The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999 6:12 AM

Pozdrav iz Sibiri!
We've found two volumes of plastit explosive again in Novosibirsk.
I work as armed night guard for 40$ a month in the office of
pro-nwo(shity) newspaper, there I ve got access to computer, scanner,
printer and internet(sometimes I manage to hack their intranet password). I
print there anti-sananic materials, about wealthy and corrupted elite.
Lists of most significant members of pro NWO structures.
These "democrats" would die  finding out what
I do using their  "progressive"  property!!! I risk very much, since now they work
hard  at daytime to hold  satanist power over People of Russia. And I do the
opposite things at night time  at the same place.  HA-HA!!! Unfortunately I
have no time for translation it into Russian language and publishing it on
my future web-pages. At the daytime I try to start busines, I work hard on some
business projects.

You've heard about renewal of chechen money making war.
I am waiting for call to war, speaking true I have no wish to be sacrificed
for their  satanic  interests.
You know that  Berezovsky , foreign citizen, is the  one of the secret masters of Kremlin
puppets, the open enemy of Russian People provides chechen terrorists with
millions $$$. Everybody knows it. So, make right conclusions!!! 
Treason governs Russia.
Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian
Title: Moscow Times

Moscow Times
October 28, 1999
Korzhakov Says Bombings Were Berezovsky's Doing
By Natalya Shulyakovskaya
Staff Writer

Alexander Korzhakov, a one-time bodyguard and confidant of President Boris
Yeltsin who has since fallen out with him, said Wednesday that he believes
the terrorist bombings that have swept Russia into panic and war were
orchestrated by Russian intelligence at the bidding of a dark Kremlin faction
that includes tycoon Boris Berezovsky.

Korzhakov said he believes the Kremlin needed the terrorism attacks to renew
the war in Chechnya. He said the war was conjured up as part of a drive to
establish emergency rule and postpone presidential elections.

Korzhakov also said he believed Berezovsky was in the process of trying to
engineer the removal from office of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his
replacement with Krasnoyarsk Governor Alexander Lebed.

Korzhakov repeated allegations that when he was the head of the Kremlin's
security service, Berezovsky tried to convince him to murder Moscow Mayor
Yury Luzhkov, NTV founder Vladimir Gusinsky and popular crooner Iosif Kobzon,
an ally of Luzhkov's.

Berezovsky could not be reached for comment Wednesday. He was flying abroad,
an assistant in his office said.

Korzhakov, who is now a deputy in the State Duma, said Berezovsky had turned
to him in hopes of arranging the murders of Luzhkov, Gusinsky and Kobzon
because Korzhakov had the "necessary resources" at his disposal.

He said he had kept quiet about Berezovsky's alleged request that he kill the
three men because the Kremlin repeatedly kept Berezovsky in high offices.
Korzhakov said he would now file a complaint against Berezovsky over the
matter with the Moscow city prosecutor's office. He said he was motivated to
act now in part because Berezovsky has announced his candidacy for the Duma.

"Now, when [Berezovsky] wants to become a Duma deputy, a people's
representative, I have no choice but inform the voters who this person is,"
Korzhakov said.

Korzhakov said Berezovsky would use his Duma seat to pursue his own business
interests in Chechnya.

"What sort of interests does he have in Chechnya? I am telling you officially
that he is a source for the armed fighters," Korzhakov said. "Now Prime
Minister Putin has taken an absolutely correct position: to attack. And
[Putin] is ready to finish off the terrorists. Who and what can divert him?
Boris Abramovich Berezovsky."

Title: There are only 2 kinds of people in the world

There are only 2 kinds of people in the world. Right and Wrong. No matter where they come from. Patriots or NWO. Being a Patriot always ends with fighting for what is right. No matter what country a person comes from, where ever Patriots fight, it is to fight for what is right in their corner of the world. As Russia is in the grips of a man drunk with power and selling his soul and the country for silver, so is America. We are---every country of the world--- fighting corrupt and Satanic leadership.. The governments are crooked like a dog's hind leg. We try to vote them out but out votes are turned against us by a voting underground of bad persons. It is called VOTESCAM. We are fighting the same enemy. We have to put our political differenses aside and find the common ground. Any money backing a world government is like as pouring sand down a rat hole. You will never have enough sand. You will never have enough money. None of the armies are fighting for right as long as we have bad government leaders. WE can try to vote them out legally but it seems that they have that possibility stopped. Never give up personal freedom for political ideology. We are a family of Patriots all over the world rising against evil. Every country has them.The News media does not report this. Resist evil at all costs. Do not compromise your virtues for a quick answer to the problems. Freedom is a bumpy road. No one ever said it would be easy. It is a running battle every day. We must arm ourselves with Truth, Justice, Freedom and all the armor of God.. Do not slide backwards into darkness. That is just what the enemy wants you to do.

Save yours and use it to arm yourselves, not any government's military as long as they fight against innocent persons, sovereign countries...

Keep in touch.

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