Global Biological meltdown is MEGABUCKS   andrew hennessey
The only thing that surprises me at this time is the lack of supportive debate for Eugenics.
for press releases for biotechnological superiority seem to rule the bandwidth
We have had clones here, clones there, clone dolly clone dracula, clone tutenkamun,
genetics for longevity, genetics for health, genetics for genius, genetics for stupidity,
When are we going to hear of the gene for . 'normality' being isolated just so that we can start testing for abnormality - for there must be some social downside to this stuff we don't appreciate ..
so many people take great pains to paint an upside picture of a new eden full of verdant wonder,
and thats just the people !!!
But laying aside the noble grailquest of science for the perfect society - there is a worrying amount of reportage that is picking out a seeming lack of reason and logic in the deployment of in vivo genetic industry programmes.
For me logic tells me that a GM plant should be pronounced safe for public and environmental facility after it has been measured, not before. yet most of the population of the USA appear to have consumed GM foods before any measurement could be medically determined.
Not so for the global population the slow and painstaking incremental, steady as a rock reason, debate and peer review, indeed there is such an ungodly haste to play Poker with the 'natural order' essentially a highly complex biological chaos - that it is probably beyond the financial ability or desire of the Biotech companies to measure any effects of mutation and migration of genes.
yet all we hear from the genetics pundits is that to make an omlette ---- one has to break a few ovum
This is clearly crazy.
We can take note that we have the technology to create any organism - but the big questions of who should be allowed to create what, why, when and where are still to be raised let alone debated.
For if all goes to plan - the Corporation with the most money will write the laws eg. empirical GM trials in vivo. and the widespread pollution of natural  staple crop pollen.
Genetic pollution could create redundant hybrids and redundant ecosystems - once the 19th century Philosopher david Hume asked the question - 'how can we know that the bread we eat is nutritious'
in the 3rd millenium - the validity and viability of organic systems is again a valid question.
If I were a rich money grubbing multinational and I wanted some REAL money - I would firstly patent all the processes in genetics that could manufacture food stock and seed crops and livestock - then having done that - to make myself the sole competitor in the Global marketplace - I would indiscriminately genetically pollute the entire planet to create a Global problem of organic inviability, a biological catastrophe - then I would offer to restock the Planet - out of the goodness of my own Biotech labs for a price.
Are we all collectively naive enough to assume that what we eat in the meantime matters to these people ??
andrew hennessey

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