win with this warning.  If Bill Clinton isn
¹t planning in any way to stay in power, I lose.  If Bill Clinton is
planning to stay in power but because we are effective in spreading the word
and he can¹t, no one will ever know that he planned to do it in the first
place and I lose again.  Lastly, if Bill Clinton pulls it off and I¹m the
one person that tried openly to stop him, lose won¹t be a sufficient word to
explain what will happen to me.  But you know, at this point, I¹m honored to
be able to give anything and everything that I am or will ever be if I can
just know that America will be free and live another day.  Make fun of me if
you will, but I love this country and I owe the passage of one generation to
the next to my daughter and no price is too high for me to pay.  God be with
you.  Be strong and it won¹t hurt to say a prayer and ask God to bless this
great country conceived in His name.
Your friend,
Larry Nichols

207-338-0303 PHONE
253-540-9293 FAX

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