-----Original Message-----
From: Mojmir Babacek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 7:01 AM
Subject: intelligence services against democracy
From: Mojmir Babacek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 7:01 AM
Subject: intelligence services against democracy
"Neuroscience is being increasingly recognized as posing potential threat to human
rights" (from the article on the annual public meeting of the French National
Bioethics Committee in magazine Nature, volume 391, January 22, 1998)
The History – the scandal in the USA and electrical stimulation
the brain.
2. Mind stimulating devices can alter our psyche
3. Scientific experiments and patents - effects of electromagnetism on
animal and human organisms and brains
4. American military documents on the development of radiofrequency
weapons –the nervous system function is not much different from the
radio receiver
5. The Secret arms race and hushed up scandal in the USSR
6. Thought control and the invention of Igor Smirnov
7. American radar system HAARP could be used for the global control of
human minds
8. A secret conference organized by the American National Laboratory in
Los Alamos
9. Have the radiofrequency weapons been put to use yet?
10. The Revolution in military affairs may result in the destruction of
11. Warnings by civil and military scientists
The missing parts and chapters and the list of those who support the ban of
radiofrequency weapons controling the functions of human brain you can find at the address:
the brain.
2. Mind stimulating devices can alter our psyche
3. Scientific experiments and patents - effects of electromagnetism on
animal and human organisms and brains
4. American military documents on the development of radiofrequency
weapons –the nervous system function is not much different from the
radio receiver
5. The Secret arms race and hushed up scandal in the USSR
6. Thought control and the invention of Igor Smirnov
7. American radar system HAARP could be used for the global control of
human minds
8. A secret conference organized by the American National Laboratory in
Los Alamos
9. Have the radiofrequency weapons been put to use yet?
10. The Revolution in military affairs may result in the destruction of
11. Warnings by civil and military scientists
The missing parts and chapters and the list of those who support the ban of
radiofrequency weapons controling the functions of human brain you can find at the address:
When in 1951 American secret
services started work on the project Artichoke they have
set their goals as follows: „Evolution and development of any method by which we can get
information from a person against his will and without his knowledge... Can we get control of
an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such
fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation?“
The signals in the nerves, in the brain and the whole body are carried by weak electrical
impulses. The scientists who experimented since 1930 with the electrical stimulation of the
brain inserted tiny wires (electrodes) into the brains of animals and humans and stimulated the
nerves in different points of the brain by impulses of weak electrical current. In this way they
produced reactions normally aroused by sensory perceptions or events inside of the
organism. Jose Delgado, who wrote, in 1969, the book (5) resuming this research, quotes
there a man with whom the bending of the arm was stimulated. When asked to straighten it up,
he said: "Your electricity is stronger than my willpower." Women, with whom the pleasure
centers were stimulated, offered their therapists marriage. The author of another book on this
topic, of 1990, John Stanton Yeomans (6), writes that by electrical stimulation of the brain
even the complex thoughts were aroused.
In 1986 the United States Attorney General held a conference on the Less than Lethal
Weapons. In the report on this conference is stated: „Participants also discussed the use of
various wave lengths and forms of administration of electromagnetic energy as a non-lethal
weapon. A substantial amount of preliminary research has been conducted in this area... One
conference participant noted that scientific knowledge of human physiology is progressing to
the point where it may soon be possible to target specific physiologic systems with specific
frequencies of electromagnetic radiation to produce much more subtle and fine-tuned effects
than those produced by photic driving (9).“
set their goals as follows: „Evolution and development of any method by which we can get
information from a person against his will and without his knowledge... Can we get control of
an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such
fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation?“
The signals in the nerves, in the brain and the whole body are carried by weak electrical
impulses. The scientists who experimented since 1930 with the electrical stimulation of the
brain inserted tiny wires (electrodes) into the brains of animals and humans and stimulated the
nerves in different points of the brain by impulses of weak electrical current. In this way they
produced reactions normally aroused by sensory perceptions or events inside of the
organism. Jose Delgado, who wrote, in 1969, the book (5) resuming this research, quotes
there a man with whom the bending of the arm was stimulated. When asked to straighten it up,
he said: "Your electricity is stronger than my willpower." Women, with whom the pleasure
centers were stimulated, offered their therapists marriage. The author of another book on this
topic, of 1990, John Stanton Yeomans (6), writes that by electrical stimulation of the brain
even the complex thoughts were aroused.
In 1986 the United States Attorney General held a conference on the Less than Lethal
Weapons. In the report on this conference is stated: „Participants also discussed the use of
various wave lengths and forms of administration of electromagnetic energy as a non-lethal
weapon. A substantial amount of preliminary research has been conducted in this area... One
conference participant noted that scientific knowledge of human physiology is progressing to
the point where it may soon be possible to target specific physiologic systems with specific
frequencies of electromagnetic radiation to produce much more subtle and fine-tuned effects
than those produced by photic driving (9).“
The evidence for the
effects of electromagnetic signals on isolated neurons published in
1975 H. Wachtel in the Annals of New York Academy of Sciences (10). The whole volume
of this issue (over 500 pages) is dedicated to the Conference on „Biological Effects on Non-
ionizing Radiation“. The introductory lecture was delivered by captain Paul Tyler, director of
the U.S. Navy Electromagnetic Radiation Project between 1970 and 1977. Among the
reasons for his presence at the conference was an effort to persuade the scientists to hire
psychologists on the research teams. In the experiment of H. Wachtel the microwaves in the
frequencies of 1,5 and 2,45 Ghz, pulsed and not pulsed induced the activity of isolated
In the experiment by McAffee (13) the microwaves pulsed at 300, 600 and 1000 Hz
produced uneasiness to breath (leading even to suffocation) in rats. Capt. Tyler in his
contribution to the book “Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology” writes: “It has also
been shown that normal breathing takes place at certain frequencies and amplitudes and not at
others. Animals forced to breath at certain unnatural frequencies develop severe respiratory
distress.” In the context of his paper those are rather the effects on people that are in question.
In 1968, the Russian academician A.S. Presman published a book “Electromagnetic Fields
and Life” (23) where he presented theory that electromagnetic signals have for the living matter
the meaning of information, e.g. that they exert control over its intrinsic processes. In his book
he mentions the experiment of S. Turlygin from the year 1937 where centimeter waves induced
in people feelings of sleepiness and feebleness. The list of literary sources at the end of the
book of A.S. Presman is already 28 pages long.
One of the highly respected experts working in this field, Ross Adey, who admits that he is
working in military research, published in 1974 the results of experiments with microwaves at
frequency 147 MHz pulsed at 6 - 10 Hz and 450 MHz pulsed at 16 Hz. Those signals
increased the efflux of calcium ions from nerve cells (25).
Robert Becker, who has been twice nominated for the Nobel prize for the work in this field
of science, writes in the book “Body Electric” (26) that Ross Adey have publicly expressed his
expectation that this efflux of calcium ions would interfere with concentration on complex tasks,
disrupt sleep patterns, and change brain function in other ways that can not be predicted yet.”
(The calcium ions play a key role in the transmission of nerve impulses).
In 1962 published Allan H. Frey in the “Journal of Applied Physiology” (27) the results of
experiments with transmission of sounds into the brain by electromagnetic radiation at a
distance of up to 1000 feet. The “electromagnetic” sounds were heard by deaf as well as
sound people. The radiofrequency sound was “described as being buzz, clicking, hiss or
knocking, depending on several transmitter parameters, i.e. pulse width and pulse repetition
rate” (frequency) . In his report A. Frey writes that so far only the visual system has been
shown to respond to electromagnetic energy and he notices that “With somewhat different
transmission parameters we can induce the perception of severe buffeting of the head..” and
“Changing ... parameters again, one can induce a “pins-and-needles” sensation.”
His experiment was replicated several times by other scientists (28). Another, more
advanced, experiment with the transmission of radiofrequency sounds into the brain was
published only inadvertently. Don R. Justesen used, in the article on "Microwaves and
Behavior" (30), the result of an experiment described to him over the telephone conversation
by his colleague J. C. Sharp, who worked on a military project. Joseph C. Sharp was
employed on the project Pandora of the American Navy, officially designed to research of the
radiofrequency radiation emitted on the American Embassy in Moscow from the 60s until the
begining of 80s. At the Walter Reed Army Institute he improved the method of A. Frey to the
point that he transmitted into his brain words which he could understand.
The scientific personality, which was apparently on the cutting edge at this time, was Patrick
Flanagan. An independent researcher who in 1958, in 14 years of his age, presented to the
United States Patent Office a neurophone, the invention which made it possible for deaf people
to hear (31). The device converts sound into electrical impulses that propagate along the skin
into the brain. For the employees of the patent office the invention was incredible and Patrick
Flanagan managed to persuade them that the invention could work only after 6 years when he
demonstrated it making a deaf employee of the Office hear the first time after 15 years. But
even then the invention did not get to the deaf people. Patrick Flanagan improved the invention
technically and submitted it under a new patent number 3,647,970. Though his device emitted
radiofrequency waves into the brain through the skin, he added to the accompanying text the
sentences: "The simplified speech waveform can be transmitted directly through the earth or
water and be understood either directly from the medium or after simple amplification. The
simplified waveform can easily be encoded by scrambling to provide secure voice
communications." Patrick Flanagan believes that it was due to those lines that the United States
Defense Intelligence Agency placed his invention under a secrecy order as a matter of national
security. Patrick Flanagan was forbidden from conducting further research or even talking
about his technology for another four years. In the 1990s the American company Earthpulse
who was selling neurophones had set up its business representation in Germany. In 1996, all
the same, evidently out of the fear that the secret military technology could get understood by
the general public, the neurophone was put under a secrecy order by the U.S. Defense
Intelligence agency (the news was published in Earthpulse Flashpoints No1, Earthpulse,
Alaska, USA, 1996). In the accompanying text to his patent P. Flanagan also writes: "The
present invention involves discovery that certain electromagnetic waves induce reponses in the
nervous system of mammals... Each individual nervous system is at least somewhat selective in
respect to the frequencies to which it is most responsive."
There are other four patents registered with the U.S. Patent Office using the microwave
hearing phenomenon. The patent #4877027 http://www.patents.usptogov./cgi-
bin/ilink4?INDEX+0+4877027+F (this patent was bought by the IBM corporation - see
http://patent.womplex.ibm.com/details?patent_number=__4877027 ) with the title "Hearing systém" by
Wayne B. Brunkan, issued on October 31, 1989. In the abstract we read: "Sound is induced
in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 MHz to
10.000 MHz that are modulated with particular waveform." The patent # 4858612 by Philip L.
Stocklin, issued on August 22, 1989 entitled "Hearing device"http://patents.uspto.gov/cgi-
bin/ilink4?INDEX+0+4858612+F. In the abstract we read: "A method and apparatus for simulation
of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the
auditory cortex." The patent # 3766331 by Zink, issued on October 10, 1973 - "Hearing aid
for producing sensations in the brain" and patent # 3629521 by Andrija Puharich, December
1971, "Hearing systems".
Robert Becker, in his book "Body Electric" writes about an experiment by J. F. Schapitz in
1974. It was released voluntarily on basis of Freedom of Information Act and for that matter
R. Becker takes it "with a pillar of salt". J. F. Schapitz stated: "In this investigation it will be
shown that the spoken word of hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic
energy directly into the subconcscious parts of the human brain - i. e. without employing any
technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to
such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously." In one of the four
experiments subjects should have been given a test of hundred questions, ranging from easy to
technical ones. Later, not knowing they were being irradiated they would be subjected to
information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank, amnesia for
some of their correct answers and memory falsification of their correct answers. After 2 weeks
they had to pass the test again.The results of those experiments were never published. Later on
we will discuss the possiblities how this could be done.
1975 H. Wachtel in the Annals of New York Academy of Sciences (10). The whole volume
of this issue (over 500 pages) is dedicated to the Conference on „Biological Effects on Non-
ionizing Radiation“. The introductory lecture was delivered by captain Paul Tyler, director of
the U.S. Navy Electromagnetic Radiation Project between 1970 and 1977. Among the
reasons for his presence at the conference was an effort to persuade the scientists to hire
psychologists on the research teams. In the experiment of H. Wachtel the microwaves in the
frequencies of 1,5 and 2,45 Ghz, pulsed and not pulsed induced the activity of isolated
In the experiment by McAffee (13) the microwaves pulsed at 300, 600 and 1000 Hz
produced uneasiness to breath (leading even to suffocation) in rats. Capt. Tyler in his
contribution to the book “Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology” writes: “It has also
been shown that normal breathing takes place at certain frequencies and amplitudes and not at
others. Animals forced to breath at certain unnatural frequencies develop severe respiratory
distress.” In the context of his paper those are rather the effects on people that are in question.
In 1968, the Russian academician A.S. Presman published a book “Electromagnetic Fields
and Life” (23) where he presented theory that electromagnetic signals have for the living matter
the meaning of information, e.g. that they exert control over its intrinsic processes. In his book
he mentions the experiment of S. Turlygin from the year 1937 where centimeter waves induced
in people feelings of sleepiness and feebleness. The list of literary sources at the end of the
book of A.S. Presman is already 28 pages long.
One of the highly respected experts working in this field, Ross Adey, who admits that he is
working in military research, published in 1974 the results of experiments with microwaves at
frequency 147 MHz pulsed at 6 - 10 Hz and 450 MHz pulsed at 16 Hz. Those signals
increased the efflux of calcium ions from nerve cells (25).
Robert Becker, who has been twice nominated for the Nobel prize for the work in this field
of science, writes in the book “Body Electric” (26) that Ross Adey have publicly expressed his
expectation that this efflux of calcium ions would interfere with concentration on complex tasks,
disrupt sleep patterns, and change brain function in other ways that can not be predicted yet.”
(The calcium ions play a key role in the transmission of nerve impulses).
In 1962 published Allan H. Frey in the “Journal of Applied Physiology” (27) the results of
experiments with transmission of sounds into the brain by electromagnetic radiation at a
distance of up to 1000 feet. The “electromagnetic” sounds were heard by deaf as well as
sound people. The radiofrequency sound was “described as being buzz, clicking, hiss or
knocking, depending on several transmitter parameters, i.e. pulse width and pulse repetition
rate” (frequency) . In his report A. Frey writes that so far only the visual system has been
shown to respond to electromagnetic energy and he notices that “With somewhat different
transmission parameters we can induce the perception of severe buffeting of the head..” and
“Changing ... parameters again, one can induce a “pins-and-needles” sensation.”
His experiment was replicated several times by other scientists (28). Another, more
advanced, experiment with the transmission of radiofrequency sounds into the brain was
published only inadvertently. Don R. Justesen used, in the article on "Microwaves and
Behavior" (30), the result of an experiment described to him over the telephone conversation
by his colleague J. C. Sharp, who worked on a military project. Joseph C. Sharp was
employed on the project Pandora of the American Navy, officially designed to research of the
radiofrequency radiation emitted on the American Embassy in Moscow from the 60s until the
begining of 80s. At the Walter Reed Army Institute he improved the method of A. Frey to the
point that he transmitted into his brain words which he could understand.
The scientific personality, which was apparently on the cutting edge at this time, was Patrick
Flanagan. An independent researcher who in 1958, in 14 years of his age, presented to the
United States Patent Office a neurophone, the invention which made it possible for deaf people
to hear (31). The device converts sound into electrical impulses that propagate along the skin
into the brain. For the employees of the patent office the invention was incredible and Patrick
Flanagan managed to persuade them that the invention could work only after 6 years when he
demonstrated it making a deaf employee of the Office hear the first time after 15 years. But
even then the invention did not get to the deaf people. Patrick Flanagan improved the invention
technically and submitted it under a new patent number 3,647,970. Though his device emitted
radiofrequency waves into the brain through the skin, he added to the accompanying text the
sentences: "The simplified speech waveform can be transmitted directly through the earth or
water and be understood either directly from the medium or after simple amplification. The
simplified waveform can easily be encoded by scrambling to provide secure voice
communications." Patrick Flanagan believes that it was due to those lines that the United States
Defense Intelligence Agency placed his invention under a secrecy order as a matter of national
security. Patrick Flanagan was forbidden from conducting further research or even talking
about his technology for another four years. In the 1990s the American company Earthpulse
who was selling neurophones had set up its business representation in Germany. In 1996, all
the same, evidently out of the fear that the secret military technology could get understood by
the general public, the neurophone was put under a secrecy order by the U.S. Defense
Intelligence agency (the news was published in Earthpulse Flashpoints No1, Earthpulse,
Alaska, USA, 1996). In the accompanying text to his patent P. Flanagan also writes: "The
present invention involves discovery that certain electromagnetic waves induce reponses in the
nervous system of mammals... Each individual nervous system is at least somewhat selective in
respect to the frequencies to which it is most responsive."
There are other four patents registered with the U.S. Patent Office using the microwave
hearing phenomenon. The patent #4877027 http://www.patents.usptogov./cgi-
bin/ilink4?INDEX+0+4877027+F (this patent was bought by the IBM corporation - see
http://patent.womplex.ibm.com/details?patent_number=__4877027 ) with the title "Hearing systém" by
Wayne B. Brunkan, issued on October 31, 1989. In the abstract we read: "Sound is induced
in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 MHz to
10.000 MHz that are modulated with particular waveform." The patent # 4858612 by Philip L.
Stocklin, issued on August 22, 1989 entitled "Hearing device"http://patents.uspto.gov/cgi-
bin/ilink4?INDEX+0+4858612+F. In the abstract we read: "A method and apparatus for simulation
of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the
auditory cortex." The patent # 3766331 by Zink, issued on October 10, 1973 - "Hearing aid
for producing sensations in the brain" and patent # 3629521 by Andrija Puharich, December
1971, "Hearing systems".
Robert Becker, in his book "Body Electric" writes about an experiment by J. F. Schapitz in
1974. It was released voluntarily on basis of Freedom of Information Act and for that matter
R. Becker takes it "with a pillar of salt". J. F. Schapitz stated: "In this investigation it will be
shown that the spoken word of hypnotist may also be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic
energy directly into the subconcscious parts of the human brain - i. e. without employing any
technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to
such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously." In one of the four
experiments subjects should have been given a test of hundred questions, ranging from easy to
technical ones. Later, not knowing they were being irradiated they would be subjected to
information beams suggesting the answers to the questions they had left blank, amnesia for
some of their correct answers and memory falsification of their correct answers. After 2 weeks
they had to pass the test again.The results of those experiments were never published. Later on
we will discuss the possiblities how this could be done.
In the 1986 the American
Air Force issued a book „Low Intensity Conflict and Modern
Technology“ (19). In the foreword Newt Gingrich, member of the U.S. House of
Representatives writes: „The United States is on the verge of a dramatic change in its ability to
cope with low-intensity conflict... This book is a serious effort to make thinking about and
working on low-intensity conflict easier, more understandable and more effective.“ The chapter
on the „Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict“ wrote Capt. Paul Tyler. At the
beginning he quotes „Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical
Systems Through the Year 2000“ issued by American Air Force in 1982: „Currently available
data allow the projection that specially generated radiofrequency radiation (RFR) fields may
pose a powerful and revolutionary antipersonnel military threats... the increasing understanding
of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggested the serious probability that impressed
electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing
and or interrogating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100 miliamperes
through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death... A rapidly scanning RFR
system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area. System effectiveness
will be a function of wave form, field intensity, pulse width, repetition frequency, and carrier
The last line defines the technical principle of the control of cerebral functions. Though it is
too short to provide the understanding of how such a technology may work. It is generally
known that the information inside of the brain is „translated“ and transferred by a number and
frequency of nerve impulses, while the intensity of the feeling or perception usually corresponds
to the intensity of electrical current. Another phenomenon generally accepted in the modern
scientific literature is a synchronization of frequencies of emitted nerve impulses in different
parts of the brain in reaction to the stimuli which catch the attention of the brain (34). Per E.
Roland from the Laboratory for Brain Research and Positron Emission Tomography at the
Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, engaged in the research of brain activation in
reaction to different stimuli. He studied the influx of blood, bringing the nutrition to the activated
areas of the brain. In this way he was finding the different areas or columns of neurons which
got activated in reaction to different stimuli. He writes that looking at the distribution of those
activated areas in the brain, he can tell what is the subject a person is thinking about. Then he
asks a question whether those so called „metabolical columns“ have common
electrophysiological properties, e.g. whether their electrical activity is identical. The reply to this
question he finds in the work of German scientists Schopman and Stryker from 1981 who
„showed that in the visual cortex of the cat, the metabolic columns corresponded with
electrophysiologically defined columns in which the neurons had orientation specificity for the
stimulus used.“ This means that different stimuli produce in the brain different electrical events.
In the opposite direction Whitsel and Juliano (1989) found that „metabolic columns only
occurred at cortical locations where the neurons possessed electrophysiologically defined
functional properties related to the stimulus.“ Skarda and Freeman (1987) and Singer (1990)
„advanced the concept that neurons in different active columns synchronize their electrical
oscillatory activity in response to optimal inputs“ (35).
Wolf Singer (36) describes an experiment where two different stimuli produced at the
same time are observed in the brain. They were „represented by two independently oscillating
assemblies of cells“. According to Wolf Singer the differences in brain activity in reaction to
different stimuli are represented by different groups of neurons oscillating in different
frequencies. Walter J. Freeman, who has already for years measured the brain activity in
reaction to different stimuli by many microelectrodes at the same time, presented already in
1975 a hypothesis „that a novel external stimulus is broadly transmitted from the primary
sensory cortex or thalamus to other parts of the cortex... transmission occurs at some
characteristic frequency, and... reception occurs in... sets tuned to that frequency“ (37).
(Electroencephalographers have no doubt that those are those synchronizations which appear
on the EEG recordings and are already capable to recognize the speech frequencies - see
Continuous Wave-Form Analysis, journal: Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology, supplement no. 45, 1996).
And what happens when an external electromagnetic frequency is applied to the brain? H.
Frolich from the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool, England, writes:
oscillations produced by coherent excitation of a single polar mode „yield long range,
frequency selective, interactions between systems with equal excitation frequencies“ (38). In
other words it is basically the frequency of nerve impulses e.g. frequency of electrical currents
e.g. - from military point of view - frequency of electromagnetic waves that defines the activity
of the brain, and we can always bypass the physical perception by electromagnetic signals
which will produce, in the brain, the same electrophysiological events as would be produced by
the perception. It means the events in the brain can be produced „synthetically“ from the
outside. Those findings are supported as well by the experiments of Allan Frey and W. Guy
where electromagnetic „acoustic“ signals , when tuned to the electrophysiological properties of
cochlea or to its natural frequencies and pulse widths, produced in the brain the same events
as a normal sound. When the parameters of the transmitter (i.e. frequency, pulse width etc.)
were changed, it was another brain area which resonated with the electromagnetic signals and
so the feeling of severe buffeting on the head or pins and needles sensation was induced. The
changed transmitter parameters resonated with another receiver in the brain, which caused
there different type of frequency synchronizations. The same effect reflects also the note of
Capt. Tyler that „normal breathing takes place at certain frequencies and amplitudes but not at
others.“ The radiofrequency radiation, when tuned to its frequencies and amplitudes, hits the
part of the brain which controls the breathing and imposes another rhythm of breathing or even
stops it (remember that Jose Delgado could produce the same effect by means of electric
stimulation of the brain). So the Patrick Flanagan‘s neurophone works in pretty much the same
way as a radio transmitter whose broadcasting is adjusted to the „receiver“ picking up the
signal which, in this case, appears to be cochlea. If we want to broadcast for another
„receiver“ in the nervous system, we only need to know its parameters to be able to broadcast
the information or frequency to which the receiver is tuned up. Just like when tuning our radio
receiver we choose the frequency at which its internal circuits will resonate and the result is that
we listen to the radio station which we have chosen. John Marks, in his book on CIA mind
control research quotes one of CIA research veterans recalling a colleague’s joke: „If you
could find the natural radio frequency of a person‘s sphincter, you could make him run out of
the room real fast. (43)“ Different frequencies used in his experiments with animals also Jose
Delgado. But this time the only case when the results of his work were presented to public was
the article by Kathleen McAuliffe in OMNI magazine. Robert Becker, since she is friend of
his, instructed her before her trip to Spain, what questions she should ask Jose Delgado (17).
One of those questions was whether, aside of frequencies, other parameters of the transmitter
can make difference. Probably being bound by national security information law, Jose
Delgado did not answer most of the questions prepared by R. Becker. Anyway the
waveforms, intensity of the electric current, the pulse width and carrier frequency are being
quoted in the scientific papers on experiments.
From the paper of captain Tyler we did not learn anything about the projects of the
American Navy he was working for. Robert Becker, in his book Cross Currents presents the
report coming from the Microwave Research Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute,
where J.C. Sharp carried out his experiment with the transmission of words into the brain by
radiofrequency radiation. The report deals with the effects of pulsed microwaves on nervous
system and describes the division of testing program into four parts: 1) prompt debilitating
effects, 2) prompt stimulation auditory effects (remember J.C. Sharp one more time) 3) work
interference (stoppage effects) 4) effects on stimulus controlled behavior. The report presents
this conclusion: „Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and
produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation unrelated to heat“ (42). The idea that with
the electromagnetic stimulation of the brain the same effects can be produced as with electric
stimulation, as Jose Delgado described it, is dismaying, but apparently true.
American Air Force, according to the Final Report on Biotechnology Research
Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000, divided the research of
radiofrequency weapons into three areas:
1) Pulsed RFR Effects“ - projected research since 1980 until 1995
2) „Mechanisms of RFR with Living Systems“ referred to as
„continuation of ongoing research“ beginning in 1980 and forecast to
conclude around 1997
3) „RFR forced disruptive phenomena“ - starting around 1986 with the projected
continuation until 2010. In the second volume of this report it is stated that the work on the
project is progressing according to the schedule or in advance. The last area of research is in
the second volume redefined: „While initial attention should be toward degradation of human
performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic field effects, subsequent work should
address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally
applied fields...“ (44). This formulation is probably not clear on purpose, but the message
looks clear - the intent of the project should be to collect electromagnetic waves emanating
from the brain and to transmit them into another brain that would read a person‘s thoughts or
to use the same procedure in order to impose somebody else‘s thoughts on another person‘s
brain and in this way direct his actions. If it is true what Wolf Singer tells about brain events
always differing by frequencies of synchronizations among different brain cells then it is not
impossible to find the thoughts frequencies. To pick them up would probably require some
kind of passive radar and the transmission would require the transcoding of the slow waves
emanating from the brain into the electromagnetic pulses of microwaves on an active radar
which does not appear to be that difficult of a technical task (the individual difference of the
thought brain frequencies should be probbly handled by computerized translation). From the
layman‘s point of view the most difficult task is to pick up the brain waves. But according to
Gordon Thomas (3) the U.S. intelligence services, during the taking of hostages in Lebanon,
eavesdropped the conversations on the streets of Beirut from satellites and computers
searched there for clues that could lead to a liberation of hostages. The capabilities of military
technology go far beyond the understanding of common sense. For sure it is interesting that the
Czech Republic is officially the unique producer of the spying passive radar Tamara and the
United States has never ordered it from them.
The military documents quoted here are accessible to the public though they are not
published in the newspapers. Our guess is that they are there in order to get the public ready
to accept the use of the technology that is already at hand and sometimes in use. If you will
just only read this text, without following up with an action, you will support this course of
Some idea of how such manipulation can feel we can get from the lecture of Friedman
Kaiser, from the Department of Theoretical Physics in Stuttgart, Germany. At the conference
on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems (70), in his lecture he described how does
the “entrainment” of biological system (including the brain) to the external stimulation develop:
“Regular external perturbations interact with the internal oscillations, the system can be
synchronized to the external drives (entrainment). A sharp frequency response results,
exhibiting... rather irregular behavior near the entrainment region. On the route from the free to
the forced oscillations one finds near the region of entrainment a nonlinear superposition of free
and forced oscillations... the occurrence of strongly periodic states with submultiples of the
external frequency enables the system to couple to other frequencies or to decouple partially
from the driving field.” In simple words a man or woman who will fall victim to complex
manipulation of the type of “strategic personality simulation” which we will talk about in the
next chapter, will live in the condition comparable to military occupation of a state. if this
radiation hits the whole population, it should be about the same situation. Paul Tyler in his
paper on Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict writes that electromagnetic
systems “are silent and countermeasures to them may be difficult to develop.”
Technology“ (19). In the foreword Newt Gingrich, member of the U.S. House of
Representatives writes: „The United States is on the verge of a dramatic change in its ability to
cope with low-intensity conflict... This book is a serious effort to make thinking about and
working on low-intensity conflict easier, more understandable and more effective.“ The chapter
on the „Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict“ wrote Capt. Paul Tyler. At the
beginning he quotes „Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical
Systems Through the Year 2000“ issued by American Air Force in 1982: „Currently available
data allow the projection that specially generated radiofrequency radiation (RFR) fields may
pose a powerful and revolutionary antipersonnel military threats... the increasing understanding
of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggested the serious probability that impressed
electromagnetic fields can be disruptive to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing
and or interrogating such behavior. Further, the passage of approximately 100 miliamperes
through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death... A rapidly scanning RFR
system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area. System effectiveness
will be a function of wave form, field intensity, pulse width, repetition frequency, and carrier
The last line defines the technical principle of the control of cerebral functions. Though it is
too short to provide the understanding of how such a technology may work. It is generally
known that the information inside of the brain is „translated“ and transferred by a number and
frequency of nerve impulses, while the intensity of the feeling or perception usually corresponds
to the intensity of electrical current. Another phenomenon generally accepted in the modern
scientific literature is a synchronization of frequencies of emitted nerve impulses in different
parts of the brain in reaction to the stimuli which catch the attention of the brain (34). Per E.
Roland from the Laboratory for Brain Research and Positron Emission Tomography at the
Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, engaged in the research of brain activation in
reaction to different stimuli. He studied the influx of blood, bringing the nutrition to the activated
areas of the brain. In this way he was finding the different areas or columns of neurons which
got activated in reaction to different stimuli. He writes that looking at the distribution of those
activated areas in the brain, he can tell what is the subject a person is thinking about. Then he
asks a question whether those so called „metabolical columns“ have common
electrophysiological properties, e.g. whether their electrical activity is identical. The reply to this
question he finds in the work of German scientists Schopman and Stryker from 1981 who
„showed that in the visual cortex of the cat, the metabolic columns corresponded with
electrophysiologically defined columns in which the neurons had orientation specificity for the
stimulus used.“ This means that different stimuli produce in the brain different electrical events.
In the opposite direction Whitsel and Juliano (1989) found that „metabolic columns only
occurred at cortical locations where the neurons possessed electrophysiologically defined
functional properties related to the stimulus.“ Skarda and Freeman (1987) and Singer (1990)
„advanced the concept that neurons in different active columns synchronize their electrical
oscillatory activity in response to optimal inputs“ (35).
Wolf Singer (36) describes an experiment where two different stimuli produced at the
same time are observed in the brain. They were „represented by two independently oscillating
assemblies of cells“. According to Wolf Singer the differences in brain activity in reaction to
different stimuli are represented by different groups of neurons oscillating in different
frequencies. Walter J. Freeman, who has already for years measured the brain activity in
reaction to different stimuli by many microelectrodes at the same time, presented already in
1975 a hypothesis „that a novel external stimulus is broadly transmitted from the primary
sensory cortex or thalamus to other parts of the cortex... transmission occurs at some
characteristic frequency, and... reception occurs in... sets tuned to that frequency“ (37).
(Electroencephalographers have no doubt that those are those synchronizations which appear
on the EEG recordings and are already capable to recognize the speech frequencies - see
Continuous Wave-Form Analysis, journal: Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology, supplement no. 45, 1996).
And what happens when an external electromagnetic frequency is applied to the brain? H.
Frolich from the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool, England, writes:
oscillations produced by coherent excitation of a single polar mode „yield long range,
frequency selective, interactions between systems with equal excitation frequencies“ (38). In
other words it is basically the frequency of nerve impulses e.g. frequency of electrical currents
e.g. - from military point of view - frequency of electromagnetic waves that defines the activity
of the brain, and we can always bypass the physical perception by electromagnetic signals
which will produce, in the brain, the same electrophysiological events as would be produced by
the perception. It means the events in the brain can be produced „synthetically“ from the
outside. Those findings are supported as well by the experiments of Allan Frey and W. Guy
where electromagnetic „acoustic“ signals , when tuned to the electrophysiological properties of
cochlea or to its natural frequencies and pulse widths, produced in the brain the same events
as a normal sound. When the parameters of the transmitter (i.e. frequency, pulse width etc.)
were changed, it was another brain area which resonated with the electromagnetic signals and
so the feeling of severe buffeting on the head or pins and needles sensation was induced. The
changed transmitter parameters resonated with another receiver in the brain, which caused
there different type of frequency synchronizations. The same effect reflects also the note of
Capt. Tyler that „normal breathing takes place at certain frequencies and amplitudes but not at
others.“ The radiofrequency radiation, when tuned to its frequencies and amplitudes, hits the
part of the brain which controls the breathing and imposes another rhythm of breathing or even
stops it (remember that Jose Delgado could produce the same effect by means of electric
stimulation of the brain). So the Patrick Flanagan‘s neurophone works in pretty much the same
way as a radio transmitter whose broadcasting is adjusted to the „receiver“ picking up the
signal which, in this case, appears to be cochlea. If we want to broadcast for another
„receiver“ in the nervous system, we only need to know its parameters to be able to broadcast
the information or frequency to which the receiver is tuned up. Just like when tuning our radio
receiver we choose the frequency at which its internal circuits will resonate and the result is that
we listen to the radio station which we have chosen. John Marks, in his book on CIA mind
control research quotes one of CIA research veterans recalling a colleague’s joke: „If you
could find the natural radio frequency of a person‘s sphincter, you could make him run out of
the room real fast. (43)“ Different frequencies used in his experiments with animals also Jose
Delgado. But this time the only case when the results of his work were presented to public was
the article by Kathleen McAuliffe in OMNI magazine. Robert Becker, since she is friend of
his, instructed her before her trip to Spain, what questions she should ask Jose Delgado (17).
One of those questions was whether, aside of frequencies, other parameters of the transmitter
can make difference. Probably being bound by national security information law, Jose
Delgado did not answer most of the questions prepared by R. Becker. Anyway the
waveforms, intensity of the electric current, the pulse width and carrier frequency are being
quoted in the scientific papers on experiments.
From the paper of captain Tyler we did not learn anything about the projects of the
American Navy he was working for. Robert Becker, in his book Cross Currents presents the
report coming from the Microwave Research Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute,
where J.C. Sharp carried out his experiment with the transmission of words into the brain by
radiofrequency radiation. The report deals with the effects of pulsed microwaves on nervous
system and describes the division of testing program into four parts: 1) prompt debilitating
effects, 2) prompt stimulation auditory effects (remember J.C. Sharp one more time) 3) work
interference (stoppage effects) 4) effects on stimulus controlled behavior. The report presents
this conclusion: „Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and
produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation unrelated to heat“ (42). The idea that with
the electromagnetic stimulation of the brain the same effects can be produced as with electric
stimulation, as Jose Delgado described it, is dismaying, but apparently true.
American Air Force, according to the Final Report on Biotechnology Research
Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000, divided the research of
radiofrequency weapons into three areas:
1) Pulsed RFR Effects“ - projected research since 1980 until 1995
2) „Mechanisms of RFR with Living Systems“ referred to as
„continuation of ongoing research“ beginning in 1980 and forecast to
conclude around 1997
3) „RFR forced disruptive phenomena“ - starting around 1986 with the projected
continuation until 2010. In the second volume of this report it is stated that the work on the
project is progressing according to the schedule or in advance. The last area of research is in
the second volume redefined: „While initial attention should be toward degradation of human
performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic field effects, subsequent work should
address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally
applied fields...“ (44). This formulation is probably not clear on purpose, but the message
looks clear - the intent of the project should be to collect electromagnetic waves emanating
from the brain and to transmit them into another brain that would read a person‘s thoughts or
to use the same procedure in order to impose somebody else‘s thoughts on another person‘s
brain and in this way direct his actions. If it is true what Wolf Singer tells about brain events
always differing by frequencies of synchronizations among different brain cells then it is not
impossible to find the thoughts frequencies. To pick them up would probably require some
kind of passive radar and the transmission would require the transcoding of the slow waves
emanating from the brain into the electromagnetic pulses of microwaves on an active radar
which does not appear to be that difficult of a technical task (the individual difference of the
thought brain frequencies should be probbly handled by computerized translation). From the
layman‘s point of view the most difficult task is to pick up the brain waves. But according to
Gordon Thomas (3) the U.S. intelligence services, during the taking of hostages in Lebanon,
eavesdropped the conversations on the streets of Beirut from satellites and computers
searched there for clues that could lead to a liberation of hostages. The capabilities of military
technology go far beyond the understanding of common sense. For sure it is interesting that the
Czech Republic is officially the unique producer of the spying passive radar Tamara and the
United States has never ordered it from them.
The military documents quoted here are accessible to the public though they are not
published in the newspapers. Our guess is that they are there in order to get the public ready
to accept the use of the technology that is already at hand and sometimes in use. If you will
just only read this text, without following up with an action, you will support this course of
Some idea of how such manipulation can feel we can get from the lecture of Friedman
Kaiser, from the Department of Theoretical Physics in Stuttgart, Germany. At the conference
on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems (70), in his lecture he described how does
the “entrainment” of biological system (including the brain) to the external stimulation develop:
“Regular external perturbations interact with the internal oscillations, the system can be
synchronized to the external drives (entrainment). A sharp frequency response results,
exhibiting... rather irregular behavior near the entrainment region. On the route from the free to
the forced oscillations one finds near the region of entrainment a nonlinear superposition of free
and forced oscillations... the occurrence of strongly periodic states with submultiples of the
external frequency enables the system to couple to other frequencies or to decouple partially
from the driving field.” In simple words a man or woman who will fall victim to complex
manipulation of the type of “strategic personality simulation” which we will talk about in the
next chapter, will live in the condition comparable to military occupation of a state. if this
radiation hits the whole population, it should be about the same situation. Paul Tyler in his
paper on Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict writes that electromagnetic
systems “are silent and countermeasures to them may be difficult to develop.”
In 1992 the Independent Moscow
Institute for Foreign Affairs published in the weekly
Stolitsa the communication by Victor Sedletski that already in 1982 in the USSR began the
development of the new radar system which could be used to create „psychotronic field for
mind control“ (64).
At the end of 1994 the first tests of the most powerful radar system in the world were
carried out in Alaska. This year its power should reach 10 billion watts. Among the main
features of the system belongs its ability to heat the ionosphere and in this way change its
altitude. By this kind of manipulation of the ionosphere it is possible to bounce the
electromagnetic waves back from the ionosphere to whichever region on the planet. According
to the official information by the U.S. government the system HAARP is designed for scientific
research. Anyway there are too many facts suggesting that the major reason for its construction
are military purposes. The building of the system started the E-Systems corporation which in
1992 made 2,1 billion dollars in sales out of which 1,8 billion were for classified projects. The
whole project is financed by the American Navy and Air Force. The main patent of Bernard J.
Eastlund (number 4,686,605) proposes the use of the system among others for destruction of
navigation systems of airplanes and missiles wherever in the atmosphere, interference with all
communication systems wherever on the planet (remember the CNN programme on Russian
electromagnetic weapons), the global weather control and creation or repair of the ozone
holes. Other patents connected with the system propose the use of the system for induction of
detonations in the extent of nuclear explosions (again recall the CNN programme) and other
military uses. In 1995 the U.S. government stopped financing of the project until the army will
develop the application of the system for the earth penetrating tomography. In this application
the system HAARP should be able to find, using extra low frequency electromagnetic
radiation, deposits of minerals underneath the Earth surface, but as well the underground
shelters, factories, tunnels and other facilities. At the end of 1995 the authors of the book
Angels don‘t Play This HAARP visited the director of the HAARP program, Hecksher. He
told them that in this application the HAARP system will use frequencies between 12 and 20
Hz or perhaps 1 Hz. Those are frequencies which affect human nervous system. It is true those
waves are too long to make it possible to aim them at human beings and most probably they
will not carry the biological information to affect human brains, but still their effects on human
nervous system are not alltogether predictable. Anyway, with the versatility of the system, it is
no problem to emit pulsed microwaves with the intention to influence the human psyche. The
inventor of neurophone, Patrick Flanagan, in the foreword to the book „Angels Don‘t Play
This HAARP“ wrote: „As a result of... personal research experiences I am acutely aware of
the potential misuse of HAARP technology for the implementation of global electronic mind
control“ (22). The European Parliament in its resolution of January 28, 1999 is apparently
addressing also this capability of the HAARP system.
Stolitsa the communication by Victor Sedletski that already in 1982 in the USSR began the
development of the new radar system which could be used to create „psychotronic field for
mind control“ (64).
At the end of 1994 the first tests of the most powerful radar system in the world were
carried out in Alaska. This year its power should reach 10 billion watts. Among the main
features of the system belongs its ability to heat the ionosphere and in this way change its
altitude. By this kind of manipulation of the ionosphere it is possible to bounce the
electromagnetic waves back from the ionosphere to whichever region on the planet. According
to the official information by the U.S. government the system HAARP is designed for scientific
research. Anyway there are too many facts suggesting that the major reason for its construction
are military purposes. The building of the system started the E-Systems corporation which in
1992 made 2,1 billion dollars in sales out of which 1,8 billion were for classified projects. The
whole project is financed by the American Navy and Air Force. The main patent of Bernard J.
Eastlund (number 4,686,605) proposes the use of the system among others for destruction of
navigation systems of airplanes and missiles wherever in the atmosphere, interference with all
communication systems wherever on the planet (remember the CNN programme on Russian
electromagnetic weapons), the global weather control and creation or repair of the ozone
holes. Other patents connected with the system propose the use of the system for induction of
detonations in the extent of nuclear explosions (again recall the CNN programme) and other
military uses. In 1995 the U.S. government stopped financing of the project until the army will
develop the application of the system for the earth penetrating tomography. In this application
the system HAARP should be able to find, using extra low frequency electromagnetic
radiation, deposits of minerals underneath the Earth surface, but as well the underground
shelters, factories, tunnels and other facilities. At the end of 1995 the authors of the book
Angels don‘t Play This HAARP visited the director of the HAARP program, Hecksher. He
told them that in this application the HAARP system will use frequencies between 12 and 20
Hz or perhaps 1 Hz. Those are frequencies which affect human nervous system. It is true those
waves are too long to make it possible to aim them at human beings and most probably they
will not carry the biological information to affect human brains, but still their effects on human
nervous system are not alltogether predictable. Anyway, with the versatility of the system, it is
no problem to emit pulsed microwaves with the intention to influence the human psyche. The
inventor of neurophone, Patrick Flanagan, in the foreword to the book „Angels Don‘t Play
This HAARP“ wrote: „As a result of... personal research experiences I am acutely aware of
the potential misuse of HAARP technology for the implementation of global electronic mind
control“ (22). The European Parliament in its resolution of January 28, 1999 is apparently
addressing also this capability of the HAARP system.
In 1993 in
the December issue of the American bimonthly Microwave News (65) appeared
the report that in November of the same year, at the John Hopkins University (engaged in
research of radiofrequency radiation - for example Samuel Koslov, one of the researchers in
the project Pandora, replicated there experiment where rabbits exposed to microwave
radiation developed corneal cataracts (41)), a secret conference took place, sponsored by the
National Laboratory in Los Alamos, involved in the development of non lethal weapon
systems. In the invitation to this conference we read: “The purpose of this conference is to
bring together industry, government, and academia to explore the potential of non lethal
defense and identify requirements so that the defense community can work together in
leveraging the non-lethal concept. Industry, particularly, will benefit from a more precise
understanding of requirements and operational constraints regarding non-lethal defense
technologies. All attendees will have the opportunity to embrace a new perspective in
international relations.” in simple words the objective of the conference was to convince the
industry about the lucrativity of the production of non-lethal weapons which will be used in the
international relations.
On Wednesday, November 17, 1993 at 9 AM the lecture by Dr. George Baker from
Defense Nuclear Agency was scheduled. The lecture was entitled “RF Weapons: A Very
Attractive Non-Lethal Option”. At 11.10 AM of the same day, Dr. Clay Easterly from Oak
Ridge National Laboratory lectured on “Application of Extremely Low Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields to Non-Lethal Weapons”. Clay Easterly told the Microwave News that
since the conference was closed to anyone without security clearance, he could not discuss the
specific effects he referred to in his talk, but he admitted that his presentation dealt with the
possibility of developing measures that would affect people.
On the lecture by Dr. George Baker the Microwave News comment that “it is difficult to
know, based on unclassified information, whether this “option” has ever been used” and “That
there were also allegations that non-ionizing radiation was used against the women’s peace
activist encampment at Greenham Common in the U.K. in the mid-1980s”.
Since four and half years have passed since that conference it is logical to suppose that the
mass production of those weapons was launched in the USA as well as in Russia according to
Victor Sedletski.
the report that in November of the same year, at the John Hopkins University (engaged in
research of radiofrequency radiation - for example Samuel Koslov, one of the researchers in
the project Pandora, replicated there experiment where rabbits exposed to microwave
radiation developed corneal cataracts (41)), a secret conference took place, sponsored by the
National Laboratory in Los Alamos, involved in the development of non lethal weapon
systems. In the invitation to this conference we read: “The purpose of this conference is to
bring together industry, government, and academia to explore the potential of non lethal
defense and identify requirements so that the defense community can work together in
leveraging the non-lethal concept. Industry, particularly, will benefit from a more precise
understanding of requirements and operational constraints regarding non-lethal defense
technologies. All attendees will have the opportunity to embrace a new perspective in
international relations.” in simple words the objective of the conference was to convince the
industry about the lucrativity of the production of non-lethal weapons which will be used in the
international relations.
On Wednesday, November 17, 1993 at 9 AM the lecture by Dr. George Baker from
Defense Nuclear Agency was scheduled. The lecture was entitled “RF Weapons: A Very
Attractive Non-Lethal Option”. At 11.10 AM of the same day, Dr. Clay Easterly from Oak
Ridge National Laboratory lectured on “Application of Extremely Low Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields to Non-Lethal Weapons”. Clay Easterly told the Microwave News that
since the conference was closed to anyone without security clearance, he could not discuss the
specific effects he referred to in his talk, but he admitted that his presentation dealt with the
possibility of developing measures that would affect people.
On the lecture by Dr. George Baker the Microwave News comment that “it is difficult to
know, based on unclassified information, whether this “option” has ever been used” and “That
there were also allegations that non-ionizing radiation was used against the women’s peace
activist encampment at Greenham Common in the U.K. in the mid-1980s”.
Since four and half years have passed since that conference it is logical to suppose that the
mass production of those weapons was launched in the USA as well as in Russia according to
Victor Sedletski.
John B. Alexander, the former
director on non lethal weapons project at the American
National Laboratory in Los Alalmos, in his article in the Military Review from 1980, writes:
“whoever makes the first major breakthrough in this field will have a quantum lead over his
opponent, an advantage similar to sole possession of nuclear weapons” (45). Samuel Koslov,
a leading personality of the project Pandora of the American Navy and researcher at the John
Hopkins University where the secret conference took place, in the closing speech at the
conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983 said that the
conference had proven that the external electric fields can “become a key to the cellular
control console. The implications, social, economic, and even military are enormous.” Samuel
Koslov then continued: “If much of what we have heard is indeed correct, it may be not less
significant to the nation than the prospects that faced the physics community in 1939 when the
long-time predicted fissionability of the nucleus was actually demonstrated. You may recall the
famous letter of Albert Einstein to President Roosvelt. When we’re in a position to do so in
terms of our proofs, I would propose that an analogous letter is required.”
From this perspective of the revolutionary event in the science is derived also the book
“Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War”, issued by the Strategic Studies
Institute at the U.S. Army War College (71). Since the national security information is in
question, the book can not tell the readers what technology exactly is making this revolution
feasible. >From the beginning the authors are aware that the use of this technology may run
counter to basic moral and political values of the American society and in consequence the
revolution in military affairs would require a moral and political revolution to come first. Since it
is difficult for them to imagine that the American Society would accept the ethical and political
revolution that would deprive the citizen of his privacy, they develop a scenario of events which
would lead the American political leaders to back this revolution.
The scenario is placed into the year 2000 and is based on the situation of growing
terrorism, drug trafficking and criminality: “The president was thus amenable to the use of the
sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs) in
conflict short of war...As technology changed the way force was applied, things such as
personal courage, face-to-face leadership, and the “warfighter” mentality became irrelevant.”
So the psychotechnology, which formed the core of the RMA, provided new methods how to
influence the psyche of the adversary in place of the classical strategy to make him fear the
death. “In the pre-RMA days, psychological operations and psychological warfare were
primitive. As they advanced into the electronic and bioelectronic era, it was necessary to
rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies)
both international and domestic... Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic
“consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty
changed.” It means creation of a society where thinking is reserved to power elite’s as it is in
totalitarian states and that the new totalitarian state should extend all over the planet. In which
way the central power would be administered? “Potential or possible supporters of the
insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated
Database. These were categorized as “potential” or “active”, with sophisticated personality
simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each.” That this is
not altogether a science fiction proves the American Department of Defense Directive
establishing The Non-Lethal Weapons Steering Committee, issued on January 1, 1995 (74).
There we read: “The term “adversary” is used above in its broadest sense, including those who
are not declared enemies but who are engaged in activities we wish to stop.” As well, if the
United States in mid eighties were capable to eavesdrop telephonic and other communications
around the world, why would not they be able to read minds or impose thoughts on whichever
person in the world whose brain frequencies they will be able to determine, in the year 2000.
In the conclusion of the book on the Revolution in Military Affairs the authors return to
reality. They admit that the American public and government may not be willing to accept this
kind of revolution, but they are, as well, aware of the fact that as the use of this technology will
be growing “we may eventually stumble into change as ultimately profound as deliberate
revolution.” But even in this realistic part they write: “... conflict short of war, ... is most often
won or lost through the manipulation of images, beliefs, attitudes and perceptions. These
things... are the key military targets in conflict short of war. This makes psychological
technology much more important than strike technology. Ways must be found to use the
emerging technology including advanced artificial intelligence and information dissemination
systems, to help military strategists develop, implement, and continually improve methods of
influencing opinion, mobilizing public support, and sometimes demobilizing it. There is also
potential for defensive psychotechnology such as “strategic personality simulations” to aid
national security decision makers.” As a reference for the last sentence we read : “See Norman
D. Livergood and Stephen D. Williams, “Strategic Personality Simulation: A New Strategic
Concept”, unpublished draft paper, Carlisle Barracks, PAK: U.S. Army War College, 1994”.
The conclusion of the authors is: “Whether we opt for revolution or evolution, change will
occur.” In their futuristic scenario they expect that this psychotechnology will gradually appear
“on the domestic black market and, increasingly, in American schools and workplaces”, they
do not mention the fact that this technology can be used for murders that could not ever be
proved in the court (people would be dying from heart attacks, blood clots etc.). To master
this kind of civilization crisis would require the further tightening of the totalitarian regime
which could have for effect the gradual decline of the civilization.
If the reader would like to believe that such a scenario has nothing in common with the
reality and so he has no reason to fear anything, Igor Smirnov, in his interview for the
Newsweek as well as in the interview for the Moskovskie Novosti (here not quite openly)
admitted that the Russian Mafia is interested to get his technology. That even the Russian
government does not take this for a joke proves the fact that there exists in Russia the law
imposing state controls on all equipment in private hands which can be used as “psychotronic
weaponry” (69).
On the leaflet of an American corporation (we will not name it since we do not support the
dissemination of those weapons) we read: "Ever want to forcibly, yet secretly project YOUR
THOUGHTS into another people-or animals as an ovepowering EM signal?…Range is about
50 feet. Portable, battery operated…" The range of another system marketed on this leaflet
"used in theoretical and applied research into EM weaponry… and mind control… exceeds 1
km." On the same leaflet an ultrasound apparatus is offered to be bought.
In their futuristic scenario the authors of the book on the Revolution in Military Affairs also
write that “Whenever possible, profitability was used to encourage private and quasi private
enterprises to develop appropriate technology... especially advanced psychotechnology.” But
the last chapter of this paper was dedicated to one such conference, which took place in 1993.
So are we talking about the future or about the past?
The concept of the “strategic personality stimulation” is probably tested on some of the
people who claim to be mind control experiment’s victims.
And even the idea that the concept of the revolution in military affairs is limited only to few
people in the American Strategic Studies Institute may not be that correct. In 1996 Paul G.
Kaminski, the secretary from the U.S. Department of Defense said in front of the House of
Representatives National Security Committee: “Cosmic forces play a key role in the emerging
revolution in military affairs and this thanks to their unique capacity to gather, transfer and
disseminate information” (72), it is quite probable that he was talking about the system
HAARP capable to target whichever region of the Earth by manipulation of the ionosphere,
and its use for psychological operations.
National Laboratory in Los Alalmos, in his article in the Military Review from 1980, writes:
“whoever makes the first major breakthrough in this field will have a quantum lead over his
opponent, an advantage similar to sole possession of nuclear weapons” (45). Samuel Koslov,
a leading personality of the project Pandora of the American Navy and researcher at the John
Hopkins University where the secret conference took place, in the closing speech at the
conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983 said that the
conference had proven that the external electric fields can “become a key to the cellular
control console. The implications, social, economic, and even military are enormous.” Samuel
Koslov then continued: “If much of what we have heard is indeed correct, it may be not less
significant to the nation than the prospects that faced the physics community in 1939 when the
long-time predicted fissionability of the nucleus was actually demonstrated. You may recall the
famous letter of Albert Einstein to President Roosvelt. When we’re in a position to do so in
terms of our proofs, I would propose that an analogous letter is required.”
From this perspective of the revolutionary event in the science is derived also the book
“Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War”, issued by the Strategic Studies
Institute at the U.S. Army War College (71). Since the national security information is in
question, the book can not tell the readers what technology exactly is making this revolution
feasible. >From the beginning the authors are aware that the use of this technology may run
counter to basic moral and political values of the American society and in consequence the
revolution in military affairs would require a moral and political revolution to come first. Since it
is difficult for them to imagine that the American Society would accept the ethical and political
revolution that would deprive the citizen of his privacy, they develop a scenario of events which
would lead the American political leaders to back this revolution.
The scenario is placed into the year 2000 and is based on the situation of growing
terrorism, drug trafficking and criminality: “The president was thus amenable to the use of the
sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs) in
conflict short of war...As technology changed the way force was applied, things such as
personal courage, face-to-face leadership, and the “warfighter” mentality became irrelevant.”
So the psychotechnology, which formed the core of the RMA, provided new methods how to
influence the psyche of the adversary in place of the classical strategy to make him fear the
death. “In the pre-RMA days, psychological operations and psychological warfare were
primitive. As they advanced into the electronic and bioelectronic era, it was necessary to
rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies)
both international and domestic... Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic
“consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty
changed.” It means creation of a society where thinking is reserved to power elite’s as it is in
totalitarian states and that the new totalitarian state should extend all over the planet. In which
way the central power would be administered? “Potential or possible supporters of the
insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated
Database. These were categorized as “potential” or “active”, with sophisticated personality
simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each.” That this is
not altogether a science fiction proves the American Department of Defense Directive
establishing The Non-Lethal Weapons Steering Committee, issued on January 1, 1995 (74).
There we read: “The term “adversary” is used above in its broadest sense, including those who
are not declared enemies but who are engaged in activities we wish to stop.” As well, if the
United States in mid eighties were capable to eavesdrop telephonic and other communications
around the world, why would not they be able to read minds or impose thoughts on whichever
person in the world whose brain frequencies they will be able to determine, in the year 2000.
In the conclusion of the book on the Revolution in Military Affairs the authors return to
reality. They admit that the American public and government may not be willing to accept this
kind of revolution, but they are, as well, aware of the fact that as the use of this technology will
be growing “we may eventually stumble into change as ultimately profound as deliberate
revolution.” But even in this realistic part they write: “... conflict short of war, ... is most often
won or lost through the manipulation of images, beliefs, attitudes and perceptions. These
things... are the key military targets in conflict short of war. This makes psychological
technology much more important than strike technology. Ways must be found to use the
emerging technology including advanced artificial intelligence and information dissemination
systems, to help military strategists develop, implement, and continually improve methods of
influencing opinion, mobilizing public support, and sometimes demobilizing it. There is also
potential for defensive psychotechnology such as “strategic personality simulations” to aid
national security decision makers.” As a reference for the last sentence we read : “See Norman
D. Livergood and Stephen D. Williams, “Strategic Personality Simulation: A New Strategic
Concept”, unpublished draft paper, Carlisle Barracks, PAK: U.S. Army War College, 1994”.
The conclusion of the authors is: “Whether we opt for revolution or evolution, change will
occur.” In their futuristic scenario they expect that this psychotechnology will gradually appear
“on the domestic black market and, increasingly, in American schools and workplaces”, they
do not mention the fact that this technology can be used for murders that could not ever be
proved in the court (people would be dying from heart attacks, blood clots etc.). To master
this kind of civilization crisis would require the further tightening of the totalitarian regime
which could have for effect the gradual decline of the civilization.
If the reader would like to believe that such a scenario has nothing in common with the
reality and so he has no reason to fear anything, Igor Smirnov, in his interview for the
Newsweek as well as in the interview for the Moskovskie Novosti (here not quite openly)
admitted that the Russian Mafia is interested to get his technology. That even the Russian
government does not take this for a joke proves the fact that there exists in Russia the law
imposing state controls on all equipment in private hands which can be used as “psychotronic
weaponry” (69).
On the leaflet of an American corporation (we will not name it since we do not support the
dissemination of those weapons) we read: "Ever want to forcibly, yet secretly project YOUR
THOUGHTS into another people-or animals as an ovepowering EM signal?…Range is about
50 feet. Portable, battery operated…" The range of another system marketed on this leaflet
"used in theoretical and applied research into EM weaponry… and mind control… exceeds 1
km." On the same leaflet an ultrasound apparatus is offered to be bought.
In their futuristic scenario the authors of the book on the Revolution in Military Affairs also
write that “Whenever possible, profitability was used to encourage private and quasi private
enterprises to develop appropriate technology... especially advanced psychotechnology.” But
the last chapter of this paper was dedicated to one such conference, which took place in 1993.
So are we talking about the future or about the past?
The concept of the “strategic personality stimulation” is probably tested on some of the
people who claim to be mind control experiment’s victims.
And even the idea that the concept of the revolution in military affairs is limited only to few
people in the American Strategic Studies Institute may not be that correct. In 1996 Paul G.
Kaminski, the secretary from the U.S. Department of Defense said in front of the House of
Representatives National Security Committee: “Cosmic forces play a key role in the emerging
revolution in military affairs and this thanks to their unique capacity to gather, transfer and
disseminate information” (72), it is quite probable that he was talking about the system
HAARP capable to target whichever region of the Earth by manipulation of the ionosphere,
and its use for psychological operations.
In January 1998 an annual
public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee was
held in Paris, France. Its chairman Jean- Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institute
Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that “advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for
invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will
become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance... That will open the way for
abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behavior and brainwashing. These are
far from being science-fiction concerns... and constitute “a serious risk to society”” (73). At
the same meeting Denis Le Bihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission said
“we can almost read people’s thoughts”. Those are apparently civilian scientists.
In October 1992 the Russian weekly Stolitsa (64) published an article on the development
of “psychotronic weapons” where is mentioned the declaration of the Russian academician
Kazancheyev. According to the unconfirmed news from the times of the Russian scandal (54)
this academician had signed for the Russian part the international agreement of 20 states where
they obliged themselves not to use this technology against each other. That he does not have a
great trust in this agreement proves the fact that he writes about a “psychic war” which, in his
view, is more dangerous than any other kind of warfare and that the military may use
extrasensory perception to paralyze the will of other people, “turning them into obedient
slaves”. He insists on placing this kind of research under international control.
In June 1995 the article “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by
Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms” appeared in the monthly Perceptual and
Motor Skills (43). The author, Dr. Michael Persinger from the Behavioral Neuroscience
Laboratory at Laurentian University in Canada, was mentioned already by Paul Tyler in his
lecture at the conference on Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine (15). In 1997 he published
in the journal Perception and Motor Skills (vol. 85, part 3, pg.1411-8) the article entitled
"Control of "Choice" by Application of Electromagnetic Field Equivalents of Spoken Words;
Mediation by Emotional Meaning Rather than Linguistic Dimensions". According to
unconfirmed reports he was employed on the U.S. Army project “Sleeping Beauty” directed
towards the battlefield use of mind-altering electromagnetic weapons. In his article Michael
Persinger describes the ways how the individual differences among human brains can be
overcome and comes to a conclusion: “Within the last two decades... a potential has emerged
which was improbable but which is now marginally feasible. This potential is the technical
capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the
human species without mediation through classical sensory modalities by generating neural
information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed.
The historical emergence of such possibilities... resulted in major changes in the social evolution
that occurred inordinately quickly after the implementation. Reduction of the risk of the
inappropriate application of these technologies requires the continued and open discussion of
their realistic feasibility and implications within the scientific and public domain.”
The American as well as the Russian governments protect themselves against such
discussions by the National Information Security laws. The already quoted Directive on
Policy for Non-Lethal Weapons assigns the Non-Lethal Weapons Steering Committee the
task to “issue security and classification guidance for non-lethal weapon programs” (74). In the
response to a letter by Eleanor White Joan K. Christensen from the Assembly State of New
York writes: “Thank you for contacting me with your concerns regarding the neuro-disruptive
electronic weapon that you detailed in your correspondence. Unfortunately, information
concerning what was referenced in your letter is highly classified, and I am not at liberty to
divulge such information to the general public” (75). (The fact that this wide range of the U.S.
public officials is acquainted with those weapons is also alarming, because their use may be
much more widespread than is assumed in this paper. ) Under those circumstances the only
way, how the public discussion on this topic can be provoked, is to make the largest possible
portion of the world population aware of those classified facts. It is our conviction that only the
global prohibition of the use of this technology under the international surveillance can prevent
the crisis of the civilization which would result from the continuing use of this technology. The
parents should decide whether they want to bear children into the world where they could not
guarantee for them even the biological independence.
held in Paris, France. Its chairman Jean- Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institute
Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that “advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for
invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will
become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance... That will open the way for
abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behavior and brainwashing. These are
far from being science-fiction concerns... and constitute “a serious risk to society”” (73). At
the same meeting Denis Le Bihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission said
“we can almost read people’s thoughts”. Those are apparently civilian scientists.
In October 1992 the Russian weekly Stolitsa (64) published an article on the development
of “psychotronic weapons” where is mentioned the declaration of the Russian academician
Kazancheyev. According to the unconfirmed news from the times of the Russian scandal (54)
this academician had signed for the Russian part the international agreement of 20 states where
they obliged themselves not to use this technology against each other. That he does not have a
great trust in this agreement proves the fact that he writes about a “psychic war” which, in his
view, is more dangerous than any other kind of warfare and that the military may use
extrasensory perception to paralyze the will of other people, “turning them into obedient
slaves”. He insists on placing this kind of research under international control.
In June 1995 the article “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by
Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms” appeared in the monthly Perceptual and
Motor Skills (43). The author, Dr. Michael Persinger from the Behavioral Neuroscience
Laboratory at Laurentian University in Canada, was mentioned already by Paul Tyler in his
lecture at the conference on Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine (15). In 1997 he published
in the journal Perception and Motor Skills (vol. 85, part 3, pg.1411-8) the article entitled
"Control of "Choice" by Application of Electromagnetic Field Equivalents of Spoken Words;
Mediation by Emotional Meaning Rather than Linguistic Dimensions". According to
unconfirmed reports he was employed on the U.S. Army project “Sleeping Beauty” directed
towards the battlefield use of mind-altering electromagnetic weapons. In his article Michael
Persinger describes the ways how the individual differences among human brains can be
overcome and comes to a conclusion: “Within the last two decades... a potential has emerged
which was improbable but which is now marginally feasible. This potential is the technical
capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the
human species without mediation through classical sensory modalities by generating neural
information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed.
The historical emergence of such possibilities... resulted in major changes in the social evolution
that occurred inordinately quickly after the implementation. Reduction of the risk of the
inappropriate application of these technologies requires the continued and open discussion of
their realistic feasibility and implications within the scientific and public domain.”
The American as well as the Russian governments protect themselves against such
discussions by the National Information Security laws. The already quoted Directive on
Policy for Non-Lethal Weapons assigns the Non-Lethal Weapons Steering Committee the
task to “issue security and classification guidance for non-lethal weapon programs” (74). In the
response to a letter by Eleanor White Joan K. Christensen from the Assembly State of New
York writes: “Thank you for contacting me with your concerns regarding the neuro-disruptive
electronic weapon that you detailed in your correspondence. Unfortunately, information
concerning what was referenced in your letter is highly classified, and I am not at liberty to
divulge such information to the general public” (75). (The fact that this wide range of the U.S.
public officials is acquainted with those weapons is also alarming, because their use may be
much more widespread than is assumed in this paper. ) Under those circumstances the only
way, how the public discussion on this topic can be provoked, is to make the largest possible
portion of the world population aware of those classified facts. It is our conviction that only the
global prohibition of the use of this technology under the international surveillance can prevent
the crisis of the civilization which would result from the continuing use of this technology. The
parents should decide whether they want to bear children into the world where they could not
guarantee for them even the biological independence.
On January 1999 the European
Parliament passed a resolution where it (in
paragraph 27) calls "for an international convention introducing a global ban on all
developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of
manipulation of human beings". (http://www.europarl.eu.int/sg/tree/en/default.htm, click on
Activities, Plenary sessions, Reports by A4… number, fill in 005). It is our conviction
that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the general public
on the governmnets. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the
threat which those weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to work
toward the ban of those weapons. If you make up your mind to support the ban of
radiofrequency weapons used for the control of human minds just e-mail your name
and city and state where you reside (on our web page we will place only your name
and city and state where you reside) to one of the following e-mail addresses:
(Please, in your message let us know if you agree that we use your name and
address in letters to the world organizations. Otherwise your name, city and state of
residence are sufficient information).
We believe in the victory of the common sense.
paragraph 27) calls "for an international convention introducing a global ban on all
developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of
manipulation of human beings". (http://www.europarl.eu.int/sg/tree/en/default.htm, click on
Activities, Plenary sessions, Reports by A4… number, fill in 005). It is our conviction
that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the general public
on the governmnets. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the
threat which those weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to work
toward the ban of those weapons. If you make up your mind to support the ban of
radiofrequency weapons used for the control of human minds just e-mail your name
and city and state where you reside (on our web page we will place only your name
and city and state where you reside) to one of the following e-mail addresses:
(Please, in your message let us know if you agree that we use your name and
address in letters to the world organizations. Otherwise your name, city and state of
residence are sufficient information).
We believe in the victory of the common sense.
The missing
parts and chapters you can find at the addresss
The New York Times, August 2, 1977, "Private Institutions Used in CIA
Efforts to Control
Behavior page 1 and 16
2) ibid.
3) Gordon Thomas: Journey into Madness, the True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control
and Medical Abuse, 1989, Bantam Books, USA, ISBN 0-553-05357-4
4) John Ranelagh: Agency, The rise and Decline of the CIA, 1987, USA, Touchstone Books,
ISBN 9-671-63994-3
5) Jose M. R. Delgado: Physical Control of the Mind, Toward a Psychocivilized
Society, 1969, USA
6) John Stanton Yeomans: Principles of Brain Stimulation, Oxford University Press,
1990, Great Britain, ISBN 019-506-1381
7) see reference 3)
8) Michael Hutchinson: Megabrain Power, Transformation un Bewusstseintechnologien, Die
Revolution de grauen Zellen, Jungerman Verlag, Paderborn, 1996, ISBN 3-87387-248-x
9) Report on the Attorney General's Conference on Less Than Lethal Weapons,
by Sheri Sweetman, March 1987, U.S. department of Justice, quoted from ref. 22)
10) H. Wachtel, R. Seaman, W, Jones, 1975, Effects of Low Intensity Microwaves on
Isolated Neurons, Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 247, pg 42 - 62
11) Jurij A. Chlodov, 1966, The Effect of Electromagnetic and Magnetic Fields on the Central
Nervous System, Washington D.C. (Translation NASA TLIF-465) quoted from ref. 19)
12) S. Baranski, Z.Edelwejn, 1968, Studies on the Combined Effect of Microwaves and some
Drugs on Bioelectric Activity of the Rabbits CNS, Acta Physiologica, Poland, vol. 19, pg. 31 -
M.S. Bychkov, I.S. Dronov, 1974, Electroencephalographic Data on the Effects of Very
Weak Microwaves at the Level of the Midbrain-Reticular Formation-Hypothalamus-Cerebral
Cortex Level, Springfield, (transl. in the report NTIS No JPRS 63321)
J. Gillard, B. Servantie, G. Bertharion, A.M.Servantie, JK.G. Obrenovitch, 1976, Study of the
Microwave Induced Perturbations of the Behavior by the Open Field Test in the LWhit Rat (
in Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Waves, Symposium Proceedings, Boulder, October
1975, Rockville, U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare, pg. 693 (FDA, Public,
HEW-FDA 77.8010 Vol. 1)
M.S. Bychkov, V. Markov, V. Rychkov, 1974, Electroencephalographic Changes The
Influence of Low Intensity Chronic Microwaves Irradiatiion, Springfield, (trans. in the report
NTIS No. JPRS 63321) quoted from ref. 15)
13) James C. Lin: Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, Charles C. Thomas
publisher, Springfield, Illinois, USA, ISBN 0-398-03704-3
14) H. Merrit, R.H. Hartzell, J.W. Frazer, 1976, The Effects of 1,6 GHz Radiation on
Neurtransmitters in Discrete Areas of the Rat Brain, in: C.C. Johnson,and M.L. Shore ed.
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Wavezx, Symposium proceedings, LBoulder, October
1975 - quoted from ref. 15
15) Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine, 1990, conference proceedings
16) Critere d'hygiene de l'environment 16, Requence radio‚lectric et hyperfr‚quences, Worl
Health Organization, Geneve, Switzerland, 1981
17) Robert Becker: Cross Currents, The Startling LEffects of Electromagnetic Radiation on
Your Health, 1991, Bloomsberry Publishing, London, Great Brittain, ISBN 0-7475-0761-9
Behavior page 1 and 16
2) ibid.
3) Gordon Thomas: Journey into Madness, the True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control
and Medical Abuse, 1989, Bantam Books, USA, ISBN 0-553-05357-4
4) John Ranelagh: Agency, The rise and Decline of the CIA, 1987, USA, Touchstone Books,
ISBN 9-671-63994-3
5) Jose M. R. Delgado: Physical Control of the Mind, Toward a Psychocivilized
Society, 1969, USA
6) John Stanton Yeomans: Principles of Brain Stimulation, Oxford University Press,
1990, Great Britain, ISBN 019-506-1381
7) see reference 3)
8) Michael Hutchinson: Megabrain Power, Transformation un Bewusstseintechnologien, Die
Revolution de grauen Zellen, Jungerman Verlag, Paderborn, 1996, ISBN 3-87387-248-x
9) Report on the Attorney General's Conference on Less Than Lethal Weapons,
by Sheri Sweetman, March 1987, U.S. department of Justice, quoted from ref. 22)
10) H. Wachtel, R. Seaman, W, Jones, 1975, Effects of Low Intensity Microwaves on
Isolated Neurons, Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 247, pg 42 - 62
11) Jurij A. Chlodov, 1966, The Effect of Electromagnetic and Magnetic Fields on the Central
Nervous System, Washington D.C. (Translation NASA TLIF-465) quoted from ref. 19)
12) S. Baranski, Z.Edelwejn, 1968, Studies on the Combined Effect of Microwaves and some
Drugs on Bioelectric Activity of the Rabbits CNS, Acta Physiologica, Poland, vol. 19, pg. 31 -
M.S. Bychkov, I.S. Dronov, 1974, Electroencephalographic Data on the Effects of Very
Weak Microwaves at the Level of the Midbrain-Reticular Formation-Hypothalamus-Cerebral
Cortex Level, Springfield, (transl. in the report NTIS No JPRS 63321)
J. Gillard, B. Servantie, G. Bertharion, A.M.Servantie, JK.G. Obrenovitch, 1976, Study of the
Microwave Induced Perturbations of the Behavior by the Open Field Test in the LWhit Rat (
in Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Waves, Symposium Proceedings, Boulder, October
1975, Rockville, U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare, pg. 693 (FDA, Public,
HEW-FDA 77.8010 Vol. 1)
M.S. Bychkov, V. Markov, V. Rychkov, 1974, Electroencephalographic Changes The
Influence of Low Intensity Chronic Microwaves Irradiatiion, Springfield, (trans. in the report
NTIS No. JPRS 63321) quoted from ref. 15)
13) James C. Lin: Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, Charles C. Thomas
publisher, Springfield, Illinois, USA, ISBN 0-398-03704-3
14) H. Merrit, R.H. Hartzell, J.W. Frazer, 1976, The Effects of 1,6 GHz Radiation on
Neurtransmitters in Discrete Areas of the Rat Brain, in: C.C. Johnson,and M.L. Shore ed.
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Wavezx, Symposium proceedings, LBoulder, October
1975 - quoted from ref. 15
15) Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine, 1990, conference proceedings
16) Critere d'hygiene de l'environment 16, Requence radio‚lectric et hyperfr‚quences, Worl
Health Organization, Geneve, Switzerland, 1981
17) Robert Becker: Cross Currents, The Startling LEffects of Electromagnetic Radiation on
Your Health, 1991, Bloomsberry Publishing, London, Great Brittain, ISBN 0-7475-0761-9
18) B. Servantie,
G. Bertharion, R. Joly, A.M. Servantie, J. Etienne, P. Dreyfus, P Escoubet,
1974, Pharmacological Effects of a Pulsed Microwave Field, in Biological Effects and Health
Hazards, of Microwave Radiation, Warsaw, Editions m‚dical Plonaises, pg. 36 - 45, quoted
from ref. 15)
19) Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, ed. Lt.Col. J. Dean, USAF, Air
University Press, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, Maxwell Air Force
Base, Alabama, june 1986
20) Dr. Robert Becker: Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William
Morrow and comp., New York, 1985
21) magazine OMNI, february 1985, Kathleen McAuliffe "The Mind Fields"
22) Dr. Nick Begich, Jeanne Maning: Angels Don't Play this HAARP, Earthpuls Press, P.O.
Box 393, Anchorage, Alaska 99520, USA
23) A.S. Presman: Electroamgnetic Fields and Life, New York , Plenum Press, 1968
24) D'Arsonval, 1893, Production des courants de haute frequence et de grande intensit‚, leurs
effets physiologiques - comp. rend. osc. biol., vol. 45, pg. 122
V. Danilewski, 1905, Beobachtungen uber eine subjective Lichtempfingung in variablen
magnetische Felde, Pflugers arch., Sv. 108, pg. 513
P. Thompson, 1910, A Physiological Effect of an Alternating Magnetic LField - proc. Roy.
Soc., vol 82, pg. 372
H. Barlow et al., 1947, Visual Sensations Aroused by Magnetic Fields, American Journal of
Physiology, vol 148, pg. 372
M.R. Mogendovich, R.K. Skachedoub, 1957, On the Effect of Physical Factors on Human
Visual System, (in Russian), Tr. Permskogo Med. Ins., vol. 26, pg. 11
M. Valentinuzzi, 1962, Theory of Magnetophosphenes, American Journal of Medical
Electronics, vol. 1, pg. 12
T. Jaski, 1960, Radio Waves and Life, Radio Electronic, vol. 31, pg. 43, - all quoted from
25) W. Ross Adey, M.D., Neurophysiologic effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave
Radiation, Bulletin of New York Academy of Medicine, vol. 55, no. 11, December 1979 , pg.
1079 - 1093
26) see reference 17)
27) Allan H. Frey, 1962, Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic
Energy, Journal of Aplied Physiology, 17/4, pg. 689 - 692
28) E..M. Taylor. B-. Ashelman, 1974, Analysis of Central Nervous System Involvmen in
Microwave Auditory Effects, KBrain research, vol. 74, pg. 201 -206
J.L. Flanagan, 1961, Audibility of Periodic Pulses and a Model for the Threshold, Journal of
Acoustic Society of America, vol. 33 (11), pg. 1540 - 49
K.R. Foster, E.D. Finch, 1974, Microwave HearingK: evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory
Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves, Science, vol. 185, pg. 256 -258
29) W.A. Guy, C.K. Chou, James C. Lin, D. Christensen, 1975, Microwave Induced
Acoustic Effects in Mammalian Auditory Systems and Physical Materials, Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences, vol. 247, February 28, 1975, pg. 194 - 218
30) Don R. Justesen, 1975, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975,
pg. 391
31) Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group, no. 30, April 1996, 684
C.R. Sunterville, FL 33585, USA, see ref. 22) and 8) as well
32) Michael Hutchinson, Megabrain Report, vol. 1 no. 4 (magazine)
33)Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group no. 28, May 1995, see ref.
31) l
34)Francis H. Crick: The Astonishing Hypothesis. The Scientific KLSearch for the Soul,
Simon and Schuster, London, 1994, U.K.
35) Per E. Roland: KLBrain Activation, Wiley Liss, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publication,
1993 l
36)Walter J. Freeman: Mass Action in the Nervous System, Academic Press, New York, San
Francisco, London, 1975
37) Wolf Singer: The Formation of Representations in the Cerebral Cortex, 1992, Editor:
Arzneimittelinformation/Medizinische redaktion, Schering, Germany, ISSN 0940-9300
38) Coherent Excitation in Biological Systems, symposium in Bad Neuenahr, 1982, Springer
Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo, 1983
39) see ref. 38) the lecture by F. Kremer, C. Koschnitzke, L. Santo, P. Quick, A Poglitsch, -
The Non-thermal effect of Millimeter Wave Radiation on the Puffing of Giant Chromosomes
40) W. R. Adey: Electromagnetic Field Interactions in the Brain, in Springer Series in Brain
Dynamics 1, Springer Verlag, LBerlin, Heidelberg 1988
41) Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems, ed. Ross Adey, proceedings of the
conference, Plenum Press, New York, London, 1984
42) Bioelectromagnetics Society Newsletter, January/ February 1989, quoted from ref. 17)
43) M.A. Persinger: On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human brain by
Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms, Perception and Motor Skills, june
1995, vol. 80, pg. 791 -799
44) Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through
the Year 2000, Volume I and II, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA,
quoted from ref. 22
45) John Marks: The CIA and Mind Control - the Search for Manchurian Candidate, USA,
1988, ISBN 0-440-20137-3
46) Joh B. Alexander: The New Mental Battelfield: Beam me up Spock, Military Review,
Dec. 1980
47) I have got the videorecording of the programme, you can ask for it as well Cheryl Welsh
from CAHRA organization, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
48) Izvestia, April 4. 1993 , (if you read Russian, I can mail you a copies of the Russian
49) I have got a copy of the article, but did not manage to find the date of its publication
50) Komsomolskaya Pravda, November 14, 1990, "The Project Zombie is a Bluff or...?"
51)Komsomolskaya Pravda, January 25, 1991, "Zombie so far not found, but..."
52) Komsomolskaya Pravda, September 7, 1991, "The News That they were stifling our
psyche are not confirmed, yet..."
53) Komsomolskaya Pravda, August 27, 1991, "The Authors of the project Zombie
Discovered in Kiev"
54) Komsomolskaya Pravda, September 27, 1991, "THe Psychic weapon not Found but
500 millions Lost"
55) Those Russian newspapers are not available in the Czech Republic, the quotations are
from "Magazine 2000" a European magazine - perhaps you can order a German version
56) Defense Electronics, July 1993, "DOD, intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control
Technology, Claims FBI Concidered testing on Koresh
57) Newsweek, February 7, 1994, "Soon Phasers on Stun"
58) LVillage Voice, March 8, 1994, Mind Control in Waco
59) Pravda, March 6, "The Art to Control the Crowd"
60) Moskovskie Novosti, March 20 to March 27, 1994, "Shall we Succeed to Change the
Lie Detector into the Detector of Truth?"
61) Newsweek, August 22, 1994, "You will read this Story"
62) Moskovskiie Novosti, September 26 to October 1, 1994, "Non-lethal Weapon"
63)see ref. 60) "The Experts from the Defense Factory State that they Produced Psychotronic
64) Stolitsa, no. 43, November 2, 1992, Alexei Myasnikov, MC-Ultra programme, pg. 40,
quoted from Russian Press Digest - RusData Dialine (after Cheryl Welsh)
65) Microwave News, November/December, 1993, "Military on Nonlethal Weapons: "A
Very Attractive Option"
66) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany, November 18, 1986, "Mit gebalter Fist"
67) see ref.41, Order and Structure in Living Systems, E. Del Giudicce, S. Doglia, M. Milani.
pg. 477 -487
68) quoted from Cheryl Welsh
69) The Moscow LTimes, July 11, 1995, Owen Matthews, Report: Soviets Used Top Secret
"Psychotronic" weapons, from Lexis Nexus Computer Database, after Cheryl Welsh
70) see ref. 41, Friedman Kaiser: "Entrainment-Quasiperiodicity-Chaos-Collapse: Bifurcation
Routes of Externally Driven Self-Sustained Oscillating Systems, pg. 393 -412
71) Steven Metz, James Kievit, "The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War,
U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050
72) Mlada Fronta Dnes, March 28, 1997 (the Czech newspaper)
73) Nature, "Advances in Neuroscience May Threaten Human Rights", vol. 391, January
22, 1998, pg. 316
74) Cheryl Welsh can mail you a copy of the letter: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1974, Pharmacological Effects of a Pulsed Microwave Field, in Biological Effects and Health
Hazards, of Microwave Radiation, Warsaw, Editions m‚dical Plonaises, pg. 36 - 45, quoted
from ref. 15)
19) Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, ed. Lt.Col. J. Dean, USAF, Air
University Press, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, Maxwell Air Force
Base, Alabama, june 1986
20) Dr. Robert Becker: Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William
Morrow and comp., New York, 1985
21) magazine OMNI, february 1985, Kathleen McAuliffe "The Mind Fields"
22) Dr. Nick Begich, Jeanne Maning: Angels Don't Play this HAARP, Earthpuls Press, P.O.
Box 393, Anchorage, Alaska 99520, USA
23) A.S. Presman: Electroamgnetic Fields and Life, New York , Plenum Press, 1968
24) D'Arsonval, 1893, Production des courants de haute frequence et de grande intensit‚, leurs
effets physiologiques - comp. rend. osc. biol., vol. 45, pg. 122
V. Danilewski, 1905, Beobachtungen uber eine subjective Lichtempfingung in variablen
magnetische Felde, Pflugers arch., Sv. 108, pg. 513
P. Thompson, 1910, A Physiological Effect of an Alternating Magnetic LField - proc. Roy.
Soc., vol 82, pg. 372
H. Barlow et al., 1947, Visual Sensations Aroused by Magnetic Fields, American Journal of
Physiology, vol 148, pg. 372
M.R. Mogendovich, R.K. Skachedoub, 1957, On the Effect of Physical Factors on Human
Visual System, (in Russian), Tr. Permskogo Med. Ins., vol. 26, pg. 11
M. Valentinuzzi, 1962, Theory of Magnetophosphenes, American Journal of Medical
Electronics, vol. 1, pg. 12
T. Jaski, 1960, Radio Waves and Life, Radio Electronic, vol. 31, pg. 43, - all quoted from
25) W. Ross Adey, M.D., Neurophysiologic effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave
Radiation, Bulletin of New York Academy of Medicine, vol. 55, no. 11, December 1979 , pg.
1079 - 1093
26) see reference 17)
27) Allan H. Frey, 1962, Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic
Energy, Journal of Aplied Physiology, 17/4, pg. 689 - 692
28) E..M. Taylor. B-. Ashelman, 1974, Analysis of Central Nervous System Involvmen in
Microwave Auditory Effects, KBrain research, vol. 74, pg. 201 -206
J.L. Flanagan, 1961, Audibility of Periodic Pulses and a Model for the Threshold, Journal of
Acoustic Society of America, vol. 33 (11), pg. 1540 - 49
K.R. Foster, E.D. Finch, 1974, Microwave HearingK: evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory
Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves, Science, vol. 185, pg. 256 -258
29) W.A. Guy, C.K. Chou, James C. Lin, D. Christensen, 1975, Microwave Induced
Acoustic Effects in Mammalian Auditory Systems and Physical Materials, Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences, vol. 247, February 28, 1975, pg. 194 - 218
30) Don R. Justesen, 1975, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975,
pg. 391
31) Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group, no. 30, April 1996, 684
C.R. Sunterville, FL 33585, USA, see ref. 22) and 8) as well
32) Michael Hutchinson, Megabrain Report, vol. 1 no. 4 (magazine)
33)Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group no. 28, May 1995, see ref.
31) l
34)Francis H. Crick: The Astonishing Hypothesis. The Scientific KLSearch for the Soul,
Simon and Schuster, London, 1994, U.K.
35) Per E. Roland: KLBrain Activation, Wiley Liss, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publication,
1993 l
36)Walter J. Freeman: Mass Action in the Nervous System, Academic Press, New York, San
Francisco, London, 1975
37) Wolf Singer: The Formation of Representations in the Cerebral Cortex, 1992, Editor:
Arzneimittelinformation/Medizinische redaktion, Schering, Germany, ISSN 0940-9300
38) Coherent Excitation in Biological Systems, symposium in Bad Neuenahr, 1982, Springer
Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo, 1983
39) see ref. 38) the lecture by F. Kremer, C. Koschnitzke, L. Santo, P. Quick, A Poglitsch, -
The Non-thermal effect of Millimeter Wave Radiation on the Puffing of Giant Chromosomes
40) W. R. Adey: Electromagnetic Field Interactions in the Brain, in Springer Series in Brain
Dynamics 1, Springer Verlag, LBerlin, Heidelberg 1988
41) Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems, ed. Ross Adey, proceedings of the
conference, Plenum Press, New York, London, 1984
42) Bioelectromagnetics Society Newsletter, January/ February 1989, quoted from ref. 17)
43) M.A. Persinger: On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human brain by
Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms, Perception and Motor Skills, june
1995, vol. 80, pg. 791 -799
44) Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through
the Year 2000, Volume I and II, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA,
quoted from ref. 22
45) John Marks: The CIA and Mind Control - the Search for Manchurian Candidate, USA,
1988, ISBN 0-440-20137-3
46) Joh B. Alexander: The New Mental Battelfield: Beam me up Spock, Military Review,
Dec. 1980
47) I have got the videorecording of the programme, you can ask for it as well Cheryl Welsh
from CAHRA organization, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
48) Izvestia, April 4. 1993 , (if you read Russian, I can mail you a copies of the Russian
49) I have got a copy of the article, but did not manage to find the date of its publication
50) Komsomolskaya Pravda, November 14, 1990, "The Project Zombie is a Bluff or...?"
51)Komsomolskaya Pravda, January 25, 1991, "Zombie so far not found, but..."
52) Komsomolskaya Pravda, September 7, 1991, "The News That they were stifling our
psyche are not confirmed, yet..."
53) Komsomolskaya Pravda, August 27, 1991, "The Authors of the project Zombie
Discovered in Kiev"
54) Komsomolskaya Pravda, September 27, 1991, "THe Psychic weapon not Found but
500 millions Lost"
55) Those Russian newspapers are not available in the Czech Republic, the quotations are
from "Magazine 2000" a European magazine - perhaps you can order a German version
56) Defense Electronics, July 1993, "DOD, intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control
Technology, Claims FBI Concidered testing on Koresh
57) Newsweek, February 7, 1994, "Soon Phasers on Stun"
58) LVillage Voice, March 8, 1994, Mind Control in Waco
59) Pravda, March 6, "The Art to Control the Crowd"
60) Moskovskie Novosti, March 20 to March 27, 1994, "Shall we Succeed to Change the
Lie Detector into the Detector of Truth?"
61) Newsweek, August 22, 1994, "You will read this Story"
62) Moskovskiie Novosti, September 26 to October 1, 1994, "Non-lethal Weapon"
63)see ref. 60) "The Experts from the Defense Factory State that they Produced Psychotronic
64) Stolitsa, no. 43, November 2, 1992, Alexei Myasnikov, MC-Ultra programme, pg. 40,
quoted from Russian Press Digest - RusData Dialine (after Cheryl Welsh)
65) Microwave News, November/December, 1993, "Military on Nonlethal Weapons: "A
Very Attractive Option"
66) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany, November 18, 1986, "Mit gebalter Fist"
67) see ref.41, Order and Structure in Living Systems, E. Del Giudicce, S. Doglia, M. Milani.
pg. 477 -487
68) quoted from Cheryl Welsh
69) The Moscow LTimes, July 11, 1995, Owen Matthews, Report: Soviets Used Top Secret
"Psychotronic" weapons, from Lexis Nexus Computer Database, after Cheryl Welsh
70) see ref. 41, Friedman Kaiser: "Entrainment-Quasiperiodicity-Chaos-Collapse: Bifurcation
Routes of Externally Driven Self-Sustained Oscillating Systems, pg. 393 -412
71) Steven Metz, James Kievit, "The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War,
U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050
72) Mlada Fronta Dnes, March 28, 1997 (the Czech newspaper)
73) Nature, "Advances in Neuroscience May Threaten Human Rights", vol. 391, January
22, 1998, pg. 316
74) Cheryl Welsh can mail you a copy of the letter: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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