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Table of Contents


* China / missile defense
* Pentagon Spokesman's Briefing - Pacific Deployment
* Study: U.S. should shift military focus in Asia closer to potential hot
* China / Missile Defense
* DOD: Rand report is among many the Pentagon will look at

North Korea

* North Korea: U.S. Missile Sale To South Korea
* North Korea threatens U.S., South over missile defense plan
* State Department Noon Briefing - North Korea


* Moscow Hopes To Build More Reactors In Iran


* RFE/RL Iraq Report
* Moscow Says Increased U.S., U.K. Flights Over Iraq 'Obstacles' To Peace'
* ONW's commander calls the shots on Saddam watch
* Pentagon Spokesman's Briefing - No Fly Zones
* State Department Noon Briefing - Iraq Sanctions
* UN/Iraq/Sanctions
* UN panel pays out $760 million for losses from Iraq's 1990 invasion of
* Iraq: Annan would welcome measures to ease impact of sanctions on
* State Department Noon Briefing - Iraq Sanctions
* RFE/RL Iraq Report
* Moscow Unimpressed By U.S.-U.K. Plan To Modify Iraq Sanctions Regime


* A Looming Proliferation Threat
* Foreign Ministry Ready To Discuss U.S. NMD Plans...As Karaganov Urges
Avoiding Confrontation And Humiliation...But Rogov Calls For 'Exhaustive'
* Russia Now Without A Spy Satellite In Orbit
* Defense Minister Muzzles Generals On NMD
* Moscow Loses Control of Military Satellites After Fire
* Nikolaev Leads Russian Opposition To Bush Missile Defense Initiative
* Military Loses Contact With Its Satellites
* U.S., Russia Consult On Missile Defense
* U.S. Ideas On NMD Described As 'Laughable'
* Russia Launches U.S. Satellite
* US / Russia
* Moscow Plans Deployment of More Topol-M Missiles
* US/Russia/Talks

United States

* Missile Defense
* Pentagon Spokesman's Briefing - Missile Defense Consultations



China / missile defense, Voice of America, 15 May 2001
A senior U-S diplomat is wrapping up (has wrapped up / concluded) talks in
Beijing with very skeptical Chinese officials about a planned U-S missile
defense system.

Pentagon Spokesman's Briefing - Pacific Deployment, U.S. Department of
Defense, 15 May 2001
Q: A Rand report commissioned by the Air Force was released today, making
suggestions about U.S. military force posturing and emphasis toward Asia. It
suggested that the U.S. ought to be focusing more of its resources on Asia
and also suggested that Guam be considered for a buildup of U.S. military
strength, as a prepositioning area. To what extent does this report, that
was commissioned by one of the services, reflect the thinking of the
Pentagon now, as you're going through this review process?

Study: U.S. should shift military focus in Asia closer to potential hot
spots , Stars and Stripes, 16 May 2001
The United States should shift its military focus in Asia toward the
Philippines and other nations closer to potential hot spots such as Taiwan,
a Pentagon-sponsored study says. </p> <p>But a senior U-S envoy says talks
on the issue were useful, and further discussions are planned.

China / Missile Defense, Voice of America, 16 May 2001
A high level U-S delegation has left China without denting Chinese
opposition to the Bush Administration's planned missile defense system</p>
<p>But a senior U-S envoy says talks on the issue were useful, and further
discussions are planned.

DOD: Rand report is among many the Pentagon will look at, By David Allen,
Stars and Stripes, 17 May 2001
A recently released study that calls for focusing U.S. forces in Asia toward
the Taiwan Strait is one of many scenarios the Pentagon is considering, a
defense official said Tuesday.

North Korea

North Korea: U.S. Missile Sale To South Korea, U.S. Department of State,
Office of the Spokesman, 14 May 2001
QUESTION: Comment on N. Korean complaints about S. Korea's plans to procure
M-41 missile launchers (which it charges could form part of a missile
defense system).

North Korea threatens U.S., South over missile defense plan, By Jim Lea,
Stars and Stripes, 15 May 2001
North Korean officials said they would "extinguish the [U.S.] aggressors" if
the United States deploys Aegis destroyers to the Sea of Japan as part of
President Bush's proposed national missile defense plan.

State Department Noon Briefing - North Korea, U.S. Department of State,
Office of the Spokesman, 16 May 2001
Q: North Korea? The North Koreans have again threatened to pull out of the
Agreed Framework, and I'm just wondering if you guys take this threat
seriously or is this just them whining and yelping and trying to get a
little bit of attention?


Moscow Hopes To Build More Reactors In Iran, RFE/RL Newsline, Vol. 5, No.
91, Part I, 14 May 2001
addition to completing the construction of a nuclear power station in
Bushehr, the Russian Atomic Energy Ministry hopes to build up to five more
such plants


RFE/RL Iraq Report, Vol. 4, No. 16, 11 May 2001
Iraq Warns Turkey Against 'Smart Sanctions'; Iraq Expands Cooperation With
Jordan And Syria; Baghdad Railway Rolls Again; Saddam Promises 'Infinite'
Support For Palestinians; Saddam Seeks To Boost Oil Production...And
Pharmaceutical Output; Saddam Names Ex-Intelligence Head As Baghdad
Governor; Zhirinovsky Reasserts Moscow's Support For Iraq; Serbian Party
Leader Hails Saddam And Iraq; Cuban Leader Says U.S. Violates Human Rights;
Belarus To Open Tractor Factory In Iraq; Belgian Peace Forum Seeks To End
Iraqi Suffering; Iraqi Attack Against Kurdistan Repulsed; Barzani Tells
Turks That Pkk Presence Is Unacceptable; PUK Streamlines Top Offices; KDP,
Islamic Da'wa Discuss Relations; KDP, PUK Meet With Other Parties; U.S.
Official Meets With Turkmen Front Representative

Moscow Says Increased U.S., U.K. Flights Over Iraq 'Obstacles' To Peace',
RFE/RL NEWSLINE, Vol. 5, No. 91, Part I, 14 May 2001
Yakovenko said on 11 May that the increasing number of American and British
patrol flights over the no-fly zones of Iraq are making the situation there
more difficult and represents "obstacles on the way" to the regulation of
the Iraqi situation

ONW's commander calls the shots on Saddam watch, By Terry Boyd, Stars and
Stripes, 15 May 2001
At Incirlik's Combined Air Operations Center, the U.S. colonel who calls the
shots in Operation Northern Watch engagements acknowledges that Iraqi
air-defense units fired at patrolling aircraft but U.S and British planes
did not retaliate.

Pentagon Spokesman's Briefing - No Fly Zones, U.S. Department of Defense, 15
May 2001
Q: Is there any review under way here of the enforcement policy in the
Northern and Southern no-fly zones, and if so, what's prompting that review?

State Department Noon Briefing - Iraq Sanctions, U.S. Department of State,
Office of the Spokesman, 16 May 2001
Q: Yes, Iraq. The British have drafted a Security Council resolution on -
basically along the lines of your proposals for Iraqi sanctions. I wondered
if you could perhaps explain what is going on. I mean, your review isn't
complete, you haven't finished all your consultations, you haven't, as far
as I know, drafted any detailed any proposals for this. So what are the
British doing drafting this resolution with your support, apparently? What's
going on with the United Nations?

UN/Iraq/Sanctions, Voice of America, 17 May 2001
At the United Nations, Britain and the United States are developing a
proposal that could lift most of the sanctions against Iraq.

UN panel pays out $760 million for losses from Iraq's 1990 invasion of
Kuwait, UN News, 17 May 2001
The United Nations Compensation Commission, which processes and pays
compensation for losses resulting from Iraq's 1990 invasion and occupation
of Kuwait, disbursed today over $760 million in damages

Iraq: Annan would welcome measures to ease impact of sanctions on civilians,
UN News, 17 May 2001
Secretary-General Kofi Annan today said he would welcome any measures that
would ease the impact of sanctions on ordinary Iraqis, stressing that it is
up to the Security Council to take action on the matter.

State Department Noon Briefing - Iraq Sanctions, U.S. Department of State,
Office of the Spokesman, 17 May 2001
Q: Could I ask you - I just want to know. Let's get into Iraq a little
deeper than we did yesterday, please, because the British have made their
move, and I guess you wanted to let some time pass. But, you know, this has
been described as a joint US-British move, but what the British are
suggesting, doesn't it indeed coincide with US policy?

RFE/RL Iraq Report, Vol. 4, No. 17, 18 April 2001
Baghdad Says U.S. Top Sponsor of Terrorism; Tariq Aziz Sees Smart Sanctions
As Inevitable...But Ramadan Says No UN Inspectors Will Be Allowed; APP
Accuses Baghdad of Trafficking In Body Parts; Uday Has Another Football
Player Punished; Syrian Interests Office To Open In Baghdad; Jordan Sees
Iraq Ties As 'Strategic'; Iraq, Iran May Resume Air Links; SCIRI Head
Praises Kuwait; Iraq Acquires Vietnamese Buses; KDP Has No Problems With
Turkmens; Ankara Rejects Idea of Kurdish State In Northern Iraq; Iraqi Kurds
Assured Of U.S. Protection; Kurdistan Electric Power Network Expands;
Chaldean Church Holds Congress In Baghdad

Moscow Unimpressed By U.S.-U.K. Plan To Modify Iraq Sanctions Regime, RFE/RL
Newsline, Vol. 5, No. 95, Part I, 18 May 2001
Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ordzhonikidze told Interfax on 17 May that
"it is clearly premature to speak of Russian support" for an
American-British proposal to modify the United Nations sanctions regime
against Iraq


A Looming Proliferation Threat, RFE/RL Security Watch, Vol. 2, No. 18, 9 May
Falling salaries among Russian scientists working on nuclear weapons and
missiles represent a looming proliferation threat, according to a study by
an American think-tank.

Foreign Ministry Ready To Discuss U.S. NMD Plans...As Karaganov Urges
Avoiding Confrontation And Humiliation...But Rogov Calls For 'Exhaustive'
Talks, RFE/RL Security Watch, Vol. 2, No. 18, 9 May 2001
Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov provided the first official Russian reaction to
the National Missile Defense (NMD) proposals by U.S. President George W.

Russia Now Without A Spy Satellite In Orbit, RFE/RL Newsline, Vol. 5, No.
89, Part I, 10 May 2001
Russia does not now have a military photo-reconnaissance satellite in orbit

Defense Minister Muzzles Generals On NMD, RFE/RL Newsline, Vol. 5, No. 89,
Part I, 10 May 2001
Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov has forbidden Russian generals to make any
public comments on U.S. plans to build a national missile defense system

Moscow Loses Control of Military Satellites After Fire, RFE/RL Newsline,
Vol. 5, No. 90, Part I, 11 May 2001
A major fire at a ground relay station near Kaluga resulted in the loss of
contact with four military satellites

Nikolaev Leads Russian Opposition To Bush Missile Defense Initiative, RFE/RL
Security Watch, Vol. 2, No. 19, 14 May 2001
General Andrei Nikolaev, the head of the Duma Defense Committee, has taken
the lead in attacking the U.S. missile-defense initiative proposed by
President George W. Bush

Military Loses Contact With Its Satellites, RFE/RL Security Watch, Vol. 2,
No. 19, 14 May 2001
A fire in the Kaluga command center has interrupted the Russian Defense
Ministry's Space Forces communications with its "Oko" early warning military

U.S., Russia Consult On Missile Defense, RFE/RL Newsline, Vol. 5, No. 91,
Part I, 14 May 2001
First Deputy Defense Minister Anatolii Kvashnin met with visiting U.S.
Deputy Secretary of State Paul Wolfowitz on 11 May to discuss American plans
to introduce an antiballistic missile system

U.S. Ideas On NMD Described As 'Laughable', RFE/RL NEWSLINE, Vol. 5, No. 92,
Part I, 15 May 2001
Marshal Igor Sergeev told RIA-Novosti on 14 May that American ideas about
missile defense are "laughable" but warned that Washington almost certainly
will ignore Russia's views on the matter and go ahead

Russia Launches U.S. Satellite, RFE/RL Newsline, Vol. 5, No. 93, Part I, 16
May 2001
A Russian Proton rocket carried an American Panamsat communications
satellite into orbit

US / Russia, Voice of America, 18 May 2001
President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to meet for
the first time next month in Slovenia and explore ways to overcome
differences over U-S plans to build a national missile defense system.

Moscow Plans Deployment of More Topol-M Missiles, RFE/RL Newsline, Vol. 5,
No. 95, Part I, 18 May 2001
General Vladimir Yakovlev, the commander of Russia's Strategic Rocket
Forces, said on 17 May that Moscow plans to deploy a fourth set of Topol-M
ICBMs by the end of 2001

US/Russia/Talks, Voice of America, 20 May 2001
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov ending a visit to Washington says he is
unconvinced by Bush administration arguments for deploying a missile-defense

United States

Missile Defense, U.S. Department of State, Office of the Spokesman, 15 May
Speaking of the recent trips to European and Asian capitals by Deputy
Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and officials from the State Department
and National Security Council (NSC) for consultations on missile defense,
Pentagon spokesman Admiral Craig Quigley said reaction to the proposed
missile defense system "was mixed."

Pentagon Spokesman's Briefing - Missile Defense Consultations, U.S.
Department of Defense, 15 May 2001
Q: The American briefing team's in Europe, on missile defense. A pretty
hostile, critical reaction in Paris and Berlin, in Moscow. I saw it range
from "this stuff won't work" or doesn't make sense. Has Wolfowitz briefed
Rumsfeld on this reaction, and how will this affect the decision on the
missile defense policy?


Peter Voth
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