TWA 800 - Connecting The Dots...The Psychology Of A Cover-Up
By James Sanders and Jack Cashill 7-16-1
"I've been reading about the Flight 800 cover-up on WorldNetDaily. So far,
the facts are convincing that the events did not happen as the official
explanation describes. I only have one question though, why? Why would anyone
want the people responsible to get away with this?

- A WND reader

The question above is of the sort we hear most often: How could a conspiracy
of such magnitude occur in modern America and why would the government and
the media allow the conspirators to "get away with this.

A good question. The answer can be traced to two variables, one a person,
Bill Clinton, the other a date, 1996. Everything else derives from the two.
Our liberal allies in this cause would rather not hear this--and their
support is all the more honorable for its lack of political
reinforcement--but the story makes no sense without this understanding.

In 1992, a reported 89% of Washington correspondents voted for Bill Clinton
(one of the bases of our generalizations about the major media). If,
inevitably, they did not hold him to the same standards they would with a
Republican president, they did not give him a free pass, at least not in
those first two years. The election of 1994, however, changed all that.

The Republican rout shook the media elite to the bottom of their very souls.
Peter Jennings referred to it on air as a "temper tantrum. More than a few of
his colleagues openly stereotyped Republican voters as "angry white men. The
anxiety within media circles was palpable and profound. With Congress lost,
the largely Democrat media reflexively closed ranks around their remaining
standard bearer, President Clinton. Their role subtly shifted from pursuers
of the truth to protectors of the President.

This shift became evident at Oklahoma City. As soon as Timothy McVeigh was
apprehended--just three months after Gingrich assumed power-- the major media
seized on him as the inevitable consequence of the "Republican revolution and
its primary organ, "hate radio.

"Words have consequences, Clinton piously intoned. The media echoed the
refrain. They had little interest in finding the "others unknown who were
likely involved in the bombing. It would only obscure the clarity of the
image they had already presented to America. Their collective failure to
pursue obvious leads was as shocking and unprecedented as the FBI,s.

As to President Clinton, he never looked back. He proved masterly at
manipulating the victims, families and massaging his own ratings. With the
media,s help he climbed above 50% public approval at Oklahoma City for the
first time in ages and never fell below again. The Republican revolution was
buried in the rubble, and a politically revived Bill Clinton understood how
and why.

In July of 1996, the resurgent Clinton knew he would easily beat Bob Dole in
November. Only a catastrophe could deny him the one goal that inspired his
every breath--reelection. On the night of July 17, he was presented with just
such a catastrophe.

There is no doubt that the official investigation into the crash was
compromised from the beginning and ultimately corrupted. (Please see our
previous WND articles for details). What follows is a conjecture on the
psychology of that corruption based on the facts of the case and eight years
of close observance of the Clinton White House.

What motive, a skeptic might ask, would the White House have to risk so epic
a cover-up? From the beginning of his term, Clinton,s greatest political
vulnerability had been his tenuous grip on the role of Commander-in-Chief. If
terrorists had been able to infiltrate American coastal waters and blow a 747
out of the sky, Bill Clinton,s re-election would have been seriously
jeopardized. If the plane had been downed by mistake in the course of high
tech war games staged close to shore to accommodate Democratic fat cats, Bill
Clinton,s political career would have ended.

There was no "win in this situation. No Timothy McVeigh was about to emerge
from central casting. Regardless of who shot down the plane--and White House
insiders knew immediately--they had to play for time. If the results of the
investigation could be pushed back at least until after November, Clinton
would survive.

So White House operatives moved immediately to kill the missile story that
was being broadcast on CNN and the networks. Within 24 hours, the
administration line, parroted by the media, was that no one knew for sure
what caused the crash but that all leads were being pursued.

This approach sounded prudent and reasonable. The 736 official eyewitnesses
believed it. The thousands of professionals and volunteers who labored
mightily to retrieve the wreckage believed it. The victims, families believed
it. The President and Mrs. Clinton descended upon Long Island and assuaged
the anxieties of these families only the way the President could. As at
Oklahoma City, he would make them his allies and his shield. As late as a
month ago, former NTSB managing director Peter Goelz would cite their
sensitivities in his attack on the authors of this article. So would NTSB
Chairman Jim Hall when he urged the Judge to throw the book at James and Liz
Sanders in their conspiracy trial:

". . . this is not a so-called victimless crime . . . . These defendants have
traumatized the families with the release of misinformation, the only
plausible cause of which is commercial gain."

In the first weeks and months, government information control was hesitant
and imperfect. Looking back at the investigation, one sees signs of
improvisation and internal struggle everywhere. It would be a year or more
before ranks closed and the story line solidified--when insiders began to
sense that they would, in fact, be able "to get away with this.

If White House behavior reveals a certain perverse logic, the motives of the
rank and file seem less clear. Why would so many professionals so willingly
participate in so high risk a cover-up? Again, the answer is simpler than it
might appear: they did not believe that they were doing something wrong.

For most participants in the investigation, the work was so narrowly (and
purposely) compartmentalized that they could pursue it in good faith without
qualm. The smaller number that could see the larger picture were likely told
that "national security demanded that information be contained and
controlled. This rationale would have justified--in their own minds at
least-- the otherwise criminal obstruction in which they participated.

Dr. David Mayer comes to mind here. Those who have seen the video Silenced
know him as the preening, obsequious NTSB staffer (A "sniveling sycophant in
the memorable words of one observer) responsible for discrediting the
eyewitness testimony. Although his every utterance was tortured and
disingenuous, Mayer seems to have blinded himself to the mischief he was
sowing. He labored sincerely at his work and literally beamed when praised by
his superiors.

As testament to the seductive powers of "blindness, recall how many otherwise
intelligent staffers--the Secretary of State among them--chose to believe and
spread Clinton,s painfully obvious lies about Monica Lewinsky. (A story that
broke one month after the first NTSB hearing) Some, like Sidney Blumenthal,
risked their freedom and their fortunes to preserve the illusion of truth.
Some others, like Vernon Jordan, knew it all to be a fraud but found
themselves in too deep to extricate themselves.

If there is a Vernon Jordan in the TWA 800 affair, it would have to be FBI
agent-in-charge Jim Kallstrom. With his boss, Louis Freeh, nowhere to be
seen--Freeh,s superiors may not have trusted him enough to involve
him--Kallstrom ran the show. But one senses in Kallstrom, unlike Mayer, a
consciousness of the enormity of this undertaking and a deep unease about his
own role in it.

Indeed, according to Marge Gross, whose brother died in the crash, Kallstrom
confided in her that a missile had in fact brought down the plane. "But, he
reportedly added, "If you quote me, I,ll deny it. One can only guess what
pressure was exerted upon Kallstrom to make him honor the party line, but the
moment the FBI quit the case, Kallstrom quit the FBI.

As to Jim Hall, Bill Clinton did not name him chairman of the NTSB without
reason. If the Washington Post believed Hall,s best qualification to be "his
driver,s license, Bill Clinton knew it to be his loyalty. In a pinch, this
Gore crony from Tennessee could be trusted. In the Flight 800 affair,
preposterous as it might seem, Hall would play much the role Ken Starr did
with Lewinsky--the chief investigator. But Hall was not about to find the
"semen-stained dress of this investigation. This loyal good-old-boy knew
enough not to look.

Still, it is highly unlikely that Hall or Kallstrom or Mayer or Mayer,s boss,
Bernard Loeb, orchestrated the cover-up. That agent had to come from either
the White House or the Justice Department, a political operative with the
power, inherent or imparted, to force the FBI on the NTSB, the CIA on the
FBI, and the military out of the picture altogether. This was the one person
who could not deceive himself--or herself--that the misdirection of the
investigation was "a matter of national security.

But surely someone who could see what was going on would break ranks? 747
pilot and manager Terry Stacey, TWA,s number two man on the investigation,
certainly tried to. He leaked information to investigative reporter James
Sanders who promptly and fairly reported it. The Feds arrested them both for
their troubles, as well as Sanders, wife Liz, and convicted the Sanders on a
bogus conspiracy rap. As to the major media--the ones who had made a hero out
of Daniel Ellsberg a generation earlier for a much graver breach of
security--they stood by mutely and watched.

If workers at the Calverton Hangar on Long island needed instruction in the
ways of Clinton Justice, the Stacey incident provided it. The FBI had
reportedly warned them that to even talk about the explosion with outsiders
was to risk prosecution, and now no one doubted the FBI. Investigators found
their phones bugged for a year after they had left the hangar.

As to the military, if it had been in any way responsible for the crash--a
big if--the pressure brought to bear on witnesses to the truth would have
been greater still. As would become evident, Defense Secretary Bill Cohen had
a high tolerance for White House-inspired illegalities. This he would prove
in his conspicuous failure to punish those staffers responsible for the
criminal release of Linda Tripp,s confidential files. Top military must have
known this about him.

Besides, if a witness did wish to talk, who would listen? Major Fritz Meyer
stared the explosion in its face from his National Guard helicopter and has
never hesitated to tell what he saw. The major networks have ignored him or
slighted him. Christine Negroni, reporter and author of Deadly Departure,
went further still, suggesting that Meyer was a right wing whack job and, in
a stunningly low blow, inferred that he might even be a Holocaust denier. One
senses in her a willingness to defame the other 735 witnesses if she,d had

Negroni and fellow establishment reporter, Pat Milton, each had major
publishers for their TWA 800 books, big time talk show bookings, and
respectful reviews in The New York Times. Like most of the network reporting,
these books hewed to the government line with a doggedness that would make
Edward R. Murrow squirm in his grave. Said The New York Times review in
perfunctory praise of Milton,s In The Blink of An Eye, it "avoids the
pitfalls of conspiracy mongering.

>From the perspective of the major media, to seek the truth about the Clinton
administration was to monger conspiracy. They would leave this unpleasant
task to the alternative media and reject all evidence short of DNA. Indeed,
in their cynicism and passivity, it was they, Bill Clinton,s media friends,
who undid his presidency. Had they ever shamed him into honoring his office,
he might have become the president they once thought he could be.

"Evolution beyond the moral and intellectual fraud of politics."

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